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Roma Numismatics Ltd > Auction XXX Auction date: 21 March 2024
Lot number: 238
Price realized: 2,600 GBP   (Approx. 3,294 USD / 3,032 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
Lesbos, uncertain mint BI Stater. Circa 550-450 BC. Confronted calves' heads; tree between / Rough incuse square. Lazzarini, Contribution, Series III; SNG von Aulock 1682; SNG Ashmolean 1488-91; BMC p. 154, 46-9; Dewing 2251; HGC 6, 1076. 11.24g, 20mm.
Good Very Fine; attractive deep old cabinet tone.
Acquired from Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung;
With dealer's ticket from Münzkabinett Funk.
Estimate: 1500 GBP



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Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 561 Auction date: 1 May 2024
Lot number: 137
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
TROAS, Dardanos(?). 3rd-1st centuries BC(?). Æ (12.5mm, 1.58 g, 12h). Draped bust of female facing, wearing veil(?) / Warrior standing left, holding scepter, and placing hand and foot on prow to left. VAuctions 329, lot 147; otherwise, unpublished. Dark green patina, trace earthen deposits. VF. Extremely rare, perhaps the second known.
According to Leschhorn, only Dardanos is known to have struck coinage bearing an ethnic beginning ΔAP. He also records the rare early silver coins bearing ΔAPAΔO (cf. May, Damastion p. 197), but it is uncertain whether that is the name of a city or a personal name, and it is unlikely for a city in Illyra to feature a marine type as here. While Dardanos is a coastal town, the types here are completely novel compared to its known issues. Other than it's early membership in the Delian League, Dardanos has no historical ties to any naval victory or prominence, though the reverse type here alludes to such. It is therefore possible that this coin is an issue from a city otherwise unknown from coinage.
Estimate: 100 USD



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Heritage World Coin Auctions > Showcase Auction 61375 Auction date: 20 May 2024
Lot number: 25005
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction
Lot description:
CALABRIA. Tarentum. Ca. 340-334 BC. AR stater or didrachm (21mm, 7.70 gm, 4h). NGC Choice AU 4/5 - 4/5, Fine Style. D-, A-, S-, Ͱ-, magistrates. Warrior wearing lorica, chlamys, and crested helmet on horseback charging right, shield across back, two spears in right hand; Δ and A below / TAPAΣ, Taras astride dolphin left, head facing, chlamys over left arm and flying behind, trident in right hand over shoulder; Nike above flying right crowning him (to left), Σ and Ͱ above waves left below. HN Italy 891. This stunning stater is boldly struck, showcasing magnificent Fine Style details that highlight its exceptional craftsmanship.



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2 ore fa, King John dice:
Heritage World Coin Auctions > Showcase Auction 61375 Auction date: 20 May 2024
Lot number: 25005
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction
Lot description:
CALABRIA. Tarentum. Ca. 340-334 BC. AR stater or didrachm (21mm, 7.70 gm, 4h). NGC Choice AU 4/5 - 4/5, Fine Style. D-, A-, S-, Ͱ-, magistrates. Warrior wearing lorica, chlamys, and crested helmet on horseback charging right, shield across back, two spears in right hand; Δ and A below / TAPAΣ, Taras astride dolphin left, head facing, chlamys over left arm and flying behind, trident in right hand over shoulder; Nike above flying right crowning him (to left), Σ and Ͱ above waves left below. HN Italy 891. This stunning stater is boldly struck, showcasing magnificent Fine Style details that highlight its exceptional craftsmanship.




Molto bello.

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Leu Numismatik AG > Auction 15 Auction date: 1 June 2024
Lot number: 125
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
KINGS OF SOPHENE. Arsames, circa 255-225 BC. Dichalkon (Bronze, 20 mm, 6.92 g, 9 h). Head of Arsames to right, wearing bashlyk with beaded edges, tied with a diadem. Rev. BAΣIΛEΩΣ / APΣAMOY Arsames, wearing conical tiara, on horseback to right, hurling javelin at two attacking soldiers; below his horse, a third, fallen enemy. Kovacs 1. An exceptional example of this earliest Armenian issue, with a beautiful reverse and very likely the finest known. Minor adjustment marks, otherwise, about extremely fine.
From a European collection, formed before 2005.
While earlier authors, based on the different headgear depicted on the coins, posited two kings named Arsames, Kovacs assumes only one such ruler of that name. He divides the coinage of this Arsames, the founder of Arsamosata, Arsameia on the Euphrates, and Arsameia on the Nymphaios, into an early and a late group, with the early one supposed to depict the king wearing a pointed bashlyk and the late one with a conical tiara. However, the exceptionally detailed reverse of our coin unambiguously shows that the king also wears the conical tiara in the depicted battle scene. While this confirms Kovacs' assertion that the coins should be attributed to only one Arsames, it also challenges his division into two temporally distinct groups.
Apparently, Arsames used the different headgear simultaneously, an observation also emphasized by Kovacs 3, a coin type showing Arsames with the pointed tiara, whose reverse, however, resembles more Kovacs 5 (with conical tiara) due to the vertical legends. Simultaneously, the reverse of Kovacs 4, with the horizontal legend and the king in armor on horseback to right, despite the conical tiara on the obverse, certainly belongs to Kovacs 1-2 iconographically. Hence, all evidence points towards the simultaneous adoption of two distinct headgears by the king, rendering Kovacs' proposal of a tumultuous early reign of Arsames, succeeded by a more stable later reign, obsolete.
Estimate: 2000 CHF



