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Inviato (modificato)

"Medaglioni di Tarso" sono questi tre madaglioni d'oro molto simili a quelli di Aboukir, rinvenuti da un tesoro scoperto vicino a Tarso (in greco antico Ταρσός) in Cilicia (Provincia Romana), la città di Tarsus della attuale Turchia, centro dell'omonimo distretto della provincia di Mersin. Si tratta di tre niketerioni, vale a dire premi di vittoria, che, nei tempi antichi, era presentato alla presenza dell'imperatore ai vincitori dei Giochi Olimpici e Pitici. È probabile che questi medaglioni siano stati coniati da Alessandro Severo che, come molti imperatori, dedicò un vero culto ad Alessandro Magno (IV secolo a.C). Questi medaglioni di vittoria fanno parte di una serie eccezionale che glorifica Alessandro Magno, suo padre Filippo II e sua madre Olimpia, serie battuta sotto il regno dell'ultimo imperatore della dinastia severiana: Severo Alessandro (222-235 d.C), omonimo del glorioso conquistatore macedone. 
Provenienza: Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), Département des Monnaies, Médailles et Antiques.




Modificato da King John

Inviato (modificato)

"The Alexander Medallion" è il nome di questa moneta d'oro rinvenuta a  Mir Zakah (un villaggio nel nord dell'Afghanistan, famoso per la scoperta di uno dei più grandi depositi di monete conosciuti nella storia) in possesso di un collezionista pakistano. Si Tratta di una moneta unica d'oro, con peso di 16.75 g, (un distatere d'oro?) coiniata forse a Babilonia che al diritto ci mostra la testa di Alessandro Magno con il copricapo di pelle di elefante ed egida intorno al collo. Il rovescio della moneta mostra un elefante che cammina verso destra; questa immagine insieme alla pelle di elefante sulla testa di Alessandro collega immediatamente la moneta alla sua battaglia contro Poro/Porus sull'Idaspe in India che ebbe luogo nel 326 aC. Questo è Alessandro come vide se stesso - invulnerabile, vicino alla divinità, immortalato nel momento del suo trionfo.



Modificato da King John

Gerhard Hirsch Nachfolger, Auction 296, lot 1571, 13/02/2014

Didrachme. 455-440. Hund steht l. Rs: Kopf der Nymphe Segesta r. mit Haarband. Hurter, Segesta 94. 8.36g, Hohes Relief. Schöne ss-vz

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Two roman marble figures of celtic hounds found in the ruins of the villa of emperor Antoninus Pius, 2nd century A.D. 74,5 and 68 cm high respectively





"Aboukir Medallions". Roman gold medallion with Caracalla, (Roman emperor from 198 to 217 AD). (Roman Imperial Period ca. 200 - 250 AD ?).
Obverse: Cuirassed and laureate bust of Caracalla with moustache seen from the front with sword and shield to left. Over his shoulder, a spear nearly horizontal. Breastplate with head of Medusa, shoulder clasp ornamented. From his right shoulder hangs a balteus, the sword itself with hilt in form of an eagle. Around his waist, the cingulum militare. The shield bears the diademed head of Alexander in profile to the left, above Alexander on horse hunting a lion.
Reverse: Nereid riding on a sea- centaur to right, who carries a trident over his shoulder and holds in his left hand a fish. Amid the waves four dolphins.
Inscription: -
Dimensions: Diameter: 5.7 cm.
Axis: 12. 
Weight: 69.42 g.
Mint: Beroea (Macedon)?
Place of Discovery: Egypt, Aboukir.
References: Dahmen, K. - 2008 - Alexander in Gold and Silver: Reassessing Third century AD Medallions from Aboukir and Tarsos 531; S.
Provenance: Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, Lisbon


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La Gemma augustea (latino: Gemma Augusti) è un magnifico cammeo in rilievo su due strati. Si ritiene comunemente che chi realizzò questo capolavoro possa essere stato Dioscuride o uno dei suoi discepoli nel 12 d.C. 
La Gemma augustea si presenta come un cammeo in leggero rilievo su due strati, intagliati su di una pietra araba d'onice. Uno strato è bianco, mentre l'altro è di colore marrone-bluastro, per meglio mettere in risalto i dettagli delle figure rappresentate, e creare un netto contrasto con il fondo scuro. Misura 23 x 19 cm ed uno spessore di poco più di 1 cm circa.
La Gemma fu probabilmente creata in occasione del trionfo tributato a Tiberio nel 12 d.C., erede del Princeps, Augusto, e futuro imperatore, dopo i successi ottenuti su Dalmati e Pannoni al termine della rivolta dalmato-pannonica del 6-9, oltre che sui Germani che si erano ribellati nel 9.
È conservata presso il Kunsthistorisches Museum di Vienna.






