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Le più belle rappresentazioni di guerrieri

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queste rare silique di Maggioriano provengono perlopiù dall'odierna Francia.

pare siano state coniate da quello che è considerato l'ultimo scampolo di impero romano d'occidente, il dominio di Soisson .... Dove pare che si usasse il termine rex romanorum per circa un decennio dopo la deposizione di Romolo Augusto.

pezzo da sogno!

  • Mi piace 1


OSTROGOTHS. Athalaric. 526-534 AD. Æ 10 Nummi (2.57 gm). Rome mint.
Estimate $300
OSTROGOTHS. Athalaric. 526-534 AD. Æ 10 Nummi (2.57 gm). Rome mint. Helmeted, draped, and cuirassed bust of Roma right / DN ATAL ARICVS, S C across field, Athalaric standing facing, head right, holding spear and shield; X (denomination) to left. Metlich 85a; MIB I 77; cf. MEC 1, 132. Good VF, brown and green patina. ($300)
From the Garth R. Drewry Collection.




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Inviato (modificato)

"Monetina" di Teodato venduta a "soli" 7.000 dollari....

Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

Auction Lot Date Estimate Hammer
Triton X 873 (« | ») 9. Jan. 2007 - 7'000 USD

OSTROGOTHS. Theodahad. 534-536. Æ 40 Nummi–Follis (8.84 g, 7h). Rome mint. D N THEO DAHATVS REX, moustached and mantled bust right, wearing ornate Spangenhelm; pectoral cross with expanding arms / VICTORIA PRINCIPVM, S C across field, Victory standing right on prow of galley, holding palm frond in left hand across left shoulder and wreath in extended right hand. COI 89b (O-B1/R-L3); MIB I 81; MEC 1, 141; BMC Vandals 23; Arslan 159-61; Demo -. EF, red-brown patina, a hint of smoothing on obverse. Exceptionally well-preserved for issue. Rare.
Ex Auctiones 25 (19 June 1995), lot 1044.
Theodahad inherited the Gothic kingdom after the death of Athalaric, the immediate successor of Theodoric the Great (471-526), who had increased the small Gothic tribal lands in Pannonia to encompass an empire stretching all the way to Spain. Theodahad had not intended to inherit the kingdom, instead being content ruling over a fief that extended over much of Etruria, and indulging in a love for the arts and learning of the fading Classical world. But Amalasuntha, Theodoric's daughter and the senior member of the dynasty, was unable to rule in her own right and required her cousin at her side. It was a poor choice. In the succinct words of Warwick Wroth, Theodahad proved to be "vacillating, cowardly and avaricious." And ungrateful - in 535 he ordered Amalasuntha arrested and sent into exile. The queen had protected Byzantine rights in Italy, and her deposition provided Justinian with the perfect pretext for undertaking the re-conquest of the peninsula. Theodahad frantically tried to appease the emperor, offering fulsome apologies for his conduct, and promising to cede authority over Italy to Constantinople. This only served to aggravate the Ostrogothic nobles, who promptly elected Witigis as the new king. Theodahad was murdered in December 536 while trying to reach refuge in Ravenna.
Estimate: $5000





Modificato da King John


Republikanische Prägungen
A. Postumius Albinus.
No: 1184 Schätzpreis/Estimation DM 450,-
Denar 96 v. Chr., zur Erinnerung an die Schlacht am Regillus-See im Jahre 496 v. Chr. und an die Heldentaten seines Vorfahren A. Postumius Albinus Regillensis. Büste der Diana / 3 Krieger zu Pferd, darunter gefallener Krieger. Cr. 335, 9; Syd. 613a. 3,98 g.





