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Savoca Numismatik GmbH & Co. KG > Online Auction 29 | Silver Auction date: 30 December 2018
Lot number: 42

Lot description:
Thessaly. Trikka 400-344 BC. 
Chalkous Æ
14mm., 2,55g.
Head of the nymph Trikka right, hair rolled / Warrior, nude but for helmet, advancing right, holding spear and shield. 
very fine
cf. Rogers 553.
Starting Price: 75 EUR


Ateniese hydria.jpg


The New York Sale, Auction 34, lot 203, 6/01/2015

ANCIENT COINS, GREEK COINS, P hoenicia, Sidon, ‘Abd’Astart I (?) (c.365-352 BC), Silver Attic Tetradrachm, 16.97g, 12h. Regnal year 8 = 358/357 BC. Phoenician letters (‘bh), bearded bust of Satrap facing right, draped, wearing a diademed crown and an earring. Rev. War galley left, with oars and row of shields, date above (Betlyon, p.13, 32, Figure 1 Meshorer, Coins of the Ancient World, 1975, pp. 49, 68-9 = Elayi & Elayi, Sidon, 1465 (D1/R1), pl.XLIII (this coin); BMC -; SNG ANS -; Jameson -; McClean -; Weber -; Hunterian -; Pozzi -; Traite -; SNG Copenhagen -; DCA -). Dark brown patination and some light erosion towards periphery, very fine. An extremely intriguing issue, and of the highest rarity, apparently the only recorded example and worthy of further rese arch. This fascinating issue appears to have been struck in the year that Sidon revolted against Persian control. Betlyon attributes the portrait on the obverse to ‘Abd’Astart I. From the Prospero Collection $ 5,000




Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 249, lot 217, 11/10/2017

MAKEDONISCHE KÖNIGE. Antigonos III. Doson 229 - 221 v. Chr. Tetradrachme (17,06g). 227 - 221 v. Chr. oder 246/5 - 221 v. Chr. Mzst. Amphipolis (?) Vs.: Kopf des Poseidon mit Schilfkranz n.r. Rs.: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΓΟΝΟΥ, nackter Apollon auf Prora, seinen Bogen prüfend. Im Absschnitt Monogramm. SNG Alpha Bank 1047; HGC 3, 1051. st   Erworben bei Kricheldorf am 29.03.1993.



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Classical Numismatic Group, Mail Bid Sale 63, lot 377, 21/05/2003

ELIS, Olympia. Circa 421-385 BC. AR Stater (11.98 gm).
Estimate $4000
ELIS, Olympia. Circa 421-385 BC. AR Stater (11.98 gm). Head of Hera right, HPA on stephane / F-A flanking thunderbolt within wreath. Seltman, Olympia 251 (dies EC/hh); SNG Fitzwilliam 3707 (same dies); cf. SNG Copenhagen 380. Toned, good VF. Rare. ($4000)
"The beautiful silver coins of Elis… form a series which, for the variety of treatment and the high artistic ability which it displays, is excelled by no other class of coins in European Greece." Barclay V. Head, Historia Nummorum.
Elis was the site of the Olympic games, held every four years, the most important pan-Hellenic festival of athletics and the arts. Olympia itself was less of a city than a sanctuary to Zeus, supreme god of the Greek pantheon, which had all the necessary stadiums, arenas, and housing facilities to handle the quadennial influx of athletes, spectators, and tourists. The coins of Olympia were struck only while the Games were in progress, at four-year intervals, forming a series that starts with the Olympiad of 471 BC and stretches, with a few interruptions, to the mid-second century BC. Since the coins were intended to be souvenirs of the Games as well as a medium of exchange, they were engraved and struck to the highest artistic standards of the time, as demonstrated by the refined head of Hera, consort of Zeus, and the fierce eagle displayed on this piece. The coins of Olympia therefore combine historical importance and artistry in a unique way.





