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Le più belle rappresentazioni di guerrieri

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Inviato (modificato)

Dopo tanti eroi greci eccone uno che stava dalla parte dei troiani. E’ raffigurato su alcuni stateri emessi dal re della Licia Pericle e si tratta di Sarpedonte, antico re liciano che corse in aiuto dei troiani. Pericle non si limita a rendere omaggio al suo epico predecessore ma si paragona addirittura ad esso facendolo rappresentare con le sue stesse sembianze. Sarpedonte era figlio di Zeus e di Laodamia, figlia di Bellerofonte. Nel V canto dell’Iliade Sarpedonte rimprovera ad Ettore di partecipare troppo fiaccamente alla battaglia, lasciando la difesa della città completamente in mano agli alleati. Nel XII canto guida insieme a Glauco i lici nell’assalto al muro di protezione delle navi achee: entrambi vengono feriti ma riescono ad aprire una breccia nel muro. Più avanti combatte contro Tlepolemo, figlio di Eracle, e lo uccide rimanendo gravemente ferito. Quando Sarpedonte viene ucciso da Patroclo, Zeus ordina ad Apollo di recuperarne il corpo e di trasportarlo in Licia dove i suoi sudditi lo avrebbero seppellito da eroe.


Statere in argento (9,87 g) coniato da Pericle, re della Licia dal 380 al 360 a.C. circa. D: testa di Pericle con capelli e barba fluenti di tre quarti a sinistra. R.: All’interno di un quadrato incuso raffigurazione dell’eroe Sarpedonte che brandisce una spada difendendosi con lo scudo; in basso a destra il triscele, simbolo nazionale della Licia; alle spalle dell’eroe e sulla sua testa la legenda PERICLE scritta con caratteri dell’alfabeto liciano. Provenienza moneta: Gemini, LLC , asta V del 6/01/2009, lotto n. 138.


Modificato da King John
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Qui vi sono esemplari simili con il volto di Pericle in questa posizione




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Uno splendido cavaliere di Siracusa


Nomos AG > Auction 11

Lot number: 37

Price realized: 5,600 CHF   (Approx. 5,791 USD / 5,136 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:

Sicily, Syracuse. Hieron II, 275-215 BC. AE (Bronze, 29mm, 18.13 g 12). Diademed head of Hieron II to left; behind head, ram's head to right. Rev. ΙΕΡΩΝΟΣ Helmeted cavalryman riding horse prancing to right, holding couched lance with his right hand; below right, monogram of ΑΡ. CNS 193 (Ds15/R1.3) var. SNG ANS -. Apparently unpublished and very rare. Of exceptionally fine style and with a lovely green patina. Extremely fine. 

From an English collection.

This coin comes from a well-documented and extensive series of bronzes minted by Hieron II. However, the very high quality of the engraving makes it stand out from all the others and suggests that it is one of the prototypes for the entire issue. The ram's head and neck symbol on the obverse is quite exceptional too. 

Estimate: 7000 CHF



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Anche Bellerofonte indossa il petaso.


Item Sold At Auction #39
Lot Number: 64422
Estimate: $500.00
Final Sale Price: $639.10
Denomination: Trihemidrachm
Grade: VF
Reference: Warren p. 127, note 1 (same dies)
Corinth. Circa 4th-3rd Century BC. AR Trihemidrachm (3.99 gm). Bellerophon on Pegasos
flying right / Chimaera left; monogram, rattle, and L in exergue. Warren, "The
Trihemidrachms of Corinth," in Essays Robinson, p. 127, note 1 (same dies). VF.
Extremely Rare. Estimate $500. Online auction number 39 closed October 10, 2001.



  • Mi piace 1

Inviato (modificato)

Un particolare tipo di combattente: un bestiarius che affrontava le belve nell'arena. I bestiarii erano liberi cittadini auctorati: stringendo un patto (auctoramentum) col lanista , si subordinavano al suo potere ricavando una remunerazione in cambio dell'esibizione nell'arena.



