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Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions > Auction 309 Auction date: 26 September 2024
Lot number: 460
Price realized: 2,600 EUR   (Approx. 2,903 USD)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
Islands off Sicily, Lipara (c. 425 BC), Hexas; Æ (19,36 g; 23,4 mm)
Bearded head of Aiolos r., wearing pileos; Rv. ΛΙΠ with large pellet above and below. Calciati 6/2; SNG Copenhagen 1087. Green tone. Good very fine / near extremely fine.
Starting price: 300 EUR





Classical Numismatic Group. Coin Shop


THESSALY, Larissa. Circa 370-360 BC. AR Drachm (19mm, 5.92 g, 12h). Head of Aleuas facing slightly left, wearing conical helmet; labrys and AΛEYA to right / Eagle standing left, head right, on thunderbolt; EΛΛA to left, ΛAPIΣAIA to right. Lorber, Thessalian 94; BCD Thessaly 185 (same dies); HGC 4, 438; BMC 12 (same dies); Gulbenkian 473 (same dies); Jameson 2469 (same dies). Lightly toned, usual die wear, slight granularity on reverse. VF.

Ex MACM inventory MMoCA5C; Triton XIII (5 January 2010), lot 119.

USD 7.750,00


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Dr. Busso Peus Nachfolger > Auction 439 Auction date: 4 November 2024
Lot number: 1259

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction -
Lot description:
Lykien Tlos
Stater 400/380 v. Chr. Kopf der Athena mit attischem Helm sowie Scheibenohrring / 2 "Panther" mit erhobener linker bzw. rechter Vordertatze auf geperlter Grundlinie einander gegenübersitzend, Köpfe in Dreiviertelansicht, leichte Drehung nach rechts bzw. links; zwischen ihnen Diskeles. 12h. Vismara p. 106, Tipo A b (dies Ex.); SNG v. Aulock Lykien, Tf. 138,4185 (dies Ex.); Hurter, in: FS Thompson p. 100,4 und Tf. 8,4 var. (Rev. andere Legende und anderes Beizeichen zwischen den Panthern.); Mørkholm - Neumann p. 30, M 243a; Müseler p. 155, VII 15 (dies Ex.); Haymann, in: Gephyra 26, 2023, p. 98f., Abb. 30 (dies Expl.). 7.92 g.; 22,9 mm. Prächtig irisierende Kabinettstönung Sehr selten Sehr schön/Fast vorzüglich
Ex Auktionen Peus Nachf. 431, 2022, 3271 (Slg. Dr. Plümacher),
ebd. 348, 1996, 186, ebd. 360, 1999, 121 (ex Sammlung Theo Reuter) und Auctiones S. A. Basel, Auktion 8, 1978, 296 (Slg. Hans Sylvius von Aulock). Der Begriff "Panther" ist ein archäologischer Kunstbegriff, unter dem sich Raubkatzen versammeln, die nicht eindeutig als Löwen gekennzeichnet sind. Während die griechischen Münzen in aller Regel aber eindeutige Chiffren für LöwInnen und LeopardInnen aufweisen und somit die auch zoologisch sinnlose Kategorie "Panther" numismatisch selten hilfreich ist, liegt hier ein Fall vor, in dem offenbar wirkliche Kunstwesen dargestellt werden: Es sind keine Löwen, denn es fehlt die Mähne; es sind keine Löwinnen, denn es sind keine Zitzen erkennbar. Auch um Leoparden kann es sich nicht handeln, denn sonst wäre ein gemustertes Fell angedeutet (vgl. Nrn. 1019, 1143, 1154). Dafür, dass es sich hier eher um Kunstwesen handelt, sprechen zudem die Proportionierung des Schwanzes und des Halses sowie die für (Raub)Tiere überraschende Geste. Man wird diese freundlich dreinblickenden Panther am ehesten als „Wappentiere" des Münzherrn verstehen dürfen, also als reines Herrschaftssymbol, als das sie in den bekannten lykischen Monumenten wie bspw. dem Löwengrabpfeiler von Xanthos auch zu verstehen sind.

Estim520 A.C.ate: 10000 EUR




Immagine 2024-10-12 182218.png


Inviato (modificato)
Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG, Auction Sales, part 2, 28. - 30. October 2024, Lot 1108 


Õ-Stater, 362 v. Chr. Magistrat Philas; 12,30 g. Greif sitzt l. davor Zikade//Herakles sitzt l. mit Keule auf einem vom Löwenfell bedeckten Felsen.
May 393; Hoover 1199; Corpus Nummorum Online cn type 5831; Lathe Biosas -.

RR Herrliche Patina, Avers min. geglättet, fast vorzüglich

Exemplar der Auktion CGB 47, Paris 2011, Nr. 46 und der Sammlung eines "Man in love with art", Auktion NAC 120, Zürich 2020, Nr. 353.

