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Savoca Numismatik GmbH & Co. KG > Online Auction 31 | Silver Auction date: 10 March 2019
Lot number: 123
Lot description:
Lokris. Scarpheia circa 400-338 BC. 
Bronze Æ   15 mm., 4,56 g.
Head of Demeter right / [Σ]ΚΑΡΦΕΩΝ, Ajax advancing right, with shield and sword.   BCD Lokris-Phokis 159.5; SNG Copenhagen 81.
Starting Price: 75 EUR





Da Cizico di Misia, un rarissimo statere in elettro con al diritto, a pieno campo, un bell'elmo corinzio crestato .

Forse non solo elmo ma testa di oplita, poichè nella fessura per l'occhio, pare appunto di vedersi un occhio .

Interessante la descrizione che il compilatore ha voluto dedicare a questo elemento di armatura .

Passerà ( tra molti spettacolari esemplari greci ) in asta RomaNum. XVII al lotto 478 il prossimo 28 Marzo .

001 RomaNum.XVII n.478.jpg

002 RomaNum. XVII n. 478.jpg

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Il 4/3/2019 alle 13:14, King John dice:
Classical Numismatic Group, Auction 87, lot 302, 18/05/2011

KINGS of MACEDON. Perdikkas III. 365-359 BC. AR Diobol (11mm, 0.93 g, 1h). Bearded head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Bow and club; [Π]-EP around; all within shallow incuse square. Westermark, Remarks pl. LXX, 45; SNG ANS -; SNG Alpha Bank 237-8. Good VF, bright surfaces. Extremely rare.
Perdikkas III was the son of Amyntas III and Eurydice, and succeeded his elder brother, Alexander II, to the throne of Macedon in 368 BC. At the time, Perdikkas was a minor, and the Macedonian Assembly elected as regent Ptolemy of Aloros, who served in this capacity for three years. The fact that Ptolemy was elected by the Assembly discounts a popular theory in much of the classical literature that he was responsible for the assassination of Alexander II (see N.G.L. Hammond, "A History of Macedonia, Volume II", pp. 181-4, for an analysis of the event). During the regency, Macedon was forced into a form of subservience to Thebes by means of an unbalanced alliance, in which Ptolemy surrendered his son and thirty of the Companions as hostages. This 'alliance' also brought Macedon into conflict with Thebes' opponent, Athens, which was then attempting to gain control over Amphipolis. By the time Perdikkas entered his maturity, in 365 BC, the kingdom was under threat of Athenian domination. Whereas Thebes provided virtually no support to Perdikkas, the Athenians gained new allies all around Macedon, from the Thracian tribes in the east, to the Molossians in the west, not to mention the pro-Athenian faction among the Macedonian elite. In any event, by late 364 or early 363 BC, Perdikkas was compelled to ally himself with Athens, whose general in the region, Timotheos, subsequently enlisted the Macedonians in his attempt to subjugate the Chalkidian League and capture Amphipolis. Later in 362 BC, however, perhaps encouraged by an expedition of the Theban leader Epaminondas against Athens, Perdikkas renounced his alliance with Athens. Macedon was quickly subdued by an Athenian force under Callisthenes, but Perdikkas again renounced Athens soon after its forces departed, and gave military support to both the Chalkidians and Amphipolis. Timotheos eventually had success against the Chalkidians, but his final attempt to take Amphipolis failed miserably, and he was forced to withdraw in 360 BC. While Perdikkas' attention had been drawn to the eastern lowlands of Macedon, another, more formidable threat had grown in the highlands to the west. The Illyrians, long opponents of Macedon, had become invigorated under their king Bardylis, who began plundering his neighbor Epiros in 359 BC. Encouraged by finding little resistance from the Epirote king, Arybbas, Bardylis took his forces into Macedon, where he decimated the Macedonian army and killed Perdikkas in battle. From the death of king Archelaos, whose reign saw an early pinnacle of Macedonian power, the kingdom had been fighting a defensive battle against enemies on all sides. This blow by the Illyrians exposed the kingdom to all these enemies, who moved to capture their own part of Macedonian territory. Unfortunately for them all, Perdikkas' youngest brother and successor, Philip II, became the most formidable king the Macedonians had yet produced.
Coins of Perdikkas are known in silver and bronze. His silver consists of two denominations, staters and diobols. The staters continue the basic types from Amyntas, with the head of Herakles in lion skin on the obverse, and a walking horse on the reverse. What is innovative is that Herakles is now depicted beardless, which becomes the standard way his shown on subsequent royal Macedonian issues. The diobols feature the bearded head of Herakles in lion skin, which suggests they were issued prior to the staters, while the reverse has a bow and club. Perdikkas' bronze coinage is known with three types. All feature the beardless Herakles on the obverse, with three different reverses. His bronze coinage is fairly common today, while his silver is very rare. In her article on the Macedonian regal coinage in this period, Westermark noted that, even though the output of his coinage was limited, the artistic quality of Perdikkas' coins was very high.