ArtCoins Roma > Auction 19

Auction date: 11 November 2015

Lot number: 678

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction - 
Bid on this lot


Lot description:

Contorniate, Caracalla type, Rome, late IVth century AD; AE (g 22,98; mm 40; h 12); ANTONINVS - PIVS AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust of Caracalla r., Rv. The bestiarius, wearing cap and clothes of an archetypal Phrygian or Persian hero or deity [Men, Attis or Mithras ?], holding cylindrical circus prop with an axle placed on the ground line, in defence against a panther leaping to l. Alföldi 1976, 412, pls. 173.12, 174.1-2; A. and E. Alföldi, Die Kontorniat-Medallions, Teil 2, Text, 1990, p. 216, Rs 207-8; Sabatier pl. 3, 13 (obverse), pl. 9, 5 (reverse).
Extremely rare, only three specimens recorded by Alföldi, but all in inferior condition: 1) Milano, Museo Teatro della Scala, 2) Paris, BnF, Cabinet des Mèdailles and 3) London, British Museum. 
Fine dark patina, as struck, sharp Extremely Fine wit superb pronounce detail. A numismatic gem.

The reverse of this coin depicts a circus scene where a bestiarius (circus animal fighter) wearing a Phrygian hat and propping up a roller or protection gadget against an attacking panther. Another example of this device can be seen on the circus relief from Sofia.

The numismatic term contorniate derives from the Italian contorno, 'surround', and was invented to describe a class of coin-like medallions with an average diameter of about 40mm, usually struck in orichalcum with their rims surrounded by a solco di contorno 'surrounding furrow'. This, similar to earlier hammered up coins, gave them a rim for easy finger pick-up and may indicate that they were intended to be calculi (counters) for board games or souvenirs of a pagan nature. They were private productions of the late 4th and early 5th centuries, often cast and inlayed with symbols, and depict popular emperors from Augustus to Anthemius, historical and mythical events, poets, philosophers and many sports themes connected to the circus and amphitheatre, especially victorious horses and aurigae.


Modificato da King John

Inviato (modificato)

Altra incursione nel mondo romano.


Denario battuto da Caio Servilio probabilmente nel 53 a.C., che rappresenta al rovescio un duello tra l’antenato del monetario Marcus Servilius Pulex Geminus e un soldato macedone. Il soldato greco è riconoscibile dallo scudo con stella argeade che tiene con la mano sinistra


Modificato da King John


L'equipaggiamento completo di un legionario romano del III secolo d.C. raffigurato su questo denario di Alessandro Severo

ArtCoins Roma > Auction 19

Lot number: 700

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction

Lot description: Severus Alexander (222-235), Denarius, Rome, AD 231-235; AR (g 2,93; mm 20; h 6); IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r., Rv. MARS - VLTOR, Mars advancing r., holding spear and shield. RIC 246; C 161.

Cabinet tone, extremely fine.

Estimate: 80 EUR





Litra in bronzo (9,44 g) coniata a Messana (Sicilia) tra il 310 ed il 288 a.C.  D.: Testa della ninfa Peloria con corona d’orzo a sinistra; davanti ad essa due delfini; legenda PELORIAS. R: Feraimone che avanza nudo verso sinistra proteggendosi dietro ad un grande scudo rotondo ed impugnando la lancia; legenda: MESSANIWN., “(moneta) dei cittadini di Messana”. 

Classical Numismatic Group, asta Triton V del 15/01/2002, lotto n. 199



  • Sale: Triton VIII, Lot: 277. Closing Date: Jan 10, 2005. THESSALY, The Ainianes. Circa 400-344 BC. AR Triobol (2.64 gm, 5h). Sold For $850


THESSALY, The Ainianes. Circa 400-344 BC. AR Triobol (2.64 gm, 5h). Laureate head of Zeus left / Head of AINIAN-WN, warror (Phemios) preparing to throw javelin with his right hand, left hand holding shield and cloak, wearing sword. BMC

Thessaly pg. 10, 1; SNG Copenhagen 1; Dewing 1376 (same dies). Good VF, uneven toning, typical minor porosity. Rare. ($500)


All of the references note the object in the warrior's left hand as a petasos, but on this example a boss and grip are plainly visible. In the context of his stance, it must certainly be a shield.