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Leu Numismatik AG > Auction 15 Auction date: 1 June 2024
Lot number: 41

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction

Lot description:
THRACO-MACEDONIAN REGION. Berge (?). Circa 525-480 BC. Stater (Silver, 20 mm, 9.79 g). Ithyphallic satyr standing right, grasping right wrist of nymph fleeing to right with his right hand and supporting her chin with his left; to left, right, and above, pellet. Rev. Rough incuse square with uneven surfaces. Peykov A0010. Psoma p. 61 ('Berge'). SNG ANS 950 ('Lete'). Svoronos, HPM p. 81, 13h and pl. VII, 26 (this coin). Traité I, 1566 ('Lete'). Beautifully toned and with an excellent pedigree. A lovely piece with a wonderful rendering of the famous satyr and nymph scene. Slightly granular and with minor marks and light deposits, otherwise, good very fine.
Ex Leu 15, 4-5 May 1976, 183 and from the collection of Paul Mathey (1844-1929).
Traditionally given to Lete or Siris, S. Psoma reassigned this wonderful series to Berge in what later became the Thasian Peraia. The coins contain the satyr and nymph motive, a highly sexually charged design showing the ferocious and aroused satyr abusing the mannered nymph. Such images of wilderness clashing with civilization were especially popular in frontier regions such as the Thraco-Macedonian coast, where Greek apoikiai came into close contact with native 'barbarian' tribes. Perhaps this was also the reason why the piece found its way into the collection of the well-known French painter Paul Mathey (1844-1929), who was strongly influenced by the Barbizon School and, in addition to his portraiture, particularly painted naturalistic and expressionist landscapes, which differed significantly from earlier idealistic landscape representations.
Estimate: 15000 CHF

ILLUSTRAZIONE: ithyphallic Satyr from the sanctuary of Zeus at Dodona, ca. 540-530 BC.



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Attraente @King John raffigurazione di pieno arcaicismo, a quanto pare tuttora di difficile attribuzione. 

Grazie per continuare a proporci questa Tua sempre interessante, notevole fatica : una buona giornata .


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Dal periodo ( 91-88 a.C. ) della guerra sociale, il rovescio di un non comune denario, propone la raffigurazione di un guerriero con elmo e lancia, in atto di calpestare una insegna avversaria, con simboli nel campo : al diritto testa laureata attribuita all' Italia .

Passerà l' 8 Maggio in vendita Heritage sale 3115 al n. 32201 .

001 Heritage sale 3115 n, 32201.webp

002 Heritage sale 3115 n. 32201.jpg

  • Mi piace 2

Inviato (modificato)
5 ore fa, VALTERI dice:

Attraente @King John raffigurazione di pieno arcaicismo, a quanto pare tuttora di difficile attribuzione. 

Grazie per continuare a proporci questa Tua sempre interessante, notevole fatica : una buona giornata .



Grazie a te per il tuo apprezzamento che mi riempie d'orgoglio.

