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Nomos AG > obolos 18 Auction date: 21 February 2021
Lot number: 234

Price realized: 1,400 CHF   (Approx. 1,560 USD / 1,292 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
CRETE. Priansos. Circa 320-270 BC. Stater (Silver, 25 mm, 9.85 g, 10 h). Female goddess (Demeter or Persephone?) seated slightly left on throne with high back, her right hand stroking head of serpent arising before her; to right, date palm. Rev. ΠPIAN-ΣIEΩN Poseidon standing facing, head left, holding dolphin in outstretched right hand and trident in his left. Le Rider pl. XXVI, 20 (same dies). Pozzi (Boutin) 4471 (same dies). SNG Copenhagen 545 (same dies). Svoronos 3 and pl. XXVIII, 22 (same dies). Extremely rare. Well centered with clear details . Crystallized, otherwise, good fine.
From the Trausnitz Collection, ex Gorny & Mosch 107, 2 April 2001, 170.
All coinage from Priansos in eastern Crete is very rare. It was struck beginning during the early Hellenistic period and continued through the second century. This stater is one of the earliest issues from the city. The seated female deity on the obverse has traditionally been identified as Hygeia since she is accompanied by a serpent. However, she is probably either Demeter or, more likely, Persephone, who was actually seduced by Zeus in the guise of a serpent.
Starting Price: 200 CHF





Inviato (modificato)
Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. > Buy or Bid Sale 215 Auction date: 4 May 2021
Lot number: 315

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction

Lot description:

Marcus Aurelius as Caesar, Marriage to Faustina II. Sestertius; Marcus Aurelius as Caesar, Marriage to Faustina II; 139-161 AD, Rome, 145 AD, Sestertius, 27.93g. C-1022, RIC-1253a, BM-1786. Obv: AVRELIVS CAE - SAR AVG PII F COS II Head bare r. Rx: VO[T]A - PVB - LICA around, S C in exergue, Marriage scene: Veiled Faustina on l. and togate Marcus Caesar on r. stand facing one another, clasping r. hands; behind and between them Concordia stands front, head turned toward Marcus; Marcus also holds roll in lowered l. hand. Acquired from Harlan Berk, 2005; ex Hess 211, 9 May 1932, Walters and Webb Collections, lot 978.This is a magnificent sestertius with a magnificent pedigree. It depicts the marriage of Marcus Aurelius to Faustina Jr. Incredible untouched surfaces. MS
Estimate: 5750 USD

Illustrazione: rilievo da un sarcofago romano del II secolo d.C. raffigurante un matrimonio romano (in latino dextrarum iunctio, "stretta di mano"), British Museum



Modificato da King John
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Savoca Numismatik GmbH & Co. KG > Online Auction 100 | Silver Auction date: 18 April 2021
Lot number: 231

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction

Lot description:
Thrace. Bizya. Hadrian AD 117-138.
Bronze Æ
25 mm, 9,88 g
ΑΥΤΟ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ΑΔΡ[ΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙ ϹΕΒ], laureate and draped bust right / ΒΙΖΥΗΝΩΝ, banquet scene: symposiast reclining left on klinè; woman seated at his feet; on right, forepart of horse, left, right foreleg raised; on left, a boy.
very fine
RPC III 732.





Inviato (modificato)
auler & Fau > Auction 80 Auction date: 6 April 2021
Lot number: 145

Price realized: Unsold

Lot description:
Kelse-Celsa. As. 120-50 BC. Velilla de Ebro (Zaragoza). (Abh-771). (Acip-1480). (C-9). Anv.: Male head right; three dolphins around. Rev.: Warrior, holding palm frond, on horseback rearing right, below KELSE. Ae. 17,16 g. XF. Est...400,00.
SPANISH DESCRIPTION: Kelse-Celsa. As. 120-50 a.C. Velilla de Ebro (Zaragoza). (Abh-771). (Acip-1480). (C-9). Anv.: Cabeza masculina a derecha rodeada de tres delfines. Rev.: Jinete con palma a derecha,debajo sobre línea leyenda ibérica KELSE. Ae. 17,16 g. EBC. Est...400,00.





