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Le più belle rappresentazioni di guerrieri

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Inviato (modificato)

54 - 68 n. Chr.
AE As (9,97 g.), 65 n. Chr. Mzst. Lugdunum. Vs.: NERO CLAVD CAESAR AVG GER P M TR P IMP P P, Kopf mit Globus n. r. Rs.: ARA PACIS / S-C, Front der Ara Pacis mit Reliefschmuck. RIC 460; C. 27; BMC - ; Mac Dowall, Nero 571; BN 112; Bauten S. 69 f. mit Nr. 133; Hill, Monuments S. 63.
Nach seiner Rückkehr aus Spanien und Gallien wurde am 4. Juli 13 v. Chr. die Grundsteinlegung des Friedensaltars auf dem Campus Martius gefeiert. Nach seiner Vollendung im Jahr 9 v. Chr. bildete der Altar mit dem Mausoleum und einer riesigen, auf dem Boden eingelassenen Sonnenuhr, als deren Polstab ein ägyptischer Obelisk diente, ein Ensemble, das die monumental umgesetzte Politik des Augustus darstellte.
Zustand: Dunkelgüne Patina, breiter Schrötling, vz
Estimate: EUR 500








Modificato da King John


Roman Imperial 
Augustus. 27 BC-AD 14. AR Denarius (18.5mm, 4.20 g, 7h). Rome mint; L. Vinicius, moneyer. Struck 16 BC. Bare head right / Triumphal arch, surmounted by facing quadriga, in which Augustus stands, holding laurel branch and scepter; smaller arch on either side, surmounted by archer on left and by slinger on right; S • P • Q • R/IMP CAE in two lines on entablature of arch. RIC I 359; RSC 544. Good VF, attractive old cabinet tone, traces of deposits, a little weak on obverse. Rare.
From the Archer M. Huntington Collection, ANS 1001.1.10611.





SICILY. Tauromenion. Campanian mercenaries. Ae (354/3-344 BC).
Obv: Phrygian helmet right.
Rev: Monogram within laurel wreath.
HGC 2, 1608.
Condition: Good very fine.
Weight: 2.12 g.
Diameter: 14 mm.





Thrakische Könige
Saratokos/Sitalkes (444-424)
(D) Diobol/Trihemiobol (0,94g). Kopf / Traube mit Rebe. SNG Cop - , BMC - , Topalov 69.
R s.sch.


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The Prospero Collection of Ancient Greek Coins. CRETE. Knossos (c.330-300 B.C.), Silver Stater, 10.96g. Head of Kore-Persephone facing to right, crowned with ears of corn, wearing a pendant earring and a necklace. Rev. The Labyrinth, in the form of a swastika, five pellets in a floral pattern at the centre, four sunken squares in the corners (Svoronos, c.71, 46; Le Rider pl. VII, 4 (these dies)). Lightly toned, good very fine. Ex Monnaies et Médailles SA, Auction 66, Basel, 22 & 23 October 1984, lot 151 Ex Jascha Heifetz Collection, Part 2, Superior Galleries, New York, 10 December 1989, lot 2627 Ex Giessener Münzhandlung 48, Munich, 2 April 1990, lot 340 US$ 5,500





BITHYNIA, Nicomedia. Severus Alexander. AD 222-235. Æ (25mm, 9.96 g, 12h). Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Theseus standing left, head right, holding club and kneeling Minotaur by horns. Voegtli, p. 94; Corsten -; RG -; SNG von Aulock 784 (same dies); J.-P. Righetti Collection (Münzen und Medaillen AG 15), 426 (same dies). Good VF, light green patina, obverse pitted. Extremely rare.
From Group CEM.
Theseus, son of Aegeus, the king of Athens, was known for a number of heroic feats on the model of Hercules. The most famous of these feats was his slaying of the Minotaur. Because the city was a tributary subject to Minos, the king of Crete, it was forced each year to send seven youths and seven maidens to the Cretan capital of Cnossus to feed the Minotaur, a half-man, half-bull who lived in the Labyrinth. To liberate Athens from this humiliating tribute, Theseus connived with his father to join the next shipment of youths. Once in Crete, he would slay the Minotaur, free his fellow victims, and return home. If successful, his returning ship would bear a white sail; if not, the sail would remain the black with which he left. With the help of Minos’ daughter, Ariadne, who had developed a passion for him, Theseus entered the Labyrinth and slew the Minotaur. On his return voyage, however, Theseus forgot to replace the black sail, and Aegeus, seeing this, hurled himself in despair into the sea which now is called Aegean.




