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Numismatica Ars Classica > Auction 138 Auction date: 18 May 2023
Lot number: 639
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction -
Lot description:
Tiberius augustus, 14 – 37.
Erotic tessera, time of Tiberius. Spintria first century AD, Æ 5.32 g. Erotic scene. Rev. III within wreath. Buttrey, NC 1973, pl. 3, 9 (this obverse die). Simonetta-Riva series 4 (this obverse die).
Very rare. Brown-green patina and good very fine / about extremely fine
Estimate: 6000 CHF




Classical Numismatic Group > Auction 123 Auction date: 23 May 2023
Lot number: 159

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction -
Lot description:
CARIA, Iasos. Circa 250-190 BC. AR Drachm (19.5mm, 5.44 g, 1h). Persic standard. Euanthous, magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo right / Boy holding on to dolphin swimming right. Ashton, Pre-Imperial, p. 55, 8 var. (A–/P8 [unlisted obv. die]); HN Online –; SNG München 241 (same obv. die). Toned, spot of die rust and a few tiny flan flaws on obverse. Good VF. Very rare with this magistrate.
Tales of humans interacting with dolphins occur frequently in Greek lore, and often on coins, most famously those of Tarentum in southern Italy, which depict the hero Taras (or Phalanthos) being rescued by a dolphin. The tale depicted on this issue of Iasos is rather more poignant. Hermias, a Greek youth of Iasos, is said to have taken a swim in the ocean each day after training at the gymnasium. On one such occasion, a dolphin swam up to him and allowed him to clasp his dorsal fin. The two became fast friends and the dolphin waited in the ocean each day for Hermias to dive in and go for a ride. One sad day, Hermias drowned (perhaps accidentally pierced by the dolphin's fin). The dolphin pulled him back to shore, but the boy could not be revived. Disconsolate, the dolphin beached himself next to the boy and expired.

Estimate: 1500 USD




Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 539 Auction date: 31 May 2023
Lot number: 207
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction
Lot description:
PHRYGIA, Kibyra. Circa 166-84 BC. AR Drachm (16mm, 2.72 g, 12h). Cistophoric standard. Helmeted head of Kibyras right / Warrior, holding couched lance, on horse galloping right; monogram to left, anchor below. HGC 7, 706; SNG Ashmolean 995. Flan crack, porous, light scrape on reverse. Good VF.
Estimate: 150 USD



  • Mi piace 1

Nomos AG > Auction 28 Auction date: 22 May 2023
Lot number: 1224
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction

Lot description:
CARIA. Kaunos. Circa 430-410 BC. Stater (Silver, 25 mm, 11.59 g, 11 h). Winged female goddess (Iris?) moving to left, her head turned back to right, holding a wreath in her right hand and a kerykeion in her left. Rev. Triangular baetyl flanked by two letters of the ethnic, 𐊼-Γ ( = K-B in Carian). BMC 11. HNO 5. Konuk 114 (O53/R54). SNG Kayhan 799 (same dies). SNG von Aulock 2350 (same dies). Perfectly centered on a broad flan, clear and attractive. Die fault on the reverse and a tad lightly struck, otherwise, extremely fine.
Estimate: 3000 CHF