Modificato da King John

Numismatica Ars Classica > Auction 146 Auction date: 8 May 2024
Lot number: 2082
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction -
Lot description:
Tetradrachm circa 420-413, AR 28 mm, 17.13 g. ΜΕΣΣΑΝΑ Slow biga of mules driven r. by charioteer, holding reins and kentron; in exergue, two dolphins swimming snout to snout. Rev. Youthful Pan seated l. on rock on which a fawn's skin is thrown, holding a pedum in his l. hand and a springing hare in his r.; in upper field, ΠΑΝ. de Luynes 1022 (these dies). Rizzo pl. XXVI, 12 (these dies). Caccamo Caltabiano 508.1 (this coin).
Of the highest rarity, the finest of only five specimens known of which only two
are in private hands. A fascinating issue of great interest struck on excellent
metal and on a very broad flan. Light iridescent tone and extremely fine
Ex Leu 2, 1972, 90; Leu 61, 1995, 62 and NAC 82, 2015, M.L., 44 sales.
Arguably the most inventive coin in the long series of coins at Messana, this tetradrachm is also confirmation of the local worship of Pan. The god is shown in his natural element, seated upon a rock over which is draped a fawn skin. He was charged with the protection of shepherds, flocks and hunters and he concerned himself with hares, small birds and similar creatures. In this delightful scene Pan plays with his animal familiar, the hare, while in his left hand he holds the pedum, a throwing-stick used to kill hares. It thus portrays the dualistic relationship that this pastoral god had with the hare: he welcomes it with one hand while in the other he holds a weapon designed to subdue it. Messana originally was colonised by settlers from Cumae and Euboea who named the city Zancle. It prospered for more than two centuries before in 490/89 it was captured by Anaxilas, the tyrant of Rhegium, a Greek colony on the Italian shore across the Straits of Messina. Since Anaxilas was of Messenian descent, he changed the city's name from Zancle to Messana, and populated it with new arrivals from Messenia and Samos. He is credited with introducing the hare to Sicily, and he probably introduced the worship of Pan, a god native to Arcadia, a neighbouring district of his own Messina in the Peloponnesus. The local worship of Pan is amply demonstrated by the fact that the standard reverse type of the city's tetradrachms is a leaping hare. We get a more intense declaration with this remarkable and short-lived coin type, and also by the appearance of the head of Pan beneath the bounding hare on one of the more frequently encountered tetradrachms
Estimate: 100000 CHF



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2 ore fa, King John dice:
Numismatica Ars Classica > Auction 146 Auction date: 8 May 2024
Lot number: 2082
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction -
Lot description:
Tetradrachm circa 420-413, AR 28 mm, 17.13 g. ΜΕΣΣΑΝΑ Slow biga of mules driven r. by charioteer, holding reins and kentron; in exergue, two dolphins swimming snout to snout. Rev. Youthful Pan seated l. on rock on which a fawn's skin is thrown, holding a pedum in his l. hand and a springing hare in his r.; in upper field, ΠΑΝ. de Luynes 1022 (these dies). Rizzo pl. XXVI, 12 (these dies). Caccamo Caltabiano 508.1 (this coin).
Of the highest rarity, the finest of only five specimens known of which only two
are in private hands. A fascinating issue of great interest struck on excellent
metal and on a very broad flan. Light iridescent tone and extremely fine
Ex Leu 2, 1972, 90; Leu 61, 1995, 62 and NAC 82, 2015, M.L., 44 sales.
Arguably the most inventive coin in the long series of coins at Messana, this tetradrachm is also confirmation of the local worship of Pan. The god is shown in his natural element, seated upon a rock over which is draped a fawn skin. He was charged with the protection of shepherds, flocks and hunters and he concerned himself with hares, small birds and similar creatures. In this delightful scene Pan plays with his animal familiar, the hare, while in his left hand he holds the pedum, a throwing-stick used to kill hares. It thus portrays the dualistic relationship that this pastoral god had with the hare: he welcomes it with one hand while in the other he holds a weapon designed to subdue it. Messana originally was colonised by settlers from Cumae and Euboea who named the city Zancle. It prospered for more than two centuries before in 490/89 it was captured by Anaxilas, the tyrant of Rhegium, a Greek colony on the Italian shore across the Straits of Messina. Since Anaxilas was of Messenian descent, he changed the city's name from Zancle to Messana, and populated it with new arrivals from Messenia and Samos. He is credited with introducing the hare to Sicily, and he probably introduced the worship of Pan, a god native to Arcadia, a neighbouring district of his own Messina in the Peloponnesus. The local worship of Pan is amply demonstrated by the fact that the standard reverse type of the city's tetradrachms is a leaping hare. We get a more intense declaration with this remarkable and short-lived coin type, and also by the appearance of the head of Pan beneath the bounding hare on one of the more frequently encountered tetradrachms
Estimate: 100000 CHF




Bellissimo pezzo.

  • Mi piace 1

Numismatica Ars Classica > Auction 144 with CNG & NGSA Auction date: 8 May 2024
Lot number: 1081

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction -
Lot description:
The Geoffrey Cope Collection of Ancient Greek and Roman Bronzes. The Roman Empire. Antoninus Pius augustus, 138 –161.
Drachm, Alexandria 146-147 (year 10), Æ 36 mm, 28.35 g. ΑΥΤ Κ Τ ΑΙΛ ΑΔΡ ΑΝΤωΝΕΙΝΟ? ?ΕΒ ΕΥ? Laureate head r. Rev. L ΔΕΚΑΤΟΥ Heracles and the Hydra: Heracles advancing r., lion skin around neck, raising club to strike Hydra on ground to r.
Dattari-Savio 8488 (this coin)
Geissen 1537
RPC 989.4 and 6 (this coin, listed twice)
Very rare. Struck on a very large flan and with a lovely brown tone. Good very fine
Karl Kress sale 154, 1972, 365
SAN sale 4, 4 (1972-1973), 63-5
NFA-Leu sale 16 May 1984, Garrett, 802
CNA sale 13, 1990, Wetterstrom, 192
From the Dattari collection.

