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Inviato (modificato)

Roman Republic Struck Coinage The mint is Roma unless otherwise stated
No.: 565
Estimate: CHF 20000
d=20 mm
Cn. Pompeius Junior with M. Minatius Sabinus. Denarius, Spain 46-45, AR 4.07 g. IMP – CN·MAGN Head of Cnaeus Pompeius Magnus r. Rev. PR·Q Personification of Corduba, turretted, standing r. amidst heap of arms, holding transverse spear in l. hand and grasping with r. the hand of Pompeian soldier disembarking from ship; in exergue, M·MINAT / SABIN. B. Minatia 2 and Pompeia 11. C 5. Sydenham 1036. T. V. Buttrey, ANSMN 9, 1960, p. 76, type A and pl. VII, obv. -, rev. a. Crawford 470/1a. NAC sale 8, 1995, 605 (these dies)
Extremely rare and most probably the finest specimen known.

Notare il dettaglio dell'aplustre, l'ornamento delle antiche navi greche e romane. Si trovava in alto, sopra la poppa, era di legno, e in genere si allargava come un ventaglio ed era curvato in modo simile alle penne di un uccello.



Modificato da King John


Sicily, The Mamertinoi, Pentonkion, c. 220-200 BC, AE (g 4,69 mm 17 h 6), Laureate head of Zeus r., dotted border, Rv. MAMEPTINΩN, warrior standing r., holding spear and shield at r., Π. CNS I, n. 41 Ds 6 SNG Copenhagen 465 SNG ANS 450.Green patina. Very fine.Ex Gorny & Mosch, Auction 208 of 16.10.2012, lot 1131.




Inviato (modificato)

 Entella. Campanian Mercenaries. Circa 370-350 BC. Æ Litra (18mm - 6.17 g). Bearded male head left, wearing Corinthian helmet decorated with a laurel wreath / Bridled horse galloping right; Corinthian helmet below. SNG ANS -; Calciati I pg. 319, 9. Good VF, green patina, minor roughness, small spot of smoothed red encrustation in the exergue on the reverse. Scarce.
Ex Kovacs XIV (16 October 1998), lot 3.
Estimate: US$ 250




Modificato da King John

Inviato (modificato)

Severus Alexander, AE27 medallion. 11.91 gr. 231 AD.


cuirassed bust right facing diademed, draped bust left of Mamaea.

ADLOCVTIO AVGVSTI, COS III P P in ex. Emperor in military

dress standing left on low podium, right hand raised; two

officers standing left behind him; before the podium

three helmeted soldiers standing, the foremost holding

standard and shield; two spears and standards in background.

Cohen 1; BMC 733; Gnecchi 14.




Modificato da King John


Hadrian. AD 117-138. AV Aureus (19mm, 7.27 g, 6h). Rome
mint. Struck circa AD 119-125. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS •
AVG, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / P M TR P
COS III, Mars, in military outfit, standing facing, holding
inverted spear and shield. RIC II 65; Strack 94; Calicó
1312; BMCRE 109. EF.

Ex UBS 82 (20 January 2009), lot 308.

Classical Numismatic Group
    > Triton XIV
    Auction date: 4 January 2011
Lot number: 709
Price realized: 20,000 USD




Inviato (modificato)

Traianus, 98-117
Æ-Sesterz, 114/116, Rom; 28,85 g. Drapierte Büste r. mit Lorbeerkranz//Kaiser sitzt auf Plattform r., daneben zwei Offiziere, davor fünf Soldaten. BMC 1017; Coh. vergl. 176; MIR 548 v; RIC 655.
R Dunkle Patina, leicht geglättet, gutes sehr schön Auf der Rückseite ist eine Adlocutio dargestellt.



