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Ionia, Achaemenid Period AR Tetrobol. Spithridates, Satrap of Lydia and Ionia, under Darius III. 335-334 BC. Head of satrap left, wearing Persian headdress / Forepart of Pegasos right, ΣΠI - ΘPI behind and below. BMC 18. Traité II 2, pl. LXXXIX, 1-3. L. Mildenberg, Vestigia Leonis, p. 9, pl. III, 26. W. Wroth, NC (1900), pp. 289-90, no. 23. H.A. Cahn, Revue des etudes anciennes 91 (1989), pp. 97-105. C. Harrison in: Oikistes. Studies in Honor of A.J. Graham (Leiden, 2002), pp. 301-319. J. Bodzek, Israel Numismatic Review 3 (2008), pp. 4-6. 3.04g, 15mm, 7h. 
Good Very Fine. Extremely rare portrait of the satrap Spithridates.



  • Mi piace 1


IONIA, Phokaia. Circa 521-478 BC. EL Hekte – Sixth Stater (10mm, 2.56 g). Helmeted head left; below, small seal left / Quadripartite incuse square. Bodenstedt Em. 30. VF, minor flan crack.





MACEDON, Koinon of Macedon. Pseudo-autonomous issue. Time of Severus Alexander, AD 222-235. Æ (26mm, 14.68 g, 1h). Diademed head of Alexander the Great right / Alexander, holding spear, on Bucephalas galloping right. Cf. AMNG III 511; SNG Copenhagen 1355 var. (distribution of legends). Good VF, dark brown portrait. Fine style head of Alexander. 



Alexander the Great inspecting Darius III's body.jpg



The Corinthian helmet on this coin draws attention to the ancestry of the Kamarinans. Kamarina was founded by settlers from Syracuse in 598 B.C, but Syracuse itself was founded 734/3 B.C. by colonists from Corinth and Tenea.
AR Didrachm. Corinthian helmet left, superimposed on a circular shield with convex surface and flat rim. Rv. Dwarf palm tree with three branches of fan-shaped leaves, each branch marked with protruding spines; to left of central branch, small group of fruits; flanking tree, a pair of greaves. 7.69 grams. Westermark & Jenkins 3 (O2/R3). SNG ANS 1202. SNG Lloyd 872. SNG Ashmolean 1696 = SNG Spencer-Churchill 35. SNG Lockett 721 = Giesecke pl. VII, 1. BMFA 258 = Warren 205. Jameson 521. Extremely rare - only one other specimen from these dies recorded by Westermark and Jenkins. Darkly toned. Nearly Extremely Fine. (10,000-15,000)
SICILY. Kamarina. Ca. 492-485 B.C.






Atrebates & Regni. Tincommius, c. 30-10 BC. Stater (Gold, 17mm, 5.36 g 7). TINC on sunken tablet. Rev. C F Warrior (king?) on horseback to right, thrusting spear to right. ABC 1058. BMC 766. S 75. Van Arsdell 375. A lovely example. Reverse struck from a slightly worn die, otherwise, good very fine.

From a Swiss collection, ex SKA Monetarium FPL 56, Autumn 1991, 3. 





The Roman Empire
Trajan, 98 – 117
Sestertius 103-111, Æ 26.26 g. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P Laureate bust r., with drapery on far shoulder. Rev. S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI The single-span bridge on the Danube with tower at each end; beneath, a boat. C 542 var. (no drapery). BMC 847. RIC 569. CBN 315. 
Lovely brown-green patina and extremely fine
Ex NAC sale 23, 2002, 1537. From the Luc Girard collection.
The identity of the bridge depicted on the aes of Trajan has long been a subject of debate. It is often called – at least colloquially – the 'Danube Bridge' as a reflection of the effort by the Romans to span the Danube at Drobeta in Romania during their campaign against the Dacians. If the single-span, stone bridge on this sestertius is meant to represent the one over the Danube, it is merely symbolic, for one that Trajan built had perhaps twenty arches and was made of wood.
Military pontoon bridges are well represented in surviving works of art, including on columns erected by Trajan and Marcus Aurelius, and on coins of Marcus Aurelius and Caracalla, all of which show utilitarian structures and the boats that supported them. The bridge on Trajan's aes appears to be distinctly urban and civilian in purpose, being decorated at the ends with tower entries and fitted with a roof over the span. Furthermore, the representations of pontoon bridges all show them as soldiers are crossing.
A bridge similar to Trajan's appears on coins of Septimius Severus, and it, too, defies precise identification. Indeed, it is possible – even likely – that both are symbolic, with Trajan's representing his bridge over the Danube and Severus' being an allusion to crossings in the war the Severans waged against the Caledonians




Inviato (modificato)

Il catafratto (in latinocataphractus; in greco: κατάφρακτος, kataphraktos, plurale κατάφρακτοι, kataphraktoi, composto di κατά "fino in fondo" e φρακτός "coperto, protetto", a sua volta da φράσσω "coprire, proteggere") era un cavaliere della cavalleria sasanide, di quella dei Parti, di quella tardo-romana o dell'esercito bizantino (ma anche di altri eserciti) che era interamente coperto da un'armatura di ferro che lo proteggeva in battaglia. Al pari armato e dotato di corazza con lamine di ferro era il suo cavallo. Erano dunque cavalieri equipaggiati con armamento pesante che combattevano armati di lancia.


