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Inviato (modificato)
Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. > Buy or Bid Sale 217 Auction date: 30 November 2021
Lot number: 78
Price realized: To Be Posted

Lot description:
Eastern Europe. Imitating Philip II of Macedon. ; Eastern Europe. Imitating Philip II of Macedon; 2nd-1st cent. BC, Tetradrachm Kranzreiter type, 13.50g. Göbl-168. Obv: Head of Zeus r. Rx: Celticized horseman r. with long crest, holding wreath, bow under horse. Ex Freeman & Sear 13, 25 August 2006, lot 50.Exceptional type and quality. Very rare. MS
Estimate: 5000 USD

ILLUSTRAZIONE:  'Uomo barbuto' di Pablo Picasso



Modificato da King John

Dmitry Markov Coins & Medals | M&M Numismatics Ltd | Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles | Sovereign Rarities Ltd > Auction 54 Auction date: 11 January 2022
Lot number: 304
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction
Lot description:
Antoninus Pius. Æ 35 mm (20.76 g), AD 138-161. Tralles in Lydia. Poplios, grammateus. TI AI KAICAP ANTΩNEINOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Antoninus Pius right. Reverse: [EΠI ΠOΠΛIOY ΓPAM TPAΛIANΩ--N, Andrasteia seated facing, head left, holding the infant Zeus in her arm and a veil which billows around her; eagle at her feet; around, three Korybantes, dancing around and beating their swords against their shields. GRPC - Lydia 185 (this coin illus.); LS 35; BMC 138. Glossy black patina. A fantastic coin with an interesting reverse. Choice Very Fine. Estimated Value $3,000 - UP
The Korybantes were guardians and nurturers of the infant Zeus. They are often depicted in ancient art dancing and drumming their swords against their shields, as on this coin. This armored dance, a Pyrrhic dance, was a ritual coming-of-age initiation for males associated with victory celebrations in Greek warrior society.

Estimate: 3000 USD





Sperando che già non sia stata vista, una bella, arcaica testa di oplita con elmo corinzio con calotta decorata, passerà a breve in asta Palombo 20 al n. 20 .

001 Palombo 20  n. 20.jpg

002 Palombo 20 n. 20.jpg

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Classical Numismatic Group > Triton XXV Auction date: 11 January 2022
Lot number: 648

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 

Lot description:
PHRYGIA, Apameia. Macrinus. AD 217-218. Æ Octassarion (35mm, 21.68 g, 6h). AY·T· K · M · OΠЄΛ · CЄOY MAKPCINOC CЄBA ·, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Noah and the Ark: half-length figures left of Noah and his wife within open-lidded square chest, inscribed NΩЄ, set on waves; to left, raven perched left on open lid; to left, Noah and his wife standing left upon dry land, raising hands in prayer; above, dove flying right and holding olive branch; AΠAMЄΩ/N in two lines in exergue. Waddington 5723; Hendin 921 ([4th edition] same dies as illustration). Even black-green patina, light roughness, scratches, slight double strike and some weakness at high point of reverse. Good VF. Extremely rare with only three examples known – including this coin – the others being Waddington (now in the Bibliothèque Nationale) and Hendin (in a private collection), none in CoinArchives.
From the Dr. Jay M. Galst Collection. Ex Gilbert Steinberg Collection (Numismatica Ars Classica, 16 November 1994), lot 870.
The Biblical tale of Noah and his Ark was widely known in the ancient world; indeed a form of the flood tale appears in the Akkadian Epic of Gilgamesh, circa 1,800 BC, long before its inclusion in the Old Testament. However, it is still surprising that representations of of Noah and his wife, shown both inside and standing beside a box-like Ark floating on floodwaters, began to appear on coins issued by Apameia in Phrygia early in the third century AD. Also shown are the birds Noah sent out to test whether the floodwaters had receded. There is no disputing what the scene shows, as Noah is explicitly named on the Ark. It is a remarkable design, and a puzzling one: No other Biblical scenes occur on Greco-Roman coins in pre-Christian times -- why this tale and this city in central Anatolia, far from the Jewish homeland? Three explanations have been suggested: (1) Apameia is reputed to have had a large Jewish population from its Seleukid foundation in the third century BC, many of them resettled from Babylon by Antiochos III the Great; by the AD 200s, some Jews likely became civic leaders with a role in choosing coin designs. (2) An alternate name for Apameia was "Kibotos" (Strabo, xii. 8.13), the Greek word for "ark" in the sense of a chest (as in the Ark of the Covenant), possibly due to its role as a major trade center and the distinctive shipping containers it used for goods; and so the city chose as one of its blazons the most famous "ark" in history, which found its way onto coinage (explaining the boxy Ark seen on the coins) (3) A local legend arose that the true Mount Ararat, where the Ark came to rest, was in the vicinity of Apameia (although the mountain known today as Ararat is quite far from the city, on the Turkish-Armenian border). Whatever the reasons, the highly sought-after reverse type was struck for Septimius Severus, Macrinus (the present specimen and the rarest), Gordian III, Trebonianus Gallus, and Philip I, one example of which recently sold for hammer price CHF 240,000 in a Swiss auction (Leu Numismatic Auction 7, lot 1457).