Modificato da King John


The Roman Republic
Sextus Pompeius and Q. Nasidius. Denarius, Sicily 42-38, AR 3.80 g. NEPTVNI Head of Cn. Pompeius Magnus l.; below neck truncation, dolphin and in field l., trident. Rev. Sea-battle with two ships on each side; below, Q·NASIDIVS. Babelon Pompeia 30 and Nasidia 21. C 21. Sydenham 1351. Sear Imperators 236. Arma et Nummi pl. 11, 282. Crawford 483/1.
Of the highest rarity, only the sixth specimen known and the only one in private hands.
Among the rarest issues of the whole Republican series missing in all the major
collections. A bold portrait struck on a very large flan, slightly off-centre on
reverse, otherwise about extremely fine
This denarius of Sextus Pompey is an extremely rare adjunct to a relatively large issue of Q. Nasidius that has on its reverse a single galley rather than the collection of vessels shown here in the midst of battle. Identifying the mint and vintage of the issues of Q. Nasidius has been a topic of debate among scholars.
The refined style suggests they were struck somewhere other than Spain if the crudely rendered Spanish-mint denarii of the Pompeians are taken into account. Sydenham and Grueber both suggested Sicily, Crawford considers them struck at a moving mint with Sextus Pompey while en route to Sicily, and Sear has suggested Massalia.
Opinions on dating are likewise varied, with 38-36 B.C. offered by Sydenham and Grueber, and 44-43 favoured by Crawford and Sear. An early date does seem preferable since the coinage does not bear the lofty title ‘Commander-in-chief of the Fleet and of the Sea Coasts’ that he received from the senate in April of 43 B.C.
Nasidius had long been loyal to the Pompeians. In 49 B.C. he attempted to break the siege of Massalia by Julius Caesar’s legate Decimus Brutus. Afterward he held a command in the Pompeian fleet in North Africa and then joined the forces that Pompey Junior had assembled in Spain after the Battle of Thapsus. Clearly, as these coins show, he sailed with Sextus Pompey afterward, only to eventually join Marc Antony as an admiral in his eastern fleet. He participated in the disaster at Actium, after which nothing further is known of his life or career.
After the defeat of Brutus and Cassius in 42 B.C. the Roman world was divided between Marc Antony and Octavian. Antony set out to rule the eastern half of the empire, where he met Cleopatra, the last Greek queen of Egypt. Appian tell us that Antony was won over instantly, and that “This passion ended in complete disaster for both themselves and for the whole of Egypt.” (The Civil Wars, V.1)
The two forged an alliance against Octavian which had the earmarks of success, but which failed to produce a victory against the man who would become Rome’s first emperor. Octavian and his admiral Marcus Agrippa defeated the combined forces of Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium on September 2, 31 B.C., and after some fruitless efforts to muster a new defense, and the suicides of Antony and Cleopatra, Octavian’s victory was complete.
The annexation of Egypt on August 29, 30 B.C. was the jewel in the crown of Roman expansionism, a long and arduous process that had begun centuries before. It is no wonder that the acquisition of Egypt was so loudly trumpeted, for it represented the end of the Roman civil war, assured rule over a dangerous rival, and provided access to the recurrent wealth of one of the most important properties in the Mediterranean world.





The Prospero Collection of Ancient Greek Coins. LYCIA. Dynasts of Lycia, Erbbina (c.420-400 B.C.), Silver Stater, 8.49g,. Telmessos (?) mint. Head of At hena facing to left, wearing a crested Attic helmet decorated with volute and olive-leaves. Rev. Lycian legend (‘erbbina’), Herakles, wearing a lion’s skin on his head and wrapped round his left arm, fighting to left, his left foot on raised ground, a quiver hangs at his side, he holds a bow in his extended left hand and his club in his raised right hand, all within a circular dotted border within an incuse circle (S. Hurter, Tissaphernes-Fund, in Essays to Thompson, 28a, pl. 9 (this coin); Vismara II, 185, pl. XIX (these dies); BMC 132, pl. VII, 16 (these dies); Mørkholm & Zahle II, 72-73; SNG von Aulock –). Light traces of double-striking on the reverse, lightly toned, about extremely f ine and r are. This coin published in ‘Der Tissaphernes-Fund’ S. Hurter, in Essays in Honor of Margaret Thompson (1979), p. 105, 28a, illustrated on pl. 9. Ex Bank Leu AG, Auction 18, Zurich, 5 May 1977, lot 223 Purchased from Spink & Son Ltd., London, 11 January 1990 US$ 5,000





251598. SICILY, Solus. Carthaginian Occupation.
Circa 4th Century BC. Æ Tetras (14mm, 2.23 gm).
SOLD $650

SICILY, Solus. Carthaginian Occupation. Circa 4th
Century BC. Æ Tetras (14mm, 2.23 gm). Head of
Athena facing slightly left, wearing Corinthian
helmet / Warrior kneeling right, drawing bow;
Punic k f r' above. Cf. Jenkins I pl. 23, 20 (head
slightly right); cf. Calciati I pg. 310, 5 (same);
SNG ANS 743. Nice VF. Very rare.