Lot number: 155

Price realized: 3,250 CHF   (Approx. 3,514 USD / 3,097 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:

THESSALY, Ainianes. Hypata. Circa 80s-40s BC. Trihemidrachm (Silver, 22mm, 7.59 g 12), under the magistrate Leukidas, 1st century BC. Head of Athena to right wearing Attic helmet decorated with tendril, pegasus and four horse protomes. Rev. ΑΙΝΙΑΝΩΝ ΛΕΥΚΙΔΑ Phemios as a slinger, nude but for chlamys over his shoulder and sword in scabbard, shooting sling to right; behind, leaning against his right leg, two spears; to right, wheat ear on stalk. Callataÿ, Argent, p.129, 19 (this coin). Lovely dark toning. Good very fine. 

From the BCD Collection, Triton XV, 4 January 2012, 37, ex NFA XVI, 2 December 1985, 157, and from the collection of T. H. Prowe, Egger 40, 2 May 1912, 787.

Starting Price: CHF 3250





Sincona AG, Auction 10  27 May 2013


Nomos 344/340. Nude warrior on horseback to l., wearing helmet, holding spear and shield on l. arm; Δ below. Rev. Phalanthos riding dolphin to l., holding trident; below, K above waves. 7.90 g. Vlasto 443. Gulbenkian 28. Nice toning. Good very fine.





Locris, Locris Opunti. Triobol, circa 340-330 BC.
16mm., 2,09g.

Head of Persephone right, wearing wreath of grain ears, single-pendant earring, and pearl necklace / Ajax advancing right, nude but for crested Corinthian helmet, holding sword in right hand, shield decorated with coiled serpent on left arm; kantharos below.

BCD Lokris-Phokis 99; SNG Copenhagen 50.

The New York Sale   |   The New York Sale XXVII   |   4 January 2012    Lot 435

The Prospero Collection of Ancient Greek Coins. MYSIA. Kisthene, Satrap Orontes (c.357-352 B.C.), Silver Tetrobol, 2.53g,. Hoplite, naked but for a helmet, crouching to left behind his shield, holding his spear at the ready in his right hand. Rev. [OP]ON[T]A , forepart of a winged boar to right (H.A. Troxell, ‘Orontes, Satrap of Mysia’, SNR 60, 1981, 4; Babelon, Traité II, 2, 63, pl. LXXXVIII, 22 (attributed to Klazomenai); SNG France 1164A (attributed to Lampsakos)). Light roughness to surfaces, toned, about extremely fine and very rare. Ex Spink Numismatic Circular, Volume XCIX, Number 1, London, February 1991, 23 US$ 2,000 




 The New York Sale   |   The New York Sale XXVII   |   4 January 2012 


Estimate: 35'000 USD   |   Starting price: 28'000 USD

Price realized: 90'000 USD

The Prospero Collection of Ancient Greek Coins. MYSIA. Kyzikos (c.450-400 B.C.), Electrum Stater, 15.95g. Naked warrior, wearing a helmet and holding a weapon, kneeling to right behind the protection of his shield. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square, with granular surfaces (Von Fritze, Nomisma VII, 1912, 211, pl. VI, 23 (this coin); Jameson 2569 (this coin); Gulbenkian 670 (this obverse die)). Nearly very fine and of the very highest rarity, perhaps only the second known example, with an outstanding pedigree. This coin published in ‘Die Elektronprägung von Kyzikos’, H. von Fritze, Nomisma VII, 1912, p. 15, 211, illustrated on pl. VI; and in ‘Collection R. Jameson, Monnaies Grècques Antiques’ (Paris, 1913-1932), 2569, illustrated on pl. CXXXV. Ex Grand Duke Mikhailovitch Sale, Naville IV, Lucerne, 17 & 19 June 1922, lot 725 Ex Capt. E.G. Spencer-Churchill Sale, Ars Classica XIV, Lucerne, 2 July 1929, lot 333 Ex R. Jameson Collection, 2569 Ex Olga H. Knoepke Collection, Glendining’s in conjunction with A.H. Baldwin & Sons Ltd., London, 10 December 1986, lot 255 US$ 35,000 