Modificato da King John

Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG > Auction 347 Auction date: 22 March 2021
Lot number: 1114
Price realized: 950 EUR   (Approx. 1,134 USD)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
Æ-Sesterz, 114/116, Rom; 24,57 g. Drapierte Büste r. mit Lorbeerkranz//Kaiser sitzt auf Plattform r., daneben drei Offiziere, davor sechs Soldaten. BMC 1017 var.; Coh. 176; MIR 548 v; RIC 656 var.
R Rotbraune Patina, leicht korrodiert, sonst vorzüglich
Exemplar der Sammlung Heinrich Rudolf Peter.
Exemplar der Auktion Grün 48, Heidelberg 2007, Nr. 224.
Auf der Rückseite ist eine Adlocutio dargestellt. Nicht nur die Anzahl der Soldaten, auch die der Offiziere variiert (siehe Woytek, B., Die Reichsprägung des Kaisers Traianus (98-117), MIR 14, S. 458, Nr. 548). Bei unserem Stück befindet sich jeweils ein Offizier vor, neben und hinter dem Kaiser. Im RIC fehlt diese Variante.
Estimate: 500 EUR




Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung > Online Auction 278 Auction date: 21 April 2021
Lot number: 3748  
Lot description:
Constantin I., der Große, 307 - 337 n. Chr. AE Follis ø 17mm (3,41g). 318 - 319 n. Chr. Mzst. Treveris. Vs.: IMP CONSTANTI-NVS AVG, drapierte Panzerbüste mit Helm u. Lanze n. l. Rs.: VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINC PERP / PTR, zwei Viktorien halten einen Schild mit der Aufschrift VOT / PR über einen Altar. RIC VII, 208A. R! Tönung gutes ss
Aus der Sammlung Peter Weiß, Kiel, erworben zwischen 1967 und 2015.
Estimate: 60 EUR




Inviato (modificato)
Nomos, Auction 19, lot 358, 17/11/2019
Roman Imperial & Provincial
Constantine I, 307/310-337. Follis (Bronze, 18 mm, 3.20 g, 12 h), Constantinople, 1st officina, 327. CONSTANTI - NVS MAX AVG Laureate head of Constantine to right. Rev. SPES PVBLIC / A / CONS Labarum, with three circular medallions on the drapery and a Christogram on the top, on tall spear with its base piercing s serpent/dragon lying to right. RIC VII, p. 572, 19. Of great rarity, an evocative and exciting type. Very well-preserved with hard earthen deposits overlaying a dark, greenish black patina. About extremely fine.
The reverse of this coin shows Constantine's personal standard, crowned by the Christogram, used to pierce a serpent/dragon, the symbol of Licinius I. This is a remarkably fine example: unlike most of those on the market in the past few years, this piece shows no signs of manipulation, corrosion or damages.



Modificato da King John
  • Mi piace 1

Classical Numismatic Group > Auction 117 Auction date: 19 May 2021
Lot number: 520

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
Trajan. AD 98-117. Æ Sestertius (34mm, 26.41 g, 7h). Rome mint. Struck AD 98-99. Laureate bust right, wearing aegis / Congiarium (cash distribution) scene: Trajan seated left on curule chair set on platform on right, extending right hand in front of him on a second platform is an officer seated left, and before him, a man standing right, holding out fold of toga; to left, citizen mounting steps to the second platform; in background, Liberalitas standing holding abacus in right hand. RIC II 381; Woytek 64c; Banti 43. Glossy brown patina, smoothing in fields. Near EF. Rare, particularly so in high grade.
Shortly after his first entry into Rome as emperor in early AD 99, Trajan staged a congiarium, or cash distribution, to solidify his position as successor to the aged, and somewhat parsimonious, Nerva. This distribution, depicted on this sestertius, reportedly amounted to 75 silver denarii or 300 sesterces per citizen-- in modern terms, equivalent to roughly $1,500. After the huge financial windfall occasioned by the Dacian wars, Trajan held two further congiaria, this time amounting to the princely sum of 650 denarii (roughly $13,000) per citizen. These distributions can be thought of as an ancient version of the modern "stimulus check,' as recently offered by the U.S. government in the form of pandemic relief.
Estimate: 1500 USD

Illustrazione: Scena di congiarium (distribuzione di danaro ai cittadini romani) raffigurata sull'Arco di Costantino a Roma (175-196 d.C.)