Classical Numismatic Group, Triton IX, lot 1274, 10/01/2006
[Roman Moneyer Issues] Q. Thermus M. f. 103 BC. AR Denarius (4.03 g, 9h). Rome mint. Head of Mars left, wearing crested and plumed helmet / [Q.] THERM. M F in exergue, two soldiers vis-à-vis in battle stance, fighting each other with swords, defending with shields; Roman soldier protects fallen comrade between them. Crawford 319/1; Sydenham 592; Kestner 2597; BMCRR Italy 653; Minucia 19. Superb EF, handsome gray and iridescent toning. Very rare. ($750)
Ex J. Schulman, Amsterdam (7 February 1920), lot 47.
Estimate: $750




A magnificent bronze statue of Hadrian, now on display at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, was found by chance by an American tourist in Tel Shalem (Beth Shean Valley, Israel) on 25th July 1975.jpg

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8 ore fa, King John dice:
Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 249, lot 217, 11/10/2017

MAKEDONISCHE KÖNIGE. Antigonos III. Doson 229 - 221 v. Chr. Tetradrachme (17,06g). 227 - 221 v. Chr. oder 246/5 - 221 v. Chr. Mzst. Amphipolis (?) Vs.: Kopf des Poseidon mit Schilfkranz n.r. Rs.: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΓΟΝΟΥ, nackter Apollon auf Prora, seinen Bogen prüfend. Im Absschnitt Monogramm. SNG Alpha Bank 1047; HGC 3, 1051. st   Erworben bei Kricheldorf am 29.03.1993.



Moneta di estrema bellezza iconografica che ci fa sognare, dai partiamo anche noi ?

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Certo non guerriero con pesante armatura per le prime linee, tuttavia guerriero, il fromboliere che domina gran parte della monetazione di Aspendo.

Dal rovescio di uno statere (Rauch 76 n. 337 - 2005) di tipologia meno comune, con la figura del fromboliere ma ancor più la coppia dei lottatori, definiti in movimenti più dinamici invece della consueta maggiore staticità .

Doverose le scuse se la moneta è già stata ospitata nel divenire dell'opera .

001 Rauch 76 n. 337.jpg

002 Rauch 76 n. 337.jpg

  • Mi piace 1

Inviato (modificato)
Leu Numismatik AG > Web Auction 7 Auction date: 23 February 2019
Lot number: 149

KINGS OF MACEDON. Alexander III 'the Great', 336-323 BC. Drachm (Silver, 18 mm, 4.22 g, 11 h), Miletos, struck under Demetrios I Poliorketes, circa 295/4. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress. Rev. AΛEΞANΔPOY Zeus seated left on low throne, holding long scepter in his left hand and eagle standing right with closed wings in his right; to left, monogram of ΠAP within circle. Price 2148. A lovely piece with a bold head of Herakles. Extremely fine.
Starting Price: 50 CHF


"Era allora in marcia contro Dario per combattere di nuovo contro di lui; ma non appena seppe che Dario era stato catturato da Besso, rimandò a casa i Tessali, assegnando loro duemila talenti di donativo oltre la paga. Durante l’inseguimento, che fu lungo e difficile, (rimase a cavallo per undici giorni per tremila e trecento stadi) la maggior parte dei cavalieri cedette, soprattutto per la mancanza d’acqua. Fu in quell’occasione che si incrociarono con lui alcuni Macedoni che portavano a dorso di mulo, in otri, dell’acqua attinta al fiume, e visto Alessandro, verso mezzogiorno, sfinito per la sete, subito colmarono d’acqua un elmo e gliela portarono. Egli chiese a chi portassero quell’acqua, ed essi: “Ai nostri figli – dissero – ma ne avremo degli altri, se tu vivi, anche se dovessimo perdere questi che abbiamo”.
Quando ebbe udito questi, egli prese tra le sue mani l’elmo; ma guardandosi attorno vide tutti i suoi cavalieri che volgevano la testa a guardar lui; allora non bevve, ridiede l’elmo, e lodati i donatori, disse: “Se bevo solo io, si perderanno d’animo tutti”. Perciò i cavalieri, vista la sua magnanimità e il suo autocontrollo, gridarono che li conducesse innanzi fiduciosamente, e sferzarono i cavalli: fino a quando avevano un tale re non sentivano la stanchezza, non avevano sete, neppure si consideravano mortali".