Estimate: 75000 USD





Classical Numismatic Group > Triton XXV Auction date: 11 January 2022
Lot number: 63
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
SICILY, Gela. Circa 208-200 BC. Æ Hemilitron (20mm, 6.83 g, 6h). Head of Gelas right, wearing wreath of reeds / Antiphemos, nude but for helmet and cloak, standing right, holding sword in right hand, about to sacrifice ram leaping right below; ΓEΛΩIΩN and H to left. Jenkins, Gela, Group XIVa, 555; CNS 64; BAR Issue 1; HGC 2, 385. Dark green patina, some smoothing. Good VF. Artistic reverse. Very rare with ethnic on left, only one example noted by CNS (in Berlin; illustrated in CNS), one in CoinArchives.
From the Pythagoras Collection, purchased from Herb Kreindler. Ex Münzen und Medaillen AG 73 (17 October 1988), lot 3 (hammer 1500 CHF).
Estimate: 750 USD




Inviato (modificato)
Dmitry Markov Coins & Medals | M&M Numismatics Ltd | Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles | Sovereign Rarities Ltd > Auction 54 Auction date: 11 January 2022
Lot number: 439

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 

Lot description:
Pulcheria, sister of Theodosius II. Gold Solidus (4.47 g). Mint of Constantinople, AD 420-22. AEL PVLCHERIA AVG. pearl diademed and draped bust of Aelia Pulcheria right wearing necklace and earring, hair elaborately weaved, tucked under diadem and crowned with wreath by hand of G-d (Manus Dei) reaching down from above. Reverse: VOT XXX MVLT XXX, officinae H; Victory standing l., holding long jewelled cross, no star in field. S-21251; DOC 437; Depeyrot p. 252, 74/3, Boldly struck and well centered on a fully lustrous flan. Superb quality. Mint State. Estimated Value $5,000 - UP
Aelia Pulcheria was the daughter of Arcadius and Eudoxia and the elder sister of Theodosius. She was the driving force that dominated the political scene in the Eastern Empire over much of her lifetime. Pulcheria took upon herself the roll of of her brother's protector. In AD 450 after her brother Theodosius was killed in a horse accident, she ruled as sole empress until she married Marcian and died in AD 453.
Estimate: 5000 USD


Informazioni su Pulcheria tratte dall'Enciclopedia Treccani:

PULCHERIA (Aelia Puicheria Augusta). - Figlia di Arcadio e di Eudossia, nata a Costantinopoli nel 399. In seguito alla morte della madre (404), del padre (408), della sorella Flacilla, rimaneva la maggiore fra i figli di Arcadio. Nel 414 il fratello Teodosio II, di due anni più giovane, la nominava Augusta e la sua effigie appariva sulle monete con l'iscrizione: Ael. Pulcheria Aug.; la sua autorità non diminuiva quando, nel 423, era nominata Augusta la sposa di Teodosio, Eudokia. Alla morte per incidente di Teodosio (480), Pulcheria sposava Marciano promovendolo Augusto. Nel 483 P. moriva. Pulcheria fu una notevole personalità religiosa (considerata santa e celebrata nel martirologio il 10 settembre). Importanti le fabbriche da lei erette a Costantinopoli, specialmente i santuarî mariani. Una statua si trovava nel senato: dopo la sua nomina ad Augusta nel 414, un'altra sorgeva alla Chalkè; nella sala a colonne di Teodosio si trovavano una statua d'argento di Pulcheria con le sorelle e un'altra di lei con Marciano. I soli ritratti rimasti sono quelli monetali (solidi di Costantinopoli), tra i quali il Delbrück distingueva un tipo con il naso ricurvo e l'altro con il naso schiacciato. Si datano a tutti i periodi della vita di P. come Augusta, tanto prima del matrimonio di Teodosio II con Eudokia, quanto dopo l'elevazione di questa Augusta e durante il regno di Marciano.