Nomos 9, 21 0ctober 2014

MYSIA, Kyzikos. c. 500-450 BC. Stater (Electrum, 18mm, 15.93 g). Warrior, nude but for his helmet, kneeling to right examining an arrow held in his right hand and holding a bow with his left; behind, tunny fish swimming downwards. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. BMC 79-80. SNG France 263-264. Von Fritze 117. Very rare. A lightly toned piece with a finely engraved obverse. Minor flan crack, otherwise, nearly extremely fine. 

From a European private collection.

This elegant piece shows us a warrior kneeling and checking the true of his arrow before fitting it to his bow and shooting. His nudity implies that he is a hero rather than a normal warrior, though who he is can not be determined.




Gerhard Hirsch Nachfolger






Gerhard Hirsch Nachfolger


Beschreibung: GRIECHISCHE MÜNZEN, ITALIEN, KALABRIEN, TARENT. Didrachme. 235-228. Gepanzerter Krieger reitet r., auf der ausgestreckten Rechten Nike. Monogramm und Beamtenname. Rs: Delphinreiter mit Dreizack l., auf der vorgestereckten Rechten Nike. Monogramm. Vlasto -, vgl. 963 ff. 6.27g, Hohes Relief. Schöne Tönung. R fast St Bemerkung: Nike auf der Vs. außerhalb des Schrötlings. Auf der Rs. besteht das Monogramm aller bei Vlasto verzeichneten Exemplare aus N und E, das Monogramm auf dem vorliegenden Exemplar steht deutlich lesbar für ANE. Taxe: 1.500,00 €





Gerhard Hirsch Nachfolger


Los: 1729 Beschreibung: GRIECHISCHE MÜNZEN, GRIECHISCHES MUTTERLAND, THESSALIEN, PELINNA.Drachme. Spätes 5.-frühes 4. Jh. Thessalischer Reiter mit Petasos l. mit eingelegter Lanze. Rs: Thessalischer Krieger mit Petasos l., den Kopf umgewendet. In der Rechten hält er einen Speer, in der Linken den Schild und 2 Ersatzspeere. Am Gürtel Schwert in Scheide. Alles in Quadratum incusum. SNG COP. -. BCD Coll. I 1226. BCD Coll. II 510. 5.85g, Vs. Schürfspur. Rs. Graffito. RR gutes ss Taxe: 1.500,00 €






Lot 82


- Soloi 

Bronze, nach 241 v. Chr. Kopf des Poseidon mit Dreizack / Krieger mit Helm, Schild und Speer.
Calciati I,313,23 R ! 3,34 g grüne Patina, ss+



Inviato (modificato)

Disegno raffigurante un oplita greco con elmo attico.


Modificato da King John


Gerhard Hirsch Nachfolger   |   Auction 284   |   26 - 27 September 2012 

Lot 2170



MAMERTINI. Pentonkion. 220-200. Belorbeerter Areskopf l. Rs: Krieger steht l. mit Speer, hält Pferd am Zügel. SNG COP. 448. SNG München 699 f. Dunkle Patina. vz-ss




Numismatica Ars Classica > Auction 88

Auction date: 8 October 2015

Lot number: 449

Price realized: 6,500 CHF   (Approx. 6,692 USD / 5,957 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:

Auction 88 Part I 

Greek Coins 

Kingdom of Bactria, Sophites circa 315 – 294 

Drachm, Bactra circa 300, AR 3.65 g. Head of satrap r., wearing helmet with cheekpiece, three olive leaves over visor and spiral palmette on bowl. Rev. ΣΩΦYΤΟΥ Cockerel standing r.; behind, caduceus. Whitehead NC 1943, pp. 64, 1 and pl. III, 7 (these dies). Mitchiner type 29b. SNG ANS 21.