Ancients Roman Imperial
Julius Nepos, Western Roman Emperor (AD 475-476). AR half-siliqua (11mm, 0.96 gm, 7h). Ravenna. [D] N IVL NE-POS P F A[VG], diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from the front / Turreted Ravenna standing left, right foot on prow, holding scepter and cornucopia; R-[V] across field. RIC 3216 (R4). RSC 15a. Extremely rare-- one of fewer than five known silver coins of Julius Nepos! Toned. NGC (Photo Certificate)  XF. Ex
 Gemini IX (9 January 2012), lot 527. The last "legitimate" Roman emperor of the West, Julius Nepos was the nephew of the patrician Marcellinus, virtual ruler of Dalmatia in the fragmented West Roman Empire of the later fifth century AD. He also had close ties with the East Roman Emperor Leo (AD 457-474). When the Western Roman throne became vacant in AD 473, the Master of Soldiers Gundobad raised a minor nobleman named Glycerius to the purple. Leo decided the affront could not be tolerated and appointed Nepos in his stead.  Glycerius relinquished the throne and was packed off to Dalmatia to serve as bishop of Salonae, while Nepos took charge of the state and tried to arrest the Western Empire's terminal decline. The Roman people initially supported Nepos (the poet Sidonius even praises him as a "true emperor in character no less than prowess"), but lost enthusiasm when his ambitious plans came to nothing. In the summer of AD 474, his master of soldiers Orestes rebelled and led an army to Ravenna. His support having evaporated, Nepos took ship for his homeland of Dalmatia on August 28, AD 475. Orestes had his young son Romulus Augustus acclaimed emperor, but he "reigned" as a compliant figurehead for only 10 months before being deposed by the warlord Odovacer in mid AD 476. Meanwhile, Nepos continued to claim the title Emperor of the West from exile and petitioned the new eastern Emperor Zeno for assistance. But Zeno had no soldiers to spare and tacitly accepted the status quo. Nepos was still plotting his return to power when he was murdered in AD 480 by agents of Glycerius, the man he had deposed six years earlier.



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Inviato (modificato)

Heraclius, 610 - 641 n. Chr. Solidus 619 - 620 n. Chr. Jerusalem(?). 4.49 g. Vs.: dd NN hERACLIVS ET hERA CONST PP AV, verschieden große, frontale u. drapierte Büsten von Heraclius (bärtig) u. Heraclius Constantinus (bartlos) mit breiten Kronen, darüber Kreuz, unter den Büsten Abschnittslinie. Rs.: VICTORIA AVGV H (sic!) / CONOB, Stufenkreuz, r. im Feld I (sic!). DOC - (vgl. 187: Alexandria); MIB - (vgl. 77: Zypern); Sear - (vgl. 851: Jerusalem). Mit diesen Beizeichen unpubliziert! RRR! st Ein ähnliches Stück bei Künker 89, 2004, 2870. Die Zuweisung an Jerusalem bezieht sich auf einen noch nicht edierten Aufsatz von S. Bendall und M.F. Hendy ("Bonosus, Comes Orientis, and the Mints of Antioch and Jerusalem under Phocas and Heraclius").




Modificato da King John


Husam al-Din Yuluk Arslan, AH 580 - 597 (1184-1201) 
 S. S. 36; Mitch. 1042 ff. 12,54 g schwarzbraune Patina, ss
Dirhem. Krieger im Schneidersitz hält Schwert und abgeschlagenes Haupt / Schrift.





VISIGOTHIC KINGDOM. In the name of Justin II (565-578). Gold tremissis (1.41 gm). Under Athanagild, Liuva I, or Leovigild, Narbonne or Arles. C VIΛV—ΛNI VC (initial C and N reversed), diademed, draped bust right, cross on robe / VTV—IIΛIV, Victory striding right in profile, holding crown upward and shouldering palm, COIIO in exergue. Cf. Tomasini 430, MEC 203-205. Good extremely fine 
Estimated Value: $ 2,000






Bronze nach 241 v. Chr. Kopf des Poseidon / Nackter Krieger. Calciati I, S. 313, Em. 23 5.39 g.; Braungrüne Patina Selten Vorzüglich/Sehr schön
Sizilien Solous







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  • Mi piace 1


Una rappresentazione di fantasia della scena al rovescio della moneta del post precedente. 



