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Le più belle rappresentazioni di guerrieri

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Magnifico il rovescio con la rappresentazione della presa di un vallo, attribuito ad un suo antenato che diede origine sembra al suo cognome Vaala.

Tondello stupendo..:good:


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MYSIA. Astrya. Tissaphernes. Ae (Circa 400-395).
Obv: Helmeted head of Athena right.
Rev: ΤΙΣΣΑ. 
Tissaphernes riding horse right.
Klein 255.
Condition: Good very fine.
Weight: 1.08 g.
Diameter: 11 mm.





THESSALY, Trikka. 4th century BC. Æ Chalkous (14mm, 2.02 g, 3h). Head of nymph Trikke r. with hair rolled, wearing pendant earring / T-PI[KKAI]O-N from top l., to r. circular, warrior naked but for conical helmet, in fighting attitude r., holding spear in his r. and large shield with his l. See G. Hirsch 263 (24 September 2009) 2277 var. [different dies and no visible inscription]; Helios 6 (9 March 2011) 511 (same obv. die). Near VF, green patina, both sides marginally off centre.



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IONIA. Magnesia ad Maeandrum. Ae (Circa 88-85 BC). Eukles and Kratinos, magistrates.
Obv: Helmeted head of Athena right.
Horseman galloping right, holding spear.
BMC 44-45.
Condition: Very fine.
Weight: 7.7 g.
Diameter: 21 mm.


Phrygian cavalryman as depicted on an ivory plaque, Gordion.jpg

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Ti seguo e continuo piacevolmente ad apprezzare il tuo impegno...


  • Mi piace 1

8 ore fa, eracle62 dice:

Ti seguo e continuo piacevolmente ad apprezzare il tuo impegno...


E io il tuo...

  • Mi piace 1


SYRACUSE, Dionysius I, 406–367. Decadrachm c. 400 BC, Attic standard, AR 43.40 g. Work signed by the engraver Euainetos. Obv. Quadriga galloping left, driven by charioteer holding kentron in right hand and reins in left, crowned by Nike flying right; in exergue, suit of defensive armour consisting of shield, cuirass between two greaves, and helmet. Rev. SU-PA-K-O-SIWN / EU-AINE Head of the nymph Arethusa left, crowned with reed-wreath, wearing triple-drop earring and necklace; around, four dolphins; border of dots. Literature BMC Sicily - cf. 171, 176–181 (legend differently subdivided) SNG ANS 364–366 SNG München 1075 Baumann 142 A. Gallatin, Syracusan Dekadrachms of the Euainetos Type , Cambridge Mass, 1930, RIII/CI Antikenmuseum Basel 480 Jameson 828 M.-M. Bendenoun, Coins of the Ancient World, A Portrait of the JDL Collection , Tradart, Genève, 2009, 7 (this coin). Condition Very rare and among the finest specimens known of this desirable and important issue. Perfectly struck and exceptionally complete, light iridescent tone.Good extremely fine. Provenance Tkalec AG, Zürich 1996, lot 13. Note Coins of the artist Euainetos are among the most exquisite works of art from the ancient Greek world. Of special value are his decadrachms, which must have been distributed widely, for they were influential to artists in regions far removed from the shores of Sicily. It is unlikely that many were exported through the normal channels of commerce, and we might suggest that, much like the staters of Olympia, some were acquired as keepsakes and were carried to a variety of destinations. The decadrachms of Kimon and Euainetos were introduced early in the reign of the tyrant Dionysius I (405-367 B.C.), and those of Euainetos continued to be struck for decades, perhaps even beyond the 360s. We might presume that Dionysus took a personal interest in producing such large coins of fine style to evince his patronage of the arts and to promote the success of his rule. There is also good reason to believe that after the Euainetos’ initial contributions, die cutting for the series eventually was carried out by understudies and successors. In some cases Euainetos’ signature appears to have been retained as a fixed element of the design until about midway through, when it was lost altogether. In general, these understudies meticulously copied the work of the master engraver. Gallatin notes that the entire series “...shows a most amazing repetition of the details of the arrangement of the hair, locks and curls being slavishly repeated.” Though a precise context has not been convincingly established for the Syracusan decadrachms of Kimon and Euainetos, it is tempting to associate their introduction with a military victory. The display of armour and weaponry that appears in the exergue is militant, and the inscription AΘΛA, which indicates ‘prizes,’ or at least ‘agonistic contests,’ only adds to that prospect. Since it was a common practice of Greek soldiers to engrave dedicatory inscriptions on captured armour, a connection might be drawn between that phenomenon and what is presented on the decadrachms. The obverse also appears to allude to victory with its vivid scene of a charioteer guiding his team through a bend. The dies used to strike this particular decadrachm almost certainly were the work of Euainetos himself, for they are each the third in the series. This coin was struck from the first die in the series on which the engraver’s name is presented in the usual truncated form EYAINE, as the two dies that seem to have preceeded this one bear an expanded signature, either EYAINETOY or EYAINETO.