illustrazione: Nike di Delo

Nel sec. VI a.c., in Grecia Nike è un'antica Titanessa o Titanide, appartenente a quella razza detronizzata da Giove e che venne ricacciata negli abissi, ma Nike non venne cacciata e continuò ad essere raffigurata nel classico schema arcaico detto della “corsa in ginocchio”, con torso di prospetto e ali falcate, come nella celebre Nike di Delo attribuita ad Árchermos di Chio.
Secondo Omero (per alcuni intorno al 1200 a.c., per Erodoto intorno all'850 a.c.) i Titani furono tre: Giapeto, Rea e Crono; Esiodo (fra l’VIII e il VII secolo a.c.) invece, riferisce nella Teogonia che furono dodici: sei maschi (Oceano, Ceo, Crio, Iperione, Giapeto, Crono) e sei femmine (Tea, Rea, Temi, Mnemosine, Febe e Teti). Dal più giovane dei Titani, Crono, derivò la generazione degli Olimpi. 
In Esiodo i Titani, tutti giganti e di forza prodigiosa, sono protagonisti della cosiddetta Titanomachia, che narra la lotta di Zeus e degli altri dei dell’Olimpo contro i Titani per la conquista del trono celeste. La lotta si conclude con la sconfitta dei Titani, fatti precipitare nel Tartaro. Fine dei Titani e fine della corsa in ginocchio.
Dunque i Titani erano contrari al nuovo dominio di Zeus per cui ne nacque una guerra che durò dieci anni, detta Titanomachia. Zeus si alleò con i Ciclopi e i Giganti dalle cento mani contro i Titani, figli di Urano e Gea, guidati da Atlante.
Alla fine, Zeus colpì Crono con la folgore e i Titani ribelli furono sconfitti. Zeus li punì duramente: Atlante venne condannato a reggere sulle spalle la volta del cielo; gli altri vennero gettati nel Tartaro (luogo di pena e di supplizio dell’Ade) ma le mogli dei Titani furono risparmiate per volontà di Rea.
Infatti con l'avvento degli Dei Olimpici alcuni Titani persistono, come Nike che però non corre più in ginocchio ma decreta le vittorie degli eroi tanto che a Roma assume il nome di Victoria che sancisce, oltre alle vittorie romane in guerra, le apoteosi della divinizzazione degli imperatori, a cominciare da quella di giulio Cesare che però imperatore non fu. (




Inviato (modificato)
Heritage World Coin Auctions > CSNS Signature Sale 3107 Auction date: 3 May 2023
Lot number: 31074
Price realized: 1,300 USD   (Approx. 1,176 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:
MYSIA. Cyzicus. Ca. 450-350 BC. EL sixth-stater or hecte (11mm, 2.61 gm). NGC Choice XF 5/5 - 3/5. Head of Attis right, wearing Phrygian cap; tunny right below / Quadripartite incuse mill sail square punch. SNG von Aulock 1207. SNG France 5, 292-293. Exquisite remnant detailing for the grade with each wisp of hair visible and the reverse shadowed in lovely obsidian toning.
Attis was originally a Phrygian god of Pessinos, but came to be associated in Greek mythology as the consort of the goddess Cybele. According to Pausanias, Attis had godlike beauty and was betrothed to the king of Pessinos' daughter. During the wedding ceremony, a jealous Cybele appeared which caused Attis to go mad, wherein he cut off his own genitals, prefiguring the devotees of Cybele, the korybantes.

ILLUSTRAZIONE: BUSTO DI ATTIS.  Dio oriundo dell'Asia Minore, venerato insieme con la Grande Madre degli dèi (Cibele) nel mondo greco-romano. Il suo mito, nella forma meno letteraria e meno contaminata in cui ci sia rimasto, parla dell'essere androgino Agdistis (dal monte Agdos; anche altri nomi della Gran Madre come Sipylene, Dindymene ecc., derivano da monti), che gli dèi decidono di domare, privandolo del sesso maschile: dal suo sesso perduto cresce una pianta, il cui frutto feconda Nana (altro nome della grande dea), figlia del fiume Sangarios, che lo ha raccolto: così nasce Attis. Secondo un mito più tardo, Attis, il pastore, è amato dalla Madre degli dèi; volendo sposare una mortale, è colpito da follia per opera della dea, si evira e muore. Pentitasi, la dea ottiene da Zeus, se non la resurrezione, almeno che il corpo di Attis non marcisca e il suo dito mignolo continui a muoversi. Predominio della figura della Grande Madre, follia orgiastica, evirazione e preoccupazioni relative alla morte e all'immortalità sono, parallelamente, aspetti caratteristici anche del culto, in cui Attis è strettamente legato e subordinato a Cibele; i sacerdoti sono eunuchi (i galli) e i riti assumono carattere di misteri. Formatasi da un sincretismo frigio-anatolico, la religione di Cibele e Attis si diffonde nella Grecia continentale sin dal periodo classico: nel III sec. a. C. le due divinità hanno già un santuario al Pireo. Ma la loro venerazione resta ai margini della vita religiosa, limitata alla popolazione non greca e soggetta all'azione trasformatrice dell'ambiente. Accolta dietro suggerimento dei libri sibillini a Roma nel 204 a. C., Cibele assume il nome di Magna Mater Deum Idaea; accanto ad essa Attis non figura - forse per silenzio dei documenti - e il culto, stabilitosi sul Palatino, resta isolato, affidato a sacerdoti frigi, fino all'età dell'imperatore Claudio, dopo la cui riforma esso sviluppa le sue forme complesse - il calendario di Filocalo ne registra il ciclo festivo in marzo - diffondendosi poi da un capo all'altro dell'orbe romanizzato (