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Altra scena di congiarium da un sesterzio di Nerone

Nero AE Sestertius. 64-66 AD. NERO CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG GER P M TR P IMP P P, laureate head right / CONG II DAT POP S-C, Nero, bare-headed & togate, seated left on curule chair on low platform, prefect standing behind him, on ground an attendant standing left distributes coins to a citizen holding out folds of his toga to receive them, Minerva standing before temple in background. BMC 139.





Numismatica Ars Classica NAC AG, In Zurich on Oct 6, 2009 , sold 17.000 CHF

The Roman Empire, Nero Augustus, 54 – 58, Sestertius, Lugdunum ca. 66, Æ 25.42 g. IMP NERO CAESAR AVG PONT MAX TR POT P P Laureate head l. with globe at point of bust. Rev. CONG – I – DAT – POP Nero seated on platform l., before him an official seated r. on another platform handing congiarium to citizen standing with one foot on a flight of steps, with small boy behind him; in background on l., Minerva facing, holding owl and spear and farther r., Liberalitas facing, holding up tessera. C 70 var. BMC 503 var. RIC 503. CBN –. Very rare and among the finest specimens known of this interesting issue. Untouched green patina and extremely fine Ex NAC 25, 2003, 391 and Tkelec 2006, 136 sales. Among the most popular of all Roman reverse types are ‘platform scenes’ in which the emperor, Liberalitas, or a multitude of people and deities, address citizens or soldiers. Adlocutio issues – platform scenes where the emperor addresses the army – first occurred on Roman coins under Caligula, and were struck by Nero and subsequent emperors, such as Galba (see his adlocutio sestertius in this sale). Donation scenes such as this, in which the emperor and/or Liberalitas makes distributions to citizens, first occur under Nero. He struck sestertii with two distinctly different scenes, each being congiarium scenes in which a distribution is made to the public. Later, the donativum, in which gifts were made to the army, become popular. In the mid-2nd Century the donative scenes are identified as Liberalitas types rather than congiarium types. The precise event (or events) at which Nero made his donations are not securely known, though the first presumably occurred in 57. Confusion arises from their being numbered I and II, but not being segregated by the two types, by mint, or even by date of striking. Mattingly suggested the distinction I and II may indicate that one donation was of money, and the other of grain. This variant of Nero’s congiarium scene was almost exactly copied by the later emperor Nerva.





Inviato (modificato)

CONGIARIO (lat. congiarium). - Distribuzione fatta al popolo di una determinata quantità (congius) di olio o di vino da un magistrato o da un aspirante a una magistratura. Colui che faceva i doni era seduto in posizione sopraelevata e metteva nelle mani delle persone che accorrevano una tessera su cui era iscritto il valore del dono. La tessera era riscuotibile al domicilio del donatore. Quest'uso sussisteva già durante la repubblica (anzi lo troviamo attribuito addirittura al re Anco Marcio); ma, come tante altre istituzioni, sotto l'impero fu riservato in Roma al solo imperatore, e i magistrati municipali erano incaricati d'impedire che le elargizioni dei privati prendessero proporzioni troppo vaste. Se durante la repubblica il congiario fu una forma larvata e legalmente ammessa di corruzione elettorale, sotto l'impero fu un mezzo per tener calme le masse disoccupate della capitale e l'esercito malcontento. Per semplificare le distribuzioni, l'olio e il vino furono sostituiti ben presto da somme di denaro. I congiarî divennero sempre più regolari ed estesi carico per lo stato, come ricaviamo non tanto dai testi, quanto dalle monete e dalle tessere che si presentavano al momento del ritiro della somma. Nell'arco di Costantino vediamo l'imperatore che presiede alla distribuzione dei gruzzoletti di monete, probabilmente nel portico di Minucio, che veniva spesso adibito a questo scopo (


Modificato da King John

Classical Numismatic Group > Auction 117 Auction date: 19 May 2021
Lot number: 306
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction

Lot description:
PHOENICIA, Tyre. Uncertain king. Circa 425-394 BC. AR Shekel (24.5mm, 13.53 g, 4h). Deity, holding reins and bow, riding hippocamp right; two lines of waves below, dolphin right in exergue / Owl standing right, head facing; crook and flail in background. E&E-T Group II.1.1.1.a, 302 (O31/R33); HGC 10, 315; Betlyon pl. 5, 4 (same dies). Iridescent tone, slight die wear on obverse. Near EF. Well struck, and excellent metal for issue.
Estimate: 5000 USD