Modificato da King John



C. Numonius Vaala. 41 BC. AR Denarius (3.81 gm).
Estimate $5000 
C. Numonius Vaala. 41 BC. AR Denarius (3.81 gm). Bare head of Numonius Vaala right; C. NVMONIVS right, VAALA left / Warrior standing left, holding spear and shield, attacking a vallum defended by two soldiers; VAALA in exergue. Crawford 514/2; CRI 322; Sydenham 1087; Numonia 2. Lightly toned EF, partial flat strike. Exceptional portrait. Very Rare issue. (See color enlargement on plate 11.) ($5000)
As with many of the moneyers' types of the late 1st century BC, C. Numonius Vaala's reverse type refers to an historic event in his family's past. We cannot know which specific ancestor is referred to, but the scene depicts military action that brought a specific honor to the soldier involved. During the siege of a city or an enemy camp, the first soldier to breach the walls was awarded the corona vallaris, or "wall crown". The cognomen Vaala became an hereditary title among the Numonii, to be displayed proudly by the first member of the family to achieve the office of moneyer.




Inviato (modificato)

Nel corso dell'ultimo anno di campagna in Dacia, da parte dell'imperatore Traiano, il re dace Decebalo, attaccato da due fronti come rappresentato anche sulla Colonna Traiana forse dal versante delle "Porte di ferro" e da quello del passo della Torre Rossa), oppose una resistenza così disperata che i Romani lasciarono sul campo numerosi morti e feriti, vittime della feroce combattività dei Daci. Alla fine, dopo un lungo e sanguinoso assedio, anche  Semizegetusa Regia capitolò sotto i colpi degli eserciti romani riunitisi verso la fine dell'estate di quell'anno. Le fasi salienti di questo assedio sono rappresentate anch'esse sulla Colonna Traiana, nella quale viene raffigurato anche il suicidio finale che i capi daci si inflissero per evitare di essere fatti prigionieri dai Romani. Caddero infine, una dopo l'altra, tutte le rocche fortificate nella zona di Orastie. Nel corso di queste campagne furono utilizzate, oltre alle solite macchine d'assedio, anche numerose testuggini rostrate, carrobaliste e cheiroballistre, come vengono rappresentate sulla Colonna stessa.



Modificato da King John

Inviato (modificato)

Mysia. Kyzikos. Stater (EL, 16.016g), 5th century BC. Fritze 81. Very rare. Lightly toned. Well centered. None in CoinArchives. About extremely fine.

IMMAGINE: l'assedio di Sparta del 272 a.C. condotto da Pirro, re dell'Epiro, nel corso della guerra contro Antigono II Gonata, re di Macedonia.




Modificato da King John


No.: 364
Estimate: £ 300
Soli c.430-386 BC, Stater 10.72g, naked archer kneeling left, on left knee, pointed cap, looking along arrow, bow-case with bow and arrows at his side, rev SO, stalk and bunch of grapes, border of dots in shallow incuse square (BMC 1 var, pl.xxv, 1). Very fine.


Presso le popolazioni preelleniche dell'Egeo, l'arco era in grande onore come presso gli Egiziani e gli Orientali, e la tradizione arciera di Creta risale ai tempi minoici. Alcuni episodî e le figure di parecchi importanti eroi, greci e troiani, che combattono come arcieri nell'epopea omerica, mostrano l'alta considerazione in cui l'arco era tenuto nei tempi ai quali risalgono gli elementi più antichi della leggenda epica. Con la venuta dei Dori, popolo di lancieri, l'arco decade come arma da guerra; i Dori lo disprezzano e questo disprezzo si riflette nell'Iliade. L'arco rimane in uso come arma da caccia, e come arma da guerra solo in alcune regioni, come l'Attica. D'ora innanzi le lotte fra Greci e Orientali sono lotte fra l'asta dorica e l'arco asiatico. L'arco tornò in uso presso le città greche del Ponto, costrette a lottare contro gli arcieri sciti e traci, e presso le colonie occidentali, che dovevano lottare con gli arcieri italici, etruschi e cartaginesi: nell'esercito che Gelone offriva d'inviare contro i Persiani, erano compresi 2000 arcieri, che si distinsero ad Imera.

