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Le più belle rappresentazioni di guerrieri

King John

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11 ore fa, King John dice:

Roman Silver Denarius of Augustus (27 B.C.E.-14 C.E.), in Commemoration of the conquest of Armenia. On the reverse an Armenian Archer, standing facing, holding spear in right hand and resting left on a bow set on the ground. Notice the Mithraic cap he is wearing.




Questo denario di Augusto per la conquista dell'Armenia merita davvero, nella sua semplicità sia il dritto che il rovescio, trasmettono empatia, emozione, è come se parlassero, l'incisore è riuscito pienamente nell'intento di trasmettere e rappresentare l'evento..

L'arciere Armenio è spettacolare nei suoi tratti, grande effetto prospettico, complimenti all'incisore.

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Inviato (modificato)

Medaglia del 1819 in onore di G.B.Belzoni (1778-1823), egittologo, per il dono alla città di Padova di due statue egizie leontocefale. 




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Classical Numismatic Group, Mail Bid Sale 73, lot 727, 13/09/2006
CILICIA, Anazarbus. Maximus. Caesar, AD 236-238. Æ 32mm (15.73 g, 6h). Dated CY 254 (AD 235/6). Bare-headed and cuirassed bust right, slight drapery on left shoulder / Zodiacal wheel, with facing head in center, within ornate distyle shrine with radiate semicircular roof; lower panel decorated with goddess and bull; Nikai on either side, date in exergue. Ziegler 668 (V4/R8); SNG France 2103 (same obv. die); SNG Levante 1484. VF, dark green patina. Exceptional reverse.
From the Alexandre de Barros Collection. Ex Classical Numismatic Group 57 (28 March 2001), lot 827 (realized $550).
Estimate: $300



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4 ore fa, King John dice:
Classical Numismatic Group, Mail Bid Sale 73, lot 727, 13/09/2006
CILICIA, Anazarbus. Maximus. Caesar, AD 236-238. Æ 32mm (15.73 g, 6h). Dated CY 254 (AD 235/6). Bare-headed and cuirassed bust right, slight drapery on left shoulder / Zodiacal wheel, with facing head in center, within ornate distyle shrine with radiate semicircular roof; lower panel decorated with goddess and bull; Nikai on either side, date in exergue. Ziegler 668 (V4/R8); SNG France 2103 (same obv. die); SNG Levante 1484. VF, dark green patina. Exceptional reverse.
From the Alexandre de Barros Collection. Ex Classical Numismatic Group 57 (28 March 2001), lot 827 (realized $550).
Estimate: $300



Interessantissima questa moneta che ci documenta la conoscenza della ruota zodiacale.

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Numismatik Lanz München, Auction 102, lot 73, 28/05/2001

No.: 73
Schätzpreis-Estimation: DM 500,-
Bronze, 2. /1. Jhdt. MELITAIWN. Büste der Isis mit Uräuskrone links, im Feld links Kerykeion mit Tanit-Symbol. Rs: Osiris (?) mit ägyptischer Doppelkrone, vier Flügeln und den Pharaoneninsignien Szepter und Geißel nach links kniend. A. Mayr, Die antiken Münzen der Inseln Malta, Gozo und Pantelleria (1894), S. 9, 6. SNG Cop. 463 (stempelgleich). 12,02 g, St. 11. 
Sehr selten. Dunkle, braungrüne Patina, Rs. überprägungsspuren, sehr schön.




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11 ore fa, King John dice:
Classical Numismatic Group, Mail Bid Sale 73, lot 727, 13/09/2006
CILICIA, Anazarbus. Maximus. Caesar, AD 236-238. Æ 32mm (15.73 g, 6h). Dated CY 254 (AD 235/6). Bare-headed and cuirassed bust right, slight drapery on left shoulder / Zodiacal wheel, with facing head in center, within ornate distyle shrine with radiate semicircular roof; lower panel decorated with goddess and bull; Nikai on either side, date in exergue. Ziegler 668 (V4/R8); SNG France 2103 (same obv. die); SNG Levante 1484. VF, dark green patina. Exceptional reverse.
From the Alexandre de Barros Collection. Ex Classical Numismatic Group 57 (28 March 2001), lot 827 (realized $550).
Estimate: $300



Sicuramente questo tondello, è cosi mistico che non passa inosservato, l'astrologia in qualche modo rientra sempre nella vita dell'uomo..