Modificato da King John

Spink > Auction 23004 Auction date: 3 April 2023
Lot number: 634
Price realized: 180,000 GBP   (Approx. 222,552 USD / 204,748 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
NGC Choice XF* | Pharaonic Egypt, Nectanebo II (359-340 BC), 'The King's Good Gold', AV Stater, horse prancing to right, rev. two hieroglyphic signs, a pectoral necklace with six pendant beads ('nebew'='gold') crossing over a heart and windpipe ('nepher'='good'), 8.36g [129.0grns], 2h (Faucher, Fischer-Bossert & Dhennin [2012] dies D1/R2 [and 6e this coin (?)]; SNG Copenhagen 1; SNG Berry 1459; Svoronos 9, var.) struck under the last native Pharaoh of Egypt, Nectanebo II, this is the only known gold coin to have employed hieroglyphs, beautifully-centred, with only scant die softening to highest profiles, sporadic contact marks in otherwise residually lustrous fields still fresh from original mint die 'adjusmtents', a really pleasingly good very, and probably better for issue, OF THE HIGHEST RARITY AND GREATEST NUMISMATIC IMPORTANCE - 'the twilight of Ancient Egypt' - and one of only 48 examples officially documented, with fewer than 20 known from this die pairing, and fewer still available to commerce; this the first fresh example to be offered by these rooms since 1988, in NGC Ancients holder, graded Choice Extremely Fine STAR (Cert. #6769441-001).
Probably: Rollin & Feaurdent, by private treaty, 1925/26,
~ Mit Rahineh (Winter 1919/1920), Egypt Hoard ~,
Chanissat in his 1923 article ('Les trouvailles de monnaies egyptiennes a legendes hieroglyphiques') in the Recueil de Travaux (1923), documented that no fewer than thirty-eight coins had been recovered at Al-Aziziyah, near Mit Rahineh fulfilling a pattern of individual site finds of the type in the region dating back to the 1890s. Joseph Khaouam in communication with Chassinat had studied at least twenty-seven of the new coins and confirmed principally that they were not sophisticated forgeries as had previously been ascribed to the individual finds. Although, as and as G P Hill noted at the time, frustratingly not every coin was illustrated, but from the surviving plate it is clear how many from the trove are double die-linked to the present example. The surfaces of the present specimen are also entirely consistent with those found in the hoard. An example was acquired by the British Museum in 1926, with mention made that at least four examples had passed to well-known French dealers Rollin & Feaurdent, who were active participants in the London numismatic scene in the first decades of the 20th Century.
This remarkable stater, struck on the Macedonian weight standard, is the only 'true' Egyptian gold coin to feature hieroglyphic script. It was struck by Nectanebo II (ca. 361-342 BC), the last native Pharaoh of the 30th Dynasty who opposed the re-incorporation of Egypt into the Achaemenid Persian empire. This coin would be one aspect of Nectanebo's many attempts to consolidate and revive traditional Egyptian culture and religion in the face of Persian invasion, and is therefore one of the only ancient Egyptian coins not to directly imitate Greek or Persian coinage. In his bid to maintain Egyptian independence, he had the support of the powerful Egyptian priesthood and maintained an army of Greek mercenaries. The coin is itself symbolic of Nectanebo's unenviable predicament of being a nationalist leader with a regime propped up by foreign military muscle. While it is generally believed that this gold stater was part of an issue used to pay the Pharaoh's mercenaries, the hieroglyphic reverse type identifying it as "good gold" is likely to have been readable only by Egyptian priestly scribes. The hieroglyphic reverse reflects Nectanebo's presentation of himself as a legitimate native pharaoh defending Egypt against the Persians - only the latest manifestation of the "vile Asiatic" repeatedly mentioned in hieroglyphic texts since the third millennium BC. Nectanebo II and his mercenary army successfully repelled a Persian invasion in 351/0 BC, but he was driven from power when the mercenary leaders turned against him and joined the renewed offensive of Artaxerxes II in 342 BC. One such mercenary general, Mentor of Rhodes had been captured by the Artaxerxes III while assisting an Egyptian-backed revolt against Persian rule, and thereafter deployed to lead the Persian invasion against Egypt. It was this campaign that ultimately ousted Nectanebo II from power and paved the way to full Persian overthrow of the Egyptian kingdom. Nectanebo would spend the rest of his life in exile, and Egypt would never again mint coins with hieroglyphic designs. Evidently more than 'good gold' and the support of the religious establishment was needed to keep native Pharaohs on the throne of the Two Lands, even in the twilight of the Persian empire.
Estimate: £80,000 - £120,000




