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Classical Numismatic Group, Triton XVIII, lot 580, 6/01/2015

MYSIA, Kyzikos. 3rd century BC. AR Tetradrachm (24.5mm, 13.29 g, 12h). Head of Kore Soteira left, wearing single-pendant earring and pearl necklace, hair in sphendone covered with a veil, two grain ears in hair; [ΣΩTEIPA above] / Apollo, nude but for chlamys draped from his waist, seated left on omphalos, holding phiale in extended right hand, left arm resting on kithara seated on ground to right; KY-ZI across upper fields; to left, monogram above prow left. Von Fritze II 31, pl. VI, 9; SNG France 417 = Traité II 2819 (this coin, illustrated); SNG von Aulock –; SNG Ashmolean 549; SNG Delepierre 2519 = Weber 5039 (same dies); Boston MFA 1580 (same obv. die). Good VF, attractive cabinet tone, some die wear on obverse. High relief.
From the Edoardo Levante Collection. Deaccessioned from the Départment des Monnaies, Médailles et Antiques, Bibliothèque Nationale de France. 




Inviato (modificato)
UBS Gold & Numismatics, Auction 55, lot 1994, 16/09/2002

Elagabalus, 218-222.
No.: 1994
Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 500.-
Bronze, Berytus in Phoenicia. CAES MAVR AN - TONINVS AVG Draped and laureate bust to r. Rev. COL IVL AVG FEL / BER The abduction of Beroe by Poseidon. 17,92 g. BMC 183. Very rare. Very fine.
The statue group was on the frieze of the main temple in Berytus (Beirut), which was previously called Beroia. Dionysos and Poseidon vied for Beroe, the daughter of Aphrodite and Adonis. Zeus gave Beroe to Poseidon who in thanks gave the city the gift to win any sea battle.


Beroe (in greco antico: Βερόη, Beróē) è un personaggio della mitologia greca, fondatrice di Berea, in Tracia. Figlia di Afrodite e di Adone, era sorella di Golgo e di Priapo. La città libanese di Beirut prende il nome da Beroe. Alla nascita di Beroe, Ermes fece da ostetrica ed assistette nella consegna di Beroe alla vergine Astrea (la signora della giustizia). Questa prese la bambina infante per nutrirla al proprio seno, dicendo parole di legge e lavandola con acqua sacra. Beroe crebbe e diventando bellissima e fu corteggiata da Dionisio e Poseidone; sposò quest'ultimo ed Eros il dio dell'amore scoccò due frecce al cuore di Poseidone. Beroe era infinitamente bella anche senza indossare ornamenti o trucco, non era vanesia e nemmeno aveva bisogna di guardarsi allo specchio.  Beroe era una donna mortale, ma spesso la sua bellezza era paragonata a quella delle divinità.



Modificato da King John

Numismatik Naumann (formerly Gitbud & Naumann), Auction 24, lot 529, 2/11/2014

CARACALLA (197-217). Sestertius. Rome.
Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Caracalla veiled, standing right, sacrificing over altar. Facing him are Hercules, holding club and lion's skin, Bacchus, holding cup and thyrsus and servant with pig. To left: Tellus reclining left. In background, flute player.
RIC 418.
Condition: Tooled.
Weight: 23.56 g.
Diameter: 34 mm.




Inviato (modificato)
Classical Numismatic Group, Triton IX, lot 416, 10/01/2006

BOIOTIA, Thebes. Circa 450-440 BC. AR Stater (12.26 g). Boiotian shield / Nude Herakles kneeling right, stringing bow held in his right hand; club to left, (archaic Q)EB-AIO-(N retrograde) clockwise around from above; all within square incuse. Head, Boeotia p. 31, pl. II, 9 var. = BMC p. 71, 30, pl. XII, 2 var. = Traité III 224, pl. CXCIX, 22 var. (same rev. die; no club [earlier die state]); BMC 31; SNG Manchester 922 (same rev. die [partially re-engraved]); Lucien de Hirsch 1248 (same rev. die); Gillet 901 = de Sartiges 249 (this coin). Good VF, even tone, minor reverse encrustation under tone, obverse and reverse die breaks. Very rare. ($10,000)
Ex Kunstfreund [Gillet] (Leu and Münzen und Medaillen 28 May 1974), lot 145; Charles Gillet Collection (photofile), 901; Vicomte de Sartiges Collection, 249; Merzbacher 2 November 1909, lot 2901.
This reverse die must have been highly thought of to be reworked at least twice.
Estimate: $10000