Questa mi gusta come Tebano...

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Il 2/2/2019 alle 12:54, King John dice:
Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 249, lot 217, 11/10/2017

MAKEDONISCHE KÖNIGE. Antigonos III. Doson 229 - 221 v. Chr. Tetradrachme (17,06g). 227 - 221 v. Chr. oder 246/5 - 221 v. Chr. Mzst. Amphipolis (?) Vs.: Kopf des Poseidon mit Schilfkranz n.r. Rs.: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΓΟΝΟΥ, nackter Apollon auf Prora, seinen Bogen prüfend. Im Absschnitt Monogramm. SNG Alpha Bank 1047; HGC 3, 1051. st   Erworben bei Kricheldorf am 29.03.1993.



Come si fa a rimanere impassibili davanti ad un tondello simile..

Ritratto incantevole di altissima scuola, il rovescio è straordinario per il livello incisorio...

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Solidus Numismatik > Premium Auction 37 Auction date: 16 December 2018
Lot number: 3
Price realized: 200 EUR   (Approx. 226 USD)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:
Kalabrien. Tarent.
Didrachme (Silber). Ca. 332 - 302 v. Chr.
Vs: Nackter Jüngling mit Schild und Speeren auf Pferd nach rechts reitend; zwischen den Beinen des Pferdes Sigma Alpha.
Rs: Nackter Taras mit Kantharos in seiner Rechten und Dreizack in seinem linken Arm auf Delphin nach links reitend, darunter Delphin nach links schwimmend; im Feld links Monogramm.
20 mm. 7,85 g. 
HN Italy 937; Slg. Vlasto 602.
Feine Kratzer, fast vorzüglich.
Starting Price: 200 EUR





Heritage Auctions, Auction 3037, lot 30873, 4/01/2015

SICILY. Syracuse. Time of Dionysius I (406-367 BC). AR decadrachm (33mm, 43.16 gm, 12h).  Reverse die signed by Euainetos, ca. 400 BC. Racing quadriga driven left by charioteer, holding reins and kentron; in field above, Nike flying right to crown him; in exergue, military arms, including aspis (shield), greaves, cuirass, and crested Attic helmet, all joined by horizontal spear, ΑΘΛΑ ("prizes") below /  ΣΥ − ΡΑ − ΚΟΣ − ΙΩΝ, Head of Arethusa left, hair wreathed in barley ears, wearing triple pendant earring and beaded necklace, four dolphins around, die-engraver's signature EY – AINE below bottom dolphin. Gallatin C. VIII – R.IIII. SNG Fitzwilliam 1275 (these dies). HGC 2, 1299. Struck on an immense flan from fresh dies in sound metal. A lovely specimen of the most artistically acclaimed coin in all history! NGC XF★ 5/5 - 5/5, Fine Style. From The California Collection. Ex NAC 72 (Zurich, 13 May 2013), lot 329;  "from a Swiss private collection." Widely considered to be the most beautiful coins ever struck, the immense silver decadrachms of Syracuse from the later fifth century BC represent the full flowering of classical Greek sculptural art. Syracuse, the foremost Greek city in Sicily, had produced coins of exceptional beauty for nearly a century when, ca. 415 BC, engravers began signing their coin dies. Chief among these were the master engravers Cimon and Euainetos, whose large silver decadrachms seemed to capture the spirit of the artistic and intellectual revolution then sweeping the Greek world. The obverse of these pieces depicts a four-horse racing chariot, or quadriga, in full career to left while Nike, goddess of Victory, flies above to crown the driver with a laurel wreath. Below this scene is a set of Greek armor offered as a prize to the victorious charioteer. The reverse depicts a beautiful head of Arethusa, nymph of a sacred spring, with dolphins frolicking around her. This exceptional decadrachm clearly shows the signature of Euainetos (abbreviated EY-AINE) below Arethusa's neck. The decadrachm of Euainetos became a widely-copied archetype for Greek coinage, and the master engraver's head of Arethusa remains a paradigm of cool, classical beauty today.