Inviato (modificato)
Numismatica Ars Classica NAC AG, Auction 98, lot 1255, 12/12/2016

The Roman Empire
Julia Domna, wife of Septimius Severus
Julia Domna's early portraits show a woman of considerable beauty. On her later coins she is presented as an old woman, often with a bitter expression. AMP. Aureus 193-196 (?), AV 7.29 g. IVLIA DO – MNA AVG Draped bust r. Rev. VENERI – VICTRICI Venus, naked to waist, standing r. holding apple and palm-branch, resting l. elbow on column. C193. BMC Severus 47. RIC Severus 536. Calicó 2641.
A lovely portrait struck in high relief. Good extremely fine A very early portrait of Julia. AMP




Modificato da King John

Jean Elsen & ses Fils S.A. > Auction 155 Auction date: 16 June 2023
Lot number: 186
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
ILES DE CARIE, KALYMNA, AR didrachme, 3e s. av. J.-C. D/ T. casquée de guerrier imberbe à d. R/ Lyre. Dessous, KAΛYMNION. Le tout dans un carré perlé. SNG von Aulock 2741; BMC 3. 5,99 g. Rare. Revers légèrement corrodé.
Très Beau
Very Fine
Provient d'Auctiones, Bâle, vente 20, 8-9 novembre 1990, 431.
Estimate: 500 EUR




Inviato (modificato)
Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 539 Auction date: 31 May 2023
Lot number: 235
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction
Lot description:
CILICIA, Kelenderis. Circa 410-375 BC. AR Stater (18mm, 10.79 g, 10h). Nude youth, holding whip, dismounting from horse rearing right / Goat kneeling right, head left; branch of ivy above; all within shallow incuse circle. Casabonne Type 4; Celenderis Series IV, unlisted variety; SNG BN –; SNG Levante 24 (same dies); Triton XXV, lot 290 (same dies). Lightly toned, struck with worn obverse die, slight die shift on reverse. Near EF.
Estimate: 300 USD




Modificato da King John

Inviato (modificato)
Leu Numismatik AG > Auction 13 Auction date: 27 May 2023
Lot number: 23

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
SICILY. Naxos. Circa 461-430 BC. Drachm (Silver, 17 mm, 4.34 g, 11 h). Bearded head of Dionysos to right, wearing wreath of ivy. Rev. N-A-XI-ON Silenos, bearded and nude, squatting half-left, drinking from a two-handled kylix he holds in his right hand and resting his left hand on his left knee; behind, his animal tail curling out on the ground behind him. Boston MFA 305 (same dies). Cahn, Naxos, 56 (V41/R47). De Luynes 1064 (same dies). Jameson 676 (same dies). SNG ANS 518-9 (same dies). Beautifully toned and of excellent style, with a most charming reverse. Struck from a somewhat worn obverse die with the typical die break on Dionysos' cheek, otherwise, very fine.
From an British old collection, privately acquired from Leu in 1994, ex Leu 7, 9 May 1973, 71.
When Dionysos was born from Zeus' thigh after the death of his mother, Semele, he was entrusted to the care of the wild Silenos, the patron deity of wine-making. The name Silenos literally refers to the rhythmic motion of the wine-press, from the Greek 'σείω' ('to move to and fro') and 'ληνός' ('press'). While Silenos clearly imparted a love for the grape to his foster son, Diodoros (4.4.3) mentions that he also instructed him in the best customs, and continued to serve him as an advisor. As such, he is often depicted in Greek art as Dionysos' companion, as on the reverse of this wonderful drachm. It shows him in his typical disheveled, pug-nosed form, naked and just able to keep himself propped up despite his inebriation, while pensively studying his kylix, the source of his joy and troubles. Surprisingly, although Silenos is best known for his near-perpetual state of drunkenness, he also possessed deep wisdom and the gift of prophecy (Virgil, Eclog. VI, 31 ff.), confirming the age-old adage: in vino veritas!