Ricordo quando per mantenerli gli studi e qualche ghiribizzo..., dipingevo ritratti dell'iliht....per un mago famoso degli anni 70...


Risultati immagini per lilith

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5 ore fa, eracle62 dice:

Sicuramente questo tondello, è cosi mistico che non passa inosservato, l'astrologia in qualche modo rientra sempre nella vita dell'uomo..

Ricordo quando per mantenerli gli studi e qualche ghiribizzo..., dipingevo ritratti dell'iliht....per un mago famoso degli anni 70...


Risultati immagini per lilith

Uaooo, bellissimo!

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Inviato (modificato)

Medaglia celebrativa della presenza francese in Egitto

Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 226, lot 4431, 16/10/2014

ÄGYPTEN. Französische Expedition zu Ende des 18. Jh. Vergoldetes Bronze-Schaumedaillon 1826 von Barre auf die verstärkte Publizierung der "Description de l'Égypte" in königlichem Auftrag. Kreis altägyptischer Piktogramme um zentrales Schriftmedaillon zum Anlass. / Allegorisierende Darstellung der neuen "Ent-Deckung" Ägyptens und seiner Kulturschätze durch die französische wissenschaftliche Expédition 1798: Frankreich im Gewand eines siegreichen, die Gallica-Standarte aufpflanzenden (römischen) Soldaten zieht eine Decke von dem vor ihm am Boden liegenden Ägypten in Pharaonentracht, mit Krokodil, Lyra, Papyrusrolle, im Hintergrund Tempelanlage, eine Palme und die Pyramiden von Gizeh. Im Abschnitt GALLIA VICTRICE AEGYPTVS REDIVIVA, darunter 1798 in röm. Ziffern, darunter Signatur und Herstellungsjahr. 68 mm 115,10 g.
R! Gestopftes Loch, min. RF, etwas Abrieb, gutes ss
Leseempfehlung: Zum Verlauf der hier im Gedenken stehenden wissenschaftlichen Expedition unter der Führung von Napoleon Bonaparte und deren Rahmenbedingungen sowie zu dem enormen Aufwand, der unter großem Zeitdruck nach Rückkehr der Expedition in Frankreich getrieben wurde, um die Ergebnisse aller Beteiligten in einem Oevre zu vereinen (Nämlich in der "Description de l'Egypte"), ist u.a. im Jahre 1998 der äußerst spannend und anschaulich geschriebene kleine Band "Les savants de Bonaparte" von Robert Solé (Éd. du Seuil) erschienen.




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Auktionshaus H. D. Rauch GmbH, E-Auction 17, lot 760, 10/07/2015

Napoleon I. 1804-1815 
(D) AE-Medaille (vergoldet) 1810, von Andrieu und Brenet. Auf die Errichtung eines Denkmals für Gene­ral Desaix in Paris. Rv.: römischer Soldat zwischen Adlerstandarte und Obelisk, zu Füßen Pharaonen­kopf. Bramsen:976; Slg. Julius:2305. Dm: 41,00 mm.
vzgl./f.vzgl. General Louis Charles Antoine Desaix war an der Eroberung Oberägyptens beteiligt.