Plutarco, Vite parallele, Alessandro e Cesare, introduzione di Antonio La Penna, traduzione e note di Antonio Magnino, vol. IV, 42, Rizzoli, Milano, 1997, pp.139-141



Modificato da King John
  • Mi piace 1

Roma Numismatics Limited, Auction 10, lot 435, 27/09/2015
Lesbos, Mytilene EL Hekte. Circa 521-478 BC. Facing gorgoneion with protruding tongue / Incuse head of Herakles left, wearing lion skin headdress; small incuse square behind, incuse club below. Bodenstedt 19.2; BMC -; Boston MFA -; SNG Copenhagen -; SNG von Aulock -. 2.52g, 10mm, 6h.
Mint State. Extremely Rare, apparently only the second known after one example recorded by Bodenstedt in the National Museum, Athens.
From the Kleines Meisterwerk Collection.
This exceptionally rare variety with the incuse head of Herakles facing left also displays an intricately detailed gorgon. Aside from the careful attention the engraver has lavished on such details as the gorgon's teeth and serpent heads, we also see the scaly skin the gorgon has been given between her hair and eyebrows. Even on a larger coin this would be impressive - that this fine work has been accomplished on such a small flan is nothing short of astounding.



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Leu Numismatik AG > Web Auction 7 Auction date: 23 February 2019
Lot number: 97
Lot description:
KINGS OF SKYTHIA. Ailios (Aelis), 3rd-2nd centuries BC. AE (Bronze, 23 mm, 8.75 g, 12 h). Jugate heads of the Dioskouroi to right, each wearing laureate pilos; on neck, countermark: head of Hermes to right, wearing petasos. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΑΙΛΙΟΣ Jugate heads of two horses to right; below, monogram. Draganov 40. SNG BM -. Patina stripped and with an edge crack from countermarking, otherwise, very fine.
From a European collection, formed before 2005.
Starting Price: 25 CHF




Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 311, lot 80, 25/09/2013

THESSALY, Krannon. 3rd century BC or later. Æ Tetrachalkon (20mm, 8.97 g, 6h). Draped bust of Thessalos right, wearing petasos / [KPA]–N–NΩNIΩN, rider, wearing petasos, on horseback right; monogram below. Rogers 202; BCD Thessaly II 120.1; BCD Thessaly I 1087. Good Fine, attractive green patina. From the BCD Collection.




Inviato (modificato)
Numismatica Ars Classica NAC AG, Auction 97, lot 56, 12/12/2016

The Roman Republic 
Q. Labienus Parthicus. Denarius, mint moving with Labienus in Asia Minor 40,
AR 3.88 g. 
Description: Q LABIENVS – PARTHICVS IMP Bare head of Labienus r. Rev. Parthian horse r., with bridle and saddle, to which bowcase and quiver are attached. References: Babelon Atia 3
C 2
Sydenham 1357
Sear Imperatores 341
Hersh, in SNR 59, pl. 10 (this coin)
RBW 1809
Crawford 524/2 Condition: Extremely rare and among the finest specimens known. A spectacular portrait well struck on a full flan and on an unusually fine metal. Magnificent old cabinet tone, an unobtrusive graffito on reverse field, otherwise extremely fine Provenance: Naville Ars Classica sale XVII, October 1934, Evans, 1117
Santamaria sale October 1949, Magnaguti, 2348
UBS sale 78, 2008, 1181 Note: The imperatorial age offered much opportunity to ambitious commanders, as anyone who could lead men in battle was a valued commodity. Loyalty was not always the most valued trait in this environment, for on many occasions defections were not only sensible, but invited, and rewarded. We tend to degrade traitors in the historical tradition, but we often are not privy to the multitude of factors faced by these men, which ranged from subtle personality conflicts to unexpected political developments. It is in this charitable light, perhaps, that we should judge Labienus, one of the vigorous commanders from the age of Antony, Octavian and Sextus Pompey. Originally Brutus and Cassius had sent Labienus to Parthia to seek support from king Orodes II, but he could not achieve his objective before his masters were defeated at Philippi in October, 42 B.C. Labienus was thus in a bind, being unable to return to the West. Rather than facing his punishment, Labienus switched strategies by encouraging Orodes II to invade Syria, with himself sharing the command with the king’s son, Pacorus I. The invasion probably began early in 40 B.C. when Antony was torn between that calamity and an equally urgent situation in the West, where his brother Lucius had been defeated by Octavian in the Perusine War. Antony decided to sail westward to meet Octavian and, in the meantime, many cities and legions defected to Labienus, who presented himself as the last ember of the Republican cause. He and Pacorus initially defeated Antony’s governor Lucius Decidius Saxa, and then they divided their forces: Labienus invaded Asia Minor and Pacorus drove into Palestine and Phoenicia. Alarmed by their success, early in 39 B.C. Antony sent his lieutenant Ventidius to restore order, which he did with great efficiency. He first captured and executed Labienus at the Cilician Gates in 39 B.C. and soon afterward chased Pacorus and his army back across the Euphrates. This famous denarius bears a portrait of the unfortunate Labienus, identified by his name, the title imperator, and the cognomen Parthicus, which he adopted as an expression of his success in gaining Parthian help in what he branded as the defense of the Republic. The reverse bears no inscription, but shows a bridled horse fitted with a saddle and bow-case; there can be little doubt that this represents the cavalry contingent of the invasion force, which was 20,000 strong. In essence it honours the famous Parthian cavalry, and in that regard we may see this as a coin of two cultures, with the obverse devoted to the Romans, the reverse to the Parthians.

