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Le più belle rappresentazioni di guerrieri

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Semi-Autonomous coinage of Carthage, c. 480-533 
21 Nummi circa 480-533, Æ 7.07 g. [KA]RT – HAGO Soldier standing facing, holding spear in l. hand. Rev. Horse head l; in exergue, XXI. BMC Vandals 17. MIB 23. MEC I, 45.
Dark patina, minor areas of weakness, otherwise very fine 
Ex Künker sale 121, 2007, De Wit, 96.




  • 2 settimane dopo...

NERO (54-68). Denarius. Rome. Obv: IMP NERO CAESAR AVG P P. Laureate head right. Rev: Aquila between two signa. RIC² 68. Condition: Good very fine. Weight: 3.48 g. Diameter: 20 mm.





Il moderno cappello Afghan Pakol o Chitrali cap forse è un discendente diretto del causia macedone, il cappello di feltro  con cui è sempre rappresentato il re di Battria Antimaco I.

Craterus was known always wearing his kausia, even into battle. The modern Afghan Pakol, or Chitrali cap is reminiscent of and perhaps descended from the Macedonian kausia..jpg



Mysia, Kyzikos EL Stater. Circa 500-450 BC. Facing gorgoneion with mouth open and tongue protruding, six serpents on top of head, another below each ear; below, tunny fish to left / Quadripartite incuse square. Von Fritze 129, pl. IV, 15; Boston 1445 = Warren 1492; cf. SNG von Aulock 7295 (hemihekte); SNG France –. 16.12g, 20mm. Good Very Fine. Extremely Rare, and among the finest known. While the origin or inspiration for many of the types used at Kyzikos is obscure or uncertain, the apotropaic design used on this type may be reasonably considered to have been taken from the drachms of Apollonia Pontika on the Black Sea coast of Thrace. Both on account of its relatively proximity to Kyzikos and the latter’s strategic location on the main trade route, Apollonia would inevitably have had close trade economic ties with this city.



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Inviato (modificato)

The Roman Empire 
Domitian, 81 – 96 
Sestertius 86, Æ 26.49 g. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XII CEN PER P P Laureate head r., aegis covering l. shoulder. Rev. Domitian, togate, standing r., shaking hand with a soldier standing l.; between them, garlanded altar and in the background, two further soldiers, one holding shield and spear, the other carrying a standard; behind the altar, a second standard. In exergue, S C. C 502 var. (CENS). BMC 381 var. (CENS). CBN 293, 405 var. (CENS). RIC 473 var. (CENS).
Rare. A magnificent portrait of fine style and an interesting and finely-detailed
reverse composition. Wonderful untouched green patina with some minor
encrustations, otherwise extremely fine Ex M&M sale 92, 2002, 62.


Illustrazione: un pretoriano

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Modificato da King John
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The Roman Empire 
Libius Severus, 461 – 465 
Half-siliqua 461-465, AR 0.94 g. D N LIB SEVERVS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust r. Rev. Christogram within wreath; in exergue, R M. C 16. RIC 2713. LRC 899. 
Very rare. Toned and good very fine
Ex Triton XI, 2008, 1048 and NAC, 64, 2012, 1365 sales.