In Italia la testimonianza dei monumenti ci mostra che l'arco fu una delle armi principali degli Umbri, dei Lucani, dei Sardi, e degli Etruschi. Ma fino al tempo della seconda guerra punica la tradizione non conosce arcieri negli eserciti romani; Livio ricorda all'anno 217 (XXII, 37, 7) gli arcieri inviati da Gerone in aiuto ai Romani, al 214 (XXIV, 34, 5) gli arcieri sulle navi di Marcello all'assedio di Siracusa, e poi all'anno 207 (XXVII, 38) gli arcieri dell'esercito di Sicilia. Per i reparti di arcieri, i Romani ricorsero sempre ai soci, e troviamo nei loro eserciti arcieri cretesi, siriaci, iturei, ecc. Nell'epoca imperiale questi reparti ausiliarî diventano alae cohortes regolari dell'esercito, a piedi o a cavallo o miste di fantì e di cavalieri, reclutati specialmente nei paesi che avevano la tradizione dell'arco (Tracia, Siria, ecc.). 



  • Mi piace 1

Inviato (modificato)

MYSIA, Kyzikos. Circa 500-450 BC. EL Hekte – 1/6 Stater (2.61 g). Skythian archer, wearing pointed cap, kneeling left, holding bow and bowcase; to left, tunny downward / Quadripartite incuse square. Hurter & Liewald I 12a = Rosen Collection 234; Von Fritze I -; SNG France -; cf. Pozzi 2186 (hemihekte). VF. Extremely rare, the second hekte known, and the third known coin of this type overall.





Modificato da King John

Inviato (modificato)

Vaso in elettro di fattura greca conservato all'Hermitage che raffigura un arciere scita che incorda l'arco.

Illustrazione: arcieri Sciti

scythian warriors_3_kul_oba.jpg


Modificato da King John


EGYPT, Persian Administration. Sabakes. Circa 335-333 BC. Æ (10mm, 1.34 g, 12h). Head of Satrap right, wearing Persian headdress / Archer crouching right, drawing bow. Nicolet-Pierre, Monnaies type B, pl. 26 = Alram 374; Winzer 20.1. VF, dark green patina. Very rare.
Sabakes, the penultimate Persian satrap in Egypt, fell in battle against Alexander the Great at Issos. His successor, Mazakes, handed over Egypt to the Macedonians in 332 BC.



  • Mi piace 1


THRACE. Philippopolis. Antoninus Pius (138-161). Ae.
Obv: AY TI AI A??? ????NEINOC. 
Bare head right.
Rev: Ares standing left, holding patera and spear, shield at feet right.
Varbanov 722.
Condition: Very fine.
Weight: 4.4 g.
Diameter: 19 mm.




Inviato (modificato)

 Tetradrachme, 300 - 295, Salamis. Nike mit Salpinx und Stylis auf Prora nach links stehend. Rs: DHMHTRIOU / BAS - ILEW - S, nackter Poseidon mit erhobenem Dreizack und Mantel nach links stehend, im linken Felde Monogramm in Labrysform, zwischen den Beinen ligiertes HP-Monogramm. Newell 23/Taf. III/3 (dieser Rückseitenstempel), SNG München 1038, SNG Copenhagen -, SNG Ashmoleon 3244, Slg. Pozzi - (vgl. 955f., andere Anordnung der Beizeichen), SNG Alpha Bank - (dito), McClean -, AMNG Taf. XXXIII/1. 17,13g. Vorzüglich.


SCULTURA IN BASSO: Originale greco, in marmo pario, attribuito allo scultore Pythokritos di Rodi e datato al 190  a.C. ca. Raffigura la dea della Vittoria (Nike) che porta l'annuncio di una vittoria navale: è infatti rappresentata mentre plana sulla prua di una nave da guerra. La statua è acefala e priva di entrambe le braccia, ma la posizione delle spalle e alcuni frammenti delle mani indicano che il braccio destro era abbassato e quello sinistro sollevato a impugnare la tromba del trionfo (in modo simile appare sui tetradrammi coniati intorno al 300 a.C. dal diadoco Demetrio Poliorcete). È alta 4,25 metri ma in origine doveva misurarne 4,90. 
È conservata a Parigi, al Museo del Louvre.




Modificato da King John


Constantine I (306-337), Nummus, Londinium, AD 312-313, AE (g 3,78 mm 22 h 6), CONSTANTINVS AV - G, helmeted and cuirassed bust l., holding spear and shield, Rv. MARTI CON - SERVATORI, Mars standing r., holding spear and shield in l. field, * in ex. PLN. RIC 261.
Scarce, green patina, about extremely fine.






