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Ancient Coins. Greek. Phoenicia, Byblos, Azbaal (c.350 BC), Silver Stater, war galley left, with lion’s head on prow, rudder and curved ornament at stern, three hoplites on deck, wearing crested helmets and holding round shields, zig-zag lines of waves below, hippocamp left and murex shell below, Phoenician letters ‘NO’ by tail of hippocamp , rev Phoenician legend (= ‘ Azbaal Melek Gebal ’), lion attacking bull left, sinking its jaws into bull’s back, 13.00g (SNG Berry 1431 (same obverse die); Boston 2341; SNG Cop 132). Light metal-flaw on the obverse, some porosity on the reverse, toned, good very fine / very fine . From The Dr E O and Mrs F M Halliwell Collection of Ancient and English Coins. £400-500






CARTHAGINIAN OCCUPATION, about 216-211 BC. Diobol, struck in Capua. AR 1.07 g. Head of Hermes l., wearing flat petasus. Rev. Battle elephant r., wearing armoured castle on his back; in exergue, two pellets. SNG ANS 147. S. Robinson, Carthaginian and other south Italian coinages of the Second Punic War, NC 1964, 41 and pl. V, 5. Very rare and of some interest. Dark tone. Rev. slightly corroded.
Good very fine
Estimate: 300 USD



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RB79962. Billon centenionalis, RIC VII Siscia 61 (R1), Cohen VII 637, SRCV IV 16303, Hunter V -, VF, fantastic armed bust, well centered, corrosion, reverse rough, 2nd officina, Siscia (Sisak, Croatia) mint, weight 2.408g, maximum diameter 19.3mm, die axis 180o, 319 A.D.; obverse IMP CONSTAN-TINVS AVG, helmeted and cuirassed bust left, helmet with high crest and ornamented with stars, spear in right hand across right shoulder, shield on left shoulder ornamented with a horseman riding right with his cloak flying behind; reverse VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINC PERP, two Victories holding between them a shield inscribed VOT P R set on altar, BSIS• in exergue; rare with this shield; $140.00

Immagine: Elmo gemmato da cavalleria di Berkasovo, IV secolo d.C., Novi Sad, Museum di Vojvodina.




Inviato (modificato)
República Romana. Roscia  No.: 355  Starting Price - Precio de salida: EUR 35
58 a.C. Denario. Incierto. Marca: catapulta y ara. Referencia al tributo anual de una doncella a la serpiente protectora de Lanuvium. Cl.1231. C1. F1090. Mbc/EBC, restos de brillo original.




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Modificato da King John

Inviato (modificato)

AETOLIA. Aetolian League. Ca. 250-225 BC. AR stater (22, 10.69 gm, 4h).  Young male head right, wearing oak wreath; ΦΙ below neck truncation / AITΩΛΩN, Aetolus standing left, right foot on rock, partially draped with chlamys and with kausia hanging behind his back, holding spear in his right hand and with sword under his left arm. BCD 438. BMC Aetolia 9. Rare. Well struck in high relief from dies of excellent style. Choice metal quality, with attractive light toning. NGC XF 5/5 - 4/5. From The California Collection. The sparsely inhabited district of Aetolia in west-central Greece produced little history of note until the later fourth century BC, when its few towns and cities banded together to the form the Aetolian League for mutual defense against marauding Gauls and the growing power of Macedon. The league soon created its own federal currency, probably minted at its capital of Thermika. Obverse types were based on contemporary Hellenistic coinages, while reverses featured the hero Aetolus, son of Endymion, a legendary figure of Greek mythology who was variously a shepherd, hunter, and king. The male head on the obverse of these issues could also be Aetolus, or may represent Apollo; alternatively, it could be an actual portrait of a contemporary ruler, although which one is difficult to establish. Antigonus Gonatus and his son Demetrius Aetolicus have been proposed, but the Aetoleans were usually warring with Macedon and it is unlikely they would so honor one of its kings. Antiochus III of Syria, who allied with the Aetoleans against the Romans in circa 190 BC, has also been proposed, but the alliance seems to post-date this coinage.


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Modificato da King John

  • 2 settimane dopo...

Roman Republican Coins 
Cn. Pompeius Magnus and M. Poblicius. Denarius, Spain 46-45, AR 4.01 g. M·POBLICI·LEGI PRO Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, PR. Rev. CN·MAGNVS·IMP Female figure standing r., with shield slung on back, holding two spears in l. hand and presenting palm branch to soldier standing l. on prow of ship. Babelon Pompeia 9 and Poblicia 10. Sydenham 1035. Sear Imperators 48. RBW –. Crawford 469/1a. 
Scarce. Light iridescent tone and extremely fine





Wie vorher, 24 mm, 14,2g. Rückseite: Alexander reitet mit eingelegter Lanze.KOINON MAKEDONWN






GUPTA KINGDOM. Kumaragupta I. (414-455). Gold dinar (8.15 gm). Tiger-slayer type. Nimbate king standing facing, head left, drawing bow in face of tiger rearing right / Nimbate goddess standing left, feeding peacock with right hand and holding lotus on long stem in left, symbol to upper left, Sanskrit legend to right. Altekar variety A, pl. xii, 11. Very rare. Very fine.
Estimate: US$1750





Bronze nach 211 v. Chr., Prägung des Quästors (? Porcius) Cato für den Umlauf in der Provinz. Kopf des Zeus / Krieger mit Patera, Speer und Schild, im Feld 2 Monogramme.
Calciati I, S. 352, Em. 129. 5.96 g. Dunkelgrüne Patina Sehr schön
Schätzung (estimation): 175,-- EUR






Aureus - Dritto: ANTONINVSPIVSAVGBRIT - Capo coronato d'alloro con busto rivolto a destra, con egida su spalla sinistra.  
Verso: PMTRPXIIIICOSIIIPP - Caracalla (come Virtus) in piedi rivolto a sinistra, con parazonium e lancia capovolta, piede destro su prigioniero seduto sotto. 211 (Roma).





SAMARIA. Sebaste. Domitian (AD 81 - 96). Æ 21mm (6.23 gm). Laureate bust of Domitian right / Armed warrior (the emperor?) standing facing holding parazonium in right and resting on spear with left; in upper left field, date: LΘΡ (year 109 = 81/2 AD). Sofaer pl. 62,10. Rosenberger 8-9; RPC II 2228. Earthen highlights. Good Fine. Ex Shoshana Collection (Heritage 3018, 5 September 2012), lot 20514. 





Greek Coins 
Mysia, Cyzicus 
Stater 5th-4th century BC, EL 15.87 g. Lapith kneeling on back of fallen centaur r.; strangling him with l. arm and holding sword in r. hand, while the centaur seizes the Lapith’s head with his l. hand and punches him at side with his r. Below, tunny r. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. von Fritze 170. Boston 1547. 
Exceedingly rare, only very few specimens known. An interesting and finely executed 
composition of high style. Struck on a full flan and about extremely fine
Ex Jules Furthman collection (Kosoff 13 October 1965) 65.Electrum staters of Cyzicus have long been admired for their distinctive and often energetic designs. This particular image, however, is exciting even by Cyzicene standards, for we witness the life-and-death struggle of a centaur and a sword- wielding Lapith. This episode was familiar enough to the Greeks to be represented on a series of metopes on the Parthenon.The origin of the Lapiths, an Aeolian Greek tribe from Thessaly, pre-dated Greek history, and was steeped in mythology. The Lapiths were said to have been kin of the Centaurs, and their close connection sometimes led to conflict. The best- known of their battles occurred when Peirithoüs, king of the Lapiths, invited the centaurs as guests to his wedding. As the centaurs became increasingly drunk, the savage side of their nature emerged and they tried to abduct the bride and to rape or abduct other Lapith women. In the fighting that broke out there were many casualties, but the Lapiths triumphed and were able to expel the centaurs from Thessaly.Though this rare type was not recorded by Greenwell in his 1887 study of Cyzicene electrum, he recognized that a centaur that appears on another issue of staters, galloping with his head turned back, as he holds a branch, was presumably shown in battle with the Lapiths. The existence of this type serves to confirm his observation. He rejected the idea that the centaur type had any connection to the Dionysiac cycle, instead preferring to believe it was selected for its relevance to Heracles or to Jason, who had been raised by the centaur Chiron.



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Kyzikos in Mysien
Großbronze. AVT·K·M·AVP·KLAVDIOC·CЄB. Drapierte und gepanzerte Portraitbüste des Kaisers mit Lorbeerkranz nach rechts. Rs: CTPA·CЄPT·PONTIKOV / KVZIKHNWN B / NЄWKOPWN. Rechteckiges Gebäude oder Tor, flankiert von zwei girlandengeschmückten Säulen, darauf drei Figuren stehend, die mittlere mit einem großen Schild. Rechts im Feld zwei Krieger mit Schild und Speer nach rechts laufend, im Feld rechts oben Reiter. BMC 289 (nur Vs. stempelgleich); SNG France 5, 893 (dito). 25,65g. Rs. Korrosionsfleck, sonst fast vorzüglich.

Sulla moneta e nell'immagine: l'esercito romano che esce dal castrum. 




Inviato (modificato)
Autonome Prägungen unter Domitianus
No.: 570
Schätzpreis-Estimation: DM 100,-
Bronze. Kopf des Poseidon mit Tainia rechts, links dahinter Dreizack. Rs: Nackter Athlet mit ausgestreckter Rechter und rundem Schild an der linken Schulter nach links schreitend. Amandry Anon. L 6. (D2a2/R4e). RPC 210. 3,89 g, St. 10. Selten. Grünbraune Patina, sehr schön.




Modificato da King John


Caria. Cos. c. 480/70 BC. Triple Siglos, 16.60g. (h). Obv: [ΚΟΣ] Nude male youth in the process of hurling a discus. He is standing facing, weight on his right leg, while the left leg is crossing behind, the upper part of the body bent to its right side for getting into stride. On the left, the prize of the contest: a huge tripod. Dotted border. Rx: Irregular square incuse with diagonal lines. Barron, Essays Robinson p. 79, 10, pl. 9 (late group A, same dies). The cataloguer has been waiting for one of these coins to come up in any quality close to this for forty years. Not only is the condition exceptional but it is artistically superior to the few other examples that have been in the market. This is one of the greatest coin types of the entire Greek series, as well as being a great rarity. EF.
The Coan triple sigloi are among the most outstanding Greek coinages of the first half of the 5th century. The image refers to the athletic contests organized by the cities of the Dorian pentapolis (Cos, Cnidos, and the three cities of Rhodes: Camiros, Ialysos, and Lindos) in the sanctuary of Apollo Triopios, the Triopion on the Cnidian peninsula. The tripod at the side of the athlete is the prize of the contest mentioned by Herodotus (I 144); the victorious athlete had to donate it to the sanctuary (a custom that can be found elsewhere as well). While the reference of the image is quite clear, it cannot be said that the Coan 'Diskoboloi' were meant to fuel the celebrations at Triopion in the same way that the Elean coinage is often thought to have been minted just on the occasion of the Olympian games. It is true that the 'Diskoboloi' consist of one denomination only - a triple siglos that is almost as heavy as an Athenian tetradrachm - thus not functioning as an ordinary market currency. On the other hand, the smaller denominations were easily at hand: Persian sigloi circulating in Asia Minor, and their fractions. It must also be mentioned that the other cities of the pentapolis did not contribute to the games in the same way, and the existence of only one possible festival coinage casts doubt on whether this was the purpose at all. Along with the economic questions, the dating of the series has long been a matter of debate. Today it is agreed that all three groups were minted before c. 450 BC, although the Athenian coinage decree that has been regarded as an obstacle for a later dating has now been down-dated itself. The specimen allegedly found in the famous Asyut Hoard does not provide a terminus, for several scholars who had seen the hoard before it was published, among them the late Silvia Hurter, attested that the relevant coin (Price and Waggoner, #693) was not originally in the hoard. Anyway the style and habitus of the 'Diskoboloi' corroborates the dating to the first half of the fifth century BC. This is the period when a statue of a diskobol was created that showed almost the same posture: not the famous diskobol of the sculptor Myron which is known from several Roman copies, but the somewhat earlier statue of a diskobol made by the sculptor Pythagoras of Samos who moved to Rhegion and so became known as Pythagoras of Rhegion in the literature. The statue in question is known in just one Roman copy: a severely damaged herm from the Ludovisi Collection, today in the Museo Nazionale Romano in Rome. Although the arms of the statue are lost and the legs are concealed by the herm shaft, it is obvious that the statue showed a diskobol at the same point: building momentum just before starting the turnaround. This was the moment that most fascinated the Greeks, the instant in which the decision was made .






Trikka. Circa 440-400 BC. Obol (Silver, 10mm, 0.86 g 5). Horse galloping to right. Rev. TΡIK / KAION Athena striding left, wearing helmet, aegis and robes, hurling horizontal spear with her right hand and with shield over her left shoulder; all within incuse square. BCD 1355 ( this coin ). Cf. Traité IV, 551 (but horse to right). Rare. Somewhat rough surfaces with some minor marks, but with clear and well centered types. Good very fine. From an American Collection and from the BCD Collection, Nomos 4, 10 May 2011, 1355.




Lot 40.  KINGS OF MACEDON. Perdikkas II (451-413). Tetrobol. 
Obv: Horse standing right, P below.
Rev: Helmet right in linear square within shallow incuse square.
SNG ANS 42-44 var. (no letter on obv.); SNG Copenhagen 495 (same dies).
Condition: Good very fine.
Weight: 1.9 gm.
Diameter: 14 mm.
Estimate: US$ 300




Pamphylien Aspendos
Stater 410/400 v. Chr. 10.73 g. Zwei Ringer / Schleuderer in Quadratum incusum, im Feld Triskeles. SNG BN 47 Sehr selten Sehr schön





(s.II-I a.C.). Galia Massalia. Ae12. (S. falta) (Dela Tour 2053). Pátina verde. 2,18 g. EBC-.






(D) Tritartemorion (3/4 Obol) (0,65g), ca. 400-350 v. Chr. Av.: Apollon mit Pfeil und Bogen in kniender Haltung n.r. Rv.: ΣE im Olivenzweig. BCD 270 (dieses Exemplar). Seltenes Miniaturkunstwerk von bestem Stil, ausgezeichnet zentriert mit herrlicher, intensiver Tönung.
RR vzgl.

Ex CNG 81 (2009), 2070, ex Slg. BCD, LHS 96 (2006), 270. 


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Italy. AE quincunx, c. 210-175 BC. Obv. Head of Mars(?) right, with slight beard, wearing crested Corinthian helmet. Rev. Horseman galloping left, with spear and shield; below, LADINOD; in exergue, five pellets. Campana 4b. HN Italy 625. AE. g. 9.21 mm. 24.00EF/AboutEF. In exceptional condition for the issue. Green patina.
Italia Greca. Italia orientale, Larinum. Quincunx, c. 210-175 a.C. D/ Testa di Marte(?) a destra, con corta barba, che indossa un elmo corinzio. R/ Cavaliere che galoppa a sinistra, con lancia e scudo. Sotto, LADINOD. In esergo, cinque globetti. Campana 4b. HN Italy 625.AE. g. 9.21 mm. 24.00 qSPL/qSPL. Di qualità straordinaria per il tipo. Patina verde.

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L. Plaetorius L.f. Cestianus, Denarius, Rome, 74 BC, AR (g 3,66 mm 18 h 3), Diademed and draped bust of Juno Moneta r. behind, MONETA before, S C, Rv. Victorious boxer running r., holding palm branch and caestus behind, L PLAETORI before, L F Q S C. Crawford 396/1a Plaetoria 2 Sydenham 792.Rare, lightly toned, about extremely fine - extremely fine.

Nell'illustrazione:  Fidippide, l'uomo inviato dagli Ateniesi poco prima della battaglia di Maratona del 490 a.C. a chiedere aiuto agli Spartani, Coprì la distanza esistente tra Atene e Sparta, circa 240 km, correndo per due giorni di seguito e per il grande sforzo subito dopo morì.  





SICILY, Hispani. After 211 BC. Æ 21mm (6.52 gm). Helmeted head of Athena left, ram's head above / Helmeted horseman right. Calciati III pg. 343, 4;   SNG ANS -. Nice VF, brown patina. ($150)





Troas, Abydus. Septimius Severus 193-217 A.D. Medaillon depicting Alexander as Achilles




TROAS, Antandrus. Severus Alexander. 222-235. 38mm Aeneas moving r., carrying Anchises and leading Ascanius by the hand in their flight from Troy.




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