The Roman Empire 
Hadrian augustus, 117 – 138 
Aureus 134-138, AV 7.30 g. HADRIANVS – AVG COS III P P Bare head r. Rev. Hadrian advancing r. ahead of three soldiers carrying standards; in exergue, DISCIPLINA / AVG. C 540. BMC 602. RIC 232. Calicó 1251 (these dies).
Very rare and an attractive specimen of this very intriguing issue. A bold portrait
and a finely detailed reverse composition, about extremely fine This remarkable aureus of Hadrian, which celebrates 'the discipline of the emperor,' reveals an often underappreciated side of this emperor's personality – a strong belief in disciplina militaris. Dio Cassius (68.9) and the author(s) of the Historia Augusta (Hadrian 10.2-11.1) both comment on Hadrian's belief that the army should be run strictly, frugally and efficiently. The latter gives the impression that Hadrian was a stickler for details, and that he often scrutinised military documents.
They further note that he led by example, sharing in the privations of the common soldier by eating the same food, by living simply when in their presence, and often by marching twenty miles per day in full armour to provide a good example. The Historia Augusta suggests he did this to imitate the behaviour of, among others, his adoptive father Trajan. Hadrian insisted that even when soldiers were not on actual service they participated in rigorous training drills, which he sometimes led personally.
This paints a picture quite unlike the usual view of Hadrian as a thoroughly indulgent emperor who was distracted by the arts, toured his empire in high style, was infatuated with many aspects of Greek culture, and who spared no expense in the construction of his palatial Villa in Tivoli.
The concept of discipline was well-suited to the lifestyle of Roman soldiers, who sometimes worshipped the minor divinity Disciplina. The archaeological record shows that Hadrian strongly promoted her virtues (which included frugality, sternness and faithfulness) among the legions in Britain and North Africa. Her cult must have been well-established among the soldiers stationed along Hadrian's Wall, for the cavalry fort of Cilumum at the River Tyne was dedicated to the goddess. Hadrian's successor, Antoninus Pius, also was attentive to these ideals, and he issued sestertii (RIC 604 and 769) which replicate this original composition of Hadrian.



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Roman Republic. M. Servilius C.f., moneyer. AR Denarius minted at Rome, 100 BC
Roman Republic. M. Servilius C.f., moneyer. AR Denarius minted at Rome, 100 BC. Helmeted head right of Roma; to left, N. Reverse: Two soldiers fighting, their horses to either side. Sear 206; Servilia 13; Cr. 327/1; Syd. 602. Light scratches on face of Roma. Toned. Nearly Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $200 - 250. Provenance: The Pat Coyle Collection.


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KINGS OF MACEDON. Alexander III 'the Great' (336-323 BC). Ae 1/4 Unit. Macedonian mint. Obv: Macedonian shield with star on boss. Rev: B - A.  Macedonian helmet. Control: kerykeion in left field.

Illustrazione:  Guardia oplitica degli  Ipaspisti o Hypaspistai (in greco:  ὑπασπισταὶ τῶν ἑταίρων, hypaspistài tỗn hetaírôn, "portatori degli scudi dei compagni"), corpo d'élite dell'esercito macedone di Filippo II, Alessandro Magno e dei suoi successori, i Diadochi.





Kings of Macedon. Alexander III ‘the Great’ (336-323 BC). Æ Unit (16mm, 4.16g, 1h). Head of Herakles l. at centre of Macedonian shield. R/ Plumed Macedonian helmet, grain ear to l. below. Price 2806. Green patina, VF – Good VF

Immagine:  Stampo in terracotta per uno scudo macedone (70 cm diam.) Per l'esercito di Tolomeo (III ° aC). Alan Pierson Museum, Amsterdam





Pamphylia, Aspendos, c. 465-430 BC. AR Stater (20mm, 10.75g, 3h). Hoplite advancing r., holding spear and shield; turtle between legs. R/ Triskeles over lion crouching l.; turtle to upper r. (?); all within incuse square. SNG BnF 13. Very Rare, Good VF





Kingdom of Macedon, Time of Philip V - Perseus AR Tetrobol. Uncertain Macedonian mint, circa 187-168 BC. Macedonian shield with four crescents in boss / Prow of a galley right, star above, MAKE-ΔONΩ around. SNG Copenhagen 1289; SNG Ashmolean 3282. 2.12g, 15mm, 12h. Good Very Fine.

Illustrazione: un falangite macedone.



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RöMISCHE MüNZEN Kaiserliche Prägungen
Domitianus No: 506 Schätzpreis/Estimation DM 1000.-
Domitianus, 81 - 96. Sesterz 85, auf den Sieg im Wieder Becken über die Chatten. Kopf mit Aegis / Kaiser zu Pferd über germanischem Krieger. RIC 257; C. 483. 27,29 g.
Hellbraune Patina Schön/Sehr schön

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Altro esemplare in cui il guerriero germanico è più visibile... 

