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Le più belle rappresentazioni di guerrieri

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Inviato (modificato)
Nomos AG > Auction 32 Auction date: 8 June 2024
Lot number: 81

Price realized: 3,600 CHF   (Approx. 4,015 USD / 3,713 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:
The Anthony Milavic Collection of Ancient Games Coins
Equestrian Events
Kalpé and Anabates
SICILY. Gela. Circa 475-465 BC. Drachm (Silver, 15.5 mm, 4.26 g, 1 h). Nude rider, his long hair in a queue at the back of his head, holding the reins in his left hand and a kentron or goad in his right, with both of his legs on the right side of his horse, preparing to jump down and run alongside. Rev. ϹΕΛΟΙΟΝ Forepart of a man-headed bull to right. AMB 283 (same dies). Buceti 16. Jenkins, Gela, 188 (O51/R109, same dies). Very rare. Nicely toned and clear. Obverse struck slightly off-center as usual, otherwise, good very fine.
From the collection of Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.), ex G. Hirsch 173, 19 February 1992, 76.
Starting price: 4500 CHF


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Modificato da King John
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Una attraente raffigurazione del busto elmato della dea guerriera Atena, dalla monetazione in AE pseudo-autonoma, al tempo di Vespasiano, da Sardi nella Lydia : al rovescio bel tempio tetrastilo .

L' esemplare sarà a giorni, il 25 Agosto, in asta Savoca 229 al n. 105 .


001 Savoca 229 n. 105.jpg

002 Savoca 229 n. 105.png

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Inviato (modificato)
Classical Numismatic Group > Auction 127 Auction date: 17 September 2024
Lot number: 12

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 

Lot description:
BRUTTIUM, The Brettii. Circa 216-214 BC. AR Nomos (20mm, 5.74 g, 6h). Reduced Tarentine standard. Jugate draped busts of the Dioskouroi right, wearing laureate pilei surmounted by stars; cornucopia and tiny Γ to left / The Dioskouroi, wearing military attire and surmounted by stars, holding palm fronds over shoulder and raising right hand, on horses rearing right; spear below, ΒΡΕΤΤΙΩΝ in exergue. Arslan dies 2/1'bis (this coin cited); HN Italy 1941; SNG ANS 2 (same dies); Basel 182 = Jameson 405 (this coin); Boston MFA 162 (same dies); de Luynes 655 (same dies). Attractive deep cabinet tone, small area of weak strike. EF. Exceedingly rare, with an extensive pedigree.
Ex A.D. Moretti Collection (Numismatica Ars Classica 13, 8 October 1998), lot 182; Hess-Leu [3] (27 March 1956), lot 286; Robert Jameson Collection (publ. 1913); William Harrison Woodward Collection; Theodor Prowe Collection (Part I, Egger [XVII], 28 November 1904), lot 138 (there noted as having been displayed in the Berlin Cabinet until 1902).
Hannibal's invasion and long-term occupation of Italy (218-203 BC) during the Second Punic War led to a revival of coinage at some of the mints which had previously submitted to Rome in the early decades of the third century BC. Support for the Carthaginians was especially strong in Bruttium, and a league of the Brettii was formed at this time to oppose Rome's attempts to recover control of the region. The Brettian League's coinage commenced shortly after Rome's catastrophic defeat at Cannae in 216 BC and continued until shortly before Hannibal's departure from Italy. Lokri, which served as Hannibal's principal port at this time, was probably the capital of this league down to the time of its capture by Publius Scipio (later Africanus) in 205 BC.
The coinage of the Brettian League was surprisingly extensive and exhibited considerable artistic merit. Silver was initially struck on the reduced Tarentine standard, with the main coin being a nomos-didrachm of about 5.8 grams: this exceedingly rare issue with a design depicting the "heavenly twins," Castor and Pollux, on both sides. Intriguingly, the reverse depiction of the mounted Dioskouroi would soon be adopted by the Romans on their own silver denarius. Shortages of silver soon forced the Brettii to create a revised standard employing a drachm of about 4.7 grams along with a range of bronze denominations. After Rome's victory in the Second Punic War, the Brettian League was forcibly disbanded and the cities subjected to harsh sanctions.
Estimate: 20000 USD

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Statue di Dioscuri Castore e Polluce su Cordonata Capitolina a Roma.