metropolitan-museum-of-art armatura spartana.jpg

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Inviato (modificato)

Italien und Sizilien      SIZILIEN - Himera       Litra (0,61 g), 472/413. Av.: diademierter Kopf rechts. Rv.: Helm rechts. SNG.Cop:312; minimal rauh R s.sch./vzgl.
Estimate: EUR 100

Una freccia ci parla della battaglia di Himera del 480 a.C. :



Modificato da King John
  • Mi piace 1


Beh con un Decadracma di Evaneto non si sbaglia mai. fra le mie preferite per impatto e maestria incisoria, se si pensa a quelle che erano le qualità degli artisti allora..

Un tondello che parla ogni volta, e l'ascolto è sublime... 

Stamane parlavo proprio con un amico al Cordusio sulle capacità degli incisori per un obolo del peso di 0,60 Gr. e le difficoltà che potevano aver avuto XXV secoli fa nell'improntare il conio..



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THESSALY, Atrax. Mid 4th century BC. Æ Chalkous (12mm, 1.61 g, 4h). Bearded head of Atrax r. / ΑΤΡΑ, nude female dancer l., her hair done up in a turban. Unpublished, unknown and unique (?) . Good VF, dark green patina with lighter brown highlights.
The astounding subject and especially the nudity and the headgear of the dancer on the reverse of this unique coin is a challenge to the imagination. There are very few sources before Alexander that report some kind of connection or relationship of the mainland Greeks with Africans or people from the Arabian peninsula. It is not impossible that the inspiration for engraving the reverse of this coin originated from the visit of a troupe of dancers or acrobats from these lands, performing in one of the many festivals that took place in Thessaly, the details of which are so little known to us





THRACE, Abdera. Circa 411/0-386/5 BC. AR Tetradrachm (12.98 gm, 9h). Molpagores, magistrate.
Estimate $2500
THRACE, Abdera. Circa 411/0-386/5 BC. AR Tetradrachm (12.98 gm, 9h). Molpagores, magistrate. [ABDHRI]TEWN, griffin seated left, right forepaw raised / EPI MOL-PAGOREW, female (kalathiskoi) wearing short chiton and tall circular headdress dancing right; all within shallow incuse square. May, Abdera, Group C, 313 (A228/P266; this coin); AMNG II 100 (same dies as plate coin); BMC Thrace -; SNG Copenhagen -; Traité pl. CCCXXXV, 15 (same dies). EF, attractive light iridescent toning, obverse struck a little off-center. ($2500)
The kalathiskoi dancers were associated with the pastoral festival of Apollo Karneios, hence the headdress shaped like a basket or modius. Another version of their dance was termed molph and the type is clearly a punning reference to the magistrate.
See lot 230 for more information on the Abdera and its coinage.



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CONSTANTINE I, 307-337 AD. Æ Follis-Medallion (3.06 gm), Thessaloniki (TS*A). DN CONSTAN [ ] VS P F P T AV[ ] Draped bust wearing a tall hat / VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINCI [ ] Two Victories confronted, holding votive shield over altar. RIC.-. VF, brown patina, porosity. Extremely Rare. [Est. $350]


magister militum V sec.jpg

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MACEDON. Amphipolis. Hadrian (117-138). Ae.
Emperor standing left with dagger and extended hand.
Artemis Tauropolos standing left with torch and branch, wearing kalathos and crescent.
SNG ANS -; BMC 102.
Condition: Very fine.
Weight: 4.48 g.
Diameter: 19 mm.