Very rare and in exceptional condition for the issue. Light

iridescent tone and extremely fine / good extremely fine

From a Swiss collection and privately purchased from Frank Kovacs in 2003.

"Sophytes" known to us through a good number of coins bearing his name in the genitive form: ΣÙΦYTOY, is one of the most enigmatic rulers of Central Asian history. The geographical situation of his kingdom, the definition of his chronology and the identification of the origin of his name caused much ink to flow since the publication of his first known coin by Alexander Cunningham in 1866. Since then these coins, certainly because of their excellent workmanship and the unusual name, aroused much curiosity among the numismatists and historians of Central Asia and India. Coins of Sophytos are very closely linked with two other series known as 'imitations of Athenian 'owls' and 'eagle series' found in the territories north of the Hindu Kush mountains. Bopearachchi believes that these coins were struck before Seleucus I's eastern expedition against Chandragupta which led to the treaty signed with the latter in 303 BC.



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Poco si sa della storia antica della Sila, si sa che i Romani sfruttavano a fondo le foreste con le societates picarii (società di commercio della pece), e che Cicerone cita nel 138 a.C. una causa tra boscaioli. Ma nessun altro popolo oltre i Brettii è citato come abitante del grande bosco.

Ora un nuovo prezioso documento, una moneta venuta alla luce in tempi recenti ci racconta la storia di un altro popolo guerriero che abitava la Sila nel 357 a.C., il popolo dei SILERAIOI, orgogliosi di scrivere sul rovescio della moneta anche il luogo da dove provenivano ovvero SILA, scritto chiaramente in caratteri greci.

Questa moneta fa parte di una serie di conii siciliani dell’epoca tirannica, in cui la città di Siracusa assoldava mercenari feroci da tutta Italia, come i Mamertinoi, i Tirrenoi, etc. Per pagare questi guerrieri, si coniavano monete con i loro nome etnico. Ma sino ad ora gli esemplari trovati delle monete dei Sileraioi erano tutti danneggiati ed il rovescio delle monete era con la iscrizione incompleta SI o SIL, per cui spesso gli studiosi avevano supposto la provenienza dei mercenari dalla zona del fiume Sele in Campania. Il ritrovamento di un esemplare completo cancella finalmente ogni dubbio, perché leggiamo le quattro lettere SILA chiaramente.

I Sileraioi erano i guerrieri provenienti dalla Sila. I guerrieri della foresta appaiono nelle monete di maniera siciliana ritratti nella posizione di “attacking warrior”, cioè guerriero che attacca, con il gonnellino corto, la lancia in resta e lo scudo di foggia italica, tondeggiante e con il braccio infilato dentro la fibbia. E sopra e sotto la lancia la scritta in greco SILA. Il dritto reca la scritta Sileraioi con il simbolo del toro con la testa umana, che rappresenta in genere il mito della potenza di un fiume, di un corso d’acqua, come in moltissime altre monete greche dello stesso periodo.





Artemide Aste - Asta XXXIV


Lot 2 Mondo Greco. Italia Greca. Umbria, Ariminum. Obolo o quartuncia, 268-240. D/ Testa di Vulcano con pileo laureato a sinistra. R/ Guerriero gallico, armato di lancia, scudo ovale e parazonium, avanza a sinistra. In esergo: ARIMN. Garr. LXXXII,26. SNG ANS 101. Campana 7. AE. g. 5.53 mm. 20.50 RR. BB. Molto raro e di qualità eccellente per il tipo, con etnico di nitidezza eccezionale. Perfettamente centrato su grande flan. Patina cuoio.




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