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Il 03/08/2024 alle 13:22, King John dice:
Heritage World Coin Auctions > ANA Signature Sale 3118 Auction date: 15 August 2024
Lot number: 33034

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction -
Lot description:

Anonymous. Ca. 280-250 BC. Aes signatum ingot (currency bar, 155 x 85 x 15mm, 1578.50 gm). Choice VF. Rome, ca. 260-250 BC, Light Janus-Mercury Series. Sword on raised rectangle / Scabbard with handle guard at top, loop for hanging, and point guard at bottom; all on a raised rectangle. Crawford 8/1. Thurlow-Vecchi AS 16. Vecchi, currency bar 18. HN Italy 260. Aes Grave, E L Haeberlin, 1910, Plate 32. Le Monete Dell' Italia Antica, G Garrucci, 1885. Pleasing light green and brown patina; exceptional style for the type.
Ex Gerhard Hirsch Münzhandlung, Auction 60 (2-4 Dec 1968), lot 402.
Extremely rare (R5) – only two full bar specimen (British Museum and a museum in Naples) are shown in literature. Both were in Garrucci's 1885 book. Haeberlin includes three partial bars (765, 573, and 353 gm). Sotheby's auctioned one of the partial bars when they sold the Virgil Brand Collection, Part Three (9 June 1983), lot 193.
XRF analysis averages testing the center and edges: 87% copper, ~3% lead, ~3% zinc, ~3% tin. The lower concentrations of tin and lead, and higher zinc, leads to a later date in the series.
Historical research assistance and XRF data analysis generously provided by noted Roman Republican bronze scholar Gene McPherson.
Lot description from the Hirsch catalog: According to expertise from the Centre de Recherches de L'Histoire et de la Siderurgie in Jarville, the specimen has all the characteristics of an old piece because of the small traces of corrosion seen there. The expertise of the aforementioned institute from 31 July 1968 is supported by an assessment of the Staatlichen Münzsammlung München from 12 August 1968, which concurs with the verdict that the two pieces are originals (referring to Lot 401 in the same sale, which was another Aes Signatum bar but from the Heavy Series).
Estimate: 50000-75000 USD


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Ritirato perché verosimilmente falso. cfr. discussioni in Forum.

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Al diritto la testa elmata della dea guerriera Atena, al rovescio la raffigurazione dell' eroe omerico Filottete in atto di saettare con l' arco di Eracle : da un piacevole piccolo esemplare in AE, da Lamia nella Tessaglia che passerà il 28 Agosto in vendita CNG 569 al n. 46 .

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002 CNG 569 n. 46.png

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Inviato (modificato)
24 minuti fa, VALTERI dice:

Al diritto la testa elmata della dea guerriera Atena, al rovescio la raffigurazione dell' eroe omerico Filottete in atto di saettare con l' arco di Eracle : da un piacevole piccolo esemplare in AE, da Lamia nella Tessaglia che passerà il 28 Agosto in vendita CNG 569 al n. 46 .

001 CNG 569 n. 46.jpg

002 CNG 569 n. 46.png


Bellissima moneta che raffigura lo sfortunato eroe Filottete. Ecco da qualche informazione su questo eroe.