  • 2 settimane dopo...
Inviato (modificato)
Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 404 Auction date: 23 August 2017
Lot number: 343
Price realized: 170 USD   (Approx. 145 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description: HUNNIC TRIBES, Western Turks. Spur Martan Shah. Late 7th century AD. Æ (15mm, 0.47 g, 6h). Zabulistan mint. Facing crowned Sasanian-style bust; senmervs flanking / Facing bust of Adur. Vondrovec [Göbl, Hunnen] Type 216A. VF, brown patina. Rare.
Estimate: 100 USD



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Modificato da King John


LYCIA, Phaselis. 4th century BC. Stater (Silver, 23mm, 10.40 g 5). Prow of galley right, fighting platform decorated with facing gorgoneion; to right, cicada upward. Rev. ΦΑΣ (retrograde) Stern of galley on the right; above, Nike flying right to crown the stern piece. Heipp-Tamer Series 6. CNG 99, 281 (same dies). Nicely toned and attractive. Obverse very lightly off-center and reverse very slightly double struck, otherwise, extremely fine. 




Inviato (modificato)

@King John

Phaselis,(città della Lycia)porto commerciale e base di pirati coniò monete estranee a quelle delle altre città della regione. Quasi sempre rappresentandovi le galere che erano navi commerciali e non navi da guerra se escludiamo quelle dei pirati che imperversarono nell'Egeo per secoli finchè i Romani persero la pazienza e nel 77 d.C. Publio Servilio Vatia, proconsole della Cilicia riuscì a eliminarli sconfiggendo il loro capo, Zenicetes, che morì in battaglia. Le città che erano basi di pirati, Phaselis, Olympos, altro porto della Lycia, e Korykos in Cilicia furono rase al suolo.

Modificato da Ospite
Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 406 Auction date: 27 September 2017
Lot number: 825
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction - 

Lot description:
Constantine IX Monomachus. 1042-1055. AV Histamenon Nomisma (29mm, 4.41 g, 6h). Constantinople mint. Struck 1049-1053. Christ Pantokrator facing / Crowned bust of Constantine facing, wearing loros, holding long cross and globus cruciger. DOC 3; Füeg II 3.A.7/8; SB 1830. Near EF, hint of deposits, slight shift strike on obverse.
From the George Bernert Collection.
Estimate: 300 USD





Inviato (modificato)



Chaponnière & Firmenich SA > Auction 8Auction date: 5 July 2017  Lot number: 26

Price realized: 10,000 CHF   (Approx. 10,351 USD / 9,137 EUR)   
PERSIA. Achaemenid Empire.
Double daric, 322-315 BC, Babylon. Obv. The king advancing right, holding bow and spear. ΛΥ in left field. Rev. Striated oblong incuse. BMC 2; SNG Cop. 259. Gold. 16.68 g.
VF-XF two small nicks on the reverse edge

NAC auction 64, 17 may 2012, lot 852; Kunker auction 257, 10 october 2014, lot 8266.

his rare and curious double daric is attributed to the Persians, even though it was struck after Alexander the Great's empire was divided between the Diadochi in 323. Moreover, the quality and the precision of its engraving, doubled with the presence of the initials ΛΥ in the field, raise doubts about this attribution. It seems more Greek than Achaemenid in its execution. Only Lysimachus, the King of Thrace, could correspond to these initials, but his establishment in Asia Minor is a few years later. Unless, he had minted these coins in 323 in Babylon, at the very moment of Alexander's succession, to recruit Persian archers, indispensable for battles in the Hellenistic period.

Cette rarissime et curieuse double darique est attribuée aux Perses, alors que sa frappe est postérieure au partage de l'empire d'Alexandre le Grand entre les diadoques en 323. De plus, la qualité et la précision de sa gravure, associées à la double présence dans le champ des initiales ΛΥ, font douter de cette attribution. Elle semble plus grecque dans son exécution qu'achéménide. Seul Lysimaque, le roi de Thrace, peut correspondre à ces initiales mais son implantation en Asie Mineure est plus tardive de quelques années. A moins qu'il ne produise ces monnaies au moment même de la succession d'Alexandre en 323, à Babylone, pour recruter des archers perses indispensables lors des batailles de l'époque hellénistique.
Starting Price: 10000 CHF