illustrazione: Tito Labieno prima della  battaglia di Munda del 45 a.C.


Tito Labieno en la Batalla de Munda, 45 aC.jpg

Modificato da King John

Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 437 Auction date: 6 February 2019
Lot number: 226  
Lot description:
BAKTRIA, Indo-Greek Kingdom. Philoxenos Aniketos. Circa 125-110 BC. AR Drachm (15x15mm, 2.42 g, 12h). Diademed and draped bust right / King in military attire on horseback right; monogram below. Bopearachchi 4E; HGC 12, 271. VF.
Estimate: 100 USD




Leu Numismatik, Web Auction 1, lot 749, 25/06/2017

Roman Provincial
ISLANDS OFF IONIA, Samos. Gallienus, 253-268. Tetrassarion (Bronze, 29 mm, 12.90 g, 6 h). AYT ΠO ΛIK ΓAΛΛIHNOΣ AYΓΟ Radiate and draped bust to left, holding spear and shield. Rev. CAMIΩN Achilles, helmeted and naked, standing facing, head left, holding round shield in left hand; below shield and behind the legs, uncertain long object (vine trunk?). BMC -. BMFA -. Lindgren I+III -. Imhoof-Blumer KM -. SNG Copenhagen -. SNG Glasgow -. SNG Leypold -. SNG Righetti -. SNG von Aulock -. Apparently unpublished and unique. Minor adjustment marks and a die break on the reverse, otherwise, very fine.
The figure on the reverse is clearly different from the usual warrior in chiton advancing right on prow and gesturing troops to follow (BMC 348 and 384): not only is the hero resting, but he is also naked, with the exception of wearing a helmet. The latter is clearly reminiscent of the Samos issue with Achilles stabbing Penhesilea, the queen of the Amazons, in battle during the siege of Troy (BMFA 1984.257 and Auctiones GmbH 18, 2013, 51). Another similarity lies in the uncertain object behind the legs, which also appears on the Boston and Auctiones examples: it might be part of a long clamys, although its supporting position points towards a more static object, possibly a vine trunk. While this identification remains uncertain for the time being, there can be little doubt that the hero is, in fact, Achilles the Thessalian, the strongest warrior of the Greeks.




Classical Numismatic Group > Triton XXII Auction date: 8 January 2019
Lot number: 207

Price realized: 12,000 USD   (Approx. 10,487 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:
LOKRIS, Lokri Opuntii. Circa 350-340 BC. AR Stater (25mm, 12.86 g, 8h). Head of Persephone right, wearing wreath of grain ears, earring with rosette and five pendants, and pearl necklace / Ajax, nude but for crested Corinthian helmet, holding sword in right hand, shield decorated with palmette and griffin on left arm, advancing right on ground line; OΠONTIΩN flanking; below, spear left. H&D Group 22, 150f (O22/R57) = BCD Lokris 70 (this coin); HGC 4, 991; SNG Lockett 1693 (same obv. die); Gulbenkian 495–6 (same obv. die). EF, toned, a little die rust, minor die break on chin. Beautiful style.
From the Gasvoda Collection. Ex Triton XIX (5 January 2016), lot 114; Numismatica Ars Classica 64 (17 May 2012), lot 808; Antiqua XVI (2011), no. 36; BCD Collection (Numismatica Ars Classica 55, 8 October 2010), lot 70.
Estimate: 10000 USD




Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles > Auction 109 Auction date: 29 January 2019
Lot number: 2165
Price realized: 460 USD   (Approx. 403 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:
Antoninus Pius. Æ As (11.80 g), AD 138-161. Rome, AD 140-144. Laureate head of Antoninus Pius right. Reverse: Mars advancing right, holding spear and shield, descending through the air towards Rhea Silvia, reclining left. RIC 694a. Dark reddish-brown patina, minor smoothing. Choice Very Fine. Estimate Value $500 - 600 
Ex CNG 63 (21 May 2003), 1365, the John Bitner Collection. 
In Roman mythology, Mars and Rhea Silvia weere the parents of Romulus and Remus, legendary founders of Rome.