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A. Tkalec AG, Auction February 2001, lot 97, 19/02/2001

LAODIKE Epiphanes Philadelphos,
No.: 97
Rufpreis-Opening bid: CHF 180000,-
Gattin Mithradates IV. von Pontos (169–150 v.Chr.) AV – Stater 8,49g
Av: Diademierte Büste der Laodike nach links. Unter einem dünnen Schleier kommen die Diadembänder hervor. Eines liegt über der bekleideten Schulter der jungen Königin.
Rv: BASILISSIS / LAODIKIS / EPIFANOUS- KAI -/ -FILADELFOU, Bebändertes Doppelfüllhorn mit Früchten gefüllt, darüber ein sechstrahliger Stern; im Feld rechts: Monogramm.
Unicum. Unpubliziert.
Für Darstellungen der Königin auf Tetradrachmen vergleiche: Waddington (Recueil) S.13, 7. Tf. I, 13. Franke / Hirmer Tf. 210, 772. Slg. Gulbenkian 935. (jeweils Doppelportrait mit ihrem Gatten Mithradates IV.). Waddington (Recueil) S. 13, 8. Tf. I, 14. (Portrait mit Schleier).
Diese außergewöhnliche bedeutende Münze zeigt die Tochter Mithradates III. von Pontus als junge Frau. Im Gegensatz dazu wird sie auf den Tetradrachmen schon als reifere Frau dargestellt. Es ist naheliegend, daß dieser Stater, der eine gewisse Parallele zu einem, ebenfalls nur als Unicum vorhandenen, Stater des Mithradates IV. zeigt (vgl. SNG von Aulock 4), unmittelbar mit dem Regierungsantritt des verheirateten Geschwisterpaares zusammenhängt. Der Sohn von Laodikes älterem Bruder Pharnakes (Thronfolger des Mithradates III.), Mithradates V., war zu jung um nach seinem Vater die Thronfolge anzutreten, deshalb übernahmen Mithradates IV. und Laodike, seine Schwester und Frau, um ca. 169 v. Chr., die Regierung über Pontus. Nur der Vollständigkeit halber seien noch zwei weitere Damen erwähnt, die aber als Dargestellte nicht in Frage kommen: Die Gattin Mithradates V., die Tochter Antiochos IV. von Syrien, und die Tochter des Mithradates V. von Pontos, die ebenfalls Laodike hießen



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3 ore fa, King John dice:
A. Tkalec AG, Auction February 2001, lot 97, 19/02/2001

LAODIKE Epiphanes Philadelphos,
No.: 97
Rufpreis-Opening bid: CHF 180000,-
Gattin Mithradates IV. von Pontos (169–150 v.Chr.) AV – Stater 8,49g
Av: Diademierte Büste der Laodike nach links. Unter einem dünnen Schleier kommen die Diadembänder hervor. Eines liegt über der bekleideten Schulter der jungen Königin.
Rv: BASILISSIS / LAODIKIS / EPIFANOUS- KAI -/ -FILADELFOU, Bebändertes Doppelfüllhorn mit Früchten gefüllt, darüber ein sechstrahliger Stern; im Feld rechts: Monogramm.
Unicum. Unpubliziert.
Für Darstellungen der Königin auf Tetradrachmen vergleiche: Waddington (Recueil) S.13, 7. Tf. I, 13. Franke / Hirmer Tf. 210, 772. Slg. Gulbenkian 935. (jeweils Doppelportrait mit ihrem Gatten Mithradates IV.). Waddington (Recueil) S. 13, 8. Tf. I, 14. (Portrait mit Schleier).
Diese außergewöhnliche bedeutende Münze zeigt die Tochter Mithradates III. von Pontus als junge Frau. Im Gegensatz dazu wird sie auf den Tetradrachmen schon als reifere Frau dargestellt. Es ist naheliegend, daß dieser Stater, der eine gewisse Parallele zu einem, ebenfalls nur als Unicum vorhandenen, Stater des Mithradates IV. zeigt (vgl. SNG von Aulock 4), unmittelbar mit dem Regierungsantritt des verheirateten Geschwisterpaares zusammenhängt. Der Sohn von Laodikes älterem Bruder Pharnakes (Thronfolger des Mithradates III.), Mithradates V., war zu jung um nach seinem Vater die Thronfolge anzutreten, deshalb übernahmen Mithradates IV. und Laodike, seine Schwester und Frau, um ca. 169 v. Chr., die Regierung über Pontus. Nur der Vollständigkeit halber seien noch zwei weitere Damen erwähnt, die aber als Dargestellte nicht in Frage kommen: Die Gattin Mithradates V., die Tochter Antiochos IV. von Syrien, und die Tochter des Mithradates V. von Pontos, die ebenfalls Laodike hießen