KILIKIEN. MALLOS. AR – Stater 10,14g um 360 v. Chr.
Av: Der persische Großkönig mit Lanze und Bogen eilend nach rechts; im Feld links: Getreidekorn.
Rv: MAL, Statue : Herakles stehend nach rechts auf einem Säulenkapitell, im Kampf mit dem Löwen; im Feld links: Keule.
SNG v. Aulock 5718 (Av. und Rv. stempelid.).
Traité II, 572 Tf. 107,10.
Im Revers leichte Stempelschwäche, kleine Kratzer; selten. Vorzüglich.
Provenance: A.Tkalec AG Auction date 19.02.2001, lot: 154.





Tetradramma in argento coniata in Katania nel 410-403 a.C. firmato dal grande maestro incisore Choirion "XOIPIΩN".
Diam: 1 1/16 in. 
Diritto/ Una maestosa testa frontale inclinata molto leggermente a sinistra di Apollo con corona di quercia. A sinistra un arco e la leggenda XOIPIΩN, a destra kithara, in basso sotto il collo, la leggenda ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝ.
Rovescio/ Auriga tenendo le redini e il kentron su quadriga veloce al galoppo verso destra, mentre gira intorno a una colonna ionica; sopra la Vittoria (Nike) che vola a sinistra per incoronare l'auriga; in esergo: la leggenda KATANIΩN e sotto un gamberetto.
Provenienza: Museo Archeologico Regionale Paolo Orsi, Siracusa.




Inviato (modificato)
Classical Numismatic Group, Mail Bid Sale 84, lot 749, 5/05/2010

PERSIA, Achaemenid Empire. Time of Xerxes II to Artaxerxes II. Circa 420-375 BC. AR Siglos (13mm, 5.49 g). Persian king or hero in kneeling-running right, holding dagger and bow / Incuse punch. Carradice Type IV B (pl. XIV, 43); BMC Arabia pl. XXVII, 10. Near EF, lightly toned. Exceptional for issue.
From the Tuck Pittman Collection. Ex Tkalec (29 February 2008), lot 431.



King of Babylon 7th C.jpg

Modificato da King John

Inviato (modificato)

Classical Numismatic Group, Mail Bid Sale 73, lot 242, 13/09/2006

BOEOTIA, Thebes. Circa 450-425 BC. AR Stater (12.47 g). Boeotian shield / Nude Herakles advancing right, holding club in his right hand and bow in his left; archaic Q-E downward on left, B to lower left; all within incuse square. BCD Boiotia 413 (same dies); Jameson 1159 (same dies). Good VF, minor die wear on obverse. Very rare, and among the finest known.
Estimate: $5000

Illustrazione: Herakles with the Apples of the Hesperides, Roman bronze, 1st century A.D. Holding three of the golden apples in his left hand, behind him is the apple tree with the guardian serpent clinging around it, from a temple at Byblos, Lebanon, 104 cm high. British Museum




Modificato da King John
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Naville Numismatics Ltd. > Auction 45 Auction date: 9 December 2018
Lot number: 159
Price realized: 90 GBP   (Approx. 115 USD / 101 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:
Ionia, Ephesus Geta Caesar, 209-212 Bronze circa 209-212, Æ 18.30mm., 2.90g. Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust r. Rev. The philosopher Heraclitus, standin l., raising r. hand and holding club. SNG Cop. 426.
Rare, green patina, About Very Fine.
From the E.E. Clain-Stefanelli collection.
In addition, winning bids of EEC clients for this coin are subject to a 5% fee on hammer price as a reimbursement for import duty paid to HMRC.
Starting Price: 40 GBP





Roma Numismatics Ltd > E-Sale 58 Auction date: 20 June 2019
Lot number: 136
Price realized: To Be Posted