Inviato (modificato)

EDUENS (BIBRACTE, région du Mont-Beuvray)(IIe - Ier siècles avant J.-C.) Denier LITAVICOS N° v15_0501   
Date : c. 70-50 AC.
Métal : argent
Diamètre : 14mm
Axe des coins : 8h.
Poids : 1,51g.
Degré de rareté : R1
Etat de conservation : TTB+ Prix de départ : 165 €  Estimation : 320 €   
Prix réalisé : 225 €  Nombres d'offres : 2   Offre maximum : 304 €   
Commentaires sur l'état de conservation : Exemplaire légèrement décentré au droit.
Très beau revers avec légende complète. Traces d’écrouissage du métal sur le revers. N° dans les ouvrages de référence : LT.5075  - BN.5057-5079  - ABT.15, 45-46  - RIG.194 cf. 105 - Sch/L.343-345
Titulature avers : Anépigraphe.
Description avers : Tête de femme drapé à droite ; lis ou carquois derrière l’épaule ; (sceptre devant le visage).

Titulature revers : LIT-AV-ICOS, S rétrograde.
Description revers : Cavalier à droite, portant dans les mains une enseigne surmontée d’un sanglier, légende autour.

Commentaire à propos de cet exemplaire : Ce type de denier est un exemple remarquable de “dislocation épigraphique” selon B. Fischer.
Commentaires : Litavicus est un chef gaulois des Eduens de la région de Chalons (César, BG. VII, 37-40, 42, 43, 54-55 ,67) qui est d'abord favorable aux Romains. Allié à Convictolitave, autre chef éduen, il commande une armée de 10.000 hommes, destinés à César et qui, en fait, doivent secourir Vercingétorix, enfermé dans Gergovie. Trahi par Eporédorix, il s'enfuit, réapparaît à Bibracte et sera, ainsi que ses frères, dépouillé de ses possessions.
Après 52 avant J.-C., Litavicus tomba en disgrâce. Le type de droit est inspiré du denier de Marcus Plaetorius daté de 69 avant J.-C. (RRC. 405/3 = RCV. 342). Le graveur gaulois a habilement copié le buste de Cérès. Il a été jusqu'à reproduire le symbole placé derrière la tête. La frappe de ce denier est antérieure à 52 car 12 exemplaires ont été trouvés à Alésia. S. Scheers remarque que ce denier est représenté dans les trésors enfouis après la Guerre des Gaules comme ceux de Vernon (Vienne) ou de Chantenay-Saint-Imbert (Nièvre) et de La Villeneuve-au-Roi (Haute-Marne).
Historique : Les Eduens (Aedui ), qui pourrait se traduire par les 'Ardents', étaient certainement, après les Arvernes, le peuple le plus important de la Gaule. Leur territoire s'étendait entre Seine, Loire et Saône sur les départements actuels de la Saône-et-Loire, la Nièvre, une partie de la Côte-d'Or et de l'Allier. Ils occupaient une position stratégique sur la ligne de séparation des eaux entre la Méditerranée, l'Atlantique et la Manche. Les Eduens, perpétuels rivaux des Arvernes, les avaient remplacés après la fin de l'empire arverne et la défaite de 121 avant J.-C. Alliés fidèles des Romains dès le début de la deuxième guerre Punique, lors du passage d'Hannibal en Gaule en 218 avant J.-C., c'est grâce à leur alliance que Domitius Ahenobarbus aurait pu justifier son intervention contre les Allobroges en 121 avant J.-C. Ils ne furent pas étrangers à l'intervention romaine en Gaule et au déclenchement de la Guerre. En 58 avant J.-C., les Eduens firent appel à César pour les protéger contre l'invasion suève d'Arioviste qui menaçait leur territoire puis de nouveau pour contenir la poussée helvète. Si le vergobret Liscus, magistrat principal des Eduens, resta fidèle à l'alliance romaine, une partie de l'oligarchie éduenne rallia le camp gaulois avec Dumnorix et Divitiacos. Les Eduens restèrent fidèles à l'alliance romaine pendant la Guerre bien que César ait estimé à trente cinq mille hommes les Eduens qui participèrent à la coalition gauloise.
César ne leur en tint pas rigueur et ils reçurent directement la citoyenneté parce qu'ils étaient considérés comme 'frères consanguins des Romains'. Leur oppidum était Bibracte (le Mont-Beuvray), mais ils l'abandonnèrent en 15 avant J.-C. pour aller fonder Augustodunum (Autun). César (BG. I, 10, 33 ; VII, 32, 33) ; Strabon (G. IV, 3). Kruta : 21, 46, 69-70, 187, 251, 348-349, 351, 359, 362, 364-365.