Uno statere con un ritratto di Laodike cosi espressivo e con quel panneggio talmente morbido che sembra uscire dal tondello, merita tutte le attenzioni possibili, al di la del fatto che possa essere cosi tanto raro...

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Roma Numismatics Ltd > E-Sale 56 Auction date: 9 May 2019
Lot number: 179   
Argolis, Argos AR Trihemiobol. Circa 270-260/50 BC. Wolf at bay left; Θ above / Crested Corinthian helmet left, decorated with wreath; ΔE below. BCD Peloponnesos 1105-6; BMC 88. 1.09g, 11mm, 9h.  Very Fine.  From the estate of a Genevois collector, via Chaponnière & Firmenich SA.   Estimate: 50 GBP


Spain. Circa 6th Century B.C. Bronze. H: 26 cm.
A very wealthy and/or important Greek soldier or mercenary in the employment of a country’s army probably owned this stunning Corinthian bronze helmet originally. Beautifully decorated with an inscribed grotesque gorgon Medusa on the fore-brow, and mirrored lions that prance up each cheek panel, it is a unique surviving artefact that provides insight in to ancient Greek armoury and social history. Its motifs, creatively mixing real and imaginary figures, are inspired by the Greco-oriental repertoire that spread through the Mediterranean during the Orientalist period, as a result of trade between mainland Greece and the Near East, and echoes the decorative vocabulary found on proto-Corinthian ceramics. Likewise, the method of engraving used on the helmet relates to the ‘Black Figure’ technique of vase painting found in Corinth around 670 BC., where incised lines are used to add detail to figure’s silhouettes.
Developed in the 7th century BC., the Corinthian style of helmet had no holes where the ears are, offering rounded protection at the cost of discomfort, and also had a distinct phallic-shaped nose guard. The decorated cheek pieces and neck guard are flared, in a highly unique shape that offers manoeuvrability during combat. A horsehair crest would have once been attached to top ridge of the helmet, in a display of ornamentation mimicking the fur of a beast standing on end when threatened, whilst also signalling the wearer’s rank[1]. Offering full facial protection and with padding originally glued on the inside, this helmet was part of the equipment of the hoplites – heavily armed soldiers whose appearance coincided with adoption of new bronze weapons, with an origin ascribed to a workshop in Argos[2].
Art historical evidence suggests that these helmets were often worn pushed back on the head to reveal the face during times of peace such as during processions and festivities. The style’s popularity endured for hundreds of years throughout Archaic and Classical Greece, and is commonly found on Greek and Roman sculpture as they type worn by both mortal heroes and divine gods, drawing association with the a noble and glorious past[3]. The Greeks revered it as a helmet type worn by valiant Homeric conquerors, which was an association adopted by the Romans in their love of all things Hellenistic.
Because of its deep bronze colour and lack of verdigris (due to oxidization), this exceptional helmet was most probably discovered in water, perhaps as part of a shipwreck hoard. The ornate decoration and excellent condition, make this helmet one of the finest surviving pieces of early Greek armour.
A strikingly similar helmet was found in Haifa Bay, Israel, during construction works in 2007, and is now in the National Maritime Museum in Haifa, Israel[4]. It is supposed that it belonged to a Greek mercenary working for the Egyptian Pharaoh Necho II, as no Greek colonies existed in Israel, meaning it was likely part of band of travelling warriors who accidentally deposited it there. The similarities between the two helmets suggest that this example could also be from one of these Greek colonies in Ionia (modern day west-coast Turkey). The Haifa helmet is also decorated with beasts – snakes, lions and a peacock’s tail are inscribed in to the surface which still contains traces of its original gold-leaf, hinting that this example may have too once been covered in the same precious metal.
[1] T. Everson; Warfare in Ancient Greece, The History Press, 2004, p.22.
[2] D.L. Fink; The Battle of Marathon in Scholarship, Research, Theories and Controversies since 1850, McFarland, 2014, p.41.
[3] O. Palagia and J.J. Pollitt, Personal Styles in Greek Sculpture, Cambridge University Press, 1999, p.57.
[4] Bronze Corinthian Helmet, National Maritime Museum, Haifa, Israel.