Inviato (modificato)
Gerhard Hirsch Nachfolger > Auction 346 Auction date: 13 February 2019
Lot number: 2859


Lot description:
TRAIANUS DECIUS. 249-251, Semis. Belorbeerte, drapierte und gepanzerte Büste r. Rs: Mars steht l. mit Schild und Speer. C. 102. R.I.C. 128. Schöne dunkle, etw. fleckige Patina ss-vz
Aus europäischer Sammlung. Traianus Decius versuchte das marode Währungssystem zu reformieren und ließ u.a. nach langer Zeit wieder Semisses prägen. Seine Reformen hatten jedoch keinen Bestand.
Estimate: 150 EUR




Modificato da King John

Roma Numismatics Ltd > E-Sale 53 Auction date: 7 February 2019
Lot number: 312
Ionia, Magnesia ad Maeandrum Æ9. 3rd century BC. Horseman galloping right, holding spear / Humped bull butting left; [MAΓ above?]. Cf. SNG Kayhan 1349; SNG von Aulock -; cf. SNG Copenhagen 819-821. 0.59g, 9mm, 11h. 
Very Fine. Rare.
From a private German collection.
Estimate: 40 GBP



  • Mi piace 1

Classical Numismatic Group, Mail Bid Sale, 69, lot 139, 8/06/2005

KINGS of MACEDON. Archelaos. 413-399 BC. AR Stater (10.61 gm, 1h). Aigai mint.
Estimate $2500 
KINGS of MACEDON. Archelaos. 413-399 BC. AR Stater (10.61 gm, 1h). Aigai mint. Horseman, wearing petasos and holding two spears, riding left; caduceus on horse's rump / Forepart of goat right, head reverted, within linear border in incuse square. Westermark, Staters, Group 1 (O3/R3); AMNG III/2, 1; SNG ANS 64 (same dies). VF, minor flatness. Rare first coinage of Archelaos. ($2500)


Thessalian light cavalryman.jpg

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Helios Numismatik GmbH, Auction 5, lot 948, 25/06/2010

PHRYGIEN LAODIKEIA. Pseudo-autonome Prägungen Bronze, 218 - 222. 8.47 g. SUNEDRI - OU NEWN. Büste des jugendlichen Synedrion mit Diadem links, zwei Stäbe über der Schulter. Rs: LAODIKEWN - NE - WKORWN. Geflügelter Hypnos-Thanatos mit Mohnkapsel nach links gelagert, den Arm auf Felsen gestützt, zu seinen Füßen umgekehrte Fackel. BMC 132. Aus Bankhaus H. Aufhäuser, Auktion 12 (1. - 2. Oktober 1996), Nr. 266. Dunkelgrüne Patina mit hellen Auflagen, sehr schön.




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A gem in the Museum of Castelvecchio (Verona) depicts the god Sandas of Tarsos with his terrible animal: the lion-goat. On the reverse side there is the inscription YOYO. The epigraphical and archaeological evidence from Anatolia, from Hittite to Hellenistic times, proves that Sandas was a underworld god protecting tombs and sending pestilences when angry. He was appeased by offerings to his terrible ministers, who were usually seven. Similarly Nergal or Erra (similar to Sandas) in Mesopotamia, and Sekhmet in Egypt had seven animal-headed terrible ministers, who were able to bring pestilences and death. A Hittite inscription mentions Yaya as Sandas' female partner. Her name is very similar to the Yoyo on the Verona gem. Sandas was identified with Heracles because of his relations with the underworld realms and his warlike features. The lion-goat of Tarsus was the model of Greek Chimaera. In fact the myth of Bellerophon took its place in Lycia and Cilicia. In Hellenistic age the original form of this monster was better known and therefore we find its typical features in Hellenistic and Roman sculptures and reliefs.