Modificato da King John


Uno statere in elettro da Cizico, di alta epoca ( 550-450 a.C. - 18 mm - 16,05 g ) con bella testa di oplita con elmo corinzio sontuosamente crestato .

Sperando che già non sia comparso in discussione, almeno di recente .

001 Leu 7 n. 1230.jpg

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Dmitry Markov Coins & Medals | M&M Numismatics Ltd | Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles | Sovereign Rarities Ltd > Auction 54 Auction date: 11 January 2022
Lot number: 325
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction
Lot description:
Commodus. Æ Sestertius (27.81 g), AD 177-192. Rome, AD 185. M COMMODVS AN-TON AVG PIVS BRIT, bare-headed and draped bust of Commodus right. Reverse: VIRT AVG P M TR P X IMP VII COS IIII P P around, S C in exergue, emperor on horseback galloping right, attacking panther with spear, which is already wounded by spear in its chest. RIC 453b; BMC 562. Choice dark reddish-brown patina. We note an ancient scrape across the cheek on Commodus. Smoothing in the fields. Choice Very Fine. Estimated Value $800 - UP
Peter Corcoran Collection, Ex Lanz 141 (26 May 2008), 484.
Estimate: 800 USD




Dmitry Markov Coins & Medals | M&M Numismatics Ltd | Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles | Sovereign Rarities Ltd > Auction 54 Auction date: 11 January 2022
Lot number: 50
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
Lycian Dynasts. Perikles. Silver Stater (9.77 g), ca. 380-360 BC. Antiphellos, ca. 380-375 BC. Laureate and draped bust of Perikles facing slightly left. Reverse: PERIKLE (in Lycian), Nude warrior, wearing crested Corinthian helmet, in fighting stance right, attacking with sqord and holding shield; to lower right, triskeles; all within shallow incuse square. Podalia 419 (A2/P6); SNG von Aulock 4252 (same obv. die). A marvellous coin, well struck on both sides! Traces of luster present under light toning. Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $2,500 - UP
Perikles (Perikle in Lycian) was the last of the Lycian dynasts subject to the Great Kings of Persia. He ruled parts of eastern Lycia, but when the Great Satraps' Revolt broke out against Artaxerxes II in 366 BC, he joined the rebellion, which was ultimately crushed in 360 BC.
Peter Corcoran Collection, Ex Gorny & Mosch 269 (9 March 2020), 476; CNG 54 (14 June 2000), 740.
Estimate: 2500 USD




Inviato (modificato)
Classical Numismatic Group > Triton XXV Auction date: 11 January 2022
Lot number: 29

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction

Lot description:
LUCANIA, Metapontion. temp. Pyrrhos of Epeiros. Circa 280-279 BC. AV Tetrobol – Third Stater (13.5mm, 2.79 g, 1h). Bearded head of Leukippos right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet decorated with Skylla hurling a stone; ΛEYKIΠΠ[OΣ] above / Two six-grained barley ears, each with a curly leaf to outside; M-E across outer fields, ΣI between. Johnston G5.1 (same dies); HN Italy 1630; SNG ANS 397–8; SNG Lockett 404 (same rev. die); Basel 153 = Gillet 202 (same obv. die); Dewing 378; Gulbenkian 72; Jameson 1867. Light red tone, underlying luster. EF.
Ex Waddell inventory 54821 (ND); Gasvoda Collection (Triton XXII, 9 January 2019) lot 55 (hammer $10000); New York Sale XXXVII (5 January 2016), lot 797; Numismatica Ars Classica 23 (19 March 2002), lot 1043.
Demonstrating the usual flare shown by the die engravers in the service of Pyrrhos during his military expedition in Italy and Sicily, the small gold issues of 280/279 depicting Nike and Leukippos (HN Italy 1629-1631) are of a refinement second to none. The traditional city founder is rendered in exquisite detail with the added novelty of his helmet being decorated with Skylla hurling a stone, the very embodiment of aggressive violence before the enemy in time of war.
Estimate: 7500 USD