Lot description:
Attica, Athens AR New Style Tetradrachm. Circa 183/2 BC. Head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with vine tendril and Pegasos / Owl standing right, head facing, on amphora; A-ΘE across upper fields, monograms flanking, terminal figure of Hermes in left field; all within wreath. Thompson 86-92. 16.83g, 33mm, 2h. 
Near Extremely Fine; excellent detail, lightly toned and lustrous. 
From the inventory of a German dealer, acquired from H. Wickert Münzhandlung; 
Ex Lubich Collection (index card included), purchased from SKA Monetarium in 1994.
Estimate: 500 GBP




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Numismatica Genevensis SA > Auction 9   

Lot number: 42 Auction date: 14 December 2015

Price realized: To Be Posted

Lot description:
Northern Greece. Macedon, First District. Tetradrachm, Amphipolis, c. 168 BC. (Silver, 16.82g., 29.5mm). Bearded head of Zeus to right, wearing oak-wreath / ΜΑΚΕ –ΔΟΝΩΝ / ΠΡΩΤΗΣ Artemis Tauropolis reclining left on the back of a bull moving to left, his horns draped with a fillet; she carries a burning torch in each hand; below, at center, monogram of ΑΝΗΡ; below, to right, monogram of ΑΡΧΗ. M. Price, The Larissa, 1968 hoard (IGCH 237). Kraay-Mørkholm Essays, p. 237, 213 (this coin).
A coin of great rarity, one of perhaps 8 examples known, and one of an exceptionally fine late Hellenistic style. Attractively toned. Extremely fine.
Provenance: Numismatica Genevensis SA V, 2 December 2008, 79. Bank Leu 50, 25 April 1990, 125. Bank Leu 22, 8 May 1979, 84. Sitochoro / Larissa Hoard of 1968 (IGCH 237).
This coin was struck at the mint of Amphipolis, the capital city of the first district of Macedon, one of the four regions into which the Romans had divided the Macedonian kingdom. Amphipolis (IACP 553) was originally called Ennea Hodoi ('nine roads') and was a settlement of the Edoni: it was turned into an Athenian colony in 437/6. After various vicissitudes it was captured by Philip II in 357 and became one of the most important cities of Macedon. This coin was presumably struck to celebrate the creation of the autonomous First District, but it was only produced for a very short period prior to the decree of the Roman Senate closing down the Macedonian silver mines. It comes from one of the more unusual hoards that have come down to us from antiquity; unusual because of the curious way it was found. During the construction of an apartment building in Larissa the foundations were dug out by a large mechanical digger, which shoveled considerable amounts of dirt into trucks to be carted away and dumped. This dump was located outside the city in the village of Sitochoro, where it served as landfill. A petrol station was across the road from the dump and its sign was being fixed by two workers who had climbed up to the top of it. In the light of the setting sun they noticed gleams coming from the earth across the street. Climbing down to investigate they began finding large numbers of silver coins. Later that night, when things were calm, they came back and dug through the dump, finding well over 1600 coins! Price's article provides full details. While tremendously exciting because of the coins it contained, this hoard is also fascinating evidence about how coin hoards can actually be dug up without anyone noticing, and be transported fairly far away before being found. A perfect parallel is the great Feldstrasse hoard of Roman aurei from Trier (K.-J. Gilles, Der römische Goldmünzenschatz aus der Feldstrasse in Trier. Trier, 2013)

Starting Price: 200000 CHF




Inviato > Internet Auction April 2019 Auction date: 9 April 2019
Lot number: 40
Price realized: 777 EUR   (Approx. 876 USD)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
Type : Denier 
Date: 232 
Mint name / Town : Roma 
Metal : silver 
Millesimal fineness : 500 ‰ 
Diameter : 20 mm 
Orientation dies : 6 h. 
Weight : 3,09 g. 
Officine: 3e 

Comments on the condition:
Exemplaire sur un flan ovale et irrégulier, parfaitement centré des deux côtés avec les grènetis complets sans usure. Monnaie de toute beauté au flan miroir, état plus qu'exceptionnel pour un denier romain !