Datierung nach Chryssanthaki-Nagle.

Der Revers des Stückes zeigt Herakles, der als Gründer von Abdera galt. Eine der 12 Aufgaben des Herakles war der Raub der Pferde des Diomedes, des Königs der Bistonen. Nachdem Herakles die Pferde geraubt hatte, übertrug er seinem Gefährten Abderos die Aufsicht über die Tiere. Diese töteten allerdings Abderos. Herakles gründete beim Grab des Abderos die Stadt, die nach diesem Abdera genannt wurde.

Dated according to Chryssanthaki-Nagle.

The reverse of the piece depicts Heracles, who was thought to be the founder of Abdera. One of Heracles’ 12 tasks was to steal the horses of Diomedes, king of the Bistones. After stealing the horses, Heracles left them in the care of his companion Abderus. However, the horses killed Abderus. Heracles founded Abdera close to the tomb of Abderus, after whom the city was also named.



Modificato da King John

Dr. Busso Peus Nachfolger > Auction 439 Auction date: 4 November 2024
Lot number: 20
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction - 
Lot description:
Briten Catuvellauni
Tasciovanos (20 v.-10 n. Chr.) Rotgoldstater vom Typ Warrior. 2 Kränze über Kreuz, in der Mitte 3 Punkte zwischen 2 gegenständigen Halbmonden / T-A-S-C, Krieger mit carnyx nach rechts galoppierend; dahinter und oben rechts Rad. 3h. ABC vgl. 2562/2565; Van Arsdell 1732-1 var. 5.40 g.; 17 mm. Feine Tönung Sehr seltene Variante Vorzüglich
Aus der Sammlung Nummi Regnum Britonum. Erworben von Chris Rudd (Liste 112, 7/2010, 42).
Estimate: 1500 EUR




Dr. Busso Peus Nachfolger > Auction 439 Auction date: 4 November 2024
Lot number: 495
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction -
Lot description:
Kaiserliche Prägungen
Marcus Aurelius, 161-180. Sesterz 169/170, Rom, auf den Aufbruch des Kaisers an die Donau. Kopf mit Lorbeerkranz / Kaiser zu Pferd zwischen 3 Soldaten, im Abschnitt: PROFECT (sic) AVG. 6h. RIC 978 var. (dort: PROFECTIO); C. 502 var.. 22.70 g.; 30,8 mm. Braune Patina Unpublizierte Variante eines seltenen Typs Sehr schön
Estimate: 750 EUR



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Noonans (formerly Dix Noonan Webb) > Auction 307 Auction date: 25 September 2024
Lot number: 513
Price realized: 9,500 GBP   (Approx. 12,706 USD / 11,373 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
Greek Coinages, Syracuse: Drachm, struck under the tyrant Dionysios I, c. 405-400; school of Eukleidas
Obverse: συρακοσιων: facing head of Athena canted slightly left, wearing plumed helmet; framed by four dolphins swimming around
Reverse: συρακοσιων: Leukaspis advancing right, holding spear and shield; altar behind, sacrificed ram to right, λευκασπισ in exergue
Metal: silver; Attic weight standard; 4.10g/6h
References: Du Chastel 126; Lockett 980; Rizzo pl. XLVII, 1 same dies
Condition: Extremely fine, well centred and attractively toned; an exceptional example of this difficult and charming issue £4,000-£5,000
Provenance: Nomos Auction 17, Zurich, 26 October 2018, lot 52



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Inviato (modificato)
Dr. Busso Peus Nachfolger > Auction 439 Auction date: 4 November 2024
Lot number: 240
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
Euboea Chalkis
Drachme 290/271 v. Chr. Kopf der Nymphe Chalkis / Adler mit Schlange, rechts Kerykeion (am Griff Halbmond). 1h. Slg. BCD (=Auktion Lanz 111, 2002) , 180 (dies Expl.); Picard, Chalkis, vgl. 30 (Vs. -/ Rs. Tf. XV, unten rechts); HGC 1464. 3.70 g.; 17,4 mm. Feine, dunkle Tönung Seltene Variante Vorzüglich Minimaler Doppelschlag im Avers
Ex Auktion Lanz 111, 2002, 180 (Slg. BCD).
Estimate: 750 EUR





Modificato da King John
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Bella patina e scena di rovescio affascinante, da notare anche i rilievi belli alti 

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Nomos AG > obolos 33 Auction date: 8 September 2024
Lot number: 337
Price realized: 650 CHF   (Approx. 771 USD / 695 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:
ARKADIA. Stymphalos. Circa 350-345 BC. Obol (Silver, 11 mm, 0.66 g, 6 h). Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress. Rev. ΣΤ[ΥΜ]ΦΑΛΙΟΝ (retrograde) Head of crestless water bird to right. BCD Peloponnesos 1703. SNG Copenhagen 286. Very rare and with attractive iridescent toning. Slightly porous and with an edge chip, otherwise, very fine.
From the Collection of Jonathan H. Kagan.
Starting price: 75 CHF





Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 571 Auction date: 25 September 2024
Lot number: 20
Price realized: 550 USD   (Approx. 492 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
BRUTTIUM, Kaulonia. Circa 400-389/8 BC. AR Nomos (21.5mm, 7.35 g, 9h). Apollo advancing right, holding branch, fillet hanging over extended arm; bird trap to left / Stag standing right. Noe, Caulonia, Group J, 178 (same dies); HN Italy 2062; BMC 27 (same dies); Hermitage Sale II 170 (same dies); Weber 986 (same dies). Faintly toned, cleaning scratches, light smoothing. VF.
Estimate: 200 USD




Astarte S.A. > Auction 23 Auction date: 28 October 2024
Lot number: 118
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
Sicily. Syracuse, Second Democracy. Circa 420-415 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 24.36 mm, 17.25 g). Charioteer driving slow biga right, holding kentron and reins; Nike flying above crowning him. Rev. ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣ - Ι - Ο - Ν, Head of Arethusa right, hair bound in sakkos decorated with meander pattern; on neck below ear, A (master's mark); four dolphins swimming around. Boehringer 700 (V345/R478). SNG ANS 235 (same dies). HGC 2, 1322. Nicely toned, with iridescent highlights. A magnificent coin, rare to find in this condition and centering, featuring a highly refined portrait of Arethusa; it's no coincidence that an excellent engraver chose to sign it. Good Very Fine.
Starting price: 1500 CHF




Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 574 Auction date: 6 November 2024
Lot number: 14
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
SICILY, Syracuse. Dionysios I. 405-367 BC. Æ Hemilitron (17.5mm, 3.62 g, 7h). Female head left, hair in ampyx and sphendone; olive leaves behind neck / Dolphin right; shell below. Holloway, Further, Series 4, fig. 10; CNS 24; HGC 2, 1480. Green patina. VF.
Estimate: 200 USD



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Numismatica Ars Classica > Autumn Sale 2024 Auction date: 30 September 2024
Lot number: 367
Price realized: 1,800 CHF   (Approx. 2,133 USD / 1,912 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
Messenia, Messene
Tetradrachm circa 183-182, AR 26 mm, 16.83 g. Diademed head of Demeter r., wearing wheat and reed wreath and pearl earring. Rev. ΜΕΣΣΑΝΙΩΝ Zeus Ithomatas standing r., hurling thunderbolt with his r. hand and holding an eagle perched r. with spread wings on his l. wrist; below his l. arm, ΣΩΣΙΚΡΑ; in field to r., tripod. de Nanteuil 978 (these dies). Grandjean 86. BCD Peloponnesos 710 (these dies).
Very rare. Struck on a faulty flan and with an area of weakness on reverse.
Minor marks, otherwise good very fine
From the collection of a Mentor.
Fresh from defeating the Spartans at Leuktra, in 370/69 BC, the Theban general Epameinondas detached the region of Messenia from Spartan control and established it as an independent state with its own capital city of Messene. Messenia had been subjugated by Sparta and its people condemned to a life of serfdom to support the Spartan military machine since the seventh century BC, but Epameinondas now gave them their freedom and country in order to weaken Spartan power in the Peloponnesos. Unfortunately, the new autonomous Messenia had difficulty holding its own against its menacing neighbour after the decline of Theban hegemony in Greece. From the late fourth to the second century BC, as a matter of security, the Messenians frequently found themselves forced to ally with the greater powers of the period, including Macedonian kings as well as the Aitolian and Achaean Leagues. Messenian support for the Aitolian League, which had been a good thing when the League was an ally of Rome against Philip V in the First Macedonian War (214-205 BC), quickly became a nightmare after the disgruntled Aitolians turned against the Romans and encouraged the Seleukid king Antiochos III to invade mainland Greece in 192 BC. Although the Messenians had not actually participated in the war, their pro-Aitolian sympathies guaranteed their punishment. After centuries of effort to preserve its autonomy, Messene was forcibly incorporated into the Achaian League. A decade later, in 182 BC, the Messenians revolted and even managed to capture Philopoimen, one of the greatest strategoi of the Achaian League. He was put on trial for his perceived crimes against Messene and executed. Unfortunately, not long after this, Messene was once again besieged by Achaian forces and compelled to rejoin the league. The capital of Messene also suffered the great indignity of being stripped of many of its dependent towns, which were subsequently enrolled as independent members of the Achaian League. The present tetradrachm was struck during the brief Messenian revolt against the Achaian League and advertises the resistance of Messene in both type and weight standard. The use of the Attic weight standard, rather than the Symmachic or reduced Aeginetic standard which dominated Peloponnesian (primarily Achaian League) silver coinage in the second century BC, clearly indicates that the Messenian tetradrachms were produced to hire foreign mercenaries to defend them against the League. It is notable what when Messene struck staters in the fourth century BC, these did adhere to the Aeginetic standard preferred in the Peloponnesos. The reverse type depicts Zeus Ithomatas, the god of Mount Ithome in Messenia. He symbolises the Messenian will to resist enemies, and looks back specifically to the events of 464 BC. In this year, the Messenians (still helots to the Spartans) took advantage of an earthquake to revolt against their Spartan masters. Many of the rebels took up their abode in a fort on Mount Ithome and took to raiding the Spartans. Unable to remove the Messenians from Ithome by force, the Spartans were forced to permit the Athenians to resettle them as free men in Naupaktos. When Epameinondas chose the site for the city of Messene, he chose that of Ithome due not only to its defensibility but also its symbolic value.
Estimate: 2000 CHF