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Inviato, ,onnaies 21, lot 2301, 18/06/2004
  AUGUSTE(16/01/27 avant J.-C. - 19/08/14 après J.-C.)Caius Julius Cوsar Augustus Denier N° v21_2301   
Date : 16 AC.
Nom de l'atelier : Rome, monétaire Lucius Vinucius
Métal : argent
Diamètre : 18,5mm
Axe des coins : 1h.
Poids : 3,77g.
Degré de rareté : R3
Etat de conservation : TB+/TTB Prix de départ : 500 €  Estimation : 1 000 €   
Prix réalisé : 590 €  Nombres d'offres : 2   Offre maximum : 591 €   
Commentaires sur l'état de conservation : Usure régulière pour l’un des deniers d’Auguste les plus rares. Beau revers avec une patine de collection foncée. N° dans les ouvrages de référence : C.543 (30f.) - RIC.362  - BMC/RE.82  - BN/R.357  - RCV.1618 (1760$)
Titulature avers : S P Q R/ IMP CAESAR en trois lignes sur un cippe.
Description avers : Statue équestre d’Auguste à droite sur un piédestal devant les murs de Rome et la porte Fontinalis derrière.
Traduction avers : “Senatus Populus Que Romanus/ Imperator Cوsar”, (Au nom du Sénat et du Peuple romain l’empereur césar).
Titulature revers : L. VINICIUS L. F. III VIR en légende extérieure ; S P Q R/ IMP CAE/ QVOD V M S EX/ EA P Q IS/ AD A RE.
Description revers : Cippe.
Traduction revers : “Lucius Vinicius Lucii Filius Triumviri/ Senatus Populus Que Romanus/ Imperatori Cوsari/ Quod Viو Munitو sunt ex/ ea Pecunia Quam is ad ئrarium Detulit”, (Lucius Vinicius fils de Lucius triumvir monétaire/ Au nom du Sénat et le Peuple romain/ A l’empereur césar/ parce que les routes ont été réparées et que l’argent a été remis au Trésor). 
Commentaire à propos de cet exemplaire : Mêmes coins que les exemplaires du Cabinet des médailles de la BnF (n° 360 et 361, pl. 16).
Commentaires : En 27 avant J.-C., quand Auguste reçut les honneurs du Sénat, il prit en charge une partie de la réparation des routes, en particulier la “Via Flaminia”. Au droit de notre denier, nous avons une représentation de la statue équestre qui fut érigée en 16 avant afin de commémorer la fin des travaux. P. V. Hill signale que la statue se trouvait dans la Regio VII (Via Lata) , peut-être près ou sur le pont Milvius. D. Sear pense plutôt que la statue se trouvait près de la porte Fontinalis le long du mur de Servius, à l’entrée de la ville le long de cette voie Flaminia, si importante pour l’armée car, c’est par cette route que les armées partaient en campagne. Le revers rappelle la munificence d’Auguste qui prit à sa charge la plus grande partie des travaux de réfection et en versa le prix au Trésor.
Historique : Auguste, après Actium et la prise d'Alexandrie, reste le seul maître de l'Empire romain. Il remet ses pouvoirs au Sénat en 27 et se voit honorer du titre d'Auguste donnant naissance à un nouveau régime politique : le Principat. Les quarante années suivantes seront consacrées à structurer et à consolider le système mis en place par Auguste sur le plan politique, économique et culturel. Il est secondé par Agrippa qui devient son gendre en épousant sa fille Julia en 21 avant J.-C. et qui lui donne deux petits-fils, Caius et Lucius. Malheureusement, Agrippa, l'ami, le double, meurt en 12 avant J.-C. Sur le plan militaire, il est secondé par Drusus, d'abord, puis par Tibère, les deux fils de Livie, sa troisième épouse. Sur le plan culturel, l'arbitre des modes est Mécène tandis que Virgile rappelle grâce à son épopée l'Enéide, nouvelle Iliade et Odyssée, la naissance mythique de Rome et exalte les vertus romaines. Auguste, grâce à une habile activité diplomatique et militaire, fixe le limes sur le front rhéno-danubien, malgré le désastre de Varus en 9 de notre ère, grâce aux campagnes répétées de Drusus, puis de Tibère, et à la fin du règne de Germanicus, du fils de Drusus. La paix relative avec les Parthes est concrétisée par le retour des enseignes et des prisonniers de Carrhو (53 avant J.-C.) en 20 avant J.-C. Cet évènement a un retentissement considérable. Auguste réorganise aussi les provinces, sénatoriales et impériales. Il se réserve l'administration de l'Egypte. Les vingt dernières années de son règne sont dédiées à la préparation de sa succession. Successivement, Agrippa meurt en 12 avant J.-C., Drusus en 9 avant J.-C., puis ses deux petit-fils, Lucius en 2 et Caius en 4. آgé de 77 ans, Auguste meurt à Nola le 19 août 14, laissant le trône à Tibère, nouvel époux de Julie, déjà deux fois veuve. Ses espoirs reposent aussi sur Germanicus tandis qu'Agrippa Posthumus a été écarté. Après sa mort, Auguste est divinisé et les Romains donnent son nom au huitième mois de l'année, août (augustus).