Modificato da King John

Dr. Busso Peus Nachfolger > Auction 424 Auction date: 15 May 2019
Lot number: 262
Price realized: 380 EUR   (Approx. 426 USD)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:
Kaiserliche Prägungen
Diocletianus, 284-305. Argenteus 295/297. Kopf / Tetrarchen an Dreifuß vor Lagertor in Mauerring. RIC 40a; C. -. 2.61 g.; Vorzüglich - Stempelglanz
Ex Sammlung Prof. Bachmann, erworben 1999.
Estimate: 400 EUR


Painted Marble Reliefs from Tetrarchic Nicomedia

Ancient Nicomedia, which emerged as the most important capital of the eastern Roman Empire during the Tetrarchy, now lies below the modern industrial city of İzmit. This paper presents the first preliminary results of our TÜBİTAK granted project conducting archaeological and scientific research of a new series of painted architectural reliefs from a monumental terraced temple complex found in Çukurbağ district at the heart of modern İzmit. Rescue excavations conducted by Kocaeli Archaeology Museum in 2001 and 2009 revealed more than thirty-five sculpted relief panels (average height 1.0, width 1.5 meters) along with numerous sculpted fragments, many of which preserve extensive ancient polychromy. The reliefs depict Roman military expeditions, imperial rulers and soldiers in battle with barbarians, imperial processions, religious ceremonies, as well as mythological narratives (possibly foundation myths), agonistic games (chariot races, boxers) and theatrical performances. The majority appear to date from the time of Diocletian and Maximian’s “diarchy” (286-293), but interestingly both earlier reused material (probably of second century date) and later additions (probably of 4th century date) are also present. The well-preserved coloration on the reliefs illuminate multiple aspects of little known art of this period, including the color-coded costumes of the new imperial administration. The larger architectural complex appears to have collapsed and partially buried during the devastating earthquake of 358, thereby fortuitously preserving the extensive coloration on the reliefs.





Antoninus Pius 138-160 A.D. AE Medallion, ca. 157 A.D., Rome; 56.00g. Jupiter in Quadriga slaying a Titan (Kunker)

Antoninus Pius 138-160 A.D. AE Medallion, ca. 157 A.D., Rome; 56.00g. Jupiter in Quadriga slaying a Titan (image courtesy of Kunker).jpg



Agora Auctions > Numismatic Auction 80 Auction date: 11 December 2018
Lot number: 25
Price realized: 65 USD   (Approx. 57 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:
Ionia, Achaemenid Period. Spithridates. Satrap of Lydia and Ionia, ca. 334 B.C. AE 10 (10 mm, 11.3 g, 8 h). Head of satrap right, wearing Persian headdress. / EΠ - I, protome of horse right; monogram to upper left. Babelon, Perses 380; SNG Cop. 1538; SNG von Aulock 1823; Klein 367. VF, well-struck. 
Estimate: 100 USD

illustrazione: la battaglia di Platea del 479 a. C. in cui i Greci sconfissero l'esercito del re persiano Serse II.