Modificato da King John

Inviato (modificato)

Costantius II 337-361
Solidus, Sirmium, 355, AU 4.44g.
Avers : FL IVL CONSTANTIVS PERP AVG Buste diadémé, casqué et cuirassé de Constance II auguste de face, tenant de la main droite la haste qui repose sur l’épaule et de la gauche, un bouclier orné d’un cavalier chargeant à droite.
Revers : GLORIA REI PVBLICAE / SIRM Rome et Constantinople assises de face
sur une banquette, tenant ensemble un bouclier
sur lequel on lit : VOT/ XXXV /MVLT/ XXXX en quatre lignes.
Ref : C 123, RIC 56, Sear 17764
Conservation : SUP/FDC. Exemplaire exceptionnel. Rare



Modificato da King John

Inviato (modificato)

Roman Coins
Roman Coins
Estimate: CHF 950.00
Titus, 79-81. Denarius (Silver, 3.48 g 6), c. 24 June-1 July 79. IMP T CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG Laureate head of Titus to right. Rev. TR POT VIII COS VII Male captive, with his hands bound behind his back, kneeling right before military trophy. BMC 1. BN -. C. 334. RIC 1 = II.1, 1. Rare. Nicely struck on a broad flan. About extremely fine.
Acquired from H.J. Berk, MBS 2005, 233 ($1500). There has long been some dispute over the identity of the captive on the reverse of this coin: some see him as a Celtic fighter captured during Agricola´s successful campaigns in Britain, while others see him as a commemoration of the great Flavian victory in the Jewish War, which effectively ended in 70.



Modificato da King John


Estimate: EUR 40
Obol (0,96 g), Norikum . Av.: Kopf links. Rv.: Krieger (Athena) rechts. leicht korrodiert R f.s.sch.
Spanien - Böhmen (Biatec)






Theodosius II. AD 402-450. AV Solidus (20mm, 4.10 g, 6h). Constantinople mint, 1st officina. Struck AD 441. Pearl-diademed, helmeted, and cuirassed bust facing slightly right, holding spear and shield / Helmeted warrior advancing right, head left, dragging captive and carrying trophy over shoulder; star to right; A//CONOB. RIC X 284; Depeyrot 83/1. Good VF, toned, some marks, slightly wavy flan, minor deposits.
From the Bramhall Collection. Ex Robert Bridge Collection (with his ticket).
Robert Bridge (1904-1997) was a gifted linguist – fluent in German, Italian, and French – who found application for his talents in Britain’s secret intelligence service. He spent WWII in military intelligence and after the war became Berlin station chief for MI6. Among his more interesting assignments can be mentioned his interrogation of the infamous Gestapo chief of Rome, Herbert Kappler, who was captured by the British while unsuccessfully trying to seek refuge in the Vatican. Berlin in the immediate postwar period was a focal point for espionage, and in much later years Bridge would privately describe experiences that seem straight out of John le Carré – the secret station office entered through what appeared to be an ordinary shop, late night meetings in a cemetery with an eastern source, and his abiding anger toward one of the “Cambridge Spies” with whom he had worked and whom he blamed for many deaths.

Bridge was also one of the most prominent 20th century English collectors of Byzantine coins, and began collecting in earnest around the 1960s. Many coins from his collection are cited in MIB 1 and 2, and 18 of his coins are illustrated on the plates. In 1990, he donated to the British Museum 274 Byzantine coins previously unrepresented in the national collection (including a solidus of the revolt of Heraclius). Much of his remaining collection was sold in a 1990 Glendining’s sale (catalogued by Baldwin’s), Byzantine Coins from the R.N. Bridge Collection.