6 ore fa, King John dice:

CONSTANTINE I, 307-337 AD. Æ Follis-Medallion (3.06 gm), Thessaloniki (TS*A). DN CONSTAN [ ] VS P F P T AV[ ] Draped bust wearing a tall hat / VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINCI [ ] Two Victories confronted, holding votive shield over altar. RIC.-. VF, brown patina, porosity. Extremely Rare. [Est. $350]


magister militum V sec.jpg

Il fondatore dell'impero Bizantino...

Onore a lui...e a Thessaloniki l'attuale Salonicco.


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KINGS OF PAEONIA. Patraos, circa 335-315 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 24 mm, 12.58 g, 3 h). Laureate head of Apollo to right. Rev. ΠΑ-ΤΡΑΟΥ Paeonian horseman, wearing crested helmet and full armor, galloping right and spearing fallen Macedonian cavalryman; above horse to left, bunch of grape; below horse, vertical thunderbolt. Paeonian Hoard 125 (same obverse die). Toned. Struck from a worn obverse die, otherwise, nearly very fine.

From the collection of W. F. Stoecklin, Amriswil, Switzerland, acquired prior to 1975.

Starting Price: 150 CHF



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John V Palaeologus (1341-1391). Æ assarion (17mm, 1.46 gm, 6h). NGC (photo certificate) VF 4/5 - 3/5, edge bend. Thessalonica, 1351-1369. The Martyrdom of St. Demetrius: Three soldiers advancing right, spearing St. Demetrius seated left, gesturing / Emperor standing facing, holding scepter and model of city. Sear 2593. LPC p. 262, 5. Extremely rare! Deep green-earthen patina.
Ex Jean Elsen 122 (12 September 2014), lot 406. Estimate: 600-800 USD



  • Mi piace 1


Ti seguo, un viaggio stupendo..

E poi sai cosa mi piace?

Che questi tondelli con le raffigurazioni abbinate, si animano..

  • Mi piace 1


VICTORINUS, 269-271 
Prägungen der Hauptmünzstätte Trier – Monnaies de l’atelier de Trèves 
Denar (Bronzeabschlag von Aureusstempeln), Trier, ca. Anfang 270. IMP – VICTORINVS AVG. Halbbüste mit Lorbeerkranz, im reich verzierten Panzer rechts, in der Rechten geschulterten Speer, in der Linken Schild haltend. Rv/ LIBERALITAS – AVG. Victorinus in Toga mit Kurzzepter (Kurzschwert?) und Zweig auf kurulischem Stuhl auf einem hohen Podium n. links sitzend. Hinter ihm steht ein Offizier mit Stab, neben ihm Liberalitas mit abacus (Verteilerbrett) und Füllhorn; links ersteigt ein Bürger die Stufen zum Podium und hält einen Gewandbausch auf, um die Geldspende aufzufangen. C –. Elmer –. Schulte –
. Gilljam, Neue Abschläge der gallischen Kaiser aus einer Kölner Sammlung in: NNB 1987/3, Abb. 8. 2,52 g. 6h.Von allergrößter Seltenheit.
Sehr feine Ausführung, fast vorzüglich Ex Slgn. Marx (Köln) und Dr. Karl Band (Köln). Ex Kölner Münzkabinett T. Kroha 42 (1986), 582. Festemission wohl anlässlich der zweiten tribunizischen Gewalt. Unsere Münze war lang ein Unikum, inzwischen wurde ein 2. Exemplar bekannt (Harlan J. Berk 94, Januar 1997, 534.) Ex collections Marx (Cologne) et Dr. Karl Band (Cologne). Ex vente Kölner Münzkabinett T. Kroha 42 (1986), 582. Frappe exceptionnelle à l’occasion de la 2eme puissance tribunicienne. Notre denier a été longtemps une monnaie unique. Entretemps un 2ème exemplaire a fait son apparition (Harlan J. Berk 94, Januar 1997, 534.)