Classical Numismatic Group, Triton XIV, lot 119, 4/01/2011
PHOKIS, Delphi. Circa 338/6-334/3 BC. AR Stater (23mm, 12.10 g, 10h). Amphiktionic issue. Head of Demeter left, wearing grain ear wreath and veil / Apollo seated left on omphalos, right elbow resting on top of large kithara to left, left hand holding long laurel branch that rests on his left shoulder; tripod to left, AMΦI-KTIO-NΩN around. Kinns, Amphictionic , dies O3/R6; BCD Lokris 387-8; Svoronos, Delphi 32; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC 22; Boston MFA 977-8; Gulbenkian 487 (same dies); Pozzi 1368. VF, lightly toned.
In 373/2 BC, an earthquake destroyed the great Temple of Apollo at Delphi. Although reconstruction on the site commenced, the Phokian occupation of the sanctuary during the Sacred War of 355-346 BC prevented any full-scale work from occurring. In 338/6 BC, the Amphiktionic League decided to melt down the coinage comprising the temple treasury and mint a new series of coinage that would be used to finance a full reconstruction project. This new series comprised staters, drachms, and hemidrachms, whose types reflected the two sanctuaries controlled by the Amphiktionic League: the Temple of Apollo at Delphi and the Temple of Demeter at Anthela (near Thermopylai). The obverse of the staters depicts a left-facing head of Demeter, wearing a veil and grain-ear wreath in her traditional guise as the goddess of grain and fertility. On the reverse, Apollo is seated in a contemplative manner on an omphalos, holding a laurel branch and resting his elbow on a kithara. The omphalos, kithara, and laurel branch each recall a significant aspect of Apollo’s mythology, with the omphalos signifying his oracular seat at Delphi, the kithara his dominion over music, and the laurel (ἡ δάφνη) his personal badge, the result of his unrequited love for the nymph Daphne.
illustrazione: statua in porfido e marmo di Apollo seduto con lira, II secolo a. C., Museo archeologico di Napoli (provenienete dalla collezione Farnese)




The New York Sale, Auction 23, lot 58, 6/01/2010

Elagabal, 218-222. Medallion, bronze. AE 35.33 g. ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΥΡΗ Α-ΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟC CΕΒ Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust facing, head turned l. Rev. ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩC ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΕΩC / ΝΕΩΚΟΡΟΥ Three nude athlets, the one in the center reaching into an urn, the one on the right presenting the ballot in his raised r. hand. Cf. SNG Cop. 784 (this obv. die; on rev. Heracles l.). Rare and interesting scene. Dark green patina with some corrosion. Very fine


I corridori dell’antica Grecia si sfidavano nello “stadion”, il nome della gara più prestigiosa dei Giochi Olimpici. Il vincitore avrebbe dato il nome all’Olimpiade del proprio trionfo e avrebbe acceso il sacro fuoco nei Giochi successivi. Astilo di Crotone, Ebota, Cilone… I nomi di alcuni di quei campioni sono giunti fino a noi. Così come queste due statue di bronzo del I secolo a. C. (che sono una copia romana di un originale greco del IV secolo a. C.), conservate nel Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli e provenienti dalla Villa dei Papiri di Ercolano. Sembrano lanciati verso una vittoria futura, e hanno l’oro nello sguardo.





Inviato (modificato)
Bolaffi, Auction 27, lot 259, 2/12/2015
Contorniato anonimo - Zecca: Roma - Diritto: mezza figura di auriga a destra - Rovescio: auriga stante su quadriga al galoppo verso destra - gr. 23,17 - Molto raro - Di buona qualità con patina uniforme - Proveniente dall’asta Jakob Hirsch XXXIII (von Schennis), München 17.11.1913, n. 1551 (Coh. (VIII) n. 26) (Alfoldi n. 499/3 questo esemplare) - Bronzo
ILLUSTRAZIONE: Il giovane di Mozia, statua in marmo del 450-440 a.C.  conservata al Museo Whithaker a Mozia (Marsala) in provincia di Trapani. La statua raffigura una figura maschile (un efebo)  panneggiata, forse un auriga di scuola greca, fu probabilmente portata nell'isola di Mozia dai Cartaginesi dopo che ebbero saccheggiato Selinunte nel 409 a. C.