Inviato (modificato)

Sasanidische Vasallen. Ardashir, König von Merv AE (4,02g). Vs.: Bärtiger Kopf in sasanidischer Art n. r. Rs.: n. l. reitender König. Alram 1218; Loginov-Nikitin in Mesopo­tamia 1993 166­175. s-ss


I catafratti (in latinocataphracti; in greco:  κατάφρακτοι, kataphraktoi, composto di κατά "fino in fondo" e φρακτός "coperto, protetto", a sua volta da φράσσω "coprire, proteggere") erano cavalieri della cavalleria sasanide, di quella partica e di quella roxolana (i roxolani erano una tribù sarmata) che erano interamente coperti da un'armatura di ferro che li proteggeva in battaglia. Al pari armati e dotati di corazza con lamine di ferro erano i loro cavalli. Erano dunque cavalieri equipaggiati con armamento pesante che combattevano armati di lancia.


Nell'immagine: Scena numero 23 della Colonna traiana, particolare in alto a destra in cui si possono vedere tre cavalieri catafratti roxolani con elmo di tipo Spangenhelm e lorica squamata.



Modificato da King John
  • Mi piace 1


The JD collection of Roman Republican Coins part II – Session I
Triens circa 217-215, Æ 47.16 g. Diademed female head right; behind, four pellets. Rev. Hercules fighting centaur, holding his hair in l. hand and club in r.; before, four pellets. Sydenham 93. Crawford 39/1. Rare and in unusually good condition for this difficult issue. Lovely green patina, minor metal flaws, otherwise about extremely fine



  • Mi piace 1

Inviato (modificato)

P. Cornelius Lentulus M.f. AR Denarius. Rome, 100 BC. Bust of Hercules right, seen from behind, holding club, shield in left field, K below pellet in right field, ROMA below / Roma standing facing, holding spear and wearing triple-crested helmet, Genius of the Roman People right crowning her and holding cornucopiae, K below pellet in left field, LENT•MAR•F in exergue, all within laurel-wreath. Crawford 329/1b; RSC Cornelia 25a. 3.78g, 19mm, 12h.



Modificato da King John


Sale: Triton VIII, Lot: 76. Closing Date: Jan

10, 2005. SICILY, Solus. After 241 BC. Æ 19mm

(4.72 gm, 12h). Estimate $300 Sold For $425


SICILY, Solus. After 241 BC. Æ 19mm (4.72 gm,

12h). Laureate head of Poseidon right; trident

behind, dolphin before / COLON-TINWN, nude warrior

advancing right, wearing crested helmet, holding

spear in right hand, shield on left arm. Calciati

I pg. 313, 21; SNG Morcom -; SNG ANS -; SNG

Copenhagen 613; BMC Sicily pg. 144, 6; Laffaille

-. EF, glossy dark olive green patina. Rare.



Ex David Freedman Collection (Triton V, January

15, 2002), lot 229.




Inviato (modificato)

Samaria (late 4th century BC). AR quarter-shekel (16mm, 3.53 gm, 6h). Semitic Legend between two confronted fighting warriors, the one on the r. stabs at the body with a dagger, while the one on the l. tries to stab the other in the head, all in square border of dots / Two soldiers face each other, the left figure in relief, the right figure incuse, each holds a long spear; the warrior on the right holds a shield ornamented with a frontal head of Bes, all in square border of dots. Samuels 24 (this coin, but inscription read incorrectly). M-Q SC 49. Traite pl. CXXI 11, 1. Extremely rare. Very Fine. One of the few ancient coins of the Levant that combines both incuse and relief design not only on the same coin but on the same side of the coin!



Modificato da King John
  • Mi piace 1


Greek Coins
Phaselis, Lycia
Estimate: CHF 1'250.00
Stater (Silver, 10.30 g 3), c. 250-220. Prow of galley to right, ornamented with eye; to right, bee; below, hippocamp. Rev. Stern of galley; above, and tripod. SNG Berry 1203. SNG von Aulock 4415 (this coin).Toned. About extremely fine.
From the collection of H.S. von Aulock.


Immagine: la flotta di Serse sconfitta a Salamina dai Greci (480 a.C.)