Avete visto questo pezzo incredibile in vendita?

Classical Numismatic Group > Triton XX

Lot number: 376

Auction date: 10 January 2017

Lot description:

PERSIA, Achaemenid Empire. temp. Artaxerxes III to Darios III. Circa 350-333 BC. AR Tetradrachm (24.5mm, 15.13 g, 8h). Chian standard. Halikarnassos mint(?). Persian king, wearing kidaris and kandys, in kneeling-running stance right, holding spear in right hand, bow in left / Prow of galley right, with hornlike akrostolion, fighting platform decorated with labrys, proembolon (upper battering ram) decorated with dolphin and an embolom (principal three pronged battering ram); wave pattern below; to right, small dolphin diagonally downward right. Unpublished; for the same types on a contemporary gold daric, cf. Konuk, Coin M53 = Konuk, Influences, pl. XXX, 24 = de Luynes 2819 = Babelon, Perses 124 = Traite II 36, pl. LXXXVII, 24 = J. P. Six, "Monnaies grecques, inédites et incertaines" in NC 1890, p. 241, 1, pl. 17, 13. EF, toned. Perfectly centered on a broad flan. Unique. 

This remarkable tetradrachm almost certainly is a contemporary issue of the famous unique gold daric in the Paris cabinet employing the same types. That piece has had considerable study from various numismatists, most recently by Koray Konuk, who definitively placed the issue in Caria. In his 1990 article, he originally dated the issue to the time of Darios III, but recently he has revised his opinion and dated the daric to 450-400 BC, based on the similarity of the obverse style to the Carradice Type IIIb A/B darics struck in Sardes. The appearance of the present associated tetradrachm, though, requires a change to the chronology, as the tetradrachm must be contemporary with the famous Ionian map tetradrachms (see previous lot), which are dated to Circa 350-333 BC. So, downdating this prow issue to the last decades of the Persian Empire is reasonable.

As this issue must have been struck in Caria, within the proposed dates there are only two events possible for this issue. In 345 BC, the Persian king, Artaxerxes III, directed the Carian satrap Hidrieus to put down a revolt in Cyprus that had erupted in the aftermath of the Persian defeat in Egypt. To accomplish his task, Hidrieus assembled a fleet of 40 triremes and an army of around 8,000 mercenaries. This would require a large sum of money, and the naval reference of this issue certainly fits the occasion. The other event is the Persian war against Alexander, and the naval campaign undertaken by Memnon of Rhodes, who is sometimes credited with striking the Ionian map issue for this purpose. This event, though, seems less likely as the occasion for the prow coinage, since Memnon did not undertake his Aegean strategy until after he and Orontobates, the satrap of Caria at that time, fled the citadel of Halikarnassos, which was subsequently beseiged by the Macedonians. Although Orontobates left a garrison that held out for some time, it is improbable that Memnon used the mint there, or elsewhere in Caria for that matter, to produce coinage to pay for his expenses.

The question, however, is why would Hidrieus not use his own coinage to accomplish his task, rather than an anonymous Persian issue without reference to himself? Perhaps the answer lies within the task itself-did the Persian king provide the silver from his own reserves and thereby required Persian types? Or, did the mercenaries, including those manning the ships, demand a form of payment in a coinage that employed a general Persian type rather than a local Carian one? It is an interesting question to which we currently lack an answer. Regardless, this is a remarkable coinage, and certainly one struck for an historical event of some importance. In the end, Hidrieus was successful in his endeavor; the revolt in Cyprus was put down, and the island was restored to Persian control. Unfortunately for Hidrieus, he died almost immediately thereafter, perhaps from a disease contracted in the campaign.

Estimate: 30000 USD





KINGS OF MACEDON. Amyntas II (395/4-393 BC). Ae.
Obv: Male head right. Rev: AMYNTA. Helmet right. SNG ANS 84. Condition: Very fine. Weight: 1.8 g. Diameter: 13 mm.





No.: 3
Rufpreis-Opening bid: CHF 2500,-
AR – Stater 7,91g 302 – 281 v. Chr.
Av: Nike schreitend nach links den Kopf und den Oberkörper zurückgewendet. Nikes Rechte berührt die Stirn eines galoppierenden Pferdes nach links, das von einem behelmten nackten Reiter, der Schild und zwei Speere hält, geritten wird.
Rv: TAPAS, Der nackte Taras mit seinem rechten Knie auf einem nach links schwimmenden Delphin kniend, hält Speer und Schild mit dem Buchstaben E; im Feld links: ZOP (Z in I Form)
Ravel 680. (Av. und Rv. stempelid.).
SNG München 659.
Bester Stil, schöne Tönung.





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