Modificato da King John

Numismatica Ars Classica > Auction 114 Auction date: 6 May 2019
Lot number: 639

Price realized: 26,000 CHF   (Approx. 25,548 USD / 22,835 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
The Roman Empire 
Vespasian, 69 – 79. Sestertius 71, Æ 25.10 g. IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS II Laureate head r. Rev. CAES AVG – F DESIG IMP AVG F COS DESIG – ITER Titus and Domitian, standing l. and r., both holding spears; Titus also holding parazonium and Domitian holding roll. Below, S C. C 50. BMC 798. RIC 154 note 45. CBN 477.
Very rare and in exceptional condition for the issue, among the finest specimens in
private hands. Wonderful untouched olive-green patina and extremely fine
Ex Sternberg XVIII, 1986, 443; Leu 53, 1991, 221 and NAC 7, 1994, 705 sales. From the George C. Hopkins collection.
Estimate: 10000 CHF




Heritage World Coin Auctions > CSNS Signature Sale 3073 Auction date: 25 April 2019
Lot number: 30004
Price realized: 750 USD   (Approx. 673 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
CALABRIA. Tarentum. Ca. 281-240 BC. AR stater or didrachm (21mm, 6.50 gm, 3h). NGC AU 4/5 - 5/5. Nicocra- and N-, magistrates. Nude horseman galloping right, holding shield and two spears with his left hand, a third spear in his raised right hand; N in left field, NIKO / KΡA below horse / TAΡAΣ, Taras, nude, astride dolphin right, holding crested helmet with both his hands; Ionic capital below. SNG ANS 1203. Vlasto 883. Rare.
Estimate: 1000-1200 USD





Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions > E-Auction 71 Auction date: 16 June 2019
Lot number: 379
Lot description:
Sicily, Morgantina. The Hispani, late 2nd - early 1st century BC. Æ Unit (20mm, 6.20g, 12h). Male head r. R/ Warrior, holding spear, on horse advancing r. CNS III, 1; HGC 2, 915. Green patina, about VF
Starting Price: 30 GBP




Inviato, Monnaies 18, lot 26, 19/06/2003
  SICILE - NAXOS(Ve siècle avant J.-C.) Didrachme N° v18_0026   
Date : c. 413-403 AC.
Nom de l'atelier : Naxos
Métal : argent
Diamètre : 20mm
Axe des coins : 12h.
Poids : 7,02g.
Degré de rareté : R3
Etat de conservation : B/TTB+ Prix de départ : 1 500 €  Estimation : 2 500 €   
Prix réalisé : 1 500 €   
Commentaires sur l'état de conservation : Au droit, le métal est oxydé et corrodé, mais le visage est parfaitement identifiable. Revers magnifique pour ce type de la plus insigne rareté. Très beau portrait du Silène. N° dans les ouvrages de référence : ANS.527  - MIAMG.4563 (R4) (9000€) - Rizzo25 pl. 28
Pedigree : Cet exemplaire provient d’une collection des années 30.
Description avers : Tête laurée d’Apollon à droite ; dans le champ à gauche, uen feuille de laurier avec son fruit.
Légende avers : [NAΞIΩN]
Description revers : Silène nu et barbu accroupi de trois quarts de face à gauche, tenant un canthare de la main droite et un thyrse de la main gauche ; dans le champ à gauche, un hermو ; dans le champ à droite, une vrille.
Légende revers : [ΠΡOKΛHΣ]