For his Second Labour, Eurystheus required Heracles to slay the Hydra, a monstrous nine-headed water serpent that terrorised the region around the city of Lerna in Argolis. Together with his nephew, Iolus, Heracles tracked the monster to its lair in the marshes around the spring of Amymone. At first Heracles attempted to cut off its heads, but each time one was severed, two new heads grew up in its place. The problem was solved by Iolus, who quickly came up with a burning torch to cauterise the wound every time the hero cut off a head, thereby preventing the Hydra from growing new ones. Once the monster was slain, Hercules dipped his arrows in the deadly poison that the Hydra had for blood. It is generally believed that the scene depicted on the reverse of this coin reflects the struggle with the Hydra, although the monster has been unusually anthropomorphized and Heracles is somewhat unexpectedly shown striking it down with his club. The usual explanation for these peculiarities is that Echidna, the serpent-bodied mother of the Hydra is shown in place of her terrifying child. On the other hand, it also seems possible that the engraver may have intentionally conflated the Hydra episode, with Heracles' involvement in the Gigantomachy-an epic battle between the Olympian gods and the Giants, who were traditionally depicted with serpentine legs in Greek artistic tradition. In this battle, which was most famously depicted on the frieze of the Great Altar of Zeus at Pergamum, Heracles fulfilled an old oracle stating that the gods would only be victorious if they had the assistance of a mortal.
Estimate: 2500 CHF

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Ercole contro l'Idra. Scultura di Francois Joseph Bosio Louvre, Parigi



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La dea guerriera per eccellenza, Atena, con lancia e scudo, guida alla battaglia una quadriga di elefanti : é il rovescio di un tetradrammo al nome di Seleuco I di Siria, con al diritto bella testa di Zeus .

L' esemplare passerà il 5 Maggio in vendita Num.Naumann 140 al n. 317 .


001 Num.Naumann 140 n. 317.jpg

002 Num.Naumann 140 n. 317.jpg

  • Mi piace 1

Astarte S.A. > Web Auction 5 Auction date: 12 May 2024
Lot number: 132
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction
Lot description:
CILICIA. Uncertain mint. Circa 400-350 BC. Obol (Silver, 10.38 mm, 0.57 g). Female head facing slightly to left, wearing wreath. Rev. The Great King or hero, wearing kidaris and kandys, holding bow and quiver on back, advancing right with the left leg forward, raising the left arm grabbing and stabbing with knife held in the right hand a griffin in front of him rearing and attacking. SNG France - . SNG Levante - . Gokturk 38. Mildenberg, Kleingeld - . Troxell & Kagan - . Winzer - . Sunrise 107. Weber 8059 (Sidon). Toned. Obverse slightly off center. Good Very Fine. Very rare.
Starting price: 20 CHF



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Inviato (modificato)
Classical Numismatic Group > Triton XXVII Auction date: 9 January 2024
Lot number: 566
Price realized: 3,750 USD   (Approx. 3,435 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:
Anonymous. Circa 250-240 BC. AR Didrachm (19mm, 6.69 g, 6h). Neapolis(?) mint. Head of Roma (or Diana) right, wearing Phrygian helmet; cornucopia to left / Victory standing right, attaching wreath to long palm frond; ROMANO to left, I to right. Crawford 22/1; Burnett, Romano, pl. I, 10; Sydenham 21; HN Italy 295; RSC 7; BMCRR Romano-Campanian 36 var. (control); Kestner –; RBW –. Toned, minor marks under tone. VF.
Ex Classical Numismatic Group 87 (18 May 2011), lot 916; Frederick H. Rindge Collection (Malter XXX, 7 June 1985), lot 1444.
While this series is not particularly rare, the I control is considerably rarer than the others. It is unlisted in Crawford and this coin is the only specimen recorded in CoinArchives.
Estimate: 2000 USD






Modificato da King John
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Inviato (modificato)

Dal rovescio di un notevole esemplare in AE dell' imperatore Claudio, una notevole, ben dettagliata raffigurazione di Minerva in veste guerriera, con elmo, corazza e scudo, ed in atto di scagliare un giavellotto .

La moneta, passerà ad ore, l' 8 Maggio, in asta NGSA/NAC/CNG 144 al n. 1028 .

001 NGSA+NAC+CNG 144 n. 1028.jpg

002 dettaglio.jpg

003 NGSA+NAC+CNG 144 n. 1028.jpg

Modificato da VALTERI
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