  • Mi piace 2

Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 484 Auction date: 27 January 2021
Lot number: 260

Price realized: 5,500 USD   (Approx. 4,520 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
MYSIA, Kyzikos. Circa 550-450 BC. EL Stater (18.5mm, 15.96 g). Forepart of winged stag left; to right, tunny diagonally downward left / Quadripartite incuse square. Von Fritze I 102; cf. Greenwell 128 corr. (obv. type; unlisted denomination); Boston MFA 1434 = Warren 1549; SNG BN –; BMC –; Gulbenkian –; Jameson 2181. Lightly toned. VF. Well centered on a broad, round flan.
From the Jonathan P. Rosen Collection. Ex Roma XIV (21 September 2017), lot 211.
A comment in a recent catalog asserted that the traditional identification of the obverse type as a winged stag was incorrect, that it is actually a winged doe, as there are no antlers depicted. However, a close examination of published examples do show a small spike emanating from the creature's head, well forward of the facing ear. This spike is consistently depicted as a small, thin, and straight protrusion that cannot be mistaken for the far side ear, which would be more contoured to mirror the facing ear, and set further back. The posture of the creature also suggests that it is to be viewed in perfect profile, with only the facing side ear and wing visible. Clearly, the spike is a new growth antler, thus the creature is correctly identified as a stag. What remains unknown is whether this type is meant to depict a youthful red deer stag growing his first antlers, or an adult depicted early in its yearly growth of new antlers?

Interestingly, in his corpus on the electrum of Kyzikos, Prof. Greenwell incorrectly described the obverse type of this issue, which was only known to him as hektai and hemihektai, as a winged horse. However, upon his subsequent acquisition and publishing of the stater of this issue, he corrected his earlier mistake, noting the "short horn" in front of the ear (see Greenwell, Some, p. 254, 3).

Estimate: 3000 USD




Inviato (modificato)
Dr. Busso Peus Nachfolger > Auction 428 Auction date: 28 April 2021
Lot number: 205
Price realized: To Be Posted
Lot description:
Troas Gergis
Bronze 350/250 v. Chr. Kopf der Sibylle Herophile von vorn, Blick nach rechts / Sphinx. SNG Cop. 338; BMC 9. 1.56 g.; Grüne Patina Fast vorzüglich
Ex Slg. Graeculus.
Estimate: 150 EUR

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Hydria di produzione etrusca a figure nere con guerrieri. Sul collo coppia di Sfingi retrospicenti; attribuita al Pittore di Micali della fine del VI secolo a.C. (inv. S.397).



Modificato da King John

Numismatica Ars Classica > Auction 123 Auction date: 9 May 2021
Lot number: 316
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
Greek Coins. Kierion.
Obol circa 350, AR 0.83 g. Horse prancing r. Rev. ΚΙΕΡΙΕΙ – ΩΝ Warrior (Ajax?) advancing r., holding shield and short sword. SNG Copenhagen 34. BCD Thessaly 1074 (this coin).
Rare. lovely light iridescent tone and good very fine
Ex Nomos sale 4, 2011, BCD, 1074.
Estimate: 250 CHF



  • Mi piace 1

Numismatica Ars Classica > Auction 123 Auction date: 9 May 2021
Lot number: 374

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction -
Lot description:
Greek Coins. Pelinna.
Chalkous circa IV-II century BC, Æ 2.11 g. Horseman advancing r., spearing fallen enemy. Rev. ΠΕΛΙ[ΝΝΑ] – ΙΚΟΝ Warrior advancing l., holding shield and spear. Roger 426. BCD Thessaly 1435.20 (this coin).
Dark green patina and about extremely fine
Ex Nomos sale 4, 2011, BCD, 1435 (part of).
Estimate: 150 CHF




Numismatica Ars Classica > Auction 123 Auction date: 9 May 2021
Lot number: 414
Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
Greek Coins. Trikka.
Chalkous first half of the IV century BC, Æ 1.82 g. Head of the nymph Trikka r., wearing triple-pendant earring. Rev. TPIKKAIΩN Warrior, nude but for conical helmet, charging r. and holding spear and oval shield. BCD Thessaly 1359.
Rare. Dark green patina and about very fine
Ex CNG sale 87, 2011, 428.
Estimate: 75 CHF