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Samaria (late 4th century BC). AR ma'ah obol (10mm, 0.74 gm, 11h). Two soldiers standing with spears and shields confronting each other, within square border / Two figures standing confronting each other the l. figure holds a long scepter or spear and the r. figure, in incuse, holds a shield and long scepter or spear. M-Q CS 90. MQ SC 50. Samuels 25 (this coin). Extremely rare. Good Very Fine/Extremely Fine.





Antike Münzen
GRIECHISCHE MÜNZEN. THESSALIEN. Trikka. Bronze, 400-344 v. Chr. Kopf der Nymphe Trikka / Krieger mit Speer und Schild (wie auf den Münzen von Lokroi Opountioi).
BMC 7,52,16 R ! 4,45 g





Che incantevole tondello quello di Vittorino, quanta simbologia nell'evento raffigurato al verso, è uno stile particolare, ma di effetto sicuramente, se poi teniamo conto pure che è il secondo esemplare conosciuto...e beh...


  • Mi piace 1


THESSALY, Pharsalos. 4th-3rd centuries BC. Æ Trichalkon (18mm, 4.00 g, 4h). Helmeted head of Athena Parthenos facing slightly left, with shield and spear over shoulder; monogram to left / Armored Thessalion warrior on horse rearing right, brandishing flail; soldier behind to left. Lavva 316–40 var. (unlisted dies); cf. BCD Thessaly II 674.7 (ethnic); HGC 4, 649. Good VF, dark green patina. A particularly attractive and well struck obverse.






@Poemenius la conoscevi? Bellissima!!!

Roma Numismatics Ltd > Auction XV

Auction date: 5 April 2018
Lot number: 712

Price realized: 4,400 GBP   (

Lot description:

Byzantine Æ Medallic Icon of the Epiphany. Ravenna, 6-7th century AD. EMMA-NVHL, bust of Christ facing, with cross nimbus behind head with flowing hair and beard and wearing pallium over colobium / Scene of the Adoration of the Magi: the three magi dressed in Persian style robes, cloaks and Phrygian caps, bearing gifts and standing reverently to right before the nimbate infant Jesus whose right hand is raised in benediction, sitting upright on the lap of Mary seated on a high back chair to left; star of Bethlehem above, two doves below. Exhibited at the 3rd Congress of Christian Archaeology, cf. Atti del III Congresso Internazionale di Archeologia Cristiana, Ravenna 25-29 September 1932, Studi di antichità Cristiana 8, Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana, Città del Vaticano 1934; for a similar 6-7th century medallion in gold also with adoration scene, see BM 1983,0704.1. 9.50g, 24mm, 11h. 

As Struck. Unique, and of great historical and theological interest. 

Exhibited at the 3rd Congress of Christian Archaeology, 1932 (sold with contemporary congress envelope dated "25 - 29 Sett. 1932 X".

This remarkable medal depicts on the obverse a very early lifelike image of Christ as seen on several mosaic scenes in the church of St. Apollinare in Classis, Ravenna, dated to the reign of Justinian I (527-565) and a fresco on a wall of the Catacomb of Commodilla on the Via Ostiense in the periphery of Rome, dated to the reign of Constantine IV (668-685). The Romanised title Emmanuel derives from the Hebrew Immanu'El ('God with us'), and appears in the Book of Isaiah as a sign that God will protect the House of David. The Gospel of St Matthew (1:22-3) quotes part of this: 'a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel', as a prophecy of the birth of the Messiah and the fulfilment of Scripture in the person of Jesus.

With the possible exception of the Good Shepherd, the scene of the magi in worshipful adoration before the Holy Child is the earliest and most frequent artistic representation of Jesus' life and ministry. The iconography is in the style of the celebrated mosaic of the Epiphany scene in the church of St. Apollinare.

Estimate: 2500 GBP



  • Mi piace 1


si molto molto interessante,

certo questa che pare una fusione impallidisce nei confronti dell'esemplare del British ....

in punta di piedi, dico che mi pare un prodotto orientale e non mi occupo solo di monete :)



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