Modificato da King John

Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 403 Auction date: 9 August 2017
Lot number: 103
Price realized: 60 USD   (Approx. 51 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
THESSALY, Trikka. 4th century BC. Æ Chalkous (12mm, 1.99 g, 9h). Head of the nymph Trikka right, with hair rolled up / TPI[...], warrior advancing right, holding spear and shield. Cf. BCD Thessaly II 787.6; HGC 4, 339. VF, green patina, some earthen encrustation.
From the BCD Collection.
Estimate: 75 USD




Inviato (modificato)
Leu Numismatik AG > Auction 1 Auction date: 25 October 2017
Lot number: 118  

Lot description:
TROAS. Ilium. Pseudo-autonomous issue. Hemiassarion (Copper, 15 mm, 2.07 g, 1 h), time of the Antonines, 138-192. ΙΛΙ-Є-ΩΝ Draped bust of Athena to right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet and aegis. Rev. ЄΚ-ΤΩΡ Hector, nude but for helmet, standing facing, head left, holding upright spear with his right hand and parazonium in his left. Bellinger pl. 9, T206 (same dies). RPC online 2486. SNG Copenhagen 374 (same dies). Very rare. A well struck example with an attractive dark patina. Very minor roughness, otherwise, about extremely fine.

This interesting small bronze shows us Hector, the strongest warrior of the Trojans. It boasts the importance of Ilium as the location of the most famous of all wars, but - since Hector had been a companion of Aeneas, who is shown on the reverse of coins from the same emission (RPC online 1577) - the issue also connects the city to its Roman overlords. Rome's history of supporting Ilium goes back to at least the Roman-Syrian War of 192-188 BC, when the Greek city warmly welcomed an expeditionary force under the Scipioni that had crossed the Dardanelles on its way to combat Antiochos III. The Trojans hurried to emphasize their common heritage with the Romans and eventually received great benefits after the Scipionic victory over the Seleukids at Magnesia in 190/189.

Estimate: 500 CHF

illustrazione: Ettore e Andromaca



ettore e andromaca pittura vascolare greca.jpg

Modificato da King John

Inviato (modificato)


Leonida saluta la moglie e il figlio prima di partire per andare a combattere contro i Persiani: una bellissima scena tratta dal film "300".


Modificato da King John

Inviato (modificato)
Roma Numismatics Ltd > Auction XIV Auction date: 21 September 2017
Lot number: 318  

Lot description:
Seleukid Empire, Diodotos Tryphon AR Tetradrachm. Antioch, circa 142/1-138 BC. Diademed head of Tryphon right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΤΡΥΦΩΝΟΣ ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΟΡΟΣ, Macedonian helmet adorned with ibex horn, Π monogram in inner left field; all within oak wreath border. Not listed in the standard references. 15.42g, 32mm, 2h.

Near Extremely Fine. An apparently unique variety of this very rare type. 

Diodotos was a powerful administrator at Antioch during the reign of Alexander I, who played a key role in organising the rebellion that saw Alexander forced from the city and Demetrios II crowned king on the promise that Ptolemy VI would supervise his reign. This was met with one final challenge from Alexander, who was defeated by Ptolemy and subsequently assassinated by the Nabataean prince from whom he sought refuge. The victory was to come at the cost of Ptolemy's life, who died days later from wounds received in the battle.

Demetrios quickly lost the support of both the military and the populace after disbanding much of the Seleukid army and brutally crushing a rebellion at Antioch. Once again Diodotos seized the opportunity for rebellion and found an alternative ruler in Antiochos VI, the young son of Alexander and Kleopatra Thea, who he took under his protection. Their revolt against Demetrios started in Chalkis, where they gained the control of the surrounding districts before capturing Apamea in 144. It was around this time that Diodotos assumed a new name, Tryphon. He succeeded in removing Demetrios from Antioch around 144/3 and elevated Antiochos to the Seleukid throne. For two years, Antiochos reigned while Tryphon continued to campaign against Demetrios, expanding their territory into Cilicia Pedias and north Phoenicia.