FILOTTETE (Φιλοκτήτης, Philoctētes e Philoctēta)

Figlio di Peante e di Demonassa o di Metone, mosse alla volta d'Ilio guidando le forze di Metone, Taumacia, Melibea e Olizone: trecentocinquanta arcieri su sette navi. Ma gli Achei lo abbandonarono in Lemno a causa di una ferita infertagli da un serpente. Prese allora il comando delle sue truppe Medonte figlio di Oileo e di Rene; gli Achei però desidereranno ben presto la sua presenza. Altro non dice di F. l'Iliade (II, 718 segg.). L' Odissea (XIII, 219-20) ricorda solo come F. fosse l'unico arciere che Ulisse stimasse superiore a sé e come dopo la distruzione d'Ilio egli raggiungesse felicemente la patria. Nelle Ciprie si narrava il ferimento di F. a opera del serpente in Tenedo e l'abbandono in Lemno: nella Piccola Iliade la spedizione di Diomede a Lemno per riprendervi F., che secondo una profezia di Eleno era necessario alla conquista di Troia. Presso lo pseudo-Apollodoro si parla di una profezia di Calcante invece che di Eleno. La presenza di F. era necessaria a Ilio perché solo le frecce a lui donate da Eracle potevano abbattere Paride. E infatti, giunto a Ilio, viene sanato da Macaone, e poi, combattendo con Paride, l'uccide.
ILLUSTRAZIONE: Filottete sull'isola di Lemno, opera di Jean-Germain Drouais, olio su tela, 1788, Chartres, Musée des Beaux-Arts.



Ecco un'altra raffigurazione numismatica di Filottete:

Classical Numismatic Group > Auction 127 Auction date: 17 September 2024
Lot number: 115
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
THESSALY, Lamia. Circa 400-350 BC. Æ Chalkous (14.5mm, 2.26 g, 11h). Head of the nymph Lamia right, wearing earring and necklace / Philoktetes kneeling to left, his upper body to right, shooting bow at birds, one of which falls before him; quiver below. Georgiou, Mint 15; Rogers (Malia) 387; BCD Thessaly II 128.2; HGC 4, 126. Brown surfaces. Good VF.
Ex Christopher Morcom Collection (Triton XI, 8 January 2008), lot 140; Naville V (18 June 1923), lot 1800 (part of).
Estimate: 500 USD


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Inviato (modificato)

Ancora una raffigurazione di Filottete sempre da Lamia in Tessaglia.

Dr. Busso Peus Nachfolger > Auction 438 Auction date: 26 April 2024
Lot number: 3039
Price realized: 120 EUR   (Approx. 129 USD)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
Thessalien Lamia
Bronze 400/344 v. Chr. Kopf der Nymphe Lamia / Heros Philoktetes beim Bogenschuss, dahinter Köcher, unter ihm ein Vogel. 6h. HGC 125; Rogers, Thessaly 388. 1.90 g.; 15,8 mm. Schwarze Patina Selten Sehr schön Etwas porös im Avers
Laut Sammlernotiz erworben 1955 bei MMAG, Basel.
Estimate: 50 EUR


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Inviato (modificato)
Classical Numismatic Group > Auction 127 Auction date: 17 September 2024
Lot number: 136
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
CRETE, Rhaokos. Circa 330-270 BC. AR Stater (25.5mm, 10.68 g, 8h). Nude Poseidon standing right, holding trident and rein of horse standing right in background / Trident head. Svoronos, Numismatique 11 (but same obv. die as illustration of 10); Le Rider, Crétoises, pl. VI, 14, and pl, XXX, 19 (same dies); BMC 4. Find patina, some roughness. Good VF.
Estimate: 750 USD



Modificato da King John

Classical Numismatic Group > Auction 127 Auction date: 17 September 2024
Lot number: 444
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 

Lot description:
Moneyer issues of Imperatorial Rome. C. Vibius Varus. 42 BC. AV Aureus (19.5mm, 8.02 g, 7h). Rome mint. Laureate head of Apollo right / Venus, half nude and seen from behind, standing left beside a column, looking at herself in mirror; C • VIBIVS upward to left, VARVS upward to right. Crawford 494/34; CRI 190; Sydenham 1137; Bahrfeldt 36; Calicó 33; RBW 1738. Light scratches, edge marks from prior mount, small die flaw on reverse. VF.
From the 1930's Collection of Robert W. Hubel of Michigan.
David Sear relates both the head of Apollo on the obverse and the Venus on the reverse to the gens Iulia. The aureus thus commemorates the murdered Caesar, which is certainly related to the struggle of the triumvirs against the assassins of Caesar. The extraordinarily extensive coinage in 42 served to finance this struggle and was made possible by proscriptions and tax collections.
Estimate: 3000 USD



