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Savoca Numismatik GmbH & Co. KG > Online Auction 124 | Silver Auction date: 23 January 2022
Lot number: 275
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction
Lot description:
Pontos. Neocaesarea. Geta AD 198-211. Dated CY 146=AD 209/10
Bronze Æ   30 mm, 14,75 g
Λ CΕΠ ΓΕΤΑC [ΚΑΙC], bare head right / KOIN ΠON NEOKAIC MHTPO ET PMR, tetrastyle temple.
very fine
SNG von Aulock 101.
Starting price: 50 EUR




Stack's Bowers Galleries (& Ponterio) > January 2022 NYINC Auction Auction date: 14 January 2022
Lot number: 4310
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction
Lot description:
PELOPONNESOS. Elis. Olympia. AR Stater (12.03 gms), "Zeus" Mint; engraved by Da-, ca. 424-420 B.C (89th-90th Olympiad). NGC VF★, Strike: 4/5 Surface: 5/5. Fine Style.
HGC-5, 341 (same dies as illustration); BCD Olympia-58 (same dies); Seltman-140d (dies BN/γκ) = Jameson-1228 (this coin). Obverse: Eagle, with wings spread and clutching serpent in beak, standing right; ΔA across lower field; Reverse: Winged thunderbolt with volutes; F-A across field; all within incuse circle. A premium example of this RARE and often crude type, the present specimen is struck far better than most Elis issues on an unusually attractive and symmetrical flan. The sharp contrast offered by the crisp details makes this example indisputably worthy of the fine style designation as well as a star for tremendous eye appeal. Only even wear is noted across the devices, and this issue is beset with hints of radiant rainbow toning in the protected areas. A fine piece that is sure to excite collectors, this example will undoubtedly entice the connoisseur with its beauty in strike and preservation, as well as its alluring pedigree and status as just one of five of this die marriage cited by Seltman--one of the others (Seltman-140a) being the BCD specimen that realized a hammer of ChF 27,000 (~ $21,000) in May 2004.
From the Mark and Lottie Salton Collection.
Ex: Robert Jameson Collection, # 1228.
Ex: J. Hirsch XVI (12/1906) Lot # 557.
Estimate: $10000 - $20000






Classical Numismatic Group > Triton XXV Auction date: 11 January 2022
Lot number: 356

Price realized: 3,000 USD   (Approx. 2,645 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
SAMARIA, "Middle Levantine" Series. Circa 375-333 BC. AR Obol (10.5mm, 0.76 g, 1h). Horned head of creature facing within square guilloche-pattern border / Winged sphinx recumbent right; Aramaic D above; all within square guilloche-pattern border. Meshorer & Qedar 31; Sofaer 124. Toned. EF. Exceptional for issue--perfectly struck from fresh dies, and excellent metal, extremely rare thus.
From the Dr. Jay M. Galst Collection, purchased from Gil Chaya, 11 June 2005.
Estimate: 1000 USD




Roma Numismatics Ltd > E-Sale 92 Auction date: 16 December 2021
Lot number: 289
Price realized: 50 GBP   (Approx. 66 USD / 59 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
Macedon, Thessalonika Æ 22mm. Pseudo-autonomous, reign of Commodus, AD 177-192. ΘЄϹϹΑΛΟΝIKЄѠN, turreted bust of city goddess to right, drapery on far shoulder / KABЄIPOC, Kabeirus standing to left, holding rhyton and hammer. RPC IV.1 Online 3486 (temporary); AMNG 36; BMC 47. 8.76g, 22mm, 6h.
Very Fine. From the collection of Z.P., Austria. Estimate: 50 GBP