ILLUSTRAZIONE TRATTA DALLA PAGINA 389 DEL LIBRO  "Zeus : a study in ancient religion" (1914)



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Numismatica Ibercoin > Online Auction 99 Auction date: 10 July 2024
Lot number: 465
Price realized: 900 EUR   (Approx. 974 USD)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:
TRAJANO. Sestercio. (Ae. 20,50g/32mm). 107-110 d.C. Roma. (RIC 569). Anv: Busto laureado y drapeado a derecha de Trajano, alrededor leyenda: IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P. Rev: Puente de siete postes sobre el río Danubio, debajo, barco en el río, alrededor leyenda: SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI. MBC+. Campos repasados. Raro ejemplar.Ex Ibercoin, Subasta Online 43 (21/12/2020), Nº Lote 1311.
Starting price: 600 EUR

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Rilievo sulla Colonna Traiana che raffigura il ponte costruito da Traiano sul fiume Danubio. In primo piano l'imperatore Traiano offre sacrifici e libagioni al Danubio.



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Inviato (modificato)
Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 574 Auction date: 6 November 2024
Lot number: 219
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 

Lot description:
PONTUS, Neocaesarea. Caracalla. AD 198-217. Æ (30mm, 11.87 g, 12h). Dated CY 142 (AD 205/6). [A KAI] M AYP ANTΩNIN[OC], laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from the front / KOIN ΠON NЄOKAI MHTPO, Tyche of Neocaesarea seated at center, facing left and wearing turreted crown, extending right hand and holding cornucopia; around her stand five more Tychai, all turreted and draped; ЄT PMB (date) in exergue. Çizmeli – (Cf. 215-6 for Geta); SNG BN –. Brown surfaces, slight roughness. Good Fine. Extremely rare, unpublished for Caracalla.
Estimate: 100 USD

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Bassorilievo raffigurante “le tre Tychai”. Nella mitologia greca, Tyche è la divinità tutelare della Fortuna e in questo bassorilievo le tre dee sono rappresentate con una corona in forma di bastioni.
Il bassorilievo, rinvenuto lungo la via Appia, è noto fin dal XVIII secolo e apparteneva alle collezioni Borghese. Potrebbe provenire dal Triopius, il complesso funerario fatto costruire da Erode Attico in onore della moglie Annia Regilla, ricordata per essere stata sacerdotessa del culto di Tyche ad Atene. Museo virtuale del Parco archeologico dell'Appia Antica




Modificato da King John

Dr. Busso Peus Nachfolger > Auction 439 Auction date: 4 November 2024
Lot number: 1295
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction

Lot description:
Kilikien Unbestimmte Münzstätte (Tarsos?)
Obol um 380 v. Chr. Weiblicher Kopf mit Ohrringen und Halskette von vorn / Kopf des Bes von vorn. 9h. SNG CH 233; Göktürk 44. 0.58 g.; 9,5 mm. Feine, dunkle Tönung Fast vorzüglich
Ex Auktion Zeus 10, 2020, 66.
Estimate: 150 EUR






Gorny & Mosch, Online-Shop

Art. Nr. 116216
Stater 10.56 g. CILICIA, Tarsos. Circa 389-375 BC. AR Stater (21.5mm, 10.57 g, 9h). Herakles wrestling the Nemean Lion; club below / Head of Hera left, wearing stephanos decorated with palmette between two circles containing large pellets; TEPSIK[ON] to left. Casabonne Group J1; SNG BN 235 (same dies); SNG Levante 63 (this coin); SNG von Aulock . Toned, roughness and pitting. VF. Fine style. Rare.
From the Pythagoras Collection. Ex Edoardo Levante Collection (Classical Numismatic Group 66, 19 May 2004), lot 611.
Ex CNG Triton XXVI, 2023, Los 318



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