-Kaiserliche Prägungen 
-Kaiserliche Prägungen
Domitianus, 81 - 96.. Sesterz 86, auf den Sieg im Wieder Becken über die Chatten. Kopf mit Aegis / Kaiser mit Speer und Schild zu Pferd über germanischem Krieger. RIC 317; C. 485. 22.71 g. Dunkelgrüne Patina Sehr schön
Ex Slg. Meyer-Coloniensis (Auktion Münzzentrum 64, 1988, 184).
Schätzung (estimation): 1500,-- EUR


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The Roman Empire 
Gordian III, 238 – 244 
Bronze, Hadrianopolis Thraciae 238-244, Æ 9.73 g. AUTK M ANTO GORDIANOC AVG Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r. Rev. A - DR - IANO The Emperor on horseback r., r. hand raised, crossing three-arched bridge, preceded by soldiers and standard bearers and followed by attendant; beneath, three boats with sailors. In exergue, OLEITWN Missing in all major reference works. Cf. Youroukova 227 for this obverse. Apparently unrecorded and a very interesting reverse composition. Dark green patina somewhat smoothed, otherwise about extremely fine

Quando il ponte non c'era si provvedeva con le barche, come ci informa la scena scolpita sulla Colonna Traiana.



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ANTONINUS PIUS, 138-161 AD. AR Denarius, HRIC 6. /No legend, Antoninus, in military garb, resting his foot on a globe stg. r., and holding a spear and parazonium.

Al rovescio Antonino indossa il  paludamentum,il mantello rosso che insieme al parazonium, la spada corta sostenuta con la mano sinistra, erano i segni distintivi del generale romano quando comandava un esercito.





Spesso il parazonium era imbracciato dalla personificazione della  Virtus, il valore militare, come avviene su questi denari di Traiano e di Caracalla

Coin Type: Silver denarius of Trajan, 98-117 CE 
Mint and Date: Rome, 114-117 CE. 
Size and Weight: 17mm x 19mm, 3.26g 
Laureate, draped bust right. 
Virtus standing right, left foot on helmet, reversed spear held behind in right hand, parazonium held at waist level in front in right hand. 
Ref: RCV (2002) —; RIC II 353 
Provenance: Barry P Murphy (Vcoins), November 2005 

BW Ref: 014 027 071


Coin Type: Silver denarius of Caracalla, Caesar Dec 195 - 28 Jan 198 CE, Augustus 28 Jan 198 - 8 Apr 217 CE.
Mint and Date: Rome, 209 CE 
Size and Weight: 18mm, 2.62g 
Laureate bust right, seen from behind. 
Virtus standing right, spear held behind in right hand, parazoniumin left hand, left foot on helmet. 
Provenance: biggyg2 (eBay), October 2005. 
Ref: RCV (2002) 6869; RIC 112; BMCRE V p.358, 13. 
BW Ref: 009 027 047




Inviato (modificato)

Magistrale raffigurazione della Virtus con parazonium affrontata all'Honos.