Sale: CNG 60, Lot: 200. Estimate $200. Closing Date: Wednesday, 22 May 2002.

Sold For $220 (2 coins in lot). Solus, Sicily AE 16mm, after 241 BC.

Head of Poseidon right; trident behind. COLO-ITWN, (partially retrograde), helmeted, nude warrior,standing left in fighting pose, holding shield and spear.

Calciati 23; SNG ANS 746. VF, green patina.





Nell’età del bronzo Finale (XIII sec. a.C.) i documenti archeologici registrano consistenti spostamenti di popolazione dall’area egeo-anatolica verso il corridoio siro-palestinese. Tali popolazioni, a partire dall’inizio del secolo scorso, sono comunemente indicate dagli storici come i “Popoli del Mare”.




Inviato (modificato)

ISLANDS off TROAS, Tenedos. Circa 100-70 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 37mm, 16.81 g 12). Janiform head composed of a laureate and bearded head of Zeus to left and a diademed head of Hera to right. Rev. ΤΕΝΕ - ΔΙΩΝ Double axe; below axe-head and to left and right of the shaft, bunch of grapes; all within laurel wreath. Callataÿ, Tenedos 1 (D1/R1, this coin ). A remarkably elegant coin, of the very finest late Hellenistic style. Toned and perfectly centered. The first issue of, and the prototype for, the late series of tetradrachms of Tenedos; as such, unique . Extremely fine.
From the collection of N. B. Hunt, II, Sotheby’s New York, 21 June 1990, 475, ex Bank Leu 30, 28 April 1982, 171 and Kastner 10, 18 May 1976, 51.


Bassorilievo: guerriero scita.



Modificato da King John


Skythia, Olbia Æ21. Circa 330-300 BC. Head of the river god Borysthenes r. / Axe-sceptre and bowcase; API to r. SNG BM Black Sea 484; SNG Stancomb 379. 9.18g, 21mm, 12h. Very Fine, dark brown patina, light smoothing. Ex CNG 226, 27 January 2010, lot 58; Ex Jörg Müller Collection.





->Sileraioi (Kampanische Söldner am Sileros)
Bronze 357/336 v. Chr. Menschenköpfige Stierprotome (Flussgott Sileros) / Hoplit in voller Rüstung. Calciati III, S. 301, Em. 2. 9.01 g. Schwarzgrüne Patina, Äusserst selten Sehr schön
Schätzung (estimation): 750,-- EUR





Atena agguerrita.


Coins of Thessaly, the BCD Collection
Circa 450-430 BC. Obol (Silver, 0.86 g 12). Bridled horse with trailing rein cantering to left. Rev. P-E-R-A ( partially retrograde ) Athena Itonia in fighting attitude to right, holding spear and shield; all within shallow incuse square. SNG Copenhagen 195. Traité IV 575, pl. CCXCII, 23. Slightly rough surfaces. Good very fine.




Inviato (modificato)

SICILY, Mamertinoi. 270-220 BC. Hexas (Bronze, 8.64 g 11). ΑΡΕΟΣ Laureate head of youthful Ares to right; behind head, two pellets Rev. ΜΑΜΕΡΤΙΝΩΝ Athena standing at bay to right, holding transverse spear in her right hand and resting her left on shield set on the ground before her. CNS 21. SNG ANS 420-422. A beautiful piece, with a splendid head of Ares of very fine Hellenistic style, and with a very attractive, dark, olive-green patina. Extremely fine.
The Mamertines were Campanian mercenaries who had been hired by Agathokles of Syracuse. After his death in 289 they found themselves at loose ends; some returned home but others decided to stay on in Sicily. In an act of base treachery they took the city of Messana in 288, killing the men and dividing the women among themselves. They then began preying on all nearby cities and became serious pests in general, so much so that they were attacked by Hieron II of Syracuse. Hieron defeated them but was forced to withdraw when the Mamertines received aid from Carthage. Tiring of Carthaginian control, the Mamertines appealed to Rome: this action led to the First Punic War (264-241) in which Rome ultimately defeated Carthage and gained both naval superiority and control over most of Sicily. During this period the Mamertines disappeared, most being either killed or assimilated. Their coin types celebrated their martial qualities: on the obverse is Ares/Mars, god of war and on the reverse we have a fighting Athena.


Modificato da King John

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