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15 ore fa, King John dice:
Heritage Auctions, Auction 3037, lot 30873, 4/01/2015

SICILY. Syracuse. Time of Dionysius I (406-367 BC). AR decadrachm (33mm, 43.16 gm, 12h).  Reverse die signed by Euainetos, ca. 400 BC. Racing quadriga driven left by charioteer, holding reins and kentron; in field above, Nike flying right to crown him; in exergue, military arms, including aspis (shield), greaves, cuirass, and crested Attic helmet, all joined by horizontal spear, ΑΘΛΑ ("prizes") below /  ΣΥ − ΡΑ − ΚΟΣ − ΙΩΝ, Head of Arethusa left, hair wreathed in barley ears, wearing triple pendant earring and beaded necklace, four dolphins around, die-engraver's signature EY – AINE below bottom dolphin. Gallatin C. VIII – R.IIII. SNG Fitzwilliam 1275 (these dies). HGC 2, 1299. Struck on an immense flan from fresh dies in sound metal. A lovely specimen of the most artistically acclaimed coin in all history! NGC XF★ 5/5 - 5/5, Fine Style. From The California Collection. Ex NAC 72 (Zurich, 13 May 2013), lot 329;  "from a Swiss private collection." Widely considered to be the most beautiful coins ever struck, the immense silver decadrachms of Syracuse from the later fifth century BC represent the full flowering of classical Greek sculptural art. Syracuse, the foremost Greek city in Sicily, had produced coins of exceptional beauty for nearly a century when, ca. 415 BC, engravers began signing their coin dies. Chief among these were the master engravers Cimon and Euainetos, whose large silver decadrachms seemed to capture the spirit of the artistic and intellectual revolution then sweeping the Greek world. The obverse of these pieces depicts a four-horse racing chariot, or quadriga, in full career to left while Nike, goddess of Victory, flies above to crown the driver with a laurel wreath. Below this scene is a set of Greek armor offered as a prize to the victorious charioteer. The reverse depicts a beautiful head of Arethusa, nymph of a sacred spring, with dolphins frolicking around her. This exceptional decadrachm clearly shows the signature of Euainetos (abbreviated EY-AINE) below Arethusa's neck. The decadrachm of Euainetos became a widely-copied archetype for Greek coinage, and the master engraver's head of Arethusa remains a paradigm of cool, classical beauty today.




Va beh qui andiamo sui must della numismatica..

Ma le armi in esergo, sono uno spettacolo e un racconto sublime...

  • Mi piace 1

Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 114, lot 321, 4/03/2002

Objekt-Nr.: 321
Hadrian, 117 - 138 n. Chr.
AE Sesterz, (26,49 g.), 132 - 134 n. Chr. Mzst. Rom. Vs.: HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, gepanzerte Büste des Hadrian nach r. Rs.: FELICITATI / COS IIII PP / S-C, Schiff mit fünf Ruderern und Steuermann n. l. Im Heck Standarten. Auf dem Bug eine weibliche Figur, die eine Salpinx bläst, RIC 706. Grüne Patina, ss­vz
Estimation : € 1.250,00