Leu Numismatik AG > Web Auction 16 Auction date: 22 May 2021
Lot number: 168

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 
Lot description:
CALABRIA. Tarentum. Circa 240-228 BC. Didrachm or Nomos (Silver, 20 mm, 6.54 g, 7 h), Kallikrates, magistrate. Warrior on horseback to right, holding Nike, who crowns him, in his right hand; to left, monogram; below horse, KAΛΛIKPA/THΣ. Rev. TAPAΣ Youthful oikist, nude, riding dolphin to left, holding Nike, who crowns him, in his right hand and trident in his left; above the dolphin's tail, monogram. HN Italy 1059. Vlasto 656-6. SNG ANS 1261. Struck from the usual somewhat worn dies, otherwise, virtually as struck.
From a European collection, formed before 2005.
Starting Price: 150 CHF




Leu Numismatik AG > Web Auction 16 Auction date: 22 May 2021
Lot number: 2182

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction

Lot description:
EGYPT. Alexandria. Hadrian, 117-138. Drachm (Bronze, 32 mm, 26.00 g, 12 h), RY 17 = 132/3. AYT KAIC TPAIAN AΔPIAN[OC C]ЄΒ Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian to right, seen from behind. Rev. L IZ Serapis, on the left, standing right, raising his right hand and holding scepter in his left, and Hadrian, on the right, standing front, head to left, holding scepter in his left hand and resting his right on stele inscribed ΑΔΡ/ΙΑ/NON, all within distyle temple. Dattari (Savio) 1945. Emmett 1042.17. K&G 32.553. RPC III 5844. Good fine.
From the Rhakotis Collection, formed in the 1960s and 1970s (with collector's ticket).
The reverse scene of this coin probably refers to the dedication of a building in Hadrian's name to Serapis near the Serapeum in Alexandria.
Starting Price: 50 CHF





Roma Numismatics Ltd > E-Sale 81 Auction date: 25 February 2021
Lot number: 558
Price realized: 320 GBP   (Approx. 452 USD / 370 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
Pamphylia, Aspendos AR Stater. Circa 465-430 BC. Warrior advancing to right, wearing crested helmet and holding shield and spear / Triskeles within incuse square. Unpublished in the standard references; Roma E-72, lot 542 (same dies); Roma XVII, lot 523 (same). 10.90g, 20mm.
Good Very Fine.
From the inventory of a German dealer.
Estimate: 200 GBP




Inviato (modificato)
Leu Numismatik AG > Web Auction 16 Auction date: 22 May 2021
Lot number: 2311

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction 

Lot description:
EGYPT. Alexandria. Antoninus Pius, 138-161. Drachm (Bronze, 33 mm, 22.62 g, 12 h), Apollonopolite Nome, RY 8 = 144/5. ΑΥΤ Κ Τ ΑΙΛ ΑΔΡ ΑΝΤⲰΝЄΙΝΟC CЄΒ ЄΥC Laureate head of Antoninus Pius to right. Rev. [ΑΠΟ]ΛΛⲰΝΟΠΟΛΙ[Τ] / L - H Apollo-Horus standing front, head to right, holding falcon in his left hand and scepter in his right. Dattari (Savio) 6203. Emmett 1823.8. K&G N4.6. RPC IV.4 online 15210. Very rare. Light flan cracks and with a light flan fault on the reverse, otherwise, good fine.
From the Rhakotis Collection, formed in the 1960s and 1970s (with collector's ticket).
This coin forms part of the 'nome coinage', struck under several emperors starting from Domitian and ending with Antoninus Pius. The division of Egypt into nomes (smaller districts) had its roots in the pharaonic administration, but continued to be used in the Graeco-Roman period. On the reverse of the bronze drachms struck under Antoninus Pius, the respective nomes are identified through the legend and a local deity is depicted. Here we see Horus, conflated with the Greek Apollo, one of the chief deities of the Egyptian pantheon. The Apollonopolite nome is well-known for its nome capital, Edfu, where the massive temple of Horus remains one the best-preserved Egyptian temples to this day. A. Geissen ('The Nome Coins of Roman Egypt', in C. Howgego, V. Heuchert & A. Burnett (eds.), Coinage and Identity in the Roman Provinces, Oxford, 2005, p. 167-170) has suggested that the final emission of nome coins in year 8 of Antoninus Pius is most likely linked to the marriage of Marcus Aurelius and Faustina the Younger in the same year.