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Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 569 Auction date: 28 August 2024
Lot number: 51
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
LOKRIS, Lokri Opuntii. Circa 360-350 BC. AR Triobol (14mm, 2.80 g, 12h). Wreathed head of Demeter right / Ajax, nude but for Corinthian helmet, advancing right, holding short sword and shield; helmet between legs, broken spear below. H&D Group 1, 27 (O8/R10); BCD Lokris 46; HGC 4, 995. Iridescent toning, light scratches. VF. Attractive in hand.
Purchased by the consignor, 19 August 2011.
Estimate: 200 USD



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Classical Numismatic Group > Auction 127 Auction date: 17 September 2024
Lot number: 109
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
KINGS of MACEDON. Demetrios I Poliorketes. 306-283 BC. AR Tetradrachm (27.5mm, 17.11 g, 6h). Pella mint. Struck circa 294-293 BC. Nike standing left on prow of galley left, blowing trumpet she holds in her right hand and cradling stylis in her left arm / BA-ΣIΛE-ΩΣ ΔHMHTPIOY, Poseidon Pelagaios, nude, standing left, seen from behind, preparing to throw trident held aloft in his right hand, chlamys draped over extended left arm; monogram to left; to right, dolphin downward. Newell 67 (dies LVII/106); HGC 3, 1012e; SNG München 1042 (same dies). Attractive iridescent tone over lustrous surfaces, a little die wear on obverse, slight die shift and a few hairlines on reverse. Superb EF.
Estimate: 5000 USD



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Classical Numismatic Group > Auction 127 Auction date: 17 September 2024
Lot number: 347
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction -
Lot description:
BITHYNIA, Heraclaea Pontica. temp. Gordian III. AD 238-244. Æ Octassarion (36.5mm, 27.38 g, 7h). Herakles' 12th Labor. Diademed bust of Herakles right, lion's skin around neck, holding club over shoulder / Herakles advancing right, head left, holding Cerberus by his leash in right hand, club and lion's skin in left; to right, Pomona standing left on cippus, holding apple and ears of grain, to left, tree . Dalaison, Coinage 6; RPC VII.2 2092.3 (this coin); RG 71 (same dies); SNG BN 267. Dark green patina, flan cracks, scrape on obverse, light smoothing. Good VF.
Ex David Simpson Collection (Triton V, 15 January 2002), lot 1712 (hammer $4,500); Hauck & Aufhäuser 15 (21 March 2000), lot 100.
Herakles, made temporarily insane by the goddess Hera, murdered his wife and children. Once recovered, and distressed by his actions, Herakles consulted the Delphic Oracle to find a means of expiating his sin. As a punishment, Apollo replied that the hero would have to serve his cousin Eurystheus, the king of Tiryns, a man whom Herakles despised, for a period of twelve years. Because Eurystheus also hated Herakles, he devised a series of ten feats of such difficulty that either they would be unachievable or they would end in Herakles' death. Because Herakles received assistance in completing two of the tasks, Eurystheus added two more. Each labor became more fantastic, and eventually Herakles was compelled to break the bonds of the supernatural in order to complete his task. Once he accomplished the Labors, Herakles was absolved of his guilt, and preceded to perform many other heroic feats.
For his final Labor, Herakles was sent to the underworld to capture Cerberus. In order to complete this most difficult task, Herakles was initiated in the Eleusinian Mysteries so that he could learn how to enter and exit the underworld alive, as well as absolve himself of his past crime of killing the Centaurs in his Fourth Labor. Finding the entrance to the underworld, he again enlisted the assistance of Athena, while Hermes, the conveyor of souls, guided him along. While there, Herakles was able to free Theseus, who had been imprisoned by Hades for attempting to kidnap Persephone, but could not do the same for Theseus' accomplice, Pirithous. Herakles sought the permission of Hades and Persephone to take Cerberus. The gods assented on condition that Herakles did not harm the creature in any way. Wrestling Cerberus into submission he brought it to the upper world through an entrance in the Peloponnese. When he returned with Cerberus to the palace, Eurystheus was so afraid of the fearsome beast that he jumped into a large storage jar to hide. With this, Herakles' punishment was complete, and he was now freed of his guilt.
Estimate: 4000 USD