Commentaire à propos de cet exemplaire : Poids léger. Mêmes coins que l’exemplaire de l’American Numismatic Society (ANS. 527).
Commentaires : Le monnayage de Naxos est de la plus grande rareté. La typologie monétaire est basée sur le culte rendu à Dionysos et à la culture de la vigne qui faisait vivre cette région. Au revers, dans le champ à gauche, nous avons la représentation d’une statue cultuelle, l’Hermو qui au départ, représentait une statue du dieu Hermès. Pour les didrachmes, Herbert Cahn avait répertorié huit variétés pour quatre coins de droit et quatre coins de revers. Pour notre type, l’auteur avait répertorié seulement quatre exemplaires. Le coin de droit (A/73) a été utilisé pour seulement une autre variété (n°110) dont vingt-deux exemplaires étaient répertoriés par H. Cahn en 1944. Tandis que le revers (R/90) a été utilisé par deux autres variétés (n° 108, 109) pour un total de dix-sept exemplaires. Ce monnayage de Naxos reste très rare et recherché.
Historique : Naxos est la plus ancienne colonie grecque en Sicile. Elle fut fondée par des Chalcidiens venant d'Eubée en 734 avant J.-C. La cité était située sur la côte orientale de l'île, près de la cité de Taromenion au pied du mont Taormine, non loin de l'Etna. En 490 avant J.-C., Hippocrate de Géla soumit le cité. En 476 avant J.-C., Hiéron transplanta les populations de Catane et de Naxos à Léontini. La cité recouvra son indépendance en 461 avant J.-C. La cité connut alors un développement important entre 450 et 404 avant J.-C., date de sa destruction définitive par Denys de Syracuse.

Gate Of Silenus (Limenas)

Starting from the third hill is an ancient wall with various gates; among them are those of Parmenon and Silenus.The Gate of Silenus is outside the town of Thassos, at the junction of the roads to the village of Panagia and the beach of Makriammos.

Nearby are some ruins of the neighbouring Silenus settlement. In the Ionic style, it is Thassos’ most ancient bas- relief. Two meters in height, it depicts Silenus with a thick beard and a horse’s tail, naked except for a pair of high boots. People passing through the city placed offerings in a votive niche in front of his feet. The Silenus settlement stood near this gate.





Classical Numismatic Group > Auction 111 Auction date: 29 May 2019
Lot number: 745
Price realized: 4,250 USD   (Approx. 3,803 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Pescennius Niger. AD 193-194. AR Denarius (18.5mm, 3.42 g, 12h). Antioch mint. IMP CΛES C PESC NI GER IVST ΛVG, laureate head right / VIC TO RIΛ E, Victory standing left, writing AV/G in two lines on round shield set on column to left. RIC IV 83b; RSC 72a; BMCRE 316 note (Wars of the Succession). VF, lightly toned, slightly off center. Excellent silver quality for issue. Very rare. 
Estimate: 3000 USD




Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 446 Auction date: 19 June 2019
Lot number: 346
Lot description:
Trajan. AD 98-117. AR Denarius (18mm, 3.06 g, 7h). "Dacia Capta" commemorative. Rome mint. Struck AD 107-108. Laureate bust right, slight drapery / DΛC CΛP in exergue, Dacian seated right on pile of one round and three oblong shields, his arms bound behind him; one curved sword to left and two spears to right. RIC II 96; Woytek 276b var. (two curved swords); RSC 118 var. (same). VF, toned. Interesting military reverse type, marking the conquest of Dacia.
Estimate: 100 USD




Morton & Eden > Auction 100 Auction date: 2 May 2019
Lot number: 320  
Lot description:
India, Gupta Dynasty, Chandragupta II (c. 380-414), gold dinar, lion-trampler type, king standing right, raising sword and trampling on lion which turns to snap back at him, rev., Lakshmi, nimbate, seated facing on crouching lion, 7.98g, die axis 12.00 (BMC pl. IX, 13 – in Lucknow Museum)), good very fine and extremely rare. The Sanskrit inscription on the obverse can be read as "The moon among kings who is famous for his warfare, who is invincible, and who is valorous like a lion, is victorious on the battlefield" and on the reverse "having the valour of the lion". The type is extremely rare and was missing from the famous Bayana hoard of 1946.   (3000-5000 GBP)





KUSHAN. Kaniska I., 127 - 151 n. Chr. 1/4 Dinar (1,98g). Mzst. unbest. Vs.: Stehender Herrscher mit Rock u. wehendem, flammenbesetztem Schultermantel hält in der Linken ein Zepter u. opfert an einem Altar. Rs.: ΒΟΔΔΟ, stehender Sakyamuni Buddha in langem Gewand und Nimbus. Rechts Thamga. Göbl, Kushan 73 (Rs. stgl.); Göbl, Donum Burns ­ ; ANS ­ ; Cribb 1999 5 (stgl.).