Starting Price: 100 CHF





Modificato da King John


Dal V sec. a. C. , da Methymna, un piccolo raro tetrobolo con al diritto un oplita inginocchiato per il combattimento .

Passato in asta NAC 123 n. 625, 2 giorni or sono .

Con le scuse di rito, se la moneta sia già passata nelle migliaia di post precedenti .


001 NAC 123 n. 625.jpg

003 NAC 123 n. 625.jpg

  • Mi piace 2

Inviato (modificato)

Egypt, Alexandria. Marcus Aurelius, 161-180. Drachm year 5 (164-165), Æ 28.83 g. ? ?V?????? – ?[??W?]???? ??? Laureate bust l., drapery on l. shoulder. Rev. Isis Euploia standing l., holding ears of corn in r. hand and cornucopiae in l.; in l. field, forepart of ship under sail; below which, female reclining r., holding rudder in l. hand; in r. field, stern of ship, below which, bearded figure reclining l., holding reed in r. hand. In r. field, L E. Dattari 3460. Dattari-Savio 3460 and 9254. RPC Online 13809 temp.

Exceedingly rare, only four specimens listed in RPC. Attractive brown patina,

bold portrait and an interesting reverse type. Good extremely fine

From the Dattari collection.

NAC100, 1345

illustrazione: Testa di Iside Euploia, vale a dire Iside "della nbuona navigazione". Iside con l’equipaggio di Ra percorre un tragitto notturno negli inferi e su una barca di papiro va in cerca dei pezzi del cadavere di Osiride. Nei Testi delle Piramidi Osiride è legato al “Grande verde”, cioè al Mediterraneo e al mare della Siria. Iside era sempre presente nella barca degli dei che di notte percorreva il mondo degli inferi.  La dea era oggetto di culto sia in mare che sulle rive, in particolare era la patrona della navi granarie che portavano i cereali dell’antico Egitto verso i porti di Roma.



Modificato da King John
  • Mi piace 1

CNG 75, Lot: 879. Estimate $2000. 
Closing Date: Wednesday, 23 May 2007. 
Sold For $3800. This amount does not include the buyer’s fee.

EGYPT, Alexandria. Hadrian. AD 117-138. Æ Drachm (24.19 g, 12h). Dated RY 18 (AD 133/4). Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Isis Pharia standing right, holding sistrum and billowing sail; to right, Pharus of Alexandria; date above. Köln 1121; Emmett 1002. EF, brown patina.

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Detailed view of Isis Pharia above the entrance of the Governorate of Alexandria

A PROPOSITO DEL CULTO DI ISIDE FARIA:  The most popular foreign deity to be worshipped in Greek cities in the Hellenistic period was the Egyptian Isis. As the mistress of the seas, Isis is the inventor of navigation, the use of the sail and the protector of sailors. Like the lighthouse for seafarers, Isis is a guide for humankind not only in life but also after death. The location of Isis Pharia temple at Pharos is not a coincidence: Isis Pharia is not the goddess of the Lighthouse, she is the Lighthouse goddess.

75000879 (1).jpg


  • Mi piace 1

Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 492 Auction date: 26 May 2021
Lot number: 241

Price realized: This lot is for sale in an upcoming auction
Lot description:
PERSIA, Achaemenid Empire. temp. Artaxerxes I to Darios II. Circa 455-420 BC. AR Siglos (15.5mm, 5.39 g). Lydo-Milesian standard. Sardes mint. Persian king or hero, wearing kidaris and kandys, quiver over shoulder, in kneeling-running stance right, holding dagger in right hand, bow in left / Incuse punch. Carradice Type IV, Group A (pl. XIII, 33); cf. Meadows, Administration 326 (Type IV, Group C); BMC Arabia pl. XXVII, 7; cf. Sunrise 27 (daric). Toned. VF. Well struck on a broad flan.
Estimate: 200 USD



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