Catalogue references :
C.161 (3f.) - RIC.246 - BMC/RE.833 note - RSC.161 a - RCV.7882 - MRK.62 /35 

Pedigree :
Cet exemplaire provient de la collection Niels    Obverse legend : IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG.    Obverse description : Buste lauré, drapé et cuirassé d'Alexandre Sévère à droite, vu de  trois quarts en avant (A*).
Obverse translation : "Imperator Alexander Pius Augustus", (L'empereur Alexandre pieux auguste).
Reverse legend : MARS - VLTOR.
Reverse description : Mars casqué et vêtu militairement marchant à droite, le manteau flottant au vent, tenant une haste transversale de la main droite et un bouclier de la gauche.
Reverse translation : "Mars Ultor", (Mars vengeur).
Rubans de type 3. Ptéryges fines sous le paludamentum.




Roma Numismatics Ltd > E-Sale 58 Auction date: 20 June 2019
Lot number: 1100
Price realized: 110 GBP   (Approx. 140 USD / 124 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
Trajan AR Denarius. Rome, AD 112-113. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P, laureate bust right, drapery on far shoulder / S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, Trajan on horseback to left, holding spear. RIC 291; BMCRE 445; RSC 497a. 3.53g, 19mm, 7h.
About Good Very Fine; light cabinet tone.
Ex Michael Kelly Collection of Roman Silver Coins; collector's ticket included.
Although several reverse variants show Trajan on horseback, those dating to his sixth consulship in AD 112 are likely to depict the equestrian statue of the Emperor that once stood in his forum in Rome, which was dedicated in this year. The monument itself was likely modelled on that of Domitian that stood in the Forum Romanum, and may well have influenced the design of the surviving statue of Marcus Aurelius that can be seen in the Capitoline Museums.
Estimate: 125 GBP




Savoca Numismatik GmbH & Co. KG > Online Auction 32 | Silver Auction date: 14 April 2019
Lot number: 68
Price realized: 220 EUR   (Approx. 249 USD)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
Akarnania. Argos Amphilochicon circa 330-300 BC. 
Bronze Æ    15 mm., 3,21 g.
Helmeted and bearded male head (Ares?) right. / [Α]ΡΓΕΙΩΝ [ΑΜΥΝΑΝΔΡΟΥ]; Hound running right.  very fine
BCD Akarnania 154; SNG Copenhagen 320; Imhoof-Blumer ,Arkadien p. 95, 55.
Starting Price: 75 EUR




Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 439 Auction date: 6 March 2019
Lot number: 226
Price realized: 700 USD   (Approx. 619 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
PANNONIA. Legio XI Claudiana. Æ As (27mm, 8.39 g). Countermarks applied between the reign of Gaius (Caligula), AD 37-41, and the Civil War, AD 69. (MP), CA[E], and XI (Legio XI Claudiana) in square and circular countermarks on a bronze as of Augustus. Pangerl 80, 77, and 82 var. (circular). Host Fair, c/m's VF, green patina. The XI mark very rare.
From the Richard Baker Collection.
The presence of new XI countermark on this piece, here in association with other Pannonian stamps, supports the interpretation of Pangerl 82 as a mark of the 11th Legion, and a reading of XI, rather than X or IX. 
Estimate: 100 USD




Classical Numismatic Group, Auction 216, lot 414, 12/08/2009

MESOPOTAMIA, Singara. Gordian III. AD 238-244. Æ 20mm (6.69 g, 1h). Laureate bust right / Centaur (Sagittarius) advancing right, shooting arrow; vexillum inscribed ΛЄ/Γ in background. BMC -; SNG Copenhagen -; cf. Lindgren & Kovacs 2625; Mionnet Suppl. VIII 81. VF, brown patina.
The Roman colony of Singara was the base of Legio I Parthica , raised in AD 197 for Septimius Severus’ campaign against the Parthians. Afterwards, the legion remained in Mesopotamia to counter any potential rebellions. The emblem of Legio I, the Centaur, appears on coins of Singara.





Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 446 Auction date: 19 June 2019
Lot number: 34
Price realized: 300 USD   (Approx. 268 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
KINGS of PAEONIA. Patraos. Circa 335-315 BC. AR Tetradrachm (25mm, 13.03 g, 5h). Laureate head of Apollo right / Warrior on horse rearing right, spearing enemy who defends with shield and spear; monogram to left. Paeonian Hoard 246 (same rev. die); Peykov E2130; HGC 3, 148. VF, toned, slightly off center, minor flan flaw on obverse.
Estimate: 200 USD



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Nomos AG > obolos 13 Auction date: 2 July 2019
Lot number: 280
Lot description:
CORINTHIA. Corinth. Circa 350-300 BC. Drachm (Silver, 15 mm, 2.38 g, 12 h). Ϙ Pegasos flying to left. Rev. Head of Aphrodite to right, wearing a triple-pendant earring and a pearl necklace; behind neck, monogram of ΕΚ; below chin, A. BCD Corinth -. SNG Locket 2127 var (no A before neck). A very rare variety. Lightly toned. Very fine.
Starting Price: 100 CHF



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Inviato (modificato)
Classical Numismatic Group > Auction 111 Auction date: 29 May 2019
Lot number: 218
Price realized: 9,000 USD   (Approx. 8,054 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:
KINGS of PERGAMON. Philetairos. 282-263 BC. AR Tetradrachm (29mm, 16.97 g, 12h). Pergamon mint. Struck circa 269/8-263 BC. Diademed head of Seleukos I right / Athena, holding shield decorated with gorgoneion to left, and cradling spear, seated left on throne with back in the form of a small sphinx seated right; ivy leaf above arm, monogram on throne, bow to right. Ingvaldsen, Philetaerus 8, dies VII/21; Newell, Pergamene 15, dies XVIII/39; SC 309.5b; SNG BN 1601; Pozzi 2249 (same dies). VF, a few marks. Well centered on a broad flan. Excellent portrait. 
When Lysimachos established the mint of Pergamon, he entrusted its treasury to the eunuch Philetairos. Philetairos changed his allegiance to Seleukos I, probably shortly before the Battle of Korupedion in 281 BC, where Seleukos defeated Lysimachos. Although Seleukos was assassinated the following year, Philetairos struck a series of Alexander-type issues in the name of Seleukos. Philetairos continued to acknowledge Seleukid primacy for some time, but soon struck a coinage in his own name. This coinage featured Athena Nikephoros on the reverse, similar to the reverses of Lysimachos. Perhaps because this move might have been viewed as a threat by his Seleukid overlord, the obverse of the first issues of these coins featured the portrait of Seleukos I. Houghton & Lorber (SC), citing Le Rider and Newell, assign this coinage to the aftermath of Antiochos I's victory over the Galatians, circa 269/8 BC. Near the end of Philetairos' reign, in the mid-late 260s, the portrait of Seleukos was replaced with the portrait of the Pergamene king, noting a final break from Seleukid authority. Similar to what was done in Ptolemaic Egypt, all of the subsequent kings of Pergamon continued to use these types on the coinage, and even kept Philetairos' name. Distinguishing the issues between the various rulers has been difficult for numismatists. Westermark's die study of the coinage, however, provided the key necessary for understanding the series, although more recent hoard evidence has refined Westermark's assignment of the issues. 
Estimate: 2000 USD




marble herm of Philetairos of Pergamon 3.png

Modificato da King John
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Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG > Auction 318 Auction date: 11 March 2019
Lot number: 184
Price realized: 950 EUR   (Approx. 1,066 USD)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
ETRURIA. POPULONIA. AR-20 Asses, 300/250 v. Chr.; 8,44 g. Kopf des Hercle (Herakles) v. v. im Löwenfell, rechts und links Wertangabe//Keule. Rutter, Historia Numorum 156; Vecchi, Etruscan Coinage 66; Vecchi, The coinage of the Rasna II, 77.
Feine Tönung, von verbrauchtem Aversstempel, sehr schön
Exemplar der Auktion Roma Numismatics XVI, London 2018, Nr. 47.
Estimate: 750 EUR




Gerhard Hirsch Nachfolger > Auction 346 Auction date: 13 February 2019
Lot number: 2288
Price realized: 240 EUR   (Approx. 271 USD)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
AE-21 mm. 1. Jh. v. Chr. Belorbeerter Zeuskopf r. Rs: Krieger reitet r., speert eine Schlange. SNG COP. 159. Dunkle Patina. gutes ss
Ex Sammlung D. Freedman (CNG 61, 2002, Los Nr. 302). Ex Sammlung R.P. 
Estimate: 175 EUR




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