Roma Numismatics Ltd > Auction XXII Auction date: 7 October 2021
Lot number: 320
Price realized: 21,000 GBP   (Approx. 28,606 USD / 24,745 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:
Mysia, Kyzikos EL Stater. Circa 550-450 BC. Winged figure to left, consisting of man's body with dolphin's head, holding tunny fish in left hand, right hand raised behind head / Quadripartite incuse. Von Fritze I -, cf. 79 (hemihekte); Greenwell -; Boston MFA -; SNG BnF -; BMC -; Gillet -; Gulbenkian -; Jameson -; von Aulock -; Franke-Hirmer 599 = Kraay & Hirmer 699 = Prinkipo 57 = Hurter-Liewald II, 79; Roma XI, 407 (£57,500). 16.09g, 22mm.
Near Extremely Fine; comparable in quality to the Roma XI specimen, which then hammered for £57,500. Of the highest rarity, only the sixth specimen known and one of only five in private hands.
From the Collection of GK, Ukrainian Emigrant;
Ex collection of an antiquarian, Bavaria c. 1960s-1990s.
The type of this coin is at first glance completely perplexing - there are no part man, part dolphin hybrid monsters known in Greek mythology. To better understand the type we must therefore consider other possibilities. The prevalence of winged beings in Kyzikene coinage is a reflection of archaic mythological convention that assigned wings to most divine or sacred entities as an immediately visible and understandable symbol of their nature, and in the case of gods, of their power to move at will across great distances. The presence of wings on this figure therefore indicates a divine identity.
Several gods are associated with dolphins, notably Poseidon, Aphrodite and even Dionysos. The latter on one occasion was travelling in disguise among a group of Tyrrhenian pirates, who thinking him only a man, decided to sell him into slavery; Dionysos transformed them into dolphins as they dove into the sea to escape his wrath, charging them for evermore with rescuing sailors in distress. While it could be argued therefore that the image on this coin represents a sailor in mid-transformation, this does not satisfactorily explain why it should be accorded a divine aspect, nor why an obscure myth should be chosen to feature on the coinage of Kyzikos.
Instead we should turn to the Homeric Hymns of Apollo, which relate that having been born on the island of Delos in the Cyclades, the god grew to manhood in just four days, and from there set out into the world, looking for a place to make his home, until he arrived at last at Mount Parnassos and the site of Pytho. Finding it occupied already by the oracle of Gaia and guarded by a serpent known as Python, the offspring of Gaia, Apollo slew the monster with an arrow and claimed the site for his own. Yet, despite being the son of Zeus, Apollo had nonetheless committed murder and to cleanse the blood-guilt he was required to serve king Admetos of Pherai in Thessaly for nine years. This he did, and when he returned to Pytho he came in the form of a dolphin bringing with him priests from Crete. The site became known as Delphi, from the Greek word for dolphin: 'delphis'.
It is most likely that we are expected to see in this coin's winged dolphin-headed man a representation of Apollo Delphinios: Apollo of Delphi; Apollo the dolphin. This identification is further supported by some myths which name the eponymous founder of Kyzikos' father as being none other than the god Apollo; Aristides (Orat. Cyzic., 1, p.114) goes so far as to speak of the god himself as the founder of the city.
Estimate: 20000 GBP





Inviato (modificato)
Gerhard Hirsch Nachfolger > Auction 372 Auction date: 10 February 2022
Lot number: 2060
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction

Lot description:
DIOCLETIANUS. 284-305, Treveri. 1. Officina.Aureus. 295-305. DIOCLETIANVS P AVG Belorbeerter Kopf r. Rs: VIRTVS AVGG Hercules r. wirft die kerynitische Hirschkuh nieder, indem er sie am Geweih(!) packt und sein Knie in ihren Rücken stemmt. Im Abschnitt TR. C. 506. R.I.C. 84a. Calico 4579 (dieses Exemplar abgebildet). Schulten Em. III. 5.47g, St. 6 h. Hohes Relief. Vs. kl Druckstellen. RRRG O L D vz-ss/ss
Ex Künker 124, 2007, Los Nr. 7660. P.N. Schulten datiert 303-305. Das Einfangen der Hirschkuh von Keryneia war eine der 12 Taten des Hercules, die er im Auftrag des mykenischen Königs Eurystheus vollbringen mußte. Um das der Artemis heilige Tier nicht zu verletzen, jagte er es bis zur Erschöpfung und fing es dann lebend wie auf der Münze gezeigt. Als anatomische Besonderheit galt schon in der Antike das Geweih der Hirschkuh, das einer Version des Mythos nach sogar aus Gold gewesen sein soll.
Estimate: 8000 EUR

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Il prezioso gruppo bronzeo di Eracle con la cerva di Cerinea, donato da Fernando IV alla città di Palermo. La scultura, ritrovata a Pompei, è uno dei reperti più ammirati del museo archeologico Salinas di Palermo.




Modificato da King John

umismatica Ars Classica > Auction 127 Auction date: 17 November 2021
Lot number: 305
Price realized: 60,000 CHF   (Approx. 64,613 USD / 56,931 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:
Claudius augustus, 41 – 54
Aureus 45, AV 7.82 g. [TI CL]AVD CAESAR·AVG P M T·R·P IIII Laureate head r. Rev. IMPER RECEPT inscribed on praetorian camp, at the door of which stands Claudius with a standard. C 43. BMC 23. von Kaenel 520 (this coin listed). RIC 25. CBN 43. Calicó 361.
Very rare and in superb condition for this interesting issue. A bold portrait
and a finely detailed reverse composition, slightly off-centre,
otherwise virtually as struck and almost Fdc
Ex Rollin & Feuardent 23-24 April 1887, Ponton d’Amecourt, 96 and NAC 119, 2020, 11 sales.
Graded MS Strike 4/5 Surface 4/5, NCG certification number 6157264-006
This coin is sold with an export licence issued by the government of Spain.
The accession of Claudius might be best described as an unplanned coup, for he was swept into office by a praetorian guard that believed he was an ideal replacement for Caligula. Just as it had insulated him from harm for the previous five decades, his physical disabilities and reputation for mental ineptness worked in his favour under these dire circumstances. For Claudius this must have been an alarming moment, for he just as easily could have been executed on account of his blood relation and close association with Caligula. Instead, he was hailed emperor by the praetorian guardsmen, who made certain the senate supported their decision. As a result, Claudius dedicated some of his early coinages to the praetorian guardsmen to whom he owed his principate. Previously, Caligula had acted similarly by striking a brass sestertius depicting himself addressing the praetorians. This particular aureus depicts Claudius standing safely within the praetorian camp, the walls of which are inscribed IMPER RECEPT. A companion issue in gold shows Claudius clasping hands with a praetorian (presumably the praetorian prefect).
Estimate: 30000 CHF





Inviato (modificato)
Gerhard Hirsch Nachfolger > Auction 371 Auction date: 9 February 2022
Lot number: 1268
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction

Lot description:
TRAIANUS. 98-117, Sesterz. Belorbeerte, drapierte und gepanzerte Büste r. Rs: Kaiser sitzt r. auf Podest mit 2 Beamten. Unten 7 Soldaten und ein Pferd.
C. vgl. 176. R.I.C. vgl. 656 od. 658. Schöne dunkle Patina. Felder geglättet. Min. Schrötlingsriß. R vz
Seit den frühen 1980er Jahren in deutschem Privatbesitz. RIC erwähnt das Pferd nicht.
Estimate: 1500 EUR

illustrazione: Rilievo dei Pretoriani, museo del Louvre-Lens.



Modificato da King John

The New York Sale, Auction 172, lot 2, 9/01/2008.

CALABRIA, TARENTUM. Nomos, about 440-425 BC. AR 7.78 g. ΤΑΡΑΝ-Τ-ΙΝΩΝ (retrograde). Phalanthos, nude, astride dolphin l., holding acrostolium in his outstretched r. hand, his l. hand resting on the back of the dolphin; below, shrimp l.; linear circle. Rev. Taras, nude to waist, seated l., holding spindle on the back of his outstretched r. hand and playing with a cat seated at his feet. Fischer 108, 263 (these dies). Vlasto 225 (these dies). SNG ANS 862 (these dies). Scarce type. Good classical style. Oval flan. Obv. slightly off-centre.

Good very fine
Estimate: 2000 USD
Leu Numismatik,Web Auction 17, LOT 49, 14/08/2021
CALABRIA. Tarentum. Circa 440-425 BC. Didrachm or Nomos (Silver, 21 mm, 8.00 g, 6 h). Youthful oikist, nude, riding dolphin to left, hodling akrostolion in his right hand and leaning left on dolphin; below, shrimp to left. Rev. [TAPANTINΩN] Oikist, wearing himation, seated to left, holding dead bird in his right hand and leaning left on stool; behind to right, cat walking left towards the bird. Fischer-Bossert 262 (V123/R196). HN Italy 844. SNG Lloyd 138 ( same dies ). Beautifully toned and with a charming reverse scene. Flan crack and somewhat double struck, otherwise, very fine.
Ex Leu Web Auction 12, 30-31 May 2020, 50 and previously from a Swiss collection, formed in the 1990s and early 2000s.





Numismatica Ars Classica NAC AG, Auction 82, lot 5, 20/05/2015

The M.L. Collection of Coins of Magna Graecia and Sicily

Calabria, Tarentum
Nomos circa 430-425, AR 7.93 g. TAPANTINON retrograde Dolphin rider l., holding strigil in r. hand and with l. on dolphin’s back. Beneath, shrimp. Rev. Taras, naked to waist, seated l. on chair, extending on back of his r. hand a spindle of wool. At his feet, a panther’s cub. Vlasto 225 (these dies). SNG Copenhagen 182 (these dies). SNG ANS 857 (these dies). Fischer-Bossert 263e (this coin illustrated). Historia Numorum Italy 844.
Rare. Light iridescent tone, minor areas of roughness, otherwise good very fine
Ex Leu fixed price list 1960, 41 and CNG-NAC sale 40, 1996, 580. From the A.D.M. collection.





Classical Numismatic Group, Inc., Auction 350, lot 22, 6/05/2015

BRUTTIUM, Kroton. Circa 350-300 BC. Æ (19.5mm, 6.70 g, 12h). Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin; ΔION above, Z to upper right / Eagle right, alighting on snake; ivy leaf to left. HN Italy 2218; SNG ANS 435–7. VF, dark green patina.




Gerhard Hirsch Nachfolger > Auction 371 Auction date: 9 February 2022
Lot number: 1131
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
AE-21 mm. 73 n. Chr. Drapierte Romabüste mit Modius und Stephane r. Rs: Nackter Apollo steht r. mit Bogen, zieht einen Pfeil aus dem Köcher. SNG COP. 696 var. SNG v. Aulock -. Etwas fleckige Patina. Min. korr. Vs. hohes Relief. fast vz
Ex Sammlung R.P. Ex Peus 355, 1998, Los Nr. 401.
Estimate: 150 EUR


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Roma Numismatics Ltd > Auction XXII
Auction date: 7 October 2021- Lot number: 138  - Price realized: 1,700 GBP   (Approx. 2,316 USD / 2,003 EUR)
Lot description: Lucania, Velia AR Stater. Circa 280 BC. Head of Athena to left, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with griffin; A above, IE within shallow square incuse behind neck / Lion attacking stag to left; YEΛH[TΩN] behind. Williams 559 (same dies); SNG ANS 1401 (same); McClean 1471; Boston MFA 158; HN Italy 1318; HGC 1, 1326. 7.44g, 23mm, 11h. Good Very Fine; pleasant cabinet tone with iridescent highlights. Estimate: 1500 GBP





Un guerriero in assetto di guerra, 'riposa' accarezzando i rami di un alberello di ulivo .

Da un bel statere di Aptera di Creta che passa oggi in vendita Xavier Wattebled al n. 40 .

001 Xavier Wattebled n. 40.jpg

002 Xavier Wattebled n. 40.jpg

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Classical Numismatic Group, Auction 444, lot 276, 15/05/2019

Roman Provincial

CILICIA, Tarsus. Maximinus I. AD 235-238. Æ (35mm, 21.06 g, 6h). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / The Three Graces standing, that in the center with back to viewer. SNG BN 1605 (same dies); SNG Levante 1096 var. (obv. bust type & arrangement of rev. legend). Fine, dark green patina with tan highlights, some cleaning scratches.
From the Dr. Mark Staal Collection of the Three Graces.




Inviato (modificato)

Roma Numismatics, Auction XX, Lot 293.  Seleukid Empire, Seleukos I Nikator AR Tetradrachm. Susa, circa 305/4-295 BC. Head of Seleukos I right, wearing helmet covered with panther skin and adorned with bull's ears and horns, panther skin tied around neck / Nike standing right, wearing peplos, crowning trophy of Macedonian arms set on sapling tree, from which branch sprouts near base; ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΕΛΕΥΚΟΥ around; AP below left wing, facing bust of Helios in lower middle field, monogram to lower right. SC 173.16; ESM 301; ESMS Tr. 108; HGC 9, 20; SNG Spaer -; Houghton -. 17.23g, 26mm, 3h.




Modificato da King John

Stack's Bowers Galleries (& Ponterio) > January 2022 NYINC Auction Auction date: 14 January 2022
Lot number: 3121
Price realized: 1,200 USD   (Approx. 1,050 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:
TITUS, A.D. 79-81. AR Denarius (3.40 gms), Rome Mint, A.D. 80. NGC MS, Strike: 4/5 Surface: 4/5. Flan Flaw.
RIC-124; RSC-313a. Obverse: Laureate head right; Reverse: Pulvinar (throne) of Jupiter and Juno: square seat, draped, with tassels: it has a triangular frame on it, on which are eight vertical bars and one palmette. A stunning Mint State example from a fairly brief reign, this specimen yields a flashy, argent brilliance along with nearly pristine surfaces. The noted flan flaw is seemingly inconsequential and does not interfere with the fantastic allure.
Estimate: $1000 - $1500

ILLUSTRAZIONE: un pulvinare  [dal lat. pulvinar, der. di pulvinus «guanciale, cuscino»]. – Nell’antica Roma, il letto su cui si ponevano le immagini degli dei nelle cerimonie religiose perché partecipassero ai banchetti e ai giochi sacri. Per estens., il nome fu dato al letto imperiale e soprattutto al palco da dove l’imperatore assisteva agli spettacoli nei circhi e negli anfiteatri. 




  • Mi piace 1

Inviato (modificato)
Savoca Numismatik GmbH & Co. KG > Online Auction 124 | Silver Auction date: 23 January 2022
Lot number: 115

Price realized: 320 EUR   (Approx. 363 USD)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
Paphlagonia. Sinope circa 330-300 BC. Aiginetic standard. Krith–, magistrate
Drachm AR
23 mm, 5,96 g
Head of nymph left, hair in sakkos; aphlaston before / Sea-eagle on dolphin left; KPHΘ below wings.
nearly extremely fine
SNG BM Black Sea 1474-5; HGC 7, 391.
Starting price: 50 EUR




Modificato da King John


Un guerriero con armatura completa, governa il proprio cavallo scalpitante : al rovescio forse uno scudo visto dall' interno, come detto in didascalia, forse più probabilmente una ruota con particolari raggi .

Da uno statere degli Ichnai conservato in museo a Berlino .


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002 DE-MUS-814819-18203255-rv.jpg


  • Mi piace 1

Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung > Auction 280 Auction date: 11 October 2021
Lot number: 59
Price realized: 32,000 EUR   (Approx. 37,028 USD)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:
Tetradrachme ø 27mm (17,89g). ca. 460 - 450/446 v. Chr. Vs.: AKPAC-ΑΝΤΟΣ, stehender Adler n. l. Rs.: Krabbe. SNG ANS 964 ff.; HGC 78; Franke-Hirmer Taf. 59 rechts (dieses Exemplar!); Westermark, Akragas 359.1 (O11/R39; dieses Exemplar!).
Franke-Hirmer plate coin! Ex Samuel Pozzi collection!
Herrliche Tönung, Vs. kleine Kratzer und Stempelfehler, vz
Ex Münchner Sammlung AO; ex Auktion Hess-Leu, Luzern 2.4.1958, 47; Lagerbestand bei Jacob Hirsch (New York) 1952 (ex de Ciccio); Ex Naville Ars Classica 14, Genf 1929, 81; Ex Naville 1 (Pozzi), Luzern 1921, 376.
Die Münze besticht nicht nur durch ihre Qualität, sondern auch durch ihre Sammlungsgeschichte. Ihr prominentester Vorbesitzer war Prof. Dr. Samuel Pozzi (1846 - 1918), dessen umfangreiche und höchst qualitative Sammlung größtenteils 1921 in Luzern versteigert wurde und mit 3334 Nummern den ersten der berühmten Naville-Kataloge füllt. Der Person des Sammlers kann man durch ein jüngst erschienenes und äußerst lesenswertes Buch des englischen Autors Julian Barnes mit dem Titel: "Der Mann im roten Rock (2019)" näherkommen. Ausgehend von der Betrachtung des Gemäldes "Dr. Pozzi at Home" von der Hand des John Singer Sargent, schildert Barnes in kaleidoskopischer Vorgehensweise das Leben und das intellektuelle und gesellschaftliche Umfeld des Samuel Pozzi, der in den höchsten Kreisen der Pariser Belle Epoque verkehrte. Als Mediziner machte er sich vor allem um die Fortentwicklung der Hygiene und Chirurgie verdient und war ein Wegbereiter der modernen Gynäkologie. Seine berufliche Karriere krönte er als erster Inhaber einer Professur für Gynäkologie in Frankreich. Als gut aussehender High-Society-Arzt führte er ein großes Haus, hatte die besten Kontakte und war in der kulturellen Szene seiner Zeit bestens vernetzt. Sarah Bernhardt, mit der ihm ein Verhältnis nachgesagt wird, nannte ihn "Dr. Dieu" und bei den in den besseren Kreisen durchaus noch üblichen Duellen war er ein geschätzter Sekundant. Dass in diesem ausgefüllten Leben auch noch eine enorme Kunst- und Münzsammlung Platz fand, wirkt erstaunlich. Die Qualität dieser Sammlung, die auch in unserer Münze fassbar wird, zeigt aber, dass sich Dr. Pozzi auch diesem Thema mit Professionalität und Hingabe widmete.

Estimate: 10000 EUR





Su un piccolo obolo di Pelinna in Tessaglia, un guerriero in chitone e con scudo, è in corsa in atto di scagliare un giavellotto .

Passerà a breve in asta RomaNum. 94 al n. 67 . 

101 RomaNum. 94 n.67.jpg

102 RomaNum. 94 n. 67.jpg

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Inviato (modificato)

Heritage World Coin Auctions > NYINC Signature Sale 3097  

Auction date: 10 January 2022 Lot number: 30001    Price realized: 70,000 USD  
CALABRIA. Tarentum. Time of Pyrrhus of Epirus (ca. 280-272 BC). AV stater (18mm, 8.50 gm, 4h). NGC Choice AU 5/5 - 4/5, Fine Style. Head of Heracles right, wearing lion skin headdress, paws tied before neck / Male youth (Taras?), nude but for chlamys draped over left arm, reins in right hand, trident in left, driving rearing biga right; eight-pointed star above, dolphin right below. Fischer-Bossert G21. Vlasto 16. HN Italy 955. Solidly struck from fresh dies on gleaming flan. A gorgeous coin in hand.
From the Buxton Collection
From the time he became king of Epirus in 319 BC, the handsome and charismatic Pyrrhus dreamed of emulating his cousin Alexander the Great's career of conquest. He married Lanassa, the daughter of king Agathocles of Syracuse, in 295 BC and an opportunity presented itself in 280 BC, when the city of Tarentum in southern Italy sought his assistance in resisting Rome. Landing in Italy with his army and several war elephants, he marched against the Roman consul Publius Valerius Laevinus and defeated him in a bloody encounter near Heraclea. Pyrrhus won a second, even more costly victory at Ausculum in 279 BC, after which he is said to have remarked, "another such 'victory' and I am finished!" Thus was born the phrase "Pyrrhic victory," a battle won at such cost that it might as well be a defeat. Next, the Siceliotes lobbied for his support against Roman ally Carthage in 278 BC, resulting in Pyrrhus taking over the island and being acclaimed 'King of Sicily'. The presence of Pyrrhus in southern Italy and Sicily soon became an occupation, with the hosting cities forced to strike coins to pay the army. He returned to Italy in 276 BC and eventually to Epirus.
Estimate: 40000-60000 USD


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Modificato da King John
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Da un piccolo diobolo di Taranto, 2 figurazioni di guerrieri .

Particolare e non comune, al diritto la testa della guerriera Atena che indossa un elmo corinzio invece del più consueto elmo attico : al rovescio l'eroe dei guerrieri, Eracle, anch' egli in postura meno consueta, che combatte contro il leone di Nemea .

L' esemplare passerà ad inizio Marzo in asta MDC.Monaco 2 al n. 4 .

001 MDCMonaco 2 n. 4.jpg

002 MDCMonaco 2 n, 4.jpg

  • Mi piace 2

Classical Numismatic Group, Triton IX, lot 164, 10/01/2006

BOIOTIA, Haliartos. Circa 400-375 BC. AR Stater (11.91 g). Boiotian shield, trident upward in centre / Poseidon, naked, advancing right, extending right hand and brandishing trident in his left; ARI-AR-T-IO-N clockwise around from lower left; all within concave circle. Head, Boeotia p. 46, pl. IV, 3 = Imhoof-Blumer, Münzkunde, 19, pl. IX, 3 (same dies); BMC 11, pl. VII, 16 = Traité III 296, pl. CCII, 33 (same rev. die); Hess 12 March 1906, lot 544 (same rev. die); Gillet Collection photofile 899 = de Sartiges 244 (this coin). VF, lovely old collection tone, well centered and very attractive. Very rare. ($5000)

Ex Charles Gillet Collection (photofile), 899; Vicomte de Sartiges Collection, 244; Gustav Philipsen Collection (J. Hirsch XXV, 29 November 1909), lot 856; A. Rhousopoulos Collection (J. Hirsch XIII, 15 May 1905), lot 1713.
The wear on this coin is so gentle and uniform that it adds to rather than detracts from its charm and beauty.
Estimate: $5000




Inviato (modificato)
Roma Numismatics Ltd > Auction XXII Auction date: 7 October 2021
Lot number: 547
Price realized: 3,400 GBP   (Approx. 4,632 USD / 4,006 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:
Gordian III Æ 38mm of Heraclea Pontica, Bithynia. AD 238-244. Μ ΑΝΤ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΥΓ, laureate and cuirassed bust to right, breastplate decorated with eagle standing to left, head to right / ΗΡΑΚΛЄΩΤΑΝ ΠΟΝΤΩ, Hercules advancing to right, head to left, holding club and dragging Cerberus with chain, with lion skin wrapped around left arm; to right, figure of Pomona(?) to left on cippus, holding apple and ears of corn; tree to left. RPC VII.2 Online Unassigned ID 19694; RG 218. 23.81g, 38mm, 7h.
Near Extremely Fine. Extremely Rare; only four examples cited by RPC Online, of which just two are in private hands.
From the Collection of GK, Ukrainian Emigrant.
To atone for his slaying of his children and wife, Megara, in a fit of madness brought on by the hostile goddess Hera, Hercules was ordered by the oracle at Delphi to serve his cousin, King Eurystheus of Mycenae, for ten years. There, the jealous king ordered him to complete a number of tasks, or 'labours', which typically involved the slaying or capture of some mythical beast, or the obtaining of some inaccessible object.
The most famous of these labours was the twelfth and final one – the capture of the three-headed guardian dog of the Underworld, Cerberus, whose main task was to prevent the dead from being able to escape their confinement. This was a labour which the king believed to be impossible, and was chosen by him for that reason. There is no definitive source for the story of Hercules' labours, and the accounts of how the hero managed to capture the beast vary through the story's retellings – one common factor, however, is the same ingenuity and tremendous strength that characterise Hercules' approach to all of the labours he was ordered to undertake. The various versions of the myth tend to agree that impediments were placed on Hercules' ability to subdue Cerberus – Apollodorus, for instance, mentions that Hades would only allow Hercules to take Cerberus if he could constrain him without the use of his weapons, which the hero managed to do by using his lion-skin as a shield and putting the beast in a head-lock. Local legends and foundation myths flourished with regards to the places associated with this labour: there was a tradition that Hercules paraded his captive through various parts of the Greek world on his way to report back to the king – which is potentially what is being visualised in the tableau on this coin's reverse. Likewise, as with many ancient myths, this story was used to explain various aspects of the natural world: some sources suggested, for instance, that the bile which the dog vomited up in violent reaction to daylight produced the poisonous aconite plant around the mouth of the opening to the Underworld from which they had just surfaced. The tree on this coin's reverse is perhaps an allusion to such aetiological explanations, and pairs with the cult statue of Pomona on the other side of Hercules, who, in holding an apple, alludes to the previous labour of Hercules in which he had successfully stolen three of the golden apples from the garden of the Hesperides.
Estimate: 500 GBP

ILLUSTRAZIONE: "Eracle cattura Cerbero", opera di Simon Frisius, 1610 - 1664



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