Estimate: 15000 CHF



Modificato da King John
  • Mi piace 1

Nomos AG > Auction 26 Auction date: 21 May 2023
Lot number: 209
Price realized: To Be Posted
Lot description:
THRACE. Mesembria. Mid-late 5th century BC. Obol (Silver, 7.5 mm, 0.52 g). Head of a warrior facing, wearing a Corinthian helmet. Rev. Irregular quadripartite incuse square. SNG BM 265. SNG Stancomb 217. A curious little coin, struck on a flan designed to emphasize the helmet on the obverse. Toned. Some surface roughness, otherwise, good very fine.
From the "Collection sans Pareille" of Ancient Greek Fractions, ex Aufhäuser 5, 5 October 1988, 35.
Estimate: 125 CHF



  • Mi piace 1


Gli elmi sembrano uguali,

possiamo parlare di una connessione artistica -numismatica

  • Mi piace 1

Classical Numismatic Group > Auction 123 Auction date: 23 May 2023
Lot number: 634

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction

Lot description:
Antoninus Pius. AD 138-161. Æ Sestertius (35mm, 26.48 g, 5h). Rome mint. Struck circa AD 140. ANTONINVS AVGVSTVS PIVS, laureate bust right, wearing aegis / P P TR P COS III, S C in exergue, Aeneas, wearing short tunic and cloak, advancing right, carrying Anchises on left shoulder and leading Ascanius by right hand: Anchises is veiled and draped and holds box in left hand, Ascanius wears Phrygian cap and holds pedum in left hand. RIC III 615; Strack 903 (this coin cited); Banti 309 (this coin illustrated); BMCRE 1264. Brown patina, tooled and smoothed. VF. Very rare.
Ex Künker 288 (13 March 2017), lot 577; Kunst und Münzen XXIX (20 May 1993), lot 384; Henry Platt Hall Collection (Part II, Glendining, 16 November 1950), lot 1458; M. L. Vierordt Collection (J. Schulman, 5 March 1923), lot 1479; Egger XLIII (14 April 1913), lot 943; J. Hirsch XI (4 May 1904), lot 916.
The reverse depicts a scene recounted by Virgil in the Aeneid, when the Greeks attacked and set fire to Troy; here we see Aeneas fleeing, carrying his aged father, Anchises, on his shoulder, leading his son, Ascanius, by the hand to safety.
Estimate: 3000 USD

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Statuetta raffigurante Anchise, Enea ed Ascanio, I sec. d. C., Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli



  • Mi piace 1

Nomos AG > Auction 28 Auction date: 22 May 2023
Lot number: 1153
Price realized: To Be Posted
Lot description:
MACEDON. Neapolis. Circa 500-480 BC. Stater (Silver, 20 mm, 9.46 g). Facing head of a Gorgon with protruding tongue. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. SNG ANS 400. SNG Ashmolean 2320. SNG Copenhagen 223. A clear and pleasing example, lightly toned. Nearly extremely fine.
From a European collection, formed prior to 2005.
The gorgon head on the obverse of this coin was apotropaic in nature: its glare was meant to keep harm away. The early coinage of Neapolis must have been struck in considerable numbers as a way of harnessing the wealth derived from the city's nearby silver mines.
Estimate: 5500 CHF





Dal rovescio di un gradevole denario al nome di Caracalla, il dio guerriero Marte pronto al combattimento, in armatura con scudo e lancia .

Sarà in asta GNDM 20 al n. 9425 .

001 GNDM 20 n. 9425.jpg

002 GNDM 20 n. 9425.jpg

  • Mi piace 1

Classical Numismatic Group > Auction 123 Auction date: 23 May 2023
Lot number: 354

Price realized: To Be Posted

Lot description:
BAKTRIA, Greco-Baktrian Kingdom. Eukratides I Megas. Circa 170-145 BC. AR Tetradrachm (36mm, 16.86 g, 12h). Diademed and helmeted heroic bust left, seen from behind, brandishing spear / The Dioskouroi, holding couched spears and palm fronds, on horses rearing right; monogram in lower right field. Bopearachchi 8B; SNG ANS 485; HGC 12, 132. Iridescent toning, circulation marks. VF.
Estimate: 3000 USD

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Ercole di Baccio Bandinelli, Firenze, Piazza della Signoria




Inviato (modificato)
Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG > Auction 390 eLive Auction date: 24 June 2023
Lot number: 3089