Gold. RRR! Erste Darstellung des Buddha in der Münzprägung! Rs. feiner Stempelriss, vz
Aus der Sammlung eines Geschichtsfreundes. Ex The New York Sale 23, 2010, 296; ex Spink-Taisei Catalogue 9, Singapur 1991, 18 (Zuschlag 125.000,-$); ex Skanda Collection.
Parallelstücke in: CNG, Triton XX, 2017, 434 (Rs. stgl., Zuschlag 42.500,-$); CNG 70, 2005, 497; BN Paris (= Göbl, Kushan 73); CNG Triton VII, 2004, 701 (stgl.); Cribb 2009, 5 (Japanese private collection) = Silk Road Couis, The Hirayama Collection (1993) Abb. 126 (stgl.).
Das Königreich der Kushan entstand im 2. Jh.v.Chr. aus einem Zweig der indogermanischen Yüeh-Chi, die um 170 v. Chr. aus Nordwestchina vertrieben wurden. Die fünf Stämme konnten unter Kujala, dem Stammesführer der Kushan, geeint werden. Seinen Höhepunkt erreichte das Reich unter König Kanshika, der vom Aralsee bis nach Nordindien herrschte. Die herrschenden Kushan übernahmen die vielfältige Götter- und Glaubenswelt ihrer multiethnischen Untertanen, was für die heutigen Betrachter vor allem in der Ikonographie der Münzen deutlich wird. Auch dem Buddhismus gegenüber zeigte sich Kanishka offen. Als erster ließ er Münzbilder mit dem Bildnis des Gautama Siddharta prägen und veranstaltete sogar ein Konzil, das als Beginn des Mahajana-Buddhismus gilt. Die Münzen mit dem Bildnis des Religionsgründers wurden wohl im letzten Regierungsjahr des Kanishka geprägt (Cribb 1999 S.158).

Su questa moneta è riportata la prima raffigurazione nota di Buddha






M. AURELIUS COTTA, AR denarius, 139 B.C. Head of Roma, COTA below, X behind... / Hercules holding club in biga of centaurs holding branches. M.AVRELI below, ROMA in ex.: RSC.Aurelia 16, BMC.914, Craw.229/1, Syd.429, Sear#106.




Leu Numismatik AG > Auction 4 Auction date: 25 May 2019
Lot number: 7

Price realized: 4,800 CHF   (Approx. 4,769 USD / 4,277 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
CELTIC, Northwest Gaul. Aulerci Cenomani. 2nd century BC. Stater (Gold, 20 mm, 7.29 g, 7 h), 'aux objets ovoides - personnage apère aux deux armes' type. Celticized laureate head of Apollo to right, with a strand of hair falling loose before the forehead. Rev. Devolved charioteer, driving cart drawn by a centaur to right, holding reins in his right hand and long branch ending in a vexillum-like banner in his left; below, male figure standing right, holding dagger (?) in his left hand and spear in his right. DT 2152. LT 6852. SLM 240-241. A bold and impressive piece of wonderful style. The reverse struck slightly off center, otherwise, good very fine.
From the Keltika Collection, Switzerland.
Estimate: 2000 CHF




Inviato (modificato)
Numismatica Ars Classica NAC AG, Auction 87, lot 273, 8/10/2015