Vitellius, January – December 69
Sestertius late April-December 69, Æ 27.01 g. A VITELLIVS GERMANICVS IMP AVG P M TR P Laureate and draped bust r. Rev. HONOS ET VIRTVS Honos, bare from the waist up, standing r., holding long vertical sceptre in r. hand and cornucopiae in l., facing Virtus, in military attire, standing l., holding parazonium in r. hand and vertical spear in l., r. foot on helmet. In exergue, S C. C 38. BMC p. 375 note †. RIC 113. CBN 88.
Extremely rare and probably the finest specimen known. An extraordinary portrait of high
style struck in high relief with an interesting reverse composition. An attractive
olive green patina gently smoothed on reverse, otherwise extremely fine
Ex Münzahndlung Basel 1935, 221 and Glendining 2 April 1952, Ryan part V, 2326 sales.
Honos and Virtus, the Roman personifications of honor and valor, were introduced to Imperial coinage by Galba, who undoubtedly cherished their virtues. At some time in the distant past such a rallying call to military valor might have had the desired effect, but in the atmosphere after the fall of Nero soldiers responded only to the siren calls of opportunism and personal enrichment.
The appearance of these two high-minded personifications on coins of Vitellius, whose personal values were more in line with the mob, was not of his making. It was little more than practical opportunism, for Vitellius kept in service Honos and Virtus dies that had been prepared under Galba. The reverse die of Galba used to strike this sestertius is illustrated in Kraay, The Aes Coinage of Galba, pl. XXXII, no. P185.
Though Honos was associated closely with political life, and Virtus more directly with the military, these personifications were inseparable in many ways. This was made clear with the structure of their largest temple in Rome, located outside the Porta Capena. The original temple had been devoted solely to Honos, but it was supplemented with an adjacent temple to Virtus that was dedicated in 205 B.C. The new Temple of Virtus seems to have been placed before that of Honos, which had but a single gate, all of which reinforced the concept that honour could only be achieved through valor.
The seniority of Honos is also reflected on coinage. Their most conspicuous appearance is on denarii serrati of Q. Fufius Calenus and Mucius Cordus, struck in 70/68 B.C., where their portraits are shown jugate. Honos has the honorary position to the left, with his bust superimposed on that of Virtus. This sesterius also reserves the senior position for Honos, who stands at the left of the composition.


Modificato da King John

Inviato (modificato)

Sesterzio di Traiano: al rovescio Traiano in abbigliamento militare in piedi, con lancia e parazonium;  ai suoi piedi l'Armenia sottomessa tra le personificazioni dell'Eufrate e del Tigri. 


Modificato da King John


Avete notato tutti quegli oggetti al di sopra delle teste dei legionari nella scena scolpita sulla colonna Traiana del post #390? Si tratta del bagaglio che ogni legionario si portava dietro quando l'esercito si spostava, come illustrato nel disegno qui allegato.



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Inviato (modificato)

A proposito di Colonna Traiana guardate qual era il suo aspetto originale...


Modificato da King John

Inviato (modificato)

 Octavian as Augustus, 27 BC – 14 AD
Denarius, Pergamum circa 19-18 BC, AR 3.81 g. Bare head r. Rev. CAESAR – DIVI F / ARMEN – RECEP / IMP – VIII Armenian standing facing, holding spear in r. hand and resting l. on bow set on ground. C 58. BMC p. 109 note. RIC 518. CBN –.
Very rare. Lightly toned, countermark on obverse, otherwise extremely fine

armeno Romano Denario in argento di Augusto (27 aC-14 dC), in commemorazione della conquista dell'Armenia. Sul retro un armeno Archer, fronte in piedi, con lancia nella mano destra e di riposo a sinistra su un arco impostato.jpg



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Modificato da King John


The Barry Feirstein Collection of Ancient Coins Part I
The Roman Empire The mint is Roma unless otherwise stated
Trajan, 98 – 117
No.: 117
Estimate: CHF 25000
d=38 mm
Medallion circa 103-111, æ 31.30 g. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P Laureate bust r., with drapery on far shoulder. Rev. S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI Trajan on horse prancing r., about to hurl spear at Dacian enemy kneeling below horse, where a second enemy also lies dead with a spear in his side and head falling across exergual line.
Apparently unique and unpublished, one of very few Trajan’s medallion known.
A spectacular reverse composition finely engraved by a talented artist.
Dark green patina and extremely fine
Privately purchased from Harlan J. Berk.

Nell'illustrazione: guerrieri daci.






AR-Dekadrachm, 42.71 g. 405-400 BC. Obv.: ΑΘΛΑ Quadriga l., Victory, armour, helmet. Rev.: ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΟΝ / EY[AINE] Signed reverse die of Euainetos. Head of Arethusa l., dolphins. 
SNG ANS 363; Gulbenkian 312 (same obvers die); Gallatin Obv. III. and Rev. C.I. Rare in this condition. Good exremely fine Estimate: 55000 CHF




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