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Inviato (modificato)

Ostrogothic. Athalaric. 526-534 AD. 10 Nummi, 2.73g. (h). Rome. Obv: INVIC - TΛ ROMΛ Helmeted bust of Roma right. Rx: D N ΛTHΛL - ΛRIC[VS] Athalaric standing holding spear and shield, S - C and X in field. MEC 132. MIB I, pl. 40, 77. Metlich 85a. Ranieri -. Wroth, BMC Vandals, p. 70, 69, pl. VIII, 24. EF.


Illustrazione: Un cavaliere ostrogoto ha ucciso un soldato romano, dietro di loro un cavaliere unno.


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Modificato da King John


Un patrizio romano del Tardo Impero che osserva il campo circondato dai suoi buccellarii (uomini della sua milizia privata).

Un patrizio romano osserva il campo circondato dai suoi buccellari..jpg



Justa Gratia Honoria, sister of Valentinian III (Augusta, AD 425-450). AV solidus (21mm, 4.45 gm, 12h).  Ravenna, AD 439. D N IVST GRAT HO-NORIA P F AVG, pearl-diademed and draped bust of Honoria right, wearing pearl necklace and drop earring, cross on shoulder, hand of God reaching down from above with wreath to crown her / BONO REI ✱ PVBLICAE, Victory standing left, holding jeweled long cross, R - V in fields; COMOB in exergue. RIC X, 2022. Depeyrot 15/1. Extremely rare. Well struck, with pleasing surfaces and a detailed portrait. NGC (photo-certificate) AU 5/5 - 3/5. From The Andre Constantine Dimitriadis Collection. Ex Stack's (New York, 12 January 2009), lot 3027; New York Sale IV (7 January 2002), lot 414.  Justa Gratia Honoria's career was nearly as colorful as that of her mother, Galla Placidia, though certainly not in a constructive sense. A typically hot-blooded Theodosian empress, Honoria grew restless in her brother's court and sought solace in indiscreet affairs with servants and courtiers. Placidia sought to curb Honoria's activities by marrying her off to an old, respectable senator. Honoria rebeled by sending her signet ring to a man she regarded as a more exciting suitor, Attila the Hun, who took it as a proposal for marriage, demanded half the Western Empire as a dowry, and launched a massive invasion of Gaul to claim his prize.

Onoria, sorella di Valentiniano III, nella primavera del 450 aveva inviato al re degli Unni una richiesta d'aiuto, insieme al proprio anello, perché voleva sottrarsi all'obbligo di fidanzamento con un senatore: la sua non era una proposta di matrimonio, ma Attila interpretò il messaggio in questo senso, ed accettò pretendendo in dote metà dell'Impero d'Occidente. Quando Valentiniano scoprì l'intrigo, fu solo l'intervento della madre Galla Placidia  a convincerlo a mandare in esilio, piuttosto che ad uccidere Onoria, e ad inviare un messaggio ad Attila, in cui disconosceva assolutamente la legittimità della presunta proposta matrimoniale. Attila, per nulla persuaso, inviò un'ambasciata a Ravenna per affermare che Onoria non aveva alcuna colpa, che la proposta era valida dal punto di vista legale e che sarebbe venuto per esigere ciò che era un suo diritto.

Illustrazione: un cavaliere romano affronta un guerriero unno disarcionato.


Un cavaliere romano affronta un guerriero unno disarcionato..jpg


Inviato (modificato)

Roman Imperial Coinage - Constantius II (324-361) - AE2 (Antioch 351-354, 4.91 gm.) - Diademed and draped bust right / FEL TEMP REPARATIO Falling horseman (RIC 132 / LRBC 2623) - XF