The Roman Empire 
Faustina II, daughter of Antoninus Pius and wife of Marcus Aurelius 
Diva Faustina. Sestertius 176-180, Æ 24.02 g. DIVA FAV – STINA PIA Draped bust r. Rev. AETERNITAS Faustina, holding sceptre, seated l. between two dancing girls with veils flying above their heads; below, S C. C 10. BMC M. Aurelius 1568. RIC M. Aurelius 1697.
Very rare and in exceptional condition for the issue. Struck on a very broad flan
and with a pleasant grey-green patina, extremely fine Aeternitas – eternity – was an extremely common theme with the diva coinages of both Faustinas, and there are a great many design types that accompany the inscription. The one on this sestertius of the younger Faustina ranks among the more elaborate and enigmatic of these types. Faustina, now deified, enthroned and holding a sceptre, as if a reflection of Juno, is accompanied by two young women holding billowed veils over their heads. The identity of the women is vague, and both Mattingly and Sydenham describe them rather literally as dancing girls. Mattingly, however, suggests they may be ‘the Hours’ (the Horae). If this remarkable scene is meant to represent Faustina’s heavenward journey, it joins company with three other reverse types that her widower Marcus Aurelius struck on her behalf: Faustina being escorted by a torch- bearing Victory, the empress seated on the back of Juno’s peacock, and her holding a billowed veil while standing in a biga.

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Terracotta figures, dancing females  Western Greek, 2nd century BC,  The Britisth Museum



Modificato da King John

Classical Numismatic Group, triton IX, lot 419, 10/01/2006

BOIOTIA, Thebes. Circa 450-440 BC. AR Stater (12.29 g). Boiotian shield / Dionysos, wearing short chiton and himation flowing behind, running right, head turned left, holding thyrsos in right hand above his head and kantharos in left hand; (archaic Q)EBAIO-N downward on right; all within square incuse. Myron Hoard pl. A, 30 (same dies); Traité III 229, pl. CXCIX, 28 corr. (same rev. die; Dionysos not Herakles); SNG Delepierre 1351 (same rev. die). VF, pleasing light grey tone. Extremely rare and probably the finest known. ($15,000)
It is not sure whether Dionysos is running or dancing on the reverse of this powerfully engraved coin. Although the coin he could examine at the time was so worn that he saw a Herakles holding a club instead of Dionysos holding a thyrsos, Head (Boeotia, p. 32) described the scene as "kneeling right and looking back" rather than "running". The writer prefers to see this posture as having some ritualistic significance connected with Dionysiac dancing, known for its controlled and syncopated movements; something like watching a movie with only a couple of frames per second. This style of dancing, always accompanied by a trance-like state (something between ecstasy and a feeling of mental and physical abandon) has been carried over to our times and can still be witnessed occasionally in today's solo male dancing at the various bouzouki places in the outskirts of Athens and other Greek cities.
Estimate: $15000






Da Lampsaco di Misia, un piccolo diobolo con 2 (quasi 3 ?) teste femminili di squisito, pieno arcaicismo : quella al rovescio della Dea guerriera Atena con elmo corinzio .

Passerà in asta Savoca 34 al lotto 134 a breve .

001 Savoca 34 n. 134.jpg

002 Savoca 34 n. 134.jpg

  • Mi piace 1

Roma Numismatics Limited, Auction 11, lot 243, 7/04/2016

Kingdom of Macedon, Demetrios I Poliorketes AR Tetradrachm. Salamis, circa 300-295 BC. Nike, blowing a trumpet and holding a stylis, alighting to left on a left-facing galley prow / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ, Poseidon, nude but for wreath of reeds and a chlamys wrapped around his left arm, striding left, hurling trident from his upraised right hand; monogram of AYN to left, Σ to right. Unpublished in the Standard References, including Newell. 16.73g, 31mm, 5h.
Extremely Fine. Well struck and centred; engraved in very fine style and very well preserved for the type. Unpublished and possibly unique.

ILLUSTRAZIONE; Winged Victory of Samothrace circa 220-185 BC, Samothrace
Parian marble for the statue and gray Rhodian marble for the boat and base
total H. 5.57 m, Paris, Musée du Louvre




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