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 

Lot description:
Augustus, 30 v.-14 n. Chr. AR-Denar, 30/29 v. Chr., italische Münzstätte; 3,86 g. Kopf r. mit Lorbeerkranz//Standbild auf Rostralsäule. BMC 633; Coh. 124; RIC² 271. Sehr attraktives Exemplar mit feiner Tönung, fast vorzüglich
Zur Datierung siehe Sear, The History and Coinage of the Roman Imperators 49-27 BC, London 1998, Nr. 423.
Im RIC wird die Vorderseite als Apollokopf beschrieben, aber die Ähnlichkeit mit dem gleichzeitigen Augustusporträt ist so groß, daß höchstens Augustus als Apollo dargestellt sein kann. Da keine Umschrift vorhanden ist, muß die Bevölkerung damals den Kopf als den des Augustus angesehen haben.
Estimate: 200 EUR

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Colonna Rostrata oggi in Campidoglio. Bella e rara incisione su rame del 1704. Raffigura la Colonna Rostrata eretta in onore di Caio Duilio che aveva sconfitto i Cartaginesi a Milazzo. Fu la prima vittoria navale di Roma. Tavola tratta dall'opera "Beschryving van Niew Rome" stampata ad Amsterdam nel 1704 e pubblicata da Francois Halma. Incisa da F. Deseine, incisore attivo in Olanda tra la fine del XVII e l'inizio del XVIII secolo


colonna_rostrata_halma_deseine (1).jpg

Modificato da King John

Leu Numismatik AG > Auction 13 Auction date: 27 May 2023
Lot number: 103

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction -

Lot description:
CIMMERIAN BOSPOROS. Pantikapaion. Circa 370-355 BC. Hemidrachm (Silver, 15 mm, 2.60 g, 2 h). Head of a satyr with animal ears and a pug nose facing slightly to left, wearing taenia and wreath of ivy and fruit. Rev. ΠAN Facing lion's mask; all within shallow circular incuse. HGC 7, 67. MacDonald 44. SNG BM Black Sea 865. SNG Stancomb 551. Rare. Nicely toned and with a very attractive reverse. Slightly rough, otherwise, good very fine.
From the Pontos Euxeinos Collection, formed in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
Estimate: 750 CHF






Classical Numismatic Group

Sale: Triton X, Lot: 873. Estimate $5000. 
Closing Date: Monday, 8 January 2007. 
Sold For $7000. This amount does not include the buyer’s fee.

OSTROGOTHS. Theodahad. 534-536. Æ 40 Nummi–Follis (8.84 g, 7h). Rome mint. D N THEO DAHATVS REX, moustached and mantled bust right, wearing ornate Spangenhelm; pectoral cross with expanding arms / VICTORIA PRINCIPVM, S C across field, Victory standing right on prow of galley, holding palm frond in left hand across left shoulder and wreath in extended right hand. COI 89b (O-B1/R-L3); MIB I 81; MEC 1, 141; BMC Vandals 23; Arslan 159-61; Demo -. EF, red-brown patina, a hint of smoothing on obverse. Exceptionally well-preserved for issue. Rare. Ex Auctiones 25 (19 June 1995), lot 1044.
Theodahad inherited the Gothic kingdom after the death of Athalaric, the immediate successor of Theodoric the Great (471-526), who had increased the small Gothic tribal lands in Pannonia to encompass an empire stretching all the way to Spain. Theodahad had not intended to inherit the kingdom, instead being content ruling over a fief that extended over much of Etruria, and indulging in a love for the arts and learning of the fading Classical world. But Amalasuntha, Theodoric's daughter and the senior member of the dynasty, was unable to rule in her own right and required her cousin at her side. It was a poor choice. In the succinct words of Warwick Wroth, Theodahad proved to be "vacillating, cowardly and avaricious." And ungrateful - in 535 he ordered Amalasuntha arrested and sent into exile. The queen had protected Byzantine rights in Italy, and her deposition provided Justinian with the perfect pretext for undertaking the re-conquest of the peninsula. Theodahad frantically tried to appease the emperor, offering fulsome apologies for his conduct, and promising to cede authority over Italy to Constantinople. This only served to aggravate the Ostrogothic nobles, who promptly elected Witigis as the new king. Theodahad was murdered in December 536 while trying to reach refuge in Ravenna.





Ultimo mio acquisto in tema con questa discussione...

CNG Feature Auction 123, Lot 186

CILICIA, Tarsos. Circa 410-385 BC. AR Stater (21.5mm, 10.73 g, 6h). Near EF. Satrap on horseback riding right / Hoplite, nude but for helmet, holding spear and shield, kneeling left, [within shallow incuse circle]. Casabonne Type F10; Müseler, Tarsos, Group 5, l; SNG BN 226–31. Underlying luster, off center and some die wear on obverse, slight die shift on reverse. Near EF.




Facciamo un salto temporale di qualche millennio....

Persian Wars 2020, 200 euro gold Coin, Grecia moderna


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Gabinet Numizmatyczny D. Marciniak > Auction 20 Auction date: 23 May 2023
Lot number: 9532
Price realized: To Be Posted
Lot description:
Regnum Barbaricum, Follis Imitation (IV century AD)
Pięknie wykonane naśladownictwo.
Awers: Popiersie cesarza w zbroi i hełmie, w prawo, w otoku pseudo legenda VSVOVV - VVOEEPOVEVVI
Rewers: Dwie Wiktorie stojące naprzeciwko siebie, trzymające tarczę z napisami (?), poniżej ołtarz, w odcinku OΔ[], w otoku pseudo legenda POPΠP - VOV - OPVVVI
Brąz, średnica 17,2 mm, waga 2,03 g.
Starting price: 12 EUR




Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG > Auction 390 eLive Auction date: 24 June 2023
Lot number: 3046
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
AR-Denar, 54 v. Chr., Rom, M. Junius Brutus; 3,99 g. Libertaskopf r.//Der Konsul L. Junius Brutus geht zwischen zwei Liktoren l., davor Accensus. Bab. 32; BMC 3861; Crawf. 433/1; Syd. 906. Dunkle Tönung, etwas dezentriert, gutes sehr schön/sehr schön
M. Junius Brutus war einer der späteren Caesarmörder und begegnet Dante als solcher auf seinem Weg durch die Hölle. Die Rückseite zeigt den Vorfahren des Münzmeisters, der 509 v. Chr. der Tradition nach den letzten König Tarquinius Superbus aus Rom vertrieb und damit die Republik begründete. Mit seinen Münzbildern setzt sich der Prägeherr also für die republikanische Freiheit ein, hier ganz wörtlich mit Libertas auf der Vorderseite. Konkret richtet sich die Münzpropaganda gegen Pompeius. Die Rückseite ist das Vorbild für die Goldstatere des Koson.
Estimate: 200 EUR




Gemini, LLC, Auction V, lot 854, 06/01/2009

Nero Contorniate. Orichalcum, 39 mm (26.18 gr). Rome. IMP NERO CAESAR AVG P MAX, head laureate right, ivy leaf countermark engraved and inlaid in silver in right field / Distribution of contorniates at the circus? Three figures, apparently two togate men in center and on left and a draped woman on right, stand around a table on which there is a heap of nine coins, under an arched roof supported by two thin columns. The man on the left and the woman on the right each extend one hand over the pile of coins; in the clothing beneath each of their elbows is a small pellet, apparently meant to represent a coin that they are holding in their other hand. The man in the center should probably also be thought of as looking towards the pile of coins and extending his right hand over it, but to avoid difficult frontal depictions the die engraver has turned his head left and depicted his raised right forearm in the left field. A large pellet depicted under a fold of his toga certainly seems to represent a coin that he holds in his invisible left hand. Alfoldi 224 (29 specimens, 7 of which however are modern casts). Good very fine.
Ex CNG 58, 19 September 2001, lot 1120.
This scene has been interpreted as depicting a moneychang-er's booth or a distribution of largesse, but Zadoks Josephus-Jitta, Mnemosyne 4, 1951, 83, may have come nearer the truth by seeing here the distribution (she says sale) of contorniates in the circus. One other contorniate reverse die, after all, seems to depict the minting of contorniates, with a worker carrying a sack of them away over his shoulder; while another die seems to show a figure carrying a sack, presumably filled with contorniates, into the Circus Maximus (Alfoldi, pl. 52, 5 and pl. 30, 8; also lot 855 below). The present scene could then show the distribution of contorniates to the people after their delivery to the circus. It has not previously been noticed that all three of the figures in the scene, in addition to stretching out one hand towards the pile of coins on the table, also seem to hold a coin in their other hand. The three figures are normally described as togate males, but, on our well-preserved specimen, the figure on the right seems to have the hairdo of a woman, as the cataloguer of this coin for CNG 58, lot 1120, also noticed.
Estimate: US$3000





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