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Inviato (modificato)
Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung > Auction 261 Auction date: 4 March 2019
Lot number: 379
Price realized: 300 EUR   (Approx. 340 USD)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
ZYPERN. SELEUKIDEN. Alexander I. Balas, 150 - 145 v. Chr. Drachme (4,11g). 149/148 - 147 v. Chr. Mzst. Antiochia am Orontes. Vs.: Kopf des Königs mit Diadem n. r. Rs.: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ - ΘΕΟΠΑΤΕΡΟΣ / ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ, Apollon auf Omphalos nach links sitzend, mit der Linken sich auf am Boden stehenden Bogen stützend, mit der vorgestreckten Rechten Pfeil prüfend, im Abschnitt Monogramm. SC 1785.5; Houghton ­; SNG Spaer ­; Newell, SMA 173.
R! vz  Ex Gorny & Mosch Auktion 224, 2014, Los 293.     Estimate: 250 EUR


Col termine greco di omphalos (ombelico) nell'antichità si indicava una pietra o un oggetto dal valore religioso. Nell'antica Grecia la pietra scolpita era situata a Delfi, nel Tempio di Apollo, da cui la Pizia diffondeva i suoi vaticini. Nel museo di Delfi si conserva una copia marmorea della pietra, raffigurata coperta da cordoni intrecciati. Il tempio di Apollo delfico era il più importante di tutto il mondo greco, e l'omphalos indicava che Delfi, col suo santuario, era il centro del mondo, il suo ombelico. Secondo il mito Zeus, per determinare il centro del mondo, aveva liberato due aquile che erano volate in direzioni opposte e si erano ritrovate a Delfi.



Modificato da King John

Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG, Auction 312, lot 2188, 8/10/2018

MACEDONIA. MENDE. AR-Tetradrachme, um 423 v. Chr.; 17,02 g. Dionysos auf Esel r. mit Kantharos und Thyrsos, unten Zweig//In Incusum: Weinstock auf erhabenem Quadrat. AMNG -; Noe, The Mende (Kaliandra) Hoard 61; SNG ANS -.
Kabinettstück. Sehr selten, besonders in dieser Erhaltung. Feine Tönung, vorzüglich
Exemplar der Sammlung Prof. Wiemers, Auktion Kricheldorf 49, Freiburg 2017, Nr. 65 und der Sammlung Margaretha Ley, Auktion Lanz 70, München 1994, Nr. 51.





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57 minuti fa, King John dice:
Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG, Auction 312, lot 2188, 8/10/2018

MACEDONIA. MENDE. AR-Tetradrachme, um 423 v. Chr.; 17,02 g. Dionysos auf Esel r. mit Kantharos und Thyrsos, unten Zweig//In Incusum: Weinstock auf erhabenem Quadrat. AMNG -; Noe, The Mende (Kaliandra) Hoard 61; SNG ANS -.
Kabinettstück. Sehr selten, besonders in dieser Erhaltung. Feine Tönung, vorzüglich
Exemplar der Sammlung Prof. Wiemers, Auktion Kricheldorf 49, Freiburg 2017, Nr. 65 und der Sammlung Margaretha Ley, Auktion Lanz 70, München 1994, Nr. 51.





Un vero gioiello iconografico e simbolico, anche il rovescio in incuso dimostra una accuratezia dei particolari incredibile per i tempi ...

  • Mi piace 1

15 ore fa, King John dice:
Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 114, lot 321, 4/03/2002

Objekt-Nr.: 321
Hadrian, 117 - 138 n. Chr.
AE Sesterz, (26,49 g.), 132 - 134 n. Chr. Mzst. Rom. Vs.: HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, gepanzerte Büste des Hadrian nach r. Rs.: FELICITATI / COS IIII PP / S-C, Schiff mit fünf Ruderern und Steuermann n. l. Im Heck Standarten. Auf dem Bug eine weibliche Figur, die eine Salpinx bläst, RIC 706. Grüne Patina, ss­vz
Estimation : € 1.250,00



Davanti a una Galea di un simile sesterzio, il ritratto di Adriano parla.. rimango estasiato..

  • Mi piace 1

Inviato (modificato)
Nomos AG > obolos 12 Auction date: 31 March 2019
Lot number: 348  
Lot description:
CARIA. Mylasa. Eupolemos, circa 295-280 BC. Hemiobol (Bronze, 19 mm, 3.72 g, 5 h). Three overlapping Macedonian shields, the outer two with spearheads at their centers. Rev. EYΠO-ΛEMOY Sword in sheath; in field to left, double axe. SNG Copenhagen (Macedonia) 1168-9. SNG Keckman 223-4. Dark green surfaces with earthen highlights. Good very fine.
Starting Price: 50 CHF