Classical Numismatic Group > Electronic Auction 430 Auction date: 10 October 2018
Lot number: 176
Price realized: 800 USD   (Approx. 698 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:
CILICIA, Tarsos. Circa 420-410 BC. AR Stater (18.1mm, 10.55 g, 1h). Horseman riding right; ankh below horse's belly / Archer (the god Nergal), holding spear and bow, standing right on lion sitting right; tree to left, NRGL TRZ in Aramaic in right field. Casabonne Type D4 (pl. 2, 12); SNG BN –; SNG Levante –; SNG von Aulock –. VF, test cuts on both sides, compact flan. Extremely rare, none in CoinArchives.
Estimate: 200 USD

illustrazione: il dio Nergal

da Treccani. it:

NERGAL (sumerico Né-uru-gal "signore della grande dimora"; Νήργιλος). - Dio originariamente solare o ctonio, protettore della fertilità, divenuto poi il dio dell'Oltretomba (della terra inferiore: eretu shaplītu), della peste e della guerra.

È il figlio primogenito di Enlil (v.): talora lo si dice figlio di Anu (v.) o di Enki (v.). La sua assunzione a divinità del mondo sotterraneo come sposo di Ereshkigal, la dea sumerica degli Inferi, è narrata da un testo di el-'Amārnah ed è conosciuta solo in questa veste semitica. La sua città sacrale è Kutū, la Kutāh della Bibbia, oggi Tell Ibrahimi, a N-E di Kish, già sede di un antico dio della peste, Irra, assimilato successivamente a Nergal.

A Kutū, Shulgi, re della III dinastia di Ur, costruisce un tempio al dio Mes-lam-ta-é-a (altra ipostasi di N., significante in sumerico: "colui che esce dal Mes-lam", cioè dagli Inferi); un altro santuario innalza a N. Gudea, nel quartiere sacro di Girsu in Lagash; in epoca molto più tarda il re d'Assiria Sennacherib edifica un altro tempio a N. e lo chiama, come quello antichissimo di Shulgi, é-mes-lam, casa di Mes-lam.

Rappresentazioni di N. compaiono su alcuni sigilli della I dinastia babilonese, nella prima metà del Il millennio; ma occorre premettere che nessuna di queste testimonianze dà l'assoluta certezza che sia N. il dio con la mazza multipla che infierisce contro un personaggio inginocchiato ai suoi piedi; uno degli esemplari più significativi proviene da Ishchali e mostra il dio dalla mazza multipla, con veste corta e privo della consueta tiara cornuta, accanto a due dèmoni dalla testa leonina, i quali sembrano minacciare un uomo che cerca rifugio presso un altare; il Frankfort identifica questa scena con la rappresentazione di N. (anziché di Shamash, come si credeva un tempo) e di due dèmoni della malattia, suoi ministri e subalterni. Meno sicura l'altra ipotesi del Frankfort che vede simboleggiato il mito di N. ed Ereshkigal in un altro piccolo gruppo di sigilli della stessa epoca, mostranti una coppia abbracciata, giacché è più probabile che qui si alluda a una ierogamia.




Auktionshaus H. D. Rauch GmbH, Auction 76, lot 333, 17/10/2005

AIOLIS - Lesbos
Billon-Stater (10,95 g), 550/440. Av.: zwei Stierköpfe einander zugewendet. Rv.: Quadratum Incusum. SNG.Cop:285; leicht rauh s.sch.
Estimate: EUR 350

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Plaque depicting a pair of bulls, with a crescent symbolizing the moon god Sin atop a mountain-like pedestal on their backs. Old Babylonian Period, first half of the 2nd millennium BCE . Israel Museum, Jerusalem


Plaque depicting a pair of bulls, with a crescent symbolizing the moon god Sin atop a mountain-like pedestal on their backs. Old Babylonian Period, first half of the 2nd millennium BCE . Israel Museum, Jerusalem.jpg


Gerhard Hirsch Nachfolger, Auction 293, lot 2324, 25/09/2013

MITHRADATES VIII. 39-41, AE-23 mm. Kopf mit Diadem r. Rs: Gorytos, Keule mit Löwenfell und Dreizack. SNG COP. 28. Schöne dunkle Patina. Felder ss-vz



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Dal rovescio di un gradevole statere di Corinto, dietro alla consueta testa elmata della guerriera Atena, una piccola figura in armi del guerriero tra gli dei, Ares .

Passerà in asta Gorny&Mosch 261 al lotto 278 ad inizio Marzo . 

001 Gorny 261 n. 278.jpg

002 Gorny 261 n. 278.jpg

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