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2 ore fa, Sirlad dice:

@King John, è sempre un piacere leggere i tuoi approfondimenti storico-numismatici.


e per me è una vera e propria goduria sapere che ti piacciono.

Saluti a te.


Inviato (modificato)

Lesbos. Mytilene. c. 330 BC. EL Hecte, 2.55g. (h). Obv: Head of bearded man right, perhaps the dynast Diogenes of Mytilene or the Athenian adventurer Chares. Rx: Head of young man (prince Paris?) right, wearing Phrygian cap. Bodenstedt 102, pl. 33 and 59. Jameson Coll. 2251. Four others in CoinArchives Pro. Rare and with fascinating types on both sides. Near Mint State.
Very rare obverse type, apparently occurring on just this one die, and one of the very few portraits of a living person on a Greek coin struck before the death of Alexander. Two identifications of the man portrayed seem possible. On the one hand, he might be the leader of the Mytilenean oligarchs Diogenes, who was expelled in 334 BC but was reinstalled by the Persians as tyrant of Mytilene one year later. It is not known whether he was still alive and ruling in 332 BC when Mytilene was occupied by the Macedonian army. On the other hand, the man portrayed might be the Athenian Chares, who supported Demosthenes’ anti-Macedonian party and then fled from Athens to the Persians soon after the battle of Chaeronea. He was unprincipled enough to welcome Alexander at the city of Ilium but then rejoin the Persians soon thereafter. Occupying Mytilene with 2,000 Persian soldiers, Chares surrendered to a Macedonian general, after which he vanishes from the historical record. Not surprisingly, several anecdotes depict Chares as the typical boasting soldier (miles gloriosus) .




Modificato da King John


Sizilien Insel Gaulos
Kleinbronze 1. Jhdt. v. Chr. Behelmter Kopf über Mondsichel / Krieger mit Schild und Speer, im Feld Stern. Calciati III, S. 365, Em. 1 5.19 g.; Braungrüne Patina Selten Sehr schön





Geto-Dacians, Eravisci. 'Ansali'. 1st century B.C. AR denarius (18 mm, 3.31 g, 9 h). Bearded male head right, wearing torque / ANSALI, warrior on horseback galloping left, holding round shield. R. Freeman, ""A group of Eraviscan denarii,"" Essays Hersh dies 19/R, pl. 29, 26 (this coin); CCCBM I 265. Very rare, and the example used to illustrate the type in the standard reference for this coinage. Light scratch in obverse field, otherwise nice toning with subtle iridescence. Good very fine. A duplicate from the RBW Collection of Roman Republican Coins. The enigmatic 'ANSALI' imitation denarii of the Eravisci may have been struck for a chieftain of the tribe by that name. If so, then perhaps the portrait of Q. Caepio Brutus (cf. Crawford 433), was meant to be a representation of him. The reverse of this coin copies the denarii of L. Torquatus (cf. Crawford 295).





Ionia, Klazomenai AR Tetradrachm. Circa 160 BC. Laureate head of Zeus right / Amazon standing facing slightly left, wearing short tunic and boots, one breast exposed, holding long sceptre and bipennis, short sword at side; palm branch at feet, ΔIOΣ ΣOTHPOΩ EΠIΦANOYΣ flanking, KΛAZO in exergue. Seyrig, Revue numismatique, 1971, p. 24-25; Gemini II, 2006, lot 115; cf. for similar but with additional monogram: NY Sale XXVII (Prospero Collection), 512 = A. Meadows, 'The Hellenistic Silver Coinage of Clazomenae', in 'Ancient History, Numismatics and Epigraphy in the Mediterranean World', p. 248, 1, pl. I, 1a = Coin Hoards VIII, 471 (Tartous, Syria, 1987), pl. LXIV, 1. 16.89g, 36mm, 12h. 

Very Fine. Excessively Rare, the finest of only five surviving coins from this entire issue, and just one of two in private hands. 

Until 1987 the coinage of Klazomenai was believed to have come to an end at the close of the 3rd century BC with a fairly unremarkable issue of Alexander-type tetradrachms. Although the present type featuring Zeus and an Amazon was known since at least the 1970s with the publication of a specimen by H. Seyrig, the ethnik was missing and it was not until the discovery and publication of another specimen by Kinns and Price that the type was attributable to Klazomenai. Since then a further two specimens were identified by Meadows, all of which (and also the present piece) are struck from the same obverse die. 