Inviato (modificato)
Classical Numismatic Group > Auction 127 Auction date: 17 September 2024
Lot number: 472

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
C. Mamilius Limetanus. 82 BC. AR Serrate Denarius (20mm, 3.82 g, 6h). Rome mint. Draped bust of Mercury right, wearing winged petasus; to left, I above caduceus / Ulysses, wearing pileus and mariner's dress, walking right, leaning on staff and extending his hand toward his dog, Argus, who advances toward him. Crawford 362/1; Sydenham 741; Mamilia 6; RBW 1370 var. (control). Lightly toned, lustrous, some roughness. EF.
The obverse and reverse of this coin refer to the lineage of the gens Mamilia, who claimed their descent from Mamilia, the daughter of Telegonus, the son of Ulysses and Circe, and a descendant of Mercury. The reverse scene depicts the moment when, returning home from his long wanderings in the guise of a beggar so as to surprise and kill the many suitors of his wife Penelope, Ulysses' aged dog Argus recognizes him:
Soon as he perceived
Long-lost Ulysses nigh, down fell his ears
Clapped close, and with his tail glad sign he gave
Of gratulation, impotent to rise,
And to approach his master as of old.
Ulysses, noting him, wiped off a tear
. . . Then his destiny released
Old Argus, soon as he had lived to see
Ulysses in the twentieth year restored. (Hom. Od. 17.290 [Cowper's translation]).
At last, seeing his master after so many years, the old dog dies.
Estimate: 1000 USD



ll cane di Odisseo - (Odissea libro XVII, versi 290-329)

Mentre questo dicevano tra loro, un cane
che stava lì disteso, alzò il capo e le orecchie.
Era Argo, il cane di Odisseo, che un tempo
egli stesso allevò e mai poté godere nelle cacce,
perchè assai presto partì l'eroe per la sacra Ilio.
Già contro i cervi e le lepri e le capre selvatiche
lo spingevano i giovani; ma ora, lontano dal padrone,
giaceva abbandonato sul letame di buoi e muli
che presso le porte della reggia era raccolto,
fin quando i servi lo portavano sui campi
a fecondare il vasto podere di Odisseo.
E là Argo giaceva tutto pieno di zecche.
E quando Odisseo gli fu vicino, ecco agitò la coda
e lasciò ricadere la orecchie; ma ora non poteva
accostarsi di più al suo padrone. E Odisseo
volse altrove lo sguardo e s'asciugò una lacrima
senza farsi vedere da Euméo; e poi così diceva:
" Certo è strano , Euméo, che un cane come questo
si lasci abbandonato sul letame. Bello è di forme;
ma non so se un giorno, oltre che bello, era anche veloce
nella corsa, o non era che un cane da convito,
di quelli che i padroni allevano solo per il fasto ".
E a lui, così rispondevi, Euméo, guardiano di porci:
" Questo è il cane d'un uomo che morì lontano.
Se ora fosse di forme e di bravura
come, partendo per Troia, lo lasciò Odisseo,
lo vedresti con meraviglia così veloce e forte.
Mai una fiera sfuggiva nel folto della selva
quando la cacciava, seguendone abile le orme.
Ma ora infelice patisce. Lontano dalla patria
è morto il suo Odisseo; e le ancelle, indolenti,
non si curano di lui. Di malavoglia lavorano i servi
senza il comando dei padroni, poi che Zeus
che vede ogni cosa, leva a un uomo metà del suo valore,
se il giorno della schiavitù lo coglie ".
Così disse, ed entrò nella reggia incontro ai proci.
E Argo, che aveva visto Odisseo dopo vent'anni,
ecco, fu preso dal Fato della nera morte.
Modificato da King John


Di attraente stile arcaico, una testa di guerriero oplita con elmo corinzio crestato .