Around 142, Tryphon announced that Antiochos had died during surgery and having ensured the support of his soldiers with the promise of money, proclaimed himself king. He continued to wage war against Demetrios' generals, who still held the Phoenician cities of Sidon and Tyre, Gaza, Mesopotamia, Babylonia and parts of northern Syria. The seizure of Babylonia by Mithradates I in 141 led Demetrios to embark on an eastern campaign which would see him captured in 138. This prompted Antiochos VII, the brother of Demetrios, to raise a substantial mercenary force to recover the Seleukid kingdom. He landed at Seleukia Pieria, where many of Tryphon's troops had defected to Kleopatra Thea, who admitted his troops and married him. Antiochos quickly took northern Syria from Tryphon's control and pursued him into Phoenicia, where he was besieged at Dora. Tryphon escaped and fled to Apamea, where he was besieged again and eventually executed late in 138 or early 137. 

The elaborate ibex-horned helmet used as a reverse type on the coinage of Antiochos VI and of Tryphon once he assumed the kingship is usually considered to have been Tryphon's personal sigil. The horn and diadem together denote divinity and royalty, and the helmet itself, with its thunderbolt-adorned cheek-guards and two medallions depicting an eagle and a panther holding a thyrsos would certainly have been worthy of either, or both. While it is most unlikely to represent Tryphon's personal choice of headwear, it has been speculated (H. Seyrig, The Khan El-Abde Find and the Coinage of Tryphon, ANS NNM, 1950) that the helmet may have been a spectacular offering, made by the young king Antiochos VI, under the direction of Tryphon, to the god that had favoured their claim to power.




Modificato da King John

Inviato (modificato)
Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG > Auction 295 Auction date: 25 September 2017
Lot number: 352
Lot description:

ARMENIA. KÖNIGREICH SOPHENE. Arsames I., um 240 v. Chr. Æs; 5,08 g. Drapierte Büste r. mit Tiara// Reiter r. mit Speer im Kampf mit zwei Soldaten l. mit Schilden und Schwertern, unten ein gefallener Soldat. Bedoukian Plate 1, Abb. 3; Nercessian Plate 1, Abb. 3.

RR Grünbraune Patina, schön-sehr schön
Exemplar der Auktion Lanz 158, München 2014, Nr. 292.

Estimate: 600 EUR



Modificato da King John

Inviato (modificato)

Pamphylien Aspendos
Stater 400/370 v. Chr. 10.88 g. 2 Ringer / Schleuderer, im Feld Triskeles. SNG v. Aulock 4538 (stempelgleich) Feine goldfarbene Tönung Sehr selten Vorzüglich

Nella lotta greca le regole erano ben poche: era vietato solamente mordere, colpire i genitali o accecare gli occhi. Nell'immagine sottostante  l'arbitro punisce con una frusta un atleta che tenta di accecare l'avversario. 



Modificato da King John


No.: 353
Estimation: $ 1000
Denarius, Gaul. AR 3.56 g. MARS VLTOR Bearded head of Mars r. with crested helmet. Rev. P-R Aquila between two signa, in field, lighted square altar; in exergue, SIGNA P.-H. Martin, Die anonymen Münzen des Jahres 68 nach Christus (1974), 78, 60 and pl. 5, 60M 2 (same dies). RIC 207, 51. C. 406. BMC 299, 39. Very rare. Dark tone. Almost extremely fine.





Sicilia, CAMARINA (460-450 a.C.). AR Litra (0,48 gr. – 12 mm.). D.\: Atena stante a sinistra, tiene una lancia, dietro uno scudo. R.\: Nike che vola a destra, davanti i suoi piedi un cigno, tutto entro una corona d’ulivo. Moneta deturpata da mancanza di porzione. BMC 2.2. qBB. R.




Roma Numismatics Ltd > Auction XIV Auction date: 21 September 2017
Lot number: 364
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 

Baktria, Sophytes AR Tetradrachm. Uncertain mint in the Oxus region, circa 246/5-235 BC. Attic standard. Head of Athena right, wearing earring, necklace, and crested Attic helmet decorated with three olive leaves over visor and a spiral palmette on the bowl / Cockerel standing right; kerykeion behind, ΣΟΦYΤΟΥ to right. Bopearachchi, Sophytes -; Mitchiner -; Whitehead, NC 1943, pp. 60ff (drachm); O. Bopearachchi, Royaumes grecs en Afghanistan. Nouvelles données", in L'art d'Afghanistan de la préhistoire à nos jours, CERDAF, Actes d'une Journée d'étude, UNESCO, 11th March 2005, Paris, 2005, p. 60-2 = NAC 59, 655. 16.97g, 25mm, 6h.