Modificato da King John

2 ore fa, King John dice:
Nomos AG > obolos 12 Auction date: 31 March 2019
Lot number: 348  
Lot description:
CARIA. Mylasa. Eupolemos, circa 295-280 BC. Hemiobol (Bronze, 19 mm, 3.72 g, 5 h). Three overlapping Macedonian shields, the outer two with spearheads at their centers. Rev. EYΠO-ΛEMOY Sword in sheath; in field to left, double axe. SNG Copenhagen (Macedonia) 1168-9. SNG Keckman 223-4. Dark green surfaces with earthen highlights. Good very fine.
Starting Price: 50 CHF



Altro fantastico esempio, tra l’altro un emiobolo, una piccolissima moneta, indubbiamente stiamo vedendo e imparando molto ...grazie 

  • Mi piace 1

Emporium Hamburg > Auction 84 Auction date: 2 March 2019
Lot number: 393
Price realized: 720 EUR   (Approx. 820 USD)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.
Lot description:
BYZANTINISCHES REICH, Isaac I., 1057-1059, AV histamenon nomisma =Scyphat, Konstantinopel. Thron. Christus von vorn. Rs.Kaiser mit aus Scheide gezogenem Schwert. 4,40g.
Sear 1843    GOLD, f.vz/vz+
Estimate: 700 EUR





THRACE, Abdera. Circa 395-360 BCE. AR stater (24 mm, 12.81 g, 12 h). Philados, magistrate. Griffin seated left, cicada on left ABΔH on right / Herakles seated half-left, his head turned to half-right, on lion skin draped over rock, his right hand holding club set vertically on his knee, his left arm resting on his left thigh, EΠI ΦIΛA-ΔOΣ at sides, all within shallow incuse

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Statuette of Heracles seated. Carrara marble. Hellenistic period. Height 53 cm. Inv. No. A. 219. Saint Petersburg, The State Hermitage Museum



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Roma Numismatics Ltd > Auction XVII Auction date: 28 March 2019
Lot number: 488

Lot description:
Mysia, Kyzikos EL Stater. Circa 400-330 BC. Apollo reclining half-facing on a griffin flying to right, wearing laurel wreath and chiton draped from waist, holding in right hand; tunny fish below to right / Quadripartite incuse square. Von Fritze 151; Greenwell 20; SNG France -; Boston MFA 1545 = Warren 1438; Prinkipo 23, pl. I, 23. 15.94g, 23mm.
Extremely Fine. Extremely Rare; one of only three examples in CoinArchives, and arguably the finest and most complete. A wonderful composition of outstanding beauty.
From the inventory of a UK dealer.
This is one of the most intricate of all scenes depicted on the staters of Kyzikos and is thought to represent Hyperborean Apollo. The land of Hyperborea is commented upon by many ancient authors as a place of eternal sun located beyond the home of the North Wind. The precise location cannot be narrowed down to more than being north of Greece. The range of locations given could mean the area was anywhere between Britain and Dacia or perhaps further north. According to ancient myth, Hyperborea was a land rich in gold and was guarded by griffins. As Herodotus says "but in the north of Europe there is by far the most is said that one-eyed men called Arimaspians steal it from griffins...The most outlying lands, though, as they enclose and wholly surround all the rest of the world, are likely to have those things which we think the finest and the rarest." (Histories, 3.116). 
Apollo is frequently associated with Hyperborea in ancient literature and likewise with griffins as his chariot is sometimes portrayed as being pulled by a griffin. This remarkably detailed coin depicts a type also seen on an Attic kylix in Vienna (Kunsthistorisches Museum 202). The differences between these two representations of the same image highlight the skill of the die-engraver at Kyzikos since he is able to masterfully render the physicality of Apollo resting against the griffin with naturalism in contrast to the kylix which has the impression of weightlessness. Further, the attention to detail achieved on such a small coin is remarkable as we are able to see the feathers of the griffin's wings, the musculature on Apollo's torso, a
Estimate: 20000 GBP

illustrazione: Apollo che cavalca un grifone, kylix del III secolo a.C. conservata alla Getty Villa, Malibu




  • Mi piace 1

20 minuti fa, King John dice:
Roma Numismatics Ltd > Auction XVII Auction date: 28 March 2019
Lot number: 488