E' da un esemplare di tetrobolo di alta epoca, da Aineia di Macedonia, con al rovescio quadrato incuso quadripartito :  sarà l' 8 Settembre in asta Nomos-Obolos 33 al n. 103 .

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  • Mi piace 1

Heritage World Coin Auctions > ANA Signature Sale 3118 Auction date: 15 August 2024
Lot number: 34056
Price realized: 5,000 USD   (Approx. 4,553 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
THRACE. Abdera. Ca. 375-345 BC. AR stater or tetradrachm (25mm, 12.54 gm, 1h). NGC Choice XF 5/5 - 3/5, Fine Style. Aiginetic standard. Python, magistrate. ABΔHPITEΩN, griffin springing left with wings spread / PY-ΘON, tripod, surmounted by laurel wreath. HGC 3.2, 1194. Rare with five other examples in sales archives. Silky, luminous surfaces give this coin a stunning backlit appearance.
Ex Numismatik Lanz, Auction 145 (5 January 2009), lot 13.




Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 500, lot 67, 22/09/2021

SICILY, Morgantina. Circa 339/8-317 BC. AR 1¼ Litra (12mm, 1.11 g, 10h). Head of Athena facing slightly right, wearing winged helmet / Nike seated left, holding wreath. Erim & Jaunzems 1 (O1/R1); HGC 2, 895. Toned, slight porosity. VF. Rare and artistic.
From the Sigmund Collection. Ex Triton III (30 November 1999), lot 233.



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Inviato (modificato)
Gorny and Mosh
Art. Nr. 115407
ca. 300 - 290 v. Chr. 6.95 g. Magistrat Eudromos. Vs.: ΞΕΡ Artemis nach links, erschlägt Hirsch liegend nach links. Rs.: ΕΥΔΡΟΜΟΥ Stoßender Stier nach links auf Keule, im Abschnitt Bogen und Köcher.  SNG BM Black Sea 766-7; SNG Stancomb 474-5; HGC 3/2, -.
Ex Pontos Euxeinos Slg., gestaltet Ende der 1990er und Anfang der 2000er; EX Leu Numismatik E-Auktion 19, 2022, Los 127.
Condition:  ss
Buying price1.500 €


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Modificato da King John
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Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 569 Auction date: 28 August 2024
Lot number: 50
Price realized: Unsold
Lot description:
THESSALY, Thessalian League. Mid-late 1st century BC. Æ Tetrachalkon (24.5mm, 11.02 g, 12h). Eubiotos and Petraios, magistrates. Head of Zeus right, wearing oak wreath / Taurokathapsia scene: The hero Thessalos jumping from his horse, in background galloping right, onto a bull running right, the head of which he restrains with a band held in both of his hands; EYBIOTOY above, ΠETPAIOΣ below. Rogers 58, fig. 11 corr. (rev. scene); BCD Thessaly I 1391; BCD Thessaly II 897.1-4 corr. (wreath type); HGC 4, 222 corr. (wreath type). Dark brown patina, light cleaning scratches. VF.
Ex Classical Numismatic Group Electronic Auction 281 (20 June 2012), lot 59.
Estimate: 300 USD




Inviato (modificato)
Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 570 Auction date: 11 September 2024
Lot number: 11
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction

Lot description:
ISLANDS off SICILY, Uncertain. 2nd century BC. Æ (15mm, 2.40 g, 5h). Crab / Warrior, seen from behind, advancing right, holding shield and sword. CNS (Lopadusa) 4; CNP 508 var. (Phoenician letters below crab); SNG Evelpidis 752. Dark green-brown surfaces, light cleaning marks. Near VF. Very rare.
Estimate: 100 USD



Modificato da King John

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