illustrazione: il profilo di uno dei due bronzi di Riace


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Modificato da King John

Fischer > Auction 5 Auction date: 24 November 2021
Lot number: 51
Price realized: 110 EUR   (Approx. 123 USD)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:
Thrakien Mesembria, Diobol (1,21g), 450-350 v. Chr.. Av: Korinthischer Helm von vorn. Rev: Vierspeichiges Rad. SNG Cop. 652, vz. Aus einer rheinischen Privatsammlung. Erworben in den 1980/90er Jahren im rheinischen Münzhandel.
Thrace Mesembria, Diobol (1, 21 g), 450-350 BC Av: Corinthian helmet from the front. Rev: wheel with four spokes. SNG Cop. 652, extremley fine from a Rhine private collection. Acquired in the 1980 / 90s in the Rhine coin trade.
Starting price: 110 EUR

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Guerriero barbato. Testa, calcare, inizi V sec. a.C. ca. da Cipro. New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art.





Anche se per caso già visto, vale comunque uno sguardo la figura, quasi rinascimentale, di Marte che incede in armi, sul rovescio di uno splendido sesterzio di Britannico che passerà ad inizio Gennaio in asta CNG Triton XXV al n. 805 .

001 CNG Triton XXV n. 805.jpg

002 CNG Triton XXV n. 805.jpg

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Classical Numismatic Group > Triton XXV Auction date: 11 January 2022
Lot number: 642
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction -
Lot description:
MYSIA, Pergamum. Geta. AD 209-211. Æ Medallion (45mm, 49.26 g, 6h). Menogenes the Younger, strategos for the second time. Struck AD 211. · AVTOKPA · KAI · ΠΟΠΛΙOC · CЄΠTI · ΓЄTAC ·, laureate and cuirassed bust right, wearing slight beard; gorgoneion on breastplate / ЄΠI CTP · MHNO ΓЄNOVC B NЄOV · ΠЄPΓAMH/N Ω N, · B · NЄOKOPΩN in two lines in exergue, Geta right on horseback, preparing to spear prone and supplicating captive below horse; oval shield to left below horse. Von Fritze, Pergamon –; SNG BN 2217 corr. (attributed to Caracalla – same dies); SNG Leypold –; SNG von Aulock –. Green patina, slight doubling, minor smoothing. Good VF. Very rare.
Ex Leu Numismatik 1 (25 October 2017), lot 117.
Though sometimes described as a Parthian, the cringing, nude enemy below the hooves of Geta's horse is more likely intended to represent a Caledonian warrior from the recent Severan campaigns in Britannia. Geta was acclaimed as Augustus while resident in Britain, and this is the only military campaign in which he took an active role.
Estimate: 4000 USD




Classical Numismatic Group > Triton XXV Auction date: 11 January 2022
Lot number: 224
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
MYSIA, Kyzikos. Circa 550-450 BC. EL Stater (16.5mm, 16.13 g). Warrior, nude but for helmet, blowing into trumpet(?) held in right hand, left hand holding sheathed sword behind, crouching left on tunny left / Quadripartite incuse square. Von Fritze I 115; Greenwell 96; Boston MFA –; SNG BN 261 = Pozzi 2180 corr. (weight); BMC –; FSD –; Gillet –; Gulbenkian –; Jameson –; Myrmekion 27; Rosen –; Traité I 2633; Weber –. A little off center on obverse, a couple of light scratches on reverse. Good VF.
Ex Numismatik Naumann 85 (5 January 2020), lot 130.
Estimate: 3000 USD




Leu Numismatik AG > Auction 10 Auction date: 24 October 2021
Lot number: 2272
Price realized: 2,400 CHF   (Approx. 2,620 USD / 2,250 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
LYDIA. Blaundus. Antoninus Pius, 138-161. Pentassarion (Orichalcum, 31 mm, 17.00 g, 1 h), Kl. Symmachos, archon. ΑY ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΑΝΤΩΝЄΙΝΟϹ Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Antoninus Pius to right, seen from behind. Rev. ΑΡΧ•ΚΛ•ϹYΜΜΑΧΟY•ΒΛAYΝΔЄΩΝ•ΜΑΚЄΔΟΝ Apollo, radiate and in long chiton, standing front, head to right, holding plectrum in his right hand and kithara in his left. BMC 75 = RPC IV.2 online 1185.1 (same dies). Extremely rare and in exceptional condition. A beautifully struck piece with a splendid portrait. Very minor flaking on the obverse, otherwise, extremely fine.
The reverse legend on this issue is a reference to the settlement of Macedonian soldiers in Blaundos in the Hellenistic period. Many of these settlers arrived as exiles in Asia Minor following the defeat of Perseus against the Romans in 168 BC and the subsequent expulsion of the surviving Macedonian military elite from their native land. Here they were warmly welcomed by the Attalids, who settled them as military colonists in various cities across their newly gained holdings in western and central Asia Minor.
Estimate: 750 CHF




Classical Numismatic Group, Auction 97, lot 322, 17/09/2014

SAMARIA, Samarian-signed Series. Circa 375-333 BC. AR Obol (9mm, 0.59 g, 11h). Male head left, wearing headdress of animal or creature / Palm tree flanked by two goats standing on hind legs. Meshorer & Qedar 110; Sofaer 61; HGC 10, –. VF, toned, obverse off center. Exceptional for this extremely rare issue.
From the Patrick H. C. Tan Collection.
The obverse on this coin, while off center and somewhat soft, is likely the finest in terms of clarity of the type. All other published specimens have very indistinct details visible on the obverse, which led Meshorer and Qedar to simply state that the head was helmeted. Here, though, one can clearly see the details of the headdress, which shows the skin of some animal or creature, with its ears and mane plainly visible.




Maison Palombo > Auction 20 Auction date: 22 January 2022
Lot number: 15
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
Mysie - Lampsaque
Statère d'or (c.360)
Extrêmement rare et d'une qualité exceptionnelle.
Travail d'un style d'une exquise finesse réalisé par un maître-graveur.
Frappe de très hauts reliefs - infime choc sur la tranche.
Achat privé chez Tradart le 31 janvier 2002.
8.44g - SNG France 1157 - Baldwin Lampsacus 16
On this extremely rare coin, of which the British Museum only owns a plated example, Demeter wears a lotus crown which is unusual and which suggests that this obverse design copies a specific cult statue. As no sanctuary for Demeter is attested in Lampsakos, it may be that this iconography is to be explained by Demeter being the goddess of grain and fertility, and therefore responsible for the quality of the wine locally produced.
Starting price: 70000 CHF





Un poco meno antica del consueto, la testa di un guerriero crociato con elmo con paranaso e cotta di maglia : da un denaro ( 0,89 g ) della signoria su Antiochia di Boemondo III ( 1162-1201 ) .

Passerà ad inizio anno in asta Alpha Auction 7 al n. 91.

001 Alpha Auction 7 n. 91.jpg

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Heritage World Coin Auctions > NYINC Signature Sale 3098 Auction date: 18 January 2022
Lot number: 33066

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
LOCRIS. Locris Opuntia. Ca. 380-338 BC. AR stater (23mm, 12.06 gm, 3h). NGC AU 4/5 - 3/5, die shift. Head of Demeter left, hair wreath in grain ears, wearing triple-pendant earring and pearl necklace / ΟΠΟΝ-ΤΙΩΝ, Ajax the Lesser advancing right in fighting stance, nude but for helmet, holding shield and sword, inside of shield decorated with coiled serpent, circular shield between legs. BCD Locris 15. SNG Copenhagen 47. Expertly struck and centered, displaying a dramatic and interesting die shift to the bust, and charming peach toning.
Purchased from Zaidman Rare Coins, with old dealers tag
Ajax the Lesser, depicted on the reverse of this attractive type, hailed from Locris Opuntia and led a flotilla of 40 ships during the Trojan War. Upon Troy's fall, he was alleged by Odysseus to have violated a sanctuary of Athena by ravishing Cassandra, thus bringing the wrath of Athena down upon himself and his countrymen. Ajax himself perished on the return voyage, and the rest of the Opuntians reached home only with great difficulty. Nevertheless, they annually honored their former leader by launching a ship fitted with black sails and laden with gifts, which was then set alight.
Estimate: 2720-4080 USD




Inviato (modificato)
Maison Palombo > Auction 20 Auction date: 22 January 2022
Lot number: 16

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
Mysie - Lampsaque
Statère d'or (c.350)
Rarissime et magnifique exemplaire.
Exemplaire de la collection Michel Eddé et de la vente Palombo 18 du 17 novembre 2019, N°4.
Un des plus beaux exemplaires connus, reliefs pratiquement intacts.
8.27g - Baldwin Lamsakos 29 - Traité II, 2531 et pl. CLXXI, 3 - Boston 1595 - Gulbenkian 692
Superbe - AU*
Agnes Baldwin Brett in 1924 identified some 41 distinct stater issues over a period of no more than sixty years in the fourth century BC (the metal needed for these emissions probably came from the northern Black Sea lands), which shows there was strong economic activity in Lampsakos, until the arrival of Alexander the Great, thanks to its strategic position as a harbor on the eastern entrance to the Hellespont: its prosperity can be deduced from the heavy phoros (tribute) of twelve talents which it had to pay in the mid-fifth century BC as a member of the Delian League. The city had been under Persian control from 498/497 BC, when a son-in-low of Darios I had conquered the city after a revolt of Ionian cities, until the 450s BC when it had joined the Delian League after the death of its ruler the exiled Athenian general Themistokles (who had been given the gover- norship of the Magnesian district by Artaxerxes). The fact that these gold issues were struck on the Persian weight-standard is certainly significant, all-the-more that it was the Persian navy that had defeated the Spartan fleet at Knidos in 394 BC, therefore becoming the protector of the Aegean Greeks. Typically for Asia Minor, he reverses of the gold coins struck in Lampsakos during the Archaic and Classical periods always display the protome of a winged horse, perhaps Pegasus, which saved them from the need of a legend to identify the emitter.
Starting price: 100000 CHF



Modificato da King John

Dmitry Markov Coins & Medals | M&M Numismatics Ltd | Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles | Sovereign Rarities Ltd > Auction 54 Auction date: 11 January 2022
Lot number: 22
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction

Lot description:
Macedonian Kingdom. Philip V. Silver Tetradrachm (16.76 g), 221-179 BC. Pella or Amphipolis, ca. 188/7-184 BC. Ar…, mintmaster. Head of the hero Perseus left, wearing winged helmet surmounted by griffin's head; behind neck, harpa; all in the central boss of a Macedonian shield with seven double crescents containing stars around. Reverse: BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΦIΛIΠΠOY, club right; above, AP monogram; below, ΣΩ and ΠO monograms; all within oak wreath tied at left; to outer left, caduceus. Mamroth 4; SNG Lockett 1529 (same obv. die). Rare. Lightly toned. Very Fine to Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $500 - UP
Peter Corcoran Collection, Ex Kovacs Sale (12/95) XII, lot 39.
Estimate: 500 USD

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Perseo e Andromeda, mosaico da Zeugma, Turchia


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Auktionshaus H. D. Rauch GmbH > Auction 113 Auction date: 17 January 2022
Lot number: 198
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction
Lot description:
As (11,09 g), Roma, 67 n. Chr. Av.: IMP NERO CAESAR AVG GERMANIC, Kopf n.r. Rv.: S - C (in den Feldern), Victoria mit Schild n.l., darauf S P Q R. RIC I² 368. Leichte Reinigungsspuren. f.vzgl.
Starting price: 150 EUR

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Classical Numismatic Group > Triton XXV Auction date: 11 January 2022
Lot number: 582
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction
Lot description:
BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kingdom. Antialkidas Nikephoros. Circa 130-120 BC. AR Tetradrachm (26mm, 9.79 g, 12h). BAΣIΛEΩΣ NIKHΦOPΟΥ ANTIAΛKIΔOY, diademed heroic bust left, seen from behind, with aegis on left shoulder, brandishing spear in right hand / maharajasa jayadharasa amtialikitasa in Kharosthi, Zeus standing facing slightly left, holding in his right hand Nike, who stands right on a globe and holding wreath, and cradling scepter in his left arm; behind, elephant standing slightly raised right with trunk raised; monogram to left. Bopearachchi 8A; Bopearachchi & Rahman –; cf. SNG ANS 1057 (for rev.); MIG Type 274a; HGC 12, 254 (this coin illustrated). Attractive iridescent tone. EF. A high grade example with an exceptional portrait. Extremely rare as such.
From the Archytas Collection. Ex William and Louise Fielder Collection (Triton VIII, 11 January 2005), lot 660.
INTRO NOTE Formed over the past thirty years, the Archytas Collection represents one of the finest holdings of Kushan coins in private hands. Replete with coins of exceptional quality, extreme rarity, and considerable historical and iconographic interest, this dedicated collector has created an extraordinary numismatic record of the Kushan Empire which flourished in Central Asia from the first to the fourth centuries AD.
The name Kushan derives from the Chinese term Guishuang, used to describe one branch of the Yuezhi, a loose confederation of Indo-European people who had been living in the Xinjiang Province of modern China. Driven west by the Xiongnu nomads between 176 and 160 BC, the five groups of the Yuezhi – the Xiumi, Guishuang, or Kushans, Shuangmi, Xidun, and Dumi – reached the Hellenistic kingdom of Baktria by 135 BC. They expelled the ruling Greek dynasties there, forcing these kings farther south to settle along the Indus River. In the following century, the Guishuang bound the other tribes of the Yuezhi into a powerful state. As the Guishuang, or Kushans, were the predominant power, their name became that by which the entire confederation was known. At its height, the Kushan Empire encompassed most of modern-day Afghanistan and Pakistan, as well as large parts of northern India, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. Diplomatic ties were maintained with the empires of Rome to the west and China to the east.
The earliest Kushan coins were struck to the same standards of the issues of Indo-Greek kingdoms that the Kushans conquered. They comprised mainly tetradrachms and drachms in silver and bronze with legends in Greek. Under Vima Kadphises, a major reform resulted in the introduction of a spectacular gold coinage of dinars weighing approximately eight grams along with multiples and fractions. The types extolled the might of the Kushan kings and their religious affinities. The earliest gold dinars bore legends solely in Greek, subsequent issues had legends in both Greek and Kharoshti. As the empire grew to its greatest extent under king Kanishka, the Kushan language, written in adaptation of the Greek alphabet with some local alterations, was increasingly used.

Like their Roman contemporaries, the Kushans incorporated much of the culture and religion of the many varied peoples they ruled into their own. With an empire straddling the cross roads of the ancient world, the Kushan pantheon came to represent an unparalleled syncretism of western and eastern elements. The Kushan gold coinage displays this remarkable diversity to the fullest extent as evinced by the Archytas Collection. Greek gods and heroes appear alongside fertility gods of ancient Iran. Siva, greatly revered by king Vima Kadphises, and other Shaivite gods of the Indian Subcontinent compete with deities and avatars of Zoroastrianism. The Buddha, championed by king Kanishka I, takes his place as do deities linked to Sumerian, Akkadian, and ancient Egyptian beliefs. As time passed, and the fortunes of the empire waned, the coinage witnesses a shrinking of this broad pantheon till only Siva, accompanied by his faithful Nandi bull, and Ardoksho, the great goddess of fertility and wealth, remain.
After the death of Vasudeva I in AD 225, the Sasanian Empire under Ardashir I conquered Kushan lands in Baktria and northern India. The southern portion of this territory remained under direct Sasanian control, while in the north arose the Kushanshahs, or Kushano-Sasanians, Sasanian nobles who ruled the region as vassals, striking broad flan dinars blending Kushan and Sasanian elements. By AD 270, Kushan control of the Ganges plain was ceded to the rising Gupta kingdom and by AD 320 the Guptas were pressing on the last remaining Kushan-held territories. During this period, several rebel leaders and generals appeared, further weakening the Kushan state. By the middle of the fourth century AD, the former Kushan vassal, Kidara, absorbed the now-moribund Kushan Empire into his dominions. Kushan style dinars continued to by struck by the Kidarites and subsequent dynasties for hundreds of years.
Estimate: 5000 USD




Inviato, Monnaies 27, lot 573, 19/10/2006

  JULIA DOMNA(+217) Julia DomnaAugusta(194-217) Denier N° v27_0573   
Date : 205
Nom de l'atelier : Rome
Métal : argent
Diamètre : 19mm
Axe des coins : 6h.
Poids : 3,44g.
Degré de rareté : R1
Etat de conservation : SPL Prix de départ : 550 €  Estimation : 850 €   
lot invendu

Commentaires sur l'état de conservation : Superbe portrait inhabituel. Revers de toute beauté, légèrement décentré. Mereilleuse patine de collection avec des reflets mordorés. N° dans les ouvrages de référence : C.117 (4 fr.) - RIC.562  - BMC/RE.48  - RSC.117  - RCV.6592 (250$)
Titulature avers : IVLIA - AVGVSTA.
Description avers : Buste drapé de Julia Domna à droite, vu de trois quarts en avant, la chevelure en tresses, ramenée derrière la tête (L).
Traduction avers : “Iulia Augusta”, (Julie augusta).
Titulature revers : MATER AVGG.
Description revers : Magna Mater (Cybèle), tourelée, drapée, tenant un rameau de la main droite, assise sur un trône dans un char allant à gauche et conduit par quatre lions.
Traduction revers : “Mater Augustorum”, (La Mère des augustes).
Commentaire à propos de cet exemplaire : Ovide dans “Les fastes” demanda à la Muse Erato : “Pourquoi les lions, ces bêtes farouches, courbant pour la première fois leurs têtes sous le joug, viennent-ils s’atteler au char de la déesse ?” Elle répondit : “Ce fut Cybèle qui adoucit les mœurs féroces des hommes ; son char est un symbole de ce bienfait”.
Commentaires : Le revers présente Cybèle, la mère des dieux, sur un char conduit par quatre lions. Julia Domna, qui fut bercée dans les cultes orientaux, était la mère de Caracalla et Géta : le parallèle est inévitable : Domna est associée à Cybèle, Caracalla et Géta à des dieux. La légende de revers illustre bien ce parallèle : la Mère des augustes.
Historique : Julia Domna est originaire d'Emèse en Syrie et fille du grand prêtre du Baal d'Emèse. Septime Sévère l'épouse vers 180 et elle lui donne deux fils, Caracalla, né à Lyon en 188, et Géta, né en 189. Elle est proclamée Augusta en 194, accompagne l'empereur dans ses déplacements et reçoit donc le titre de 'mère des camps'. Pendant l'expédition de Bretagne, elle est régente à Rome. Après la mort de Septime Sévère, elle reçoit de nouveaux honneurs, Mère du Sénat et Mère de la Patrie, et les titres de Pia Felix (pieuse et heureuse). En 212, Géta est assassiné par son frère dans les bras de Domna. Pendant les expéditions germaniques et parthiques de Caracalla, Domna reste à Rome. Après la mort de son fils, elle est exilée par Macrin et meurt peu après.




Leu Numismatik AG > Web Auction 18 Auction date: 18 December 2021
Lot number: 96
Price realized: 440 CHF   (Approx. 477 USD / 423 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:
SPAIN. Ikalesken. Circa 150-100 BC. Denarius (Silver, 19 mm, 3.54 g, 12 h). Bare male head to right, wearing pearl necklace. Rev. 'IKALESKEN' (in Celtiberian) Warrior, holding shield, on horseback left to, leading second horse to left. ACIP 2084. SNG BM Spain 1190-1214. Villaronga, Denaris, Class IV, 49-68. Beautifully toned. The reverse struck slightly off center, otherwise, good very fine.
Starting price: 50 CHF





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