Lot description:
Mysia, Kyzikos EL Stater. Circa 400-330 BC. Apollo reclining half-facing on a griffin flying to right, wearing laurel wreath and chiton draped from waist, holding in right hand; tunny fish below to right / Quadripartite incuse square. Von Fritze 151; Greenwell 20; SNG France -; Boston MFA 1545 = Warren 1438; Prinkipo 23, pl. I, 23. 15.94g, 23mm.
Extremely Fine. Extremely Rare; one of only three examples in CoinArchives, and arguably the finest and most complete. A wonderful composition of outstanding beauty.
From the inventory of a UK dealer.
This is one of the most intricate of all scenes depicted on the staters of Kyzikos and is thought to represent Hyperborean Apollo. The land of Hyperborea is commented upon by many ancient authors as a place of eternal sun located beyond the home of the North Wind. The precise location cannot be narrowed down to more than being north of Greece. The range of locations given could mean the area was anywhere between Britain and Dacia or perhaps further north. According to ancient myth, Hyperborea was a land rich in gold and was guarded by griffins. As Herodotus says "but in the north of Europe there is by far the most is said that one-eyed men called Arimaspians steal it from griffins...The most outlying lands, though, as they enclose and wholly surround all the rest of the world, are likely to have those things which we think the finest and the rarest." (Histories, 3.116). 
Apollo is frequently associated with Hyperborea in ancient literature and likewise with griffins as his chariot is sometimes portrayed as being pulled by a griffin. This remarkably detailed coin depicts a type also seen on an Attic kylix in Vienna (Kunsthistorisches Museum 202). The differences between these two representations of the same image highlight the skill of the die-engraver at Kyzikos since he is able to masterfully render the physicality of Apollo resting against the griffin with naturalism in contrast to the kylix which has the impression of weightlessness. Further, the attention to detail achieved on such a small coin is remarkable as we are able to see the feathers of the griffin's wings, the musculature on Apollo's torso, a
Estimate: 20000 GBP

illustrazione: Apollo che cavalca un grifone, kylix del III secolo a.C. conservata alla Getty Villa, Malibu




Beh , qui si sta giocando pesante ?, siamo all’eccellenza monetaria e storica, elettro, Asia Minore, incuso, pensare che nel 400 a.c. si potessero fare gioielli monetari, anche iconografici e simbolici così,  fa venire la pelle d’oca ...

  • Mi piace 1

9 ore fa, King John dice:

THRACE, Abdera. Circa 395-360 BCE. AR stater (24 mm, 12.81 g, 12 h). Philados, magistrate. Griffin seated left, cicada on left ABΔH on right / Herakles seated half-left, his head turned to half-right, on lion skin draped over rock, his right hand holding club set vertically on his knee, his left arm resting on his left thigh, EΠI ΦIΛA-ΔOΣ at sides, all within shallow incuse

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Statuette of Heracles seated. Carrara marble. Hellenistic period. Height 53 cm. Inv. No. A. 219. Saint Petersburg, The State Hermitage Museum



La mia preferita....:)

Che patina...ragazzi...

Il grifone a sfidare tutto e tutti, spettacolare...


  • Mi piace 1

Roma Numismatics Limited, Auction 12, lot 288, 29/09/2016

Lesbos, Mytilene EL Hekte. Circa 357-326 BC. Laureate head of youthful Apollo three-quarters facing / Head of an Amazon to right wearing ornamented helmet with cheek guards up. Bodenstedt 64.3; Traité II, pl. 160, 38; BMC 94, pl. 34, 8. 2.55g, 10mm, 12h. 
Good Extremely Fine. Extremely Rare, apparently one of only seven known, and in exceptional state of preservation. 
The obverse of this beautiful coin was inspired by the remarkable and widely praised ‘Parthenon Group’ tetradrachms of Amphipolis issued during that city’s short-lived war with Philip II of Macedon (see Kurt Regling, ZfN 33 (1922), p. 48, Anm. 2 and p. 60). It is a direct stylistic copy of this brief issue, which has been described as ‘the most beautiful of all the facing-head tetradrachms of Amphipolis and one of the prettiest of all ancient Greek coins’.



  • Mi piace 1


Numismatik Naumann , Auction 76, lot 176

CILICIA. Mallos. Stater (Circa 385-375 BC).

Obv: Athena seated left, holding spear and resting elbow upon shield at side; olive tree to right.
Rev: ΜΑΛ.
Hermes standing facing, holding kerykeion; to right, Aphrodite left, leaning upon column to right and placing hand upon Hermes.

SNG BN 403-4; SNG Levante 155.

Condition: Near extremely fine.

Weight: 10.57 g.
Diameter: 22 mm.