Leu Numismatik AG > Web Auction 1 Auction date: 25 June 2017
Lot number: 749

Lot description:

ISLANDS OFF IONIA, Samos. Gallienus, 253-268. Tetrassarion (Bronze, 29 mm, 12.90 g, 6 h). AYT ΠO ΛIK ΓAΛΛIHNOΣ AYΓΟ Radiate and draped bust to left, holding spear and shield. Rev. CAMIΩN Achilles, helmeted and naked, standing facing, head left, holding round shield in left hand; below shield and behind the legs, uncertain long object (vine trunk?). BMC -. BMFA -. Lindgren I+III -. Imhoof-Blumer KM -. SNG Copenhagen -. SNG Glasgow -. SNG Leypold -. SNG Righetti -. SNG von Aulock -. Apparently unpublished and unique. Minor adjustment marks and a die break on the reverse, otherwise, very fine.

The figure on the reverse is clearly different from the usual warrior in chiton advancing right on prow and gesturing troops to follow (BMC 348 and 384): not only is the hero resting, but he is also naked, with the exception of wearing a helmet. The latter is clearly reminiscent of the Samos issue with Achilles stabbing Penhesilea, the queen of the Amazons, in battle during the siege of Troy (BMFA 1984.257 and Auctiones GmbH 18, 2013, 51). Another similarity lies in the uncertain object behind the legs, which also appears on the Boston and Auctiones examples: it might be part of a long clamys, although its supporting position points towards a more static object, possibly a vine trunk. While this identification remains uncertain for the time being, there can be little doubt that the hero is, in fact, Achilles the Thessalian, the strongest warrior of the Greeks.
Estimate: 200 CHF

illustrazione: ACHILLE





Commodus. AD 177-192. Æ Sestertius (34.5mm, 32.59 g, 12h). Rome mint. Struck AD 185. M COMMODVS AN TON AVG PIVS BRIT, bareheaded and draped bust right / VIRT AVG P M TR P X IMP VII COS IIII P P, S C below, Commodus on horseback galloping right, striking panther with spear, which is already wounded by spear in its chest. RIC III 453b; MIR 18, 667-6/13; Banti 491. VF, dark gray-brown surfaces, some dark green, areas of porosity and earthen deposits. Very rare, only one example in CoinArchives.





Solous. Ca. 400-350 BC. AE 21mm (6.87 gm, 2h).  Youthful male head left, wearing Attic helmet; Punic letter before / Horse galloping right; caduceus behind. CNS 9. SNG ANS -. SNG Copenhagen -. Extremely Rare, missing from most of the world's collections and in outstanding condition for the type. Glossy dark brown patina. Choice Extremely Fine.





ATTICA, Athens. Circa 120's-140's AD. Æ Drachm (12.19 gm). Elaborately

  draped bust of Athena right, wearing Corinthian helmet with a high

  crest and decorated on the front with a small head, aegis on shoulder,

  long spear over left shoulder / AQH, owl seated high within an olive

  tree, a snake wrapped around the trunk of the tree; on the left stands

  Poseidon striding right and wielding a trident; on the right stands

  Athena walking left, raising her right hand and holding a shield on

  her left arm. Kroll 174; Svoronos pl. 89, 2; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC

  Attica pg. 98, 707; Laffaille -; Imhoof-Blumer and Gardner, "A

  Numismatic Commentary on Pausanias," in JHS 1887, pl. Z, Athens II,

  xi-xiv. EF, attractive light green patina, exceptional style, heavy

  flan. Very Rare. ($1500) This statue group is one of two groups seen

  on the Acropolis by the Greek travel writer Pausanias (I. 24, 3-5) who

  observed: "Athena is represented displaying the olive plant, and

  Poseidon the wave......" and ".....those on the rear pediment

  represent the contest for the land between Athena and Poseidon". [NEW

  PARAGRAPH] In Athens and Attica Athena was blessed for the

  introduction of the olive tree, which she planted on the Acropolis

  when Poseidon disputed the sovereignty of the land with her. Athena

  summed the serpent-bodied King Kekrops as witness and judge as each

  deity competed to give Attica the best ‘token’ of their divinity that

  they could offer. Poseidon caused salt-water to spring up by throwing

  his trident into the ground, while Athena planted the olive tree,

  demanded and won possession of the land. Poseidon, true to type, took

  revenge by asking Zeus to smite Erechtheus with lightning and to flood

  the plain of Eleusis. [NEW PARAGRAPH] When Pausanias visited the

  sanctuary on Acropolis in about AD 160 he would have seen all the

  reputed relics from this myth, extraordinary even by Greek standards:

  the sacred olive tree protected by a snake in the Pandroseion, the

  salt sea-well and the hole in the roof above the trident mark in the

  Erechtheion and the tomb of Kekrops in the Kekropion.


Triton V Sale, 15 Jan 2002, lot 363.


 Lot sold for USD 2800.





The Collection of Roman Republican Coins of a Student and his Mentor Part III 
C. Vibius Varus. Aureus 42, AV 8.06 g. Bust of Roma l., wearing helmet with a plume on each side, holding spear in r. hand and shield in l. over shoulder. Rev. C·VIBIVS – VARVS Winged Nemesis standing r., raising fold of dress with r. hand. Babelon Vibia 25. Bahrfeldt 37.7 (this coin). Sear Imperators 191. Calicó 32 (this coin).
Biaggi 21 (this coin). RBW –. Crawford 494/35. 
Extremely rare, only nine specimens known of which only four are in private hands. 
An appealing example of this desirable coin. 

Minor edge mark, otherwise good very fine
Ex Hirsch XVIII, 1907, Himhoof-Blummer, 462; Hess 11 March 1912, Graf Tolstoi, 1182; Schulman 1923, Vierordt, 432 and NAC 31, 2005, 9 sales. From the Biaggi collectionHardly a more explicit coin type could have been struck in 42 B.C. for the leaders of the Caesarean party, who were in the midst of final preparations for the war against Brutus and Cassius. Roma is shown on the obverse in a state of battle- readiness, as if already marching off to war. The reverse depicts Nemesis in her only appearance on Republican coinage as a reflection of the Caesarean desire to exact righteous revenge upon the murderers of Julius Caesar.Throughout the spring of 42 B.C. Brutus and Cassius campaigned in the East, finally meeting at Sardes in the summer before departing for Greece. Antony and Octavian traveled from Italy to Greece to confront them, with battle lines being drawn in the fall. The armies clashed at Phillipi in two great battles in October. The Caesareans emerged victorious as Brutus and Cassius, in response to presumed defeat, both committed suicide.




Inviato (modificato)
Roman Republican Coinage
Q. Pomponius Musa. Denarius 66, AR 3.91 g. Laureate head of Apollo r.; behind, sandal. Rev. Q·POMPONI – MVSA Talia standing l. and resting against column, holding comic mask. Babelon Pomponia 19. Sydenham 821. RBW –. Crawford 410/9b.
Wonderful old cabinet tone, two light scratches and a few marks
on obverse, otherwise about extremely fine


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Modificato da King John


Elmo romano in uso tra I e II secolo A.D. come parte dell'equipaggiamento dei partecipanti alle competizioni sportive note con il nome di "Hyppica Gymnasia" dove due squadre di cavalieri si affrontavano in prove di abilità.




Vespasian. AD 69-79. Æ As (29mm, 10.25 g, 6h). “Judaea Capta” commemorative. Lugdunum (Lyon) mint. Struck AD 77-78. Laureate bust right; globe at point of bust / IVDAEA CAPTA, palm tree; to left, collection of arms; to right, Jewess seated right in attitude of mourning; S C in exergue. RIC II 1233 = BN 846; Hendin 782; Lyon 91. Near VF, brown patina, a few deposits and spots of corrosion.
From a Continental Collection.