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Modificato da King John


PHRYGIA, Synnada. Gallienus
Estimate $1500
PHRYGIA, Synnada. Gallienus. 253-268 AD. Æ 33mm (15.21 gm). AUT KAI P LIK GALLHNOC, C-EB across field; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / CUN-NA-DE-WN, hunt scene in the amphitheatre: centre, lion chasing stag; below, bestiarius attacking boar with spear; above, usarius and performing bear. SNG von Aulock 3997 = BMC Phrygia 66 = Casson-Price,Studies B.L. Trell, pg. 70, fig. 1 (same dies); SNG Lewis 1560 (same dies); J. Nolle, "Kaiserliche Privilegien für Gladiatorenmunera und Tierhetzen: Unbekannte und ungedeutete Zeugnisse auf städtischen Münzen des griechischen Ostens," JNG 42/43 (1992/1993), pg. 51, 2b = Sternberg XI, 322 (same dies); E.S.G. Robinson, "Coins from Lycia and Pamphylia," JHS 34 (1914), pg. 37, 24 (not plated). EF, black patina. Extremely rare, one of five known. ($1500) See Sternberg Auktion XI (20-21 November 1981) for a comparable example (the current offering is perhaps slightly better centered) that sold for CHF 4100.
Synnada received extraordinarily abundant donations for the organization of its gladiatorial games and hunts of wild beasts, and therefore sometimes depicts gladiatorial munera on its coinage. The larger and more impressive these spectator events, the more they met with imperial approval, which, of course, improved the reputation of the city.





The Roman Empire
Hadrian augustus, 117 – 138
Sestertius circa 119-121, Æ 21.94 g. IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVG P M TR P COS III Laureate bust r. with drapery on far shoulder. Rev. [RELIQVA VETERA H S] NOVIES MI – LL ABOLITA Lictor standing l., holding fasces in l. hand and firing with r. a heap of papers on l.; before him, three citizens. C 1211 var. (no drapery). BMC 1208. RIC 591 var. (no drapery). Extremely rare and an issue of great fascination and historical interest. A realistic portrait and a lovely green patina, flan crack at nine o’clock on reverse and reverse slightly off-centre, otherwise extremely fine Upon the death of Trajan in 117, power formally transferred to his alleged heir Hadrian, who was then governing Syria. In his new capacity Hadrian wintered in Asia Minor, and early in 118 marched westward to settle affairs along the Danube. He eventually arrived in Rome in July – nearly a year after he had been hailed emperor. Upon entering the Eternal City he bolstered his popularity by making a donative to the people, making grants to the poor children of Italy and by holding a triumph in honour of Trajan. He also cancelled debts and burned promissory notes in a general amnesty for tax arrears. This last act is celebrated on this rare and historical sestertius. The reverse shows Hadrian, or a lictor applying a torch to a heap of papers symbolic of the debts being cancelled. This rather elaborate version of this coin type shows three citizens with their arms outstretched in joy and gratitude. These documents (syngrafi) were burned in Trajan’s Forum, where Hadrian erected a monument that bore the inscription ”the first of all pincipes and the only one who, by remitting nine hundred million sesterces owed to the fiscus , provided security not merely for his present citizens but also for their descendants by this generosity”. The reverse inscription on this sestertius, RELIQVA VETERA HS NOVIES MILL ABOLITA, is of exceptional interest. It quite literally translates to ”nine times a hundred thousand sestertii of outstanding debts cancelled”. HS is a standard abbreviation for sestertii in Roman inscriptions, and, depending upon how it is referenced, it can refer to a single sestertius, a unit of one thousand sestertii, or a unit of one hundred thousand sestertii. In this case novies is an adverb meaning ‘nine times’, and thus it applies to the sestertius as a unit of one thousand sestertii. Some have logically suggested that in the context of this inscription the HS would have been an adjective with the thousand, or mille, being understood in terms of empire-wide taxes. If so, it would increase the named figure to ‘nine times a hundred thousand units of one thousand sestertii’, thus equating it to the figure of 900 million sestertii that is named on the monument inscription. In any case, this is a remarkable instance of the denomination of the sestertius being named on a Roman coin – especially since the coin is of that very denomination. The 19th Century historian S. W. Smith artfully describes this important coin type as ”…one of the most remarkable monuments of imperial munificence that can be found within the recording province of numismatic art.”




Inviato (modificato)

KOINON DER MAKEDONEN. AE-28 mm. Zeit des Severus Alexander. Alexanderkopf mit Löwenfell r. Rs: Krieger steht frontal mit Speer und Parazonium, Kopf r. AMNG 431a. Grüne Patina. ss




Modificato da King John

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