PROVENANCE: David Aaron, 2017.
Acquired from a famous Private Collection formed in Madrid, Spain during the early 1970’s. Accompanied by a Spanish Cultural Passport dated 14.03.14
Prior to that purchased on the Spanish Art Market.



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LHS Numismatik AG, Auction 96, lot 1407, 8/05/2006
The early 5th century coinage of Kleitor in the na
Estimate: CHF 1'600.00
Hemidrachm (Silver, 2.95 g 1), c. 460-450. Zeus Lykaios seated facing, his head turned to left, on low throne, holding long scepter in his left hand and with eagle flying off his right. Rev. Head of Kallisto with profile eye to right, wearing taenia and necklace; all within incuse square. Williams III, 1, 150. Very rare. Lightly toned and with a spectacular facing figure of Zeus. Slightly rough surfaces, otherwise, about extremely fine.

Illustrazione: Callisto, frammento di vaso apulo a figure rosse del IV secolo a.C..

Callisto era un ninfa del seguito di Artemide. Amata da Zeus, diede alla luce Arcade. Poi, cambiata da Artemide in orsa, stava per essere uccisa dal figlio, ma Zeus mutò lei nell’Orsa Maggiore e Arcade nel custode dell’Orsa.



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Gerhard Hirsch Nachfolger, Auction 284, lot 2938, 26/09/2012

CARACALLA. 198-217
Denar. Belorbeerter Kopf r. Rs: Jupiter steht frontal, Kopf l., hält Blitz und Zepter. C. 337. R.I.C. 275a. 3.11g. Schöne Tönung. vz

ILLUSTRAZIONE: BUSTO DI GIOVE AL Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Antikensammlung



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5 ore fa, King John dice:
LHS Numismatik AG, Auction 96, lot 1407, 8/05/2006
The early 5th century coinage of Kleitor in the na
Estimate: CHF 1'600.00
Hemidrachm (Silver, 2.95 g 1), c. 460-450. Zeus Lykaios seated facing, his head turned to left, on low throne, holding long scepter in his left hand and with eagle flying off his right. Rev. Head of Kallisto with profile eye to right, wearing taenia and necklace; all within incuse square. Williams III, 1, 150. Very rare. Lightly toned and with a spectacular facing figure of Zeus. Slightly rough surfaces, otherwise, about extremely fine.

Illustrazione: Callisto, frammento di vaso apulo a figure rosse del IV secolo a.C..

Callisto era un ninfa del seguito di Artemide. Amata da Zeus, diede alla luce Arcade. Poi, cambiata da Artemide in orsa, stava per essere uccisa dal figlio, ma Zeus mutò lei nell’Orsa Maggiore e Arcade nel custode dell’Orsa.



Che bel ritratto con anche il pendente al collo e siamo al 460 a.c. ...più vedo e più rimango stupito di tale maestria per quei tempi !

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Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Auction 91, lot 1860, 7/06/2016

Lycian Dynasts. Mithrapata. Silver Stater (9.72 g), ca. 390-370 BC Superb EF. Forepart of roaring lion right. Reