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LHS Numismatik AG, asta n.96 dell’8/05/2006, lotto n.1067

Dracma d’argento (5,65 g) coniata ad Argo nel 370-350 a.C. D.: testa di Hera a destra con corona decorata con palmette. R.: Diomede, con una clamide poggiata sulle spalle e  spada in pugno, sottrae il Palladio di Troia; legenda: ARGEIWN, “(moneta) degli argivi”. 

Al rovescio di questa moneta è raffigurata l'impresa del re di Argo Diomede che insieme ad Ulisse si travestì da mendicante ed entrò a Troia dove riuscì a rubare il Palladio, il simulacro di Pallade Atena che rendeva imprendibile la città.

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Ciò che rimane del gruppo scultoreo del Ratto del Palladio conservato al museo di Sperlonga. NELLA PRIMA FOTO: A sinistra la testa di Diomede e parte del braccio che regge il Palladio, sulla destra la statua di Ulisse, acefala. SECONDA FOTO: particolare di Diomede e del Palladio.





Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung > Auction 280 Auction date: 11 October 2021
Lot number: 71
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction
Lot description:
Didrachme ø 20mm (8,51g). 490/85 - 480/75 v. Chr. Vs.: Nackter, bärtiger Reiter einen Speer schleudernd. Rs.: Protome eines menschenköpfigen Stieres nach rechts, rechts im Feld ΓΕ/Λ/Α. Jenkins 8.19 (dieses Exemplar!) (O5/R4); Franke-Hirmer Taf.55.155 (dieses Exemplar!); HGC 362.
Franke-Hirmer plate coin! Herrlich getöntes, perfekt zentriertes und vorzügliches Prachtexemplar!
Ex Münchner Sammlung AO; erworben im November 1956 bei Robert Hecht.
Estimate: 10000 EUR




Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung > Auction 280 Auction date: 11 October 2021
Lot number: 338
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction -

Lot description:
AE ø 23mm (7,11g). 2. - 1. Jh. v. Chr. Vs.: Kopf der Athena mit attischem Helm n. r., dahinter ΣΑ, davor Palmzweig. Rs.: ΣΕΛΕΥΚΕΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΩΙ ΚΑΛΥΚΑΔΝΩΙ, Nike mit Kranz n. l., l. im Feld ΝΚΙ / ΚΑΛ. SNG BN 904; SNG Levante ­ .
R! Dunkelgrüne Patina, vz
Aus der Paulo Leitão Collection.
Estimate: 350 EUR




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MDC Monnaies de Collection sarl > Auction 8 Auction date: 20 October 2021
Lot number: 135

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction

Lot description:
Maximian Herculius (AD 286-305). 2 ½ Aurei medallion, undated (294-305), Rome.
Obv. IMP C MA VAL MAXIMIANVS P AVG. Bust wearing the Nemean lion-skin facing right.
Rv. HERCVLI CONS - ERVATORI AVGG. Hercules seated on a rock, Nemean lion-skin on his lap, holding a club to his right with his left hand, bow and quiver to his left.
Gnecchi - (cf.12.2 reverse inscription and 13.5-6 similar bust) - C.- (cf.252 reverse inscription) - RIC.- (cf. RIC.VI 1 (Trier) reverse inscription) - Grueber.- - Tocci.- - Froehner - - Beaurains - ; Gold - 14,06 g - 26 mm - 11 h.
Provenance Rauch auction 111, December 3-4, 2020 n° 767, then "Monaco Collection".
2 ½ Aurei medallions are known under the tetrarchy; our unpublished and unlisted coin is in this series. The bust with Nemean lion-skin, inspired by the coinage of Commodus, clearly demonstrates the link between Maximian Herculius on the obverse and Hercules on the reverse. There are other examples. (Gnecchi I pl. 5 N ° 5 [gold - 31 mm - 26.98 g] and 7 [gold - 31 mm - 20.04 g]), also the reverse (Gnecchi II pl.126 N ° 4 [bronze, 34 mm - 24 g] and Triton auction XII January 6, 2009 n° 761 [bronze - 36.57 g]).
Mint state. Fleur de coin
Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus or Diocletian was proclaimed emperor on September 17, 284. He defeated Carinus in a battle at the mouth of the Morava river. The provinces were in a civil war. Diocletian promoted one of his generals, Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maximianus, to the rank of Caesar in 285 and sent him beyond the Alps. Maximian was awarded the title Augustus after his victory in 286. While Diocletian identified himself with Jupiter, Maximian identified himself with Hercules. With Diocletian, the Eastern Empire established the capital in Nicomedia while Maximian Hercules governed the western part of the Empire from Milan. They both retired in May 305.

Starting price: 300000 EUR





Inviato (modificato)
Nomos AG > obolos 20 Auction date: 3 October 2021
Lot number: 964

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 

Lot description:
BITHYNIA. Cius. Maximus, Caesar, 236-238. (Bronze, 22 mm, 6.03 g, 1 h). Γ ΙΟΥ ΟΥΗ ΜΑΧΙΜΟC Κ Γ ΙΟΥ ΟΥΗΡ ΜΑΧΙΜΟC Κ. Rev. ΚΙΑΝΩΝ Hylas advancing right, his cloak billowing out behind him, extending right arm and holding vase in left. BMC -. Lindgren & Kovacs -. Lindgren III -. RG -. RPC VI Online -. SNG Copenhagen -. SNG Hunterian -. SNG Righetti -. SNG von Aulock -, but cf. 518 for the same reverse type on a coin struck under Volusian. Unpublished. Brown patina. Very fine.
From a Swiss collection, acquired prior to 2000.
Hylas was a young man who became Herakles' page and bore his weapons. He was apparently very good looking and, one day went to a pond to draw water. This reverse type shows him carrying what is presumably meant to be a water vessel, and turning his head back to let Herakles know where he was going. However, because of his outstanding looks, a group (school?, swim?, gaggle?) of water nymphs who happened to inhabit that pond inveigled him into the water and took him to live with them. There is a famous painting by J. W. Waterhouse in the Manchester Art Gallery that shows the nymphs, portrayed as rather pre-Raphaelite naked English girls, drawing him - he's holding his water pot in his left hand - into the pond, where they will, presumably, take turns ravishing him. It is a perfect example of what might be termed Victorian "soft porn": i.e., as long as it is meant to be a "Classical scene", anything goes!
Starting price: 50 CHF

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Vaso greco della fine del secolo VI a.C., da Chiusi, raffigurante Eracle che lotta contro il leone nemeo; dietro di lui, come scudiero, il giovane Ila (Museo Archeologico regionale di Palermo).  Ila era un giovane bellissimo prediletto da Eracle che fece parte della spedizione degli Argonauti, ma durante il viaggio fu rapito dalle ninfe di una fonte dove si era recato ad attingere acqua.



Modificato da King John
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Editions V. Gadoury > Auction 2021 Auction date: 22 October 2021
Lot number: 100

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction
Lot description:
Judée, Herod Agrippa II 56-95
Bronze, AN 26, 86-87, AE 11.23 g.
Avers : Buste lauré de Titus à droite
Revers : Nike à droite, tenant une branche de palmier et une couronne, inscription dans le champ
Ref : Hendin 612 var; AJC II, 254,
Ex Vente Triton XV lot 1437
Conservation : Superbe et Rare
Starting price: 600 EUR



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MDC Monnaies de Collection sarl > Auction 8 Auction date: 20 October 2021
Lot number: 110

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction

Lot description:
Cassia, Caius Cassius Longinus. Aureus ND (43-42 av. J.-C.), atelier itinérant d'Asie Mineure.
Av. M. AQVINVS. LEG. LIBERTAS. Tête diadémée à droite de la Liberté.
Rv. C. CASSI - IMP. Trépied allumé.
RRC.499/1 - Calicó 64 ; Or - 8,07 g - 18 mm - 12 h
Provient de "Monaco Collection".
Frappe bien centrée et de haut relief. De minimes marques. Exemplaire proche de son état de frappe. Superbe à Fleur de coin.
Caius Cassius Longinus, né vers 87 av. J.-C., est questeur du proconsul Crassus, puis tribun de la plèbe en 49 et l'un des lieutenants de Pompée lors de la guerre civile de César. Bénéficiant de la clémence de ce dernier après la bataille de Pharsale en 48, il est nommé préteur en 44. Avec Brutus, il est un des meneurs qui assassinent César. Il fuit ensuite en Syrie, tandis que Brutus est en Macédoine. Il réunit ses forces avec ce dernier pour combattre le second triumvirat mais est vaincu à la première bataille de Philippes en octobre 42, et, croyant Brutus perdu demande à son affranchi de le transpercer de son épée

Starting price: 50000 EUR

illustrazione: lastra di altare romano raffigurante un sacrificio, Musei civici di Padova




Inviato (modificato)
Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 500 Auction date: 22 September 2021
Lot number: 90

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction
Lot description:
SICILY, Syracuse. Agathokles. 317-289 BC. EL 25 Litrai – Hemistater (14.5mm, 3.56 g, 10h). Struck circa 306/5 BC. Laureate head of Apollo left; dolphin to right / Tripod. Jenkins Group B, dies O2/R1; BAR Issue 10; HGC 2, 1294. Lightly toned, light deposits, a few minor scratches. VF.
From the Sigmund Collection.
Estimate: 1500 USD





Modificato da King John

Roma Numismatics Ltd > Auction XXII Auction date: 7 October 2021
Lot number: 536

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
Antinous (favourite of Hadrian) Medallic Æ 39mm (8 Assaria?) of Mantinea, Arcadia. Financed by Vetourios, circa AD 134. BETOYPIOC, bare-chested heroic three-quarters-length bust of Antinous to right, with slightly inclined head / TOIC APKACI, stallion stepping to right, with right foreleg raised and head slightly inclined. RPC III 325; Blum p. 37, 1, pl. I, 17; LHS Numismatics Auction 96, Coins of the Peloponnesos in the BCD Collection, 8-9 May 2006, 1493; for Antinous-Poseidon and Betourios cf. R. Pudill, Antinoos, Münzen und Medaillons, Ragensstauf 2014, 'Antinoos-Poseidon' pp. 34-9, M25. 39.06g, 39mm, 6h.
Extremely Fine; superb olive green patina; by far the finest of the four recorded examples of this denomination and the heaviest of the series.
Ex Philip Mayo Collection (Palm Springs, CA);
Privately purchased from Freeman & Sear Inc.
The heroic bust of Antinous series in the name of the Arcadians was commissioned by a certain Vetourios (BETOYPIOC on the coins, otherwise unknown to history), in five bronze denominations. They were probably issued for distribution at the games held in Mantineia in AD 134 in honour of Hadrian's favourite Antinous, whose death had occurred on the Nile under mysterious circumstances in 130.
Pausanias, the Greek traveller and geographer of the mid 2nd century AD, author of the 'Description of Greece', has left us a remarkably detailed account of the events commemorated on this extraordinary medallic issue, which says of the Arcadians:
'Antinoüs too was deified by them; his temple is the newest in Mantineia. He was a great favourite of the Emperor Hadrian. I never saw him in the flesh, but I have seen images and pictures of him. He has honours in other places also, and on the Nile is an Egyptian city named after Antinoüs. He has won worship in Mantineia for the following reason. Antinoüs was by birth from Bithynium beyond the river Sangarius, and the Bithynians are by descent Arkadians of Mantineia. For this reason the Emperor established his worship in Mantineia also; mystic rites are celebrated in his honour each year, and games every four years...', [Description of Greece 8.9.7-8].
There also follows an explanation for the horse on the reverse of the coin: 'There are roads leading from Mantineia into the rest of Arcadia, and I will go on to describe the most noteworthy objects on each of them. On the left of the highway leading to Tegea there is, beside the walls of Mantineia, a place where horses race, and not far from it is a race-course, where they celebrate the games in honour of Antinoüs. Above the race-course is Mount Alesium, ... By the foot of the mountain is the sanctuary of Horse Poseidon, not more than six stades distant from Mantineia. About this sanctuary I, like everyone else who has mentioned it, can write only what I have heard. The modern sanctuary was built by the Emperor Hadrian, who set overseers over the workmen, so that nobody might look into the old sanctuary, and none of the ruins be removed. He ordered them to build around the new temple. Originally, they say, this sanctuary was built for Poseidon by Agamedes and Trophonius, who worked oak logs and fitted them together', [8.10.1-2].

Estimate: 25000 GBP

ILLUSTRAZIONE: busto in marmo lunense del II d.C. dedicato al pupillo dell'imperatore Adriano,  Antinoo (Museo Nazionale Romano in Palazzo Altemps).




Inviato (modificato)
Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung > Auction 280 Auction date: 11 October 2021
Lot number: 419

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction

Lot description:

Shapur I., 240 - 270 n. Chr. Drachme ø 24mm (3,98g). Phase 1b, ca. 244 - 252/3 n. Chr. Mzst. I ("Ktesiphon"). Vs.: Drapierte Büste des Königs mit Zinnenkrone, Wangenlasche, Korymbos u. Diadem n. r. Rs.: Feueraltar, seitlich je ein König mit Zinnenkrone, Zepter u. Schwert nach außen. Sunrise 737; SNS Typus IIc/1a; Göbl, Sas. Typus 1/1.
Tönung, kleine Kratzer und leichte Prägeschwächen, ss-vz

Estimate: 200 EUR

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Tempio del fuoco di Ateshgah. Nei pressi di Baku, capitale dell’Azerbaigian, sorgono i resti di un tempio zoroastriano costruito da mercanti indiani tra il XVII e il XVIII secolo



Modificato da King John
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Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 499 Auction date: 1 September 2021
Lot number: 64
Price realized: 450 USD   (Approx. 381 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
SICILY, Syracuse. Hieron II. 275-215 BC. Æ (26mm, 16.76 g, 2h). Struck circa 230-218/5 BC. Laureate head left; axe to right / Warrior on horse prancing right, holding couched lance; M below. CNS 193 Ds 10; BAR Issue 61; HGC 2, 1547. Deep brown patina, patches of roughness. VF.
From the W. Hansen Collection.
Estimate: 150 USD






E' in asta Harmers 2 al lotto 27 un piacevole statere in elettro di Cizico con al diritto Thetis che parrebbe in veste guerriera imbracciando con il braccio sinistro uno scudo, che però con la mano destra regge una corona di ulivo .

Vale un cenno notare che in questo conio compaiono 2 animali marini, essendo Thetis sul dorso di un delfino mentre al di sotto abbiamo l'onnipresente simbolico tonno .

201 Harmers 2 n. 27.jpg

202 Harmers 2 n. 27.jpg

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Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung > Auction 280 Auction date: 11 October 2021
Lot number: 83
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 

Lot description:
Didrachme ø 21mm (8,48g). 415 - 397 v. Chr. Vs.: Großer Hund n. r. stehend. Rs.: Kopf einer Nymphe mit Ampyx und hinten eingeschlagenem Haar n. r., davor 'mtv' in phönizischen Buchstaben, dahinter Beizeichen Efeublatt. Jenkins, Punic Sicily I ­ (O­/R 16); HGC 928.
Schöne Tönung, Vs. Schürfspur, Rs. Kratzer, ss
Ex Sammlung R.P., erworben 1990 bei Aes Rude.
Die kleine Insel Mozia, unmittelbar vor der Westspitze Siziliens gelegen, ist den historisch Interessierten vor allem als Fund- und Aufbewahrungsort der wunderbaren klassischen Wagenlenkerfigur, dem sog. Jüngling von Mozia, bekannt. In der Antike war die Insel ein wichtiger karthagischer Handelsstützpunkt, der wohl bereits im 8. Jh. v. Chr. von den Phöniziern gegründet wurde. Die Münzprägung imitiert Vorbilder aus Sizilien, so wie hier die Münzen von Segesta. Dabei wurden teils sogar Stempel von Segesta übernommen.

Estimate: 1500 EUR





Inviato (modificato)
Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung GmbH
AUKTION 280, 11/10/2021  Lot 88
SELINUNT. Tetradrachme ø 28mm (17.34g). ca. 417 - 409 v. Chr. Vs.: Artemis u. Apollon in einer Biga n. r., im Abschnitt Getreidekorn. Rs.: ΣΕΛΙΝΟΝΤΙΟΝ, jugendlicher Flussgott mit Zweig in der Linken u. Schale in der Rechten, l. brennender Altar, davor Hahn, r. Eppichblatt u. Stierstatue auf Podest. Schwabacher 42a (dieses Exemplar!); Franke-Hirmer Taf. 68, 190 (Rs., dieses Exemplar!); HGC 1222. Franke-Hirmer plate coin!
Ex Münchner Sammlung AO; ex Auktion Brüder Egger Auktion 41, Wien 1912, 130 (Sammlung Mme Ch. vormals Dr. Fenerly Bey etc.); ex Sammlung Dr. E. Nitsch, Graz.
Condition:  Fein getönt, gutes ss
Starting price1.200 €     My Bid   Estim. Price1.500 €

illustrazione: raffigurazione di una libagione su una kylix attica, Louvre



Modificato da King John
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Nomos AG > obolos 20 Auction date: 3 October 2021
Lot number: 312

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 

Lot description:
TROAS. Alexandria Troas. Caracalla, 198-217. Diassarion (Bronze, 24.5 mm, 6.96 g, 6 h). M AV ANTONINVS PIV Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla to right. Rev. COL AVG / TROA Drunken Herakles advancing right, leaning on Pan's shoulder standing in front of him facing left, and being supported by two satyrs behind him. Bellinger a299. SNG Copenhagen -. Dark brown patina. Light porosity, otherwise, very fine.
From the Vineyard Collection, ex Gorny & Mosch 126, 14 October 2003, 1816.
Depictions of a drunken Herakles are very rare on Greek coinage - he is commonly shown as a rather 'shaky' drunk in bronze or terracotta statuettes but only as a single figure - so the group scene here is quite remarkable. The fact that on this coin, and others of the later 2nd and 3rd centuries from Alexandria Troas he is accompanied by two satyrs and by Pan strongly suggests that the scene reflects a literary tradition specifically connected to the city. This is even more probable because this representation seems to appear no where else on Greek coinage. For another, see lot 316 above.
Starting price: 125 CHF






Roma Numismatics Ltd > Auction XXII    Auction date: 7 October 2021
Lot number: 643

Lot description:

Sextus Pompey Fourée Denarius. Q. Nasidius, commander of the fleet. Massilia, 44-43 BC. Bare head of Pompey Magnus to left, NEPTVNI behind, trident before, dolphin swimming to right below / Four galleys about to engage in combat, two moving to left, two moving to right; Q•NASIDIVS below. Cf. Crawford 483/1; CRI 236; Sydenham 1351; BMCRR Sicily p.565; RSC 21 (Pompey the Great). 2.05g, 18mm, 6h. Extremely Fine; some areas of core visible. An ancient plated copy of an excessively rare and desirable type. From a private European collection. According to Dio Cassius, following success in naval battles against Octavian, Sextus Pompey came to be known as 'Son of Neptune' as reflected in the obverse legend NEPTVNI and the trident symbol. The reverse legend names Quintus Nasidius, an admiral under Pompey Magnus and then Sextus. Realising the futility of the Pompeian cause, Nasidius eventually defected to the camp of Marc Antony, and fought under him at the Battle of Actium, after which point he disappears from the historical record.

Estimate: 7500 GBP




Roma Numismatics Ltd > Auction XXII Auction date: 7 October 2021
Lot number: 388
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
Cilicia, Tarsos AR Stater. Circa 410-385 BC. Persian satrap on horseback to right, wearing kyrbasia / Hoplite kneeling to left, wearing Corinthian helmet, holding spear in right hand and round shield adorned with aegis on left arm; Aramaic script 'TRW' (= Tarsos) behind. SNG BnF 226; SNG Levante 61. 10.57g, 22mm, 6h.
Extremely Fine; usual area of flat strike. Rare.
From the inventory of a UK dealer.
Estimate: 1000 GBP




Leu Numismatik AG > Auction 10 Auction date: 24 October 2021
Lot number: 2444

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 

Lot description:
Anonymous, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 22 mm, 6.38 g, 12 h). Θ / IⲰ / O - XP/COCT/OM, Half length nimbate bust of John Chrysostomos, raising his right hand in blessing and holding book of Gospels in his left. Rev. O XЄPЄTIC/MOC The Annunciation: the Virgin, nimbate, standing in three quarter profile to the right, holding a spindle in her raised right hand, facing the angel Gabriel, nimbate, standing to the left, raising his left hand in a gesture of speech and holding a trefoil sceptre in his right hand. Unpublished in the standard references. An exceptionally well preserved small seal showing a lovely Annunciation scene. Good extremely fine.
Estimate: 500 CHF

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Jacopo Torriti, Annunciazione (1295), mosaico in Santa Maria Maggiore, Roma. 



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Roma Numismatics Ltd > Auction XXII Auction date: 7 October 2021
Lot number: 801

Price realized: To Be Posted

Lot description:
Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar, AV Aureus. Rome, AD 148-149. AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG P II F, bare-headed and draped bust to right / CONCORDIA TR POT III COS II, Concordia standing facing, head to left, sheltering with her mantle small draped figures of Marcus Aurelius (on the left) and Faustina Junior who stand facing, their heads turned toward Concordia. RIC III 441 (Pius) var. (COS II in exergue, bust type); BMCRE 680 (Pius) var. (same); Strack 205 (Pius) var. (same); Biaggi -; Calicó 1820a var. (bust type); NAC 77, 154 (same obv. die, CHF 36,000). 7.23g, 20mm, 5h.
Fleur De Coin. Unique and unpublished.
From the Altstetten Collection, kept in the vault of Crédit Suisse Geneva (documentation available upon request) since 26 November 1969.
Beautifully rendered on this reverse of this stunning aureus is a charming scene representing the harmony (concordia) that prevailed between Marcus Aurelius and Faustina Junior, who had been married in AD 145. Struck under Antoninus Pius, the depiction of Concordia gathering and sheltering Aurelius and Faustina near her, a representation of harmony in marriage and hope for a life of happiness, belies nothing of the forethought and planning that was undertaken to arrange the match. Instituted by Hadrian during his final two years of life with his adoption of Pius and the subsequent direction for Pius to adopt Aurelius, the wedding commemorated on this coin was, as seen under Roman law, of a brother marrying his sister and Pius would have had to formally release either the bride or groom from his paternal authority in order for the ceremony to go ahead.
Inauspicious as the legal challenges may have been at the start of their union, Aurelius and Faustina were married for thirty years and Faustina bore thirteen children over this period, heralding a time of stability in the imperial family. As Carlos Noreña posits, "with the decline of independent senatorial authority and concurrent ascent to power of those individuals who had privileged access to the emperor, especially emperors' wives, concordia within the imperial family, above all between emperor and empress, became paramount." (Imperial Ideals in the Roman West: Representation, Circulation, Power, 2011). Following the carefully orchestrated succession organised by Hadrian, propaganda such as this reverse type, which emphasised the harmony and benefits brought to the empire by the Antonine dynasty, were plentiful and became a lasting feature of imperial coinage.
Estimate: 15000 GBP

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Madonna della Misericordia di Simone Martini e Filippo Lippi (1308-1310) conservata nella Pinacoteca di Siena



  • Mi piace 1

Leu Numismatik AG > Auction 10 Auction date: 24 October 2021
Lot number: 2268

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 

Lot description:
MACEDON. Koinon of Macedon. Pseudo-autonomous issue. Tetrassarion (Bronze, 27 mm, 12.08 g, 6 h), Beroea, time of Severus Alexander, circa 231-235. AΛЄΞANΔPOY Head of Alexander 'the Great' to right, wearing lion skin headdress. Rev. ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΜΑΚЄΔΟΝΩΝ NΕ Alexander, nude to the waist, seated right on low throne ending in lion feet, resting his right hand on the throne and his left in his lap; before him, on the right, Nike standing front, head to left, presenting crested Attic helmet to the king with her right hand and placing her left on a shield set on ground; shield boss decorated with Achilles slaying Penthesilea. AMNG III -. Dahmen, Alexander -. Nomos 16 (2019), 79 corr. (same dies, but reverse legend misdescribed). RPC -, cf. VII.2 online ID 71626 = Winterthur I, 1670 (differing obverse and with Β ΝЄ on the reverse). Of the highest rarity, apparently the second known example and only the third known coin with this reverse type. A highly interesting issue with a lovely reverse scene. Somewhat rough, otherwise, good very fine.
From a European collection, formed before 2005.
The lovely reverse scene depicted on this coin is directly derived from one of the famous Aboukir medallions (Berlin 18200021 = Dahmen pl. 27.7), which very likely also originated from the Macedonian Koinon. We see Alexander, the greatest of all Macedonians, in a relaxing posture seated to the right on a lion throne (no doubt an allusion to the proclaimed descent of the Argeads from Herakles), receiving lavishly decorated armor from Nike to prepare him for his conquest of the world.
Estimate: 500 CHF





Heritage World Coin Auctions > Dallas Signature Sale 3093 Auction date: 28 October 2021
Lot number: 30006
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
ZEUGITANA. Carthage. Ca. 264-241 BC. Time of First Punic War. EL trihemishekel (23mm, 10.70 gm, 12h). NGC XF 3/5 - 3/5. Head of Tanit left, hair wreathed with grain ears, dot on wreath, hair drawn into multiple coils and tendrils at back of head, wearing triple-pendant earring and necklace with ten pendants / Horse standing right on exergual line; double uraeus to either side of radiant solar disk above, with seven rays above and five below, pellet on ground line behind rear hoof. Jenkins & Lewis Group Xb, 428-446. SNG Copenhagen 183. Perfectly centered on lemony flan. Warm toning.
In addition to the death and destruction caused by the First Punic War between Carthage and Rome, the impact on the world's economy was also profound. Though immensely rich, Carthage's stock of gold reserves were eventually reduced to the point where coins of pure gold were increasingly debased with silver, producing denominations such as this remarkably styled electrum trihemistater. An unusual feature is the quasi-Egyptian solar disk flanked by serpents above the proud Punic horse.
Estimate: 5000-7000 USD







Dr. Busso Peus Nachfolger > Auction 429 Auction date: 3 November 2021
Lot number: 50

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction
Lot description:
Sizilien Morgantina
Litra 339/317 v. Chr. Kopf des Apollon / Krieger mit Lanze zu Pferd. SNG Lloyd 1126; SNG ANS -; HGC 900. 0.64 g.; Dunkle Tönung Selten Sehr schön
Ex Slg. Trinakria und Auktion Peus Nachf. 338, 1994, 351.
Estimate: 200 EUR




Inviato (modificato)

Roma Numismatics, Auction XXI, Lot 432

Seleukid Empire, Demetrios I Soter Æ 20mm. Uncertain mint in Northern Syria, circa 162-150 BC. Head of Molossian hound to left / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, head of lynx to right, monogram below. SC 1662; CSE 556; HGC 9, 827. 8.19g, 20mm, 3h.

Good Very Fine; some earthen adhesions. Extremely Rare; only one other example on CoinArchives.

From the inventory of a UK dealer.

Opened: £300 / Hammered: £3,600



Modificato da King John

Il 30/6/2017 alle 15:11, King John dice:

PHRYGIA, Apameia. Circa 88-40 BC. Æ (18mm, 4.53 g, 12h). Attalos Bianoros, eglogistes. Turreted head of Artemis right, bow and quiver over shoulder / Marsyas walking right on maeander pattern, playing aulos (double flute). HGC 7, 674. Near EF, green patina. 


ILLUSTRAZIONEOpliti greci. In alto a destra un peltasta. I peltasti erano riconoscibili da uno scudo ligneo, spesso a forma di mezza luna, privo di bordatura, ricoperto in genere di cuoio o anche in feltro, dipinto con facce stilizzate; veniva impugnato facilmente e portato a tracolla. Gli indumenti erano costituiti da una corta tunica senza maniche per favorire i movimenti di tiro del giavellotto; un mantello intarsiato di pelle di orso, degli stivaletti di cerbiatto, allacciati davanti e stretti in sommità, detti “zeira”; un copricapo in pelle di volpe a punta con lunghi lembi a difesa delle orecchie su modello del cappello frigio.

Privi di spada disponevano di due o più giavellotti, la cui lunghezza variava dal metro al metro e mezzo; i quali venivano scagliati dopo un breve tratto fatto di corsa contro il nemico. Una volta eseguito il primo lancio rientravano nei ranghi.

I compiti loro assegnati si dividevano tra la fornitura di copertura delle falangi all'inseguimento dei nemici in fuga, nonché proteggevano i fianchi dell'armata durante gli spostamenti.

Gli opliti aprivano le ostilità marciando cadenzati al passo della musica dei flauti (in basso a sinistra un flautista).



@King John posso chiederti  se sei a conoscenza di rappresentazioni di peltasti su qualche moneta greca?

Inviato (modificato)
Il 17/12/2017 alle 14:31, King John dice:

THESSALY, Pelinna. Circa 425-350 BC. Æ Chalkous (14mm, 2.88 g, 11h). Warrior riding horse left, striking at fallen enemy to lower left / ΠE-ΛIИ-IKOИ, warrior left, holding shield and preparing to hurl spear. Rogers 427 var. (ethnic); BCD Thessaly II 520 (same dies); HGC 4, 284. VF, dark green patina.
From the BCD Collection.
Estimate: 75 USD

illustrazione: PELTASTI GRECI


peltasti traci.jpg


Modificato da King John

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