Jean Elsen & ses Fils S.A. > Auction 132 Auction date: 11 March 2017
Lot number: 339
Price realized: 280 EUR   (Approx. 296 USD)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:

MEROVINGIENS, AR denier, début du 8e s., Quentovic (?). Série G. D/ B. diad. à d. Devant, une croix. R/ Etendard avec quatre croisettes disposées autour d''un annelet pointé. S. 800; N. 43; Metcalf, Sceattas, 267-268. 0,94g.
Très Beau à Superbe
Very Fine - Extremely Fine

Ce type a longtemps été considéré comme un sceat anglo-saxon, mais son origine continentale ne fait pas de doute. Plusieurs exemplaires ayant été trouvés dans les fouilles de l'abbaye de Corbie ainsi qu'à Thérouanne et Etaples, Metcalf proposa de l'attribuer à l'atelier de Quentovic (Wiccus), le principal port de commerce du royaume franc avec l'Angleterre. C'était aussi le principal atelier monétaire de la région, dont l'activité est attestée de 580 à 675 environ par l'émission de nombreux tremisses en or. L'atelier était encore florissant dans la 1e moitié du 9e siècle; il est donc logique qu'un monnayage d'argent y ait été frappé à partir de la fin du 7e siècle, après la fin du monnayage d'or.

Estimate: 200 EUR


anglo sassoni.jpg


Inviato (modificato)

SAMARIA, “Middle Levantine” Series. Circa 375-333 BC. AR Obol (10mm, 0.45 g, 12h). Satrap and driver in chariot drawn by two horses left / Persian satrap, holding lance in right hand and reins in left, on horseback left; BDYḤBL (in Aramaic) below. Meshorer & Qedar 15; Sofaer 93; HGC 10, 400; Sunrise 138 (this coin). VF, lightly toned, a little off center. Very rare.
From the Sunrise Collection, purchased from Antiqua (Steve Rubinger). 




Modificato da King John


Mysa, Kyzikos, electrum stater, c. 400 BC, Persian archer seated right, examining arrow; tunny fish below, rev., quadripartite incuse square, 15.96g, good very fine and extremely rare. References: von Fritze 166, pl. V, 14 = Traité II 2639, pl. 174, 14 (example in St. Petersburg); K. Regling, Der grieschische Goldschatz von Prinkipo, ZfN 41, 1931, 32 and pl. 2 (example in Istanbul). Provenance: Ars Classica XVI, Geneva, 3 July 1933, lot 1351; Kunstfreund (Charles Gillet) Collection, Bank Leu/Münzen und Medaillen, Zurich, 28 May 1974, lot 209; Bank Leu 57, Zurich, 25 May 1993, lot 98; DNW, London, 27 September 2011, lot 2008. Note: Evidently one of only four known examples (as mentioned in the Bank Leu catalogue of 1993), this extremely rare type depicts with great clarity the archer wearing Persian headdress (kidaris), long robe (chiton) and close-fitting trousers (anaxyrides) seated with feet crossed and legs drawn up to support his arms while examining an arrow and with (traces of) a bow hanging from his left wrist. Over his shoulder is a surcoat, the right arm of which hangs empty. Commentators have suggested that the figure could be a representation of the Persian satrap Pharnabazos whose portrait appears on very rare Kyzicene tetradrachms of this period (as Kraay/Hirmer 718) and the image of a Persian satrap as archer can be seen on the later coinage of Datames at Tarsus (as Traité pl. 109, 4-7). (30000 - 50000 GBP)





Objekt-Nr.: 2390
Caracalla, 197 - 217 n. Chr. AE Sesterz (27,04 g.), 214 n. Chr. Mzst. Rom. Vs.: M AVREL ANTONINVS PIVS FELIX AVG, gepanzerte Büste mit Paludamentum und Lorbeerkranz n. r. Rs.: P M TR P XVII IMP III COS III PP / S-C, Caracalla in Militärtracht steht begleitet von zwei Offizieren auf einem Podest und hält n. r. gewandt mit erhobener Rechter eine Ansprache an drei am Boden stehende Soldaten mit Feldzeichen. RIC 525a; Hill, Sept. Sev. 1424. RR! Dunkelgrüne Patina, Rs. Korrosionsspuren, fast vz/ss
Die Ansprache, die der Kaiser vor seinen Soldaten hält, bezieht sich vermutlich auf die Siege über Germanenstämme, die das römische Heer im Jahr 214 erringen konnte.
Estimation: € 2.500,00






Denar, Rom, 74. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG. Portraitkopf mit Lorbeerkranz nach rechts. Perlkreis; Rs: PON MAX-TR P COS V. Vespasian auf Sella curulis sitzend nach rechts, in der linken Hand Szepter, in der rechten Hand Zweig. Abschnitt, Perlkreis. RIC II² 702; BMCRE 136; BN 110; C. 364. 3,29g. St. 6. Sehr schön/fast vorzüglich.Ex Sammlung Lejeune, Peus 250, 15. März 1954, 1234.
Estimate: 200 EUR




Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG > Auction 288 Auction date: 13 March 2017
Lot number: 591

Price realized: 500 EUR   (Approx. 534 USD)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:

Antoninus I. Pius, 138-161 

Æs, 144/146, Magnesia ad Maeandrum (Ionia), Grammateus Diophantos; 23,94 g. Drapierte Büste r. mit Lorbeerkranz//Krieger mit Speer und Schild geht l., Kopf r., r. liegender Krieger. RPC Online 1021 (temporary number); Schultz 102 A.
Von allergrößter Seltenheit. Wohl das zweite bekannte und besterhaltene Exemplar.
Grüne Patina, fast sehr schön

Exemplar der Sammlung Dr. Rainer Pudill.
Erworben am 16. Juni 2010 bei T. Vossen, Kerkrade. 

Estimate: 200 EUR




umismatik Naumann (formerly Gitbud & Naumann) > Auction 48 Auction date: 20 November 2016
Lot number: 288

Price realized: 50 EUR   (Approx. 53 USD)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:

UNCERTAIN LEVANT. Tetartemorion (Circa 375-333 BC). 

Obv: Janiform head of Silenos on left, satyr on right, with a third face facing upward from the top.
Rev: Slinger in throwing stance right; E to left, monoskeles to right; all within linear border within incuse square.

Cf. CNG E-378, lot 236; cf. Triton IX, lot 1063.
Very rare    Condition: Near very fine.
Weight: 0.16 g.
Diameter: 7 mm.

Estimate: 50 EUR




Athenian Slinger, M. Shishko.jpg



THESSALY, Larissa Krémasté. Mid 4th century BC. Æ 17mm (4.09 g, 10h). Head of Achilles left / Thetis seated left on hippocamp, holding shield of Achilles with AX (=Achilles) monogram; uncertain symbol to left. Rogers 313-4 var. (symbol on rev.); Moustaka 152; SNG Copenhagen 151 var. (no symbol). VF, dark green-brown patina. Very rare.
Larissa Kremaste was believed to have formed part of the dominions of Achilles, and this coin honors the ancient king and his mother, Thetis.





EASTERN EUROPE, Geto-Dacians. AR Denarius (19mm, 4.46 g, 9h). Various obverse prototypes, reverse type of L. Titurius Sabinus. After 89 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right / Two soldiers fighting diminutive third figure. Davis A/II (website M26); cf. Crawford 344/2 (for rev.). Near VF, lightly toned, green encrustation on reverse. From the RBW Collection. Ex Phillip Davis Collection (Gemini IX, 8 January 2012), lot 620.The reverse derives from Titurius Sabinus’ famous “death of Tarpeia” type, but here the traitor of Rome is rendered as a smaller, half-length soldier who appears to be battling the two Sabine soldiers.




Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 400 Auction date: 28 June 2017
Lot number: 61

Lot description:

THESSALY, Kierion. Circa 350-325 BC. AR Obol (13mm, 0.83 g, 1h). Horse prancing right / KIEPIEI-ΩN, warrior advancing right, holding shield and sword. BCD Thessaly I 1074; BCD Thessaly II 104.3; HGC 4, 672. VF, toned, minor porosity.

From the BCD Collection.

Estimate: 75 USD




Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 400 Auction date: 28 June 2017
Lot number: 355

Price realized: To Be Posted
Lot description:

GAUL, Southern. Allobroges. Circa 61-43 BC. AR Quinarius (14mm, 1.96 g, 5h). Helmeted head of Athena right; [DVRNACOS to right] / Warrior, holding couched lance, on horseback right; [AVSCRO below]. Van der Wielen Type 5f; Depeyrot, NC I, 109; CCCBM II 266. VF, toned.

Estimate: 100 USD





Lucius Axius L.f. Naso. 70 BC. AR Denarius (3.81 g, 7h). Rome mint. Head of Mars right, wearing crested helmet with plumes; XVIII behind / Diana driving biga of stags right; behind, two dogs running right; below, dog running right. Crawford 400/1b; Sydenham 795; Axia 2. Near EF, toned. Exceptional for type. Rare.




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