Good Extremely Fine. Of the greatest rarity, the second and by far the finest known example.

The question of who Sophytes was and when he lived is one that has confounded numismatists for a hundred and fifty one years. It should be quite clear to anyone reading this that the Sophytes of this coinage was not the Sopeithes described in classical sources as the ruler in the Punjab region between the Hydraotes and the Hyphasis who so impressed Alexander. We can say with certainty only that he was evidently Indo-Iranian by ethnicity, for Sophytes is the Hellenisation of a non-Greek name, and that he must have commanded an important region or city, most likely within Baktria, in the vicinity of the Oxus river. 

Though little (if any) attention has been paid to the choice of the cockerel as the reverse type, it is when considered properly, thoroughly Baktrian in character. The cockerel was a most sacred animal in Zoroastrian religion; besides its common name 'Halka' and its onomatopoeic name 'Kahrkatas', it was also referred to by a religious name, 'Parodarsh' - literally, 'foreseer' (of the dawn). It was the bird of light and hence of righteousness, scattering the darkness and the evil that dwells within.

This remarkable tetradrachm provides direct evidence for a transitional phase coinage struck by Sophytes, on the obverse of which we can observe the continuation of the 'Athenian Series' using the helmeted head of Athena type, while the reverse replaces the Athenian owl for the cockerel that will remain the principal type of Sophytes on his helmeted portrait issues. The cockerel is joined by a kerykeion adjunct symbol already familiar to us from the preceding series, and the legend ΣΟΦYΤΟΥ. 

We have already established that the coinage of Andragoras and Sophytes should be considered roughly contemporary, with the former's probably preceding that of the latter, judging by the patterns of wear that we have encountered. It seems fair to propose therefore, that emboldened by Andragoras' placement of his own name upon the reverse of his coins, Sophytes decided to follow suit. Certainly, the hold of the Seleukid central government over its farthest eastern satrapies had been weakening since the death of Antiochos I; Houghton and Lorber (SC, p. 167) observe that "mint operations in the rich province of Baktria gradually escaped Seleukid control" throughout Antiochos II's reign, and while it was previously accepted that there was only one Baktrian mint, recent scholarship and archaeology has shown this not to be the case. "

Estimate: 30000 GBP




Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 395 Auction date: 12 April 2017
Lot number: 272
Price realized: 120 USD   (Approx. 113 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
THRACE, Anchialus. Marcus Aurelius. AD 161-180. Æ (25mm, 8.48 g, 6h). AV KAI M • AVPH ANTΩNEINOC, bareheaded, draped, and cuirassed bust right / AΓXIA ΛEΩN, Nude male (Anchialos?), wearing helmet, standing left, holding spear and shield. RPC IV –; AMNG II ; Mouchmov –; Varbanov –. VF, brown surfaces.
From the estate of Thomas Bentley Cederlind.
Estimate: 100 USD





Estimate $300
THESSALY, Lamia. Circa 400-344 BC. Æ 14mm (2.55 gm). Helmeted head of Athena right / Philoctetes standing right and shooting arrows at birds; one bird falling before, quiver on ground right. SNG Copenhagen 87; BMC Thessaly -. EF, dark brown patina. Very nice. ($300)From the David Freedman Collection.




Il 12/9/2017 at 22:49, King John dice:

@Matteo91 che ne pensi della moneta del post precedente? La conoscevi?

Scusami King John, mi sono proprio dimenticato di risponderti. Diciamo di nì; nel senso che è una moneta che mi è nota ma che non ho mai studiato in modo approfondito. Ora ne approfitterò per colmare questa lacuna :D

  • Mi piace 1


GAUL, Northwest. Lexovii . 3rd century BC. AV Quarter Stater (12mm, 1.88 g, 9h). Celticized head right, with arrow-like device on cheek; ornaments to right / Figure running right, holding standard surmounted by boar, arrow-like device penetrating his back. D&T 2071; Depeyrot, NC VIII, 42; S. Hurter, “Ein unbekannter Keltischer Viertelstater aus Nordfrankreich” in SM 169 (1993), pp. 8–10 (this coin referenced and illustrated in all). VF, light marks and scuffs. Unique.
From the collection of Dr. Lawrence A. Adams. Ex Robert Freeman Collection (Leu 79, 31 October 2000), lot 82; Sotheby’s (24 April 1997), lot 350; Leu 59 (17 May 1994), lot 18. 




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