Classical Numismatic Group, Triton VII, lot 88, 12/01/2004

SICILY, Syracuse. Second Democracy. 466-405 BC. AV Tetralitron (3.47 gm). Struck circa 406 AD.
Estimate $75000 
SICILY, Syracuse. Second Democracy. 466-405 BC. AV Tetralitron (3.47 gm). Struck circa 406 AD. SURAKOSION around broad rim of circular shield ornamented with a facing gorgoneion / Ephebos, in the form of a naked athlete, standing left, holding strigil in his right hand with which he is removing oil from his left knee. C. Boehringer, "Ehrenrettung einer syrakusanischen Goldmünze" in FlorNum, pg. 74, 1 (V1/R1); C. Boehringer, "Zu Finanzpolitik und Münzprägung des Dionysios von Syrakus" in Essays Thompson, pl. 38, 11 (same obverse die); SNG ANS -; SNG Lloyd -; SNG Copenhagen -; Jameson -; Rizzo -; Gulbenkian -; Pozzi -; Weber -; De Luynes 1402 (same obverse die). Choice EF, slight graze on athlete's face. Extremely rare, one of only eight specimens known, and one of only three in private hands. [See color enlargement on plate 2] ($75,000)
From the James A. Ferrendelli Collection. Ex Numismatica Ars Classica 18 (29 March 2000), lot 128; Numismatica Ars Classica 7 (2-3 March 1994), lot 203.
This coin type, the subject of Boehringer's study in FlorNum, is one of the most exquisite examples of numismatic art in the classical period. The obverse shield is certainly influenced by the shield held by the sitting Athena found on the balustrade of the temple of Athena-Nike on the Akropolis at Athens. Boehringer points-out that the die used for the present coin (V1) is the most similar to this sculpture. He regards the reverse of an athlete (an unprecedented motif in Sicilian numismatics) as masterful and lifelike, and compares this image to two contemporary gemstones from Greece and Etruria that reside in the Oxford and Berlin museums.



Roman bronze Runner statue, found at Herculaneum  pompeii museum, italy.jpg

  • Mi piace 1

14 ore fa, King John dice:
Roma Numismatics Limited, Auction 12, lot 288, 29/09/2016

Lesbos, Mytilene EL Hekte. Circa 357-326 BC. Laureate head of youthful Apollo three-quarters facing / Head of an Amazon to right wearing ornamented helmet with cheek guards up. Bodenstedt 64.3; Traité II, pl. 160, 38; BMC 94, pl. 34, 8. 2.55g, 10mm, 12h. 
Good Extremely Fine. Extremely Rare, apparently one of only seven known, and in exceptional state of preservation. 
The obverse of this beautiful coin was inspired by the remarkable and widely praised ‘Parthenon Group’ tetradrachms of Amphipolis issued during that city’s short-lived war with Philip II of Macedon (see Kurt Regling, ZfN 33 (1922), p. 48, Anm. 2 and p. 60). It is a direct stylistic copy of this brief issue, which has been described as ‘the most beautiful of all the facing-head tetradrachms of Amphipolis and one of the prettiest of all ancient Greek coins’.



I volti a trequarti nelle rappresentazioni monetali sono i miei preferiti, come quelli con doppio ritratto, qui ci sono massimo..

I volti, i ritratti in genere sono più enigmatici, si pronunciano, ti ascoltano..

E poi mi rappresentano per tanti aspetti, mi hanno sempre fatto compagnia, son stati parte di me, nei miei studi, quando riproducevo i gessi classici a scuola, prima attraverso il disegno, e poi la scultura, e infine ancora oggi nelle mie opere..

Ti seguo..:good:

  • Mi piace 1

Inviato (modificato)
Roma Numismatics Ltd > E-Sale 53 Auction date: 7 February 2019
Lot number: 699

Price realized: 700 GBP   (Approx. 907 USD / 798 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:
Nero AR Denarius. Rome, AD 67-68. IMP NERO CAESAR AVG P P, laureate head right, with slight beard / Legionary eagle between two standards. RIC 68; BMCRE 107; RSC 356. 3.51g, 17mm, 7h.
Near Extremely Fine; attractive old cabinet tone. An excellent example of this relatively scarce issue. 
Ex Michael Kelly Collection of Roman Silver Coins; collector's ticket included.
Estimate: 500 GBP

illustrazione: centurione dell'XI legione (I secolo d.C.)


Centurion of the XI Legion, time of Julio-Claudian dynasty.jpg

Modificato da King John

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