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Le più belle rappresentazioni di guerrieri

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Il 28/5/2022 alle 18:03, VALTERI dice:

Da un accattivante, piccolo bronzo di Mesembria di Tracia, 2 importanti accessori per guerrieri : un elmo ed uno scudo ovale, questo rappresentato nella vista da interno .

L' esemplare sarà il 12 Giugno in asta Nomos-Obolos 23 al n. 216 .


001 NomosObolos 23 n. 216.jpg

002 NomosObolos 23 n. 216.jpg





Nomos AG > obolos 23 Auction date: 12 June 2022
Lot number: 153

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction external.png
Lot description:
SICILY. Messana. Circa 310-288 BC. Litra (Bronze, 21.5 mm, 9.17 g, 3 h). ΠΕΛΩΡΙΑΣ Wreathed head of the nymph Pelorias in profile to the left; in front, two dolphins. Rev. ΜΕΣΣΑΝΙ-ΩΝ Nude warrior (Pheraimon) advancing left, holding spear and round shield; his himation, held in his left hand, is trailing on the ground. Caltabiano Serie XIX (Pelorias/Pheraimon), 871. CNS I, 22. HGC 2, 834. SNG Copenhagen 423. Rare and with attractive brownish-red patina. Very fine.
From the J. Metzger Collection.
Acording to Maria Caccamo Caltabiano the wreath of Pelorias is made of ears of corn, or more likely considering the nymphs natural habitat, leafs of reed. Furthermore, although this series is quite substantial, only the last few reverse dies of the series split the legend in two, as is the case on our specimen.
Starting price: 100 CHF




Heritage World Coin Auctions > CSNS Signature Sale 3099 Auction date: 5 May 2022
Lot number: 31155
Price realized: 1,450 USD   (Approx. 1,376 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
LESBOS. Mytilene. Ca. 377-326 BC. EL sixth-stater or hecte (10mm, 2.52 gm, 12h). NGC Choice VF★ 5/5 - 5/5. Head of young Cabeiros right, wearing wreathed pileus helmet; at sides, two stars / Head of Persephone right, wearing earring; all within square frame. Bodenstedt 99. HGC 6, 1025. Excellently struck on satiny flan. Bright daffodil toning accentuates both portraits.
From the "For My Daughters" Collection





Numismatica Ars Classica > Auction 132 Auction date: 30 May 2022
Lot number: 507

Price realized: 16,000 CHF   (Approx. 16,722 USD / 15,612 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
Nero augustus, 54 – 68
Sestertius circa 64, Æ 27.69 g. NERO CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG GER P M TR P IMP P P Laureate head r., with aegis. Rev. S – C Nero, bare-headed and in military attire, prancing r. on horseback, holding spear with r. hand; behind him, mounted soldier prancing r. with vexillum held over r. shoulder. In exergue, DECVRSIO. C 83. BMC 143. RIC 170. CBN 283.
A portrait of superb style struck on a very large flan and an enchanting
enamel-like green patina. Extremely fine
Ex NAC sale 4, 1991, 325.
Estimate: 7500 CHF





Una articolata raffigurazione militare con 2 statue equestri, con cavalieri che reggono entrambi delle panoplie di armi .

Da un interessante, rarissimo denario di Augusto, a suo tempo in asta RomaNum. XIII al n. 753 .

001 RomaNum. 13 n. 753.jpg

002 RomaNum. 13 n. 753.jpg

  • Mi piace 1

Oslo Myntgalleri AS > Auction 30 Auction date: 7 May 2022
Lot number: 702
Price realized: 22,000 NOK   (Approx. 2,332 USD / 2,204 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
LUCANIA, Herakleia. 330-281 BC. AR nomos (8,00 g). ΗΕΡΑΚΛΗΙΩΝ (partially off flan), Head of Athena right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet decorated with Scylla; K behind neck / ΗΕΡΑΚΛΗΙΩΝ (partially off flan), Herakles standing facing, lion skin draped over arm, holding club, bow and arrow; oinochoë above AΘA in left field. Reverse struck slightly off-center resulting in flat strike on head of Herakles, otherwise, well-struck and with a stunning dark iridescent cabinet toning. Van Keuren 85, HN Italy 1384, SNG ANS 74, Ex Goldberg, auction 47, 25.05.2008, lot 1223; Ex Classical Numismatic Group, auction 93, 22.05.2013, lot 27 Grade: 01
Starting price: 16000 NOK





Classical Numismatic Group - Triton XXV, Lot 29

LUCANIA, Metapontion. temp. Pyrrhos of Epeiros. Circa 280-279 BC. AV Tetrobol – Third Stater (13.5mm, 2.79 g, 1h). Bearded head of Leukippos right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet decorated with Skylla hurling a stone; ΛEYKIΠΠ[OΣ] above / Two six-grained barley ears, each with a curly leaf to outside; M-E across outer fields, ΣI between. Johnston G5.1 (same dies); HN Italy 1630; SNG ANS 397–8; SNG Lockett 404 (same rev. die); Basel 153 = Gillet 202 (same obv. die); Dewing 378




Inviato (modificato)
Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions > E-Auction 119 Auction date: 3 July 2022
Lot number: 305
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
C. Thalna, Rome, 154 BC. AR Denarius (18.5mm, 3.91g). Helmeted head of Roma r. R/ Victory driving galloping biga r., holding reins and whip. Crawford 202/1a; RBW 869; RSC Juventia 7. Good VF
Starting price: 15 EUR

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Modificato da King John

Inviato (modificato)
Leu Numismatik AG > Web Auction 20 Auction date: 25 June 2022
Lot number: 1898

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction

Lot description:
BITHYNIA. Prusa ad Olympum. Macrinus, 217-218. Diassarion (Bronze, 24 mm, 8.01 g, 1 h). ΜΑΚΡЄΙΝΟC ΑΥΓΟΥCΤΟC Laureate head of Macrinus to right. Rev. ΠΡΟΥCΑΕΩΝ Ajax the Telamonian, nude but for helmet and balteus, falling on his sword; before, pile of stones; on ground line, shield. BMC -. RG -. SNG Copenhagen -. SNG von Aulock -. Solidus 18 (2017), 169 (same dies). Extremely rare, apparently the second known example. Some roughness and the obverse struck slightly off center, otherwise, very fine.
The Telamonian Ajax was one of the main protagonists of the Trojan War. As the second-strongest warrior of the Greeks after his cousin Achilles, Ajax fought hard to recover the hero's body, but in the argument that followed, Achilles' body armor was awarded to the eloquent Odysseus instead of him. Grievously offended, Ajax fell into a rage the following night, killing a flock of sheep that he imagined to be Odysseus and Agamemnon. Coming to his senses somewhat later, he found himself covered in the blood of the sheep and decided to commit suicide to efface his disgrace. Ajax fell on the sword he had received from Hektor in an exchange of presents, and from his blood sprang a red flower that bore on its leaves the initial letters of his name, AI, letters that were also a cry of lament.
Starting price: 75 CHF

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Bronzetto di Aiace suicida in mostra al Museo etrusco di Populonia – Collezione Gasparri




Modificato da King John
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Guerrieri ed armi dall' Iberia .

Il 1^ un denario del II-I sec. a.C. da Tarazona con al rovescio un cavalleggero celtibero al galoppo con elmo, corazza e lancia il 2^ un piccolo bronzo del III sec. a.C. da ignota zecca dei Cartaginesi in Spagna, propone al rovescio un elmo di foggia particolare .

Il 1^ sarà a giorni in vendita Soler y Llach 1128 al n. 1017, il 2^ verso fine mese in LeuNum. 20 al n. 189 .


001 SolerYLlach 1128 n. 1017.jpg

002 So0lerYLlach 1128 n. 1017.jpg

101 LeuNum. 20 n. 189.jpg

102 LeuNum. 20 n. 189.jpg

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Stack's, Coin Galleries April 2007, lot 5070, 18/04/2007

SATRAPS OF CILICIA. Balakros, Satrap, 333-323 B.C.

Stater. Baaltars seated l. holding lotus-tipped scepter, grain-ear and bunch of grapes to l., traces of helmet and "B" to r. Rv. Draped ¾ bust l. of Athena wearing triple crested helmet, Corinthian helmet and Σ to l. 10.86 grams. SNG Levante 116 var. Medium gray with golden iridescence. Obverse softly struck. Very Fine/Extremely Fine. (1,000-1,250)




Inviato (modificato)
Stack's Bowers Galleries (& Ponterio) > January 2022 NYINC Auction Auction date: 14 January 2022
Lot number: 3046
Price realized: 3,000 USD   (Approx. 2,624 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:
ATTICA. Athens. AR Tetradrachm (16.64 gms), Antiochos, Karaichos, and Skymnos, magistrates, ca. 131/0 A.D. NGC Ch AU, Strike: 4/5 Surface: 2/5.
HGC-4, 1602; cf. Thompson-397k. New Style coinage. Obverse: Helmeted head of Athena right; Reverse: Owl, with head facing, standing right on overturned amphora; to right, elephant standing right; E on amphora, ME below; all within wreath. This extremely charming new style Athenian production still glows with mint luster and wispy golden tone. Despite some porosity and granularity on the reverse, there is very little evidence of handling on the surfaces.

Estimate: $1000 - $2000

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Statua di Athena Parthènos, copia romana del II secolo d.C., della statua originale realizzata nel 438 a.C. da Fidia in  oro, avorio e pietre preziose, raffigurata sulla momneta qui presentata. Atene, Museo Nazionale Archeologico




Modificato da King John
  • Mi piace 1

Leu Numismatik AG > Web Auction 20 Auction date: 25 June 2022
Lot number: 2114
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction external.png

Lot description:
ASIA MINOR. Uncertain. 2nd-3rd centuries. Seal (Lead, 16 mm, 1.57 g). Shepherd seated left, milking goat; to right, tree with a branch hanging left; above, syrinx (pan flute). Rev. Blank. Apparently unpublished. A wonderful piece with an exceptional rural obverse. Edge chipping, otherwise, good very fine.
From a European collection, acquired before 2021.
A tessera that appeared in Münzzentrum Rheinland 124 (2005), 365 has the same scene, but to the right and with the legend 'eusebis', a translation of the Roman core value of pietas, incorporating piety and dutifulness. Rural scenes, such as this one, were very popular in contemporary gem engraving.
Starting price: 50 CHF






Roma guerriera, in armi con spada e lancia, siede su scudi ed è incoronata dalla Vittoria in piedi .

Dal rovescio di un particolare denario repubblicano a nome di L. Cecilio Metello, che sarà a breve in vendita Tauler&Fau 114 al n. 30 . 

001 Tauler&Fau 114 n. 30.jpg

002 Tauler&Fau 114 n. 30.jpg

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Leu Numismatik AG > Web Auction 20 Auction date: 25 June 2022
Lot number: 1938

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction
Lot description:
IONIA. Metropolis. Gordian III, 238-244. Hexassarion (Orichalcum, 36 mm, 19.24 g, 7 h), Aur Bassus, strategos for the second time. •ΑΥΤΟΚ•Μ•ΑΝΤΩ• ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟC Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III. Rev. ЄΠ CΡΤΑ•ΑΥΡ ΒΑCCΟΥ Β Τ B• // ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛ/ЄΙΤΩΝ Three warriors standing facing, each holding spear and shield. RPC VII.1, 441. Rare and with an interesting reverse. Slightly rough, otherwise, very fine.
From the collection of Peter Weiss Gorny & Mosch 276, 19 April 2021, 357 and previously acquired between 1967 and 2015.
Starting price: 200 CHF





Da Pergamo di Misia nel II sec. a.C., un piccolo bronzo con al diritto testa elmata di Atena ed al rovescio bel trofeo di armi con un particolare elmo ornato  con pennacchio e 2 lunghe corna .

Sarà ad inizio Agosto in vendita N&NLondon 6 al n. 131 . 

001 N&NLondon 6 n. 131.jpg

002 N&NLondon 6 n. 131.jpg

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Roma Numismatics Ltd > E-Sale 99 Auction date: 7 July 2022
Lot number: 3
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction external.png
Lot description:
Spain, Kelse Æ As. After 143 BC. Male bust to right; three dolphins around / Warrior on horseback to right, holding palm; Iberian inscription 'KELSE' in exergue. ACIP 1482; CNH 11. 16.14g, 29mm, 7h.
Near Extremely Fine.
From the inventory of a German dealer.
Estimate: 250 GBP




Numismatica Ars Classica > Auction 132 Auction date: 30 May 2022
Lot number: 216
Price realized: 190,000 CHF   (Approx. 198,579 USD / 185,393 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
Decadrachm signed by Euainetos circa 400 BC, AR 43.19 g. Fast quadriga driven l. by charioteer, holding reins and kentron; in field above, Nike flying r. to crown him. In exergue, display of military harness set on two steps and below, [Α]ΘΛ[Α]. Rev. ΣΥ – ΡΑΚ – Ο – ΣΙ – ΩΝ Head of Arethusa (Kore-Persephone) l., wearing barley-wreath, triple pendant earring and beaded necklace. Around, three dolphins, while a fourth makes dorsal contact with neck truncation; beneath, EY – AINE. SNG München 1075. AMB 480 (this obverse die). Gallatin RIII/C.I (this coin listed and this obverse illustrated).
Rare and in exceptional condition for the issue, undoubtedly one of the finest signed
decadrachms of Euainetos in private hands. A portrait of Arethusa of masterly
style perfectly struck on a full flan and exceptionally complete.
Wonderful old cabinet tone and good extremely fine

Published in Gallatin in and from an Exceptional Collection assembled between the early 70s and late 90s.
Coins of the artist Euainetos are among the most exquisite works of art from the ancient Greek world. Of special value are his decadrachms, which must have been distributed widely, for they were influential to artists in regions far removed from the shores of Sicily. It is unlikely that many were exported through the normal channels of commerce, and we might suggest that, much like the staters of Olympia, some were acquired as keepsakes and were carried to a variety of destinations. The decadrachms of Kimon and Euainetos were introduced early in the reign of the tyrant Dionysius I (405-367 B.C.), and those of Euainetos continued to be struck for decades, perhaps even beyond the 360s. We might presume that Dionysus took a personal interest in producing such large coins of fine style to evince his patronage of the arts and to promote the success of his rule. There is also good reason to believe that after Euainetos' initial contributions, die cutting for the series eventually was carried out by understudies and successors. In some cases, Euainetos' signature appears to have been retained as a fixed element of the design until about midway through, when it was lost altogether. In general, these understudies meticulously copied the work of the master engraver. Gallatin notes that the entire series shows a most amazing repetition of the details of the arrangement of the hair, with locks and curls being slavishly repeated. Though a precise context has not been convincingly established for the Syracusan decadrachms of Kimon and Euainetos, it is tempting to associate their introduction with a military victory. The display of armour and weaponry that appears in the exergue is militant, and the inscription ΑΘΛΑ, which indicates prizes for at least agonistic contests, only adds to that prospect. Since it was a common practice of Greek soldiers to engrave dedicatory inscriptions on captured armour, a connection might be drawn between that phenomenon and what is presented on the decadrachms. The obverse also appears to allude to victory with its vivid scene of a charioteer guiding his team through a bend.
Estimate: 100000 CHF




Leu Numismatik AG > Web Auction 21 Auction date: 19 July 2022
Lot number: 4066

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction external.png
Lot description:
Nero, 54-68. Sestertius (Orichalcum, 34 mm, 24.61 g, 7 h), Lugdunum, circa 66. IMP NERO CAESAR AVG PONT MAX TR P P P Laureate head of Nero to right, small globe at the point of bust. Rev. S - C Triumphal arch, showing the front, with a wreath hung across it, surmounted by the emperor in facing quadriga accompanied by Pax and Victory, flanked by two soldiers; statue of Mars in side niche; the faces and plinths of the arch are ornamented with elaborate reliefs showing battle scenes. BMC 329. Cohen -. RIC 498. Very rare. A well struck example with an excellent portrait. Slightly rough and with a minor edge crack, otherwise, good very fine.
From the collection of Dipl.-Ing. Adrian Lang and the Rainer Wilschke Collection, Numismatica Ars Classica 84, 20-21 May 2015, 1796 and Peus 349, 30 October-1 November 1996, 321.
Starting price: 500 CHF





Al nome di Lisimaco di Tracia, un accattivante piccolo bronzo : al diritto bella testa di Atena con elmo attico crestato ed al rovescio un leone in atto di attaccare, con al di sotto punta di lancia .

Sarà ad inizio Agosto in vendita Harlan&Berk 220 al n. 132 .

001 Harlan&Berk 220 n. 132.jpg

002 Harlan&Berk 220 n.132.jpg

Leu Numismatik AG > Web Auction 21 Auction date: 19 July 2022
Lot number: 5482
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction external.png
Lot description:
Constans, 337-350. Maiorina (Bronze, 20 mm, 4.09 g, 11 h), Antiochia, 348-350. D N CONSTANS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Constans to left, holding globe in his right hand. Rev. FEL TEMP REPARATIO / ANΔ Soldier advancing right, head to left, holding inverted spear in his left hand and leading barbarian with his right from hut under tree; above, eight-pointed star. RIC 126. A beautiful piece with a wonderful Constantinian portrait and excellent reverse details. Slightly rough on the reverse, otherwise, extremely fine.
From the collection of Dipl.-Ing. Adrian Lang, acquired before 2021.
Starting price: 50 CHF




Leu Numismatik AG > Web Auction 20 Auction date: 16 July 2022
Lot number: 1392

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
KINGS OF SOPHENE. Arsames, circa 255-225 BC. Dichalkon (Bronze, 18 mm, 4.69 g, 11 h), first series. Head of Arsames to right, wearing bashlyk with beaded edges, tied with a diadem. Rev. [BAΣ]IΛ[EΩΣ] / APΣAMOY Arsames on horseback to right, hurling javelin at two attacking soldiers; below his horse, a third, fallen enemy. Kovacs 1. Rare. Good fine.
From the collection of an Armenian businessman, acquired before 2021 and ex Lanz 158, 5 June 2014, 292.
Starting price: 25 CHF



Inviato > Internet Auction April 2022 Auction date: 26 April 2022
Lot number: 147
Price realized: Unsold

Lot description:
Type : Tetrassaria
Date : c. 238-244
Mint name / Town : Beroe, Macédoine
Metal : copper
Diameter : 27,5 mm
Orientation dies : 6 h.
Weight : 11,76 g.
Rarity : R1
Obverse description : Tête imberbe d'Alexandre le Grand sous les traits d'Héraklès, coiffé de la léonté (G2)
Obverse legend : ALEXANDROU, (Alexandrou)
Obverse translation : (d'Alexandre)
Reverse description : Guerrier sur un cheval à droite
Reverse legend : KOINON MAKEDONWN NEWKOR (Koinon Makedonwn Beroewn)
Reverse translation : (La communauté des macédoniens de Béroé)
Catalogue references : BMC.- - GIC.- - Cop.- - AMNG. 1/827 var - ACBP.- - Varbonov-
Grade : XF
Inventory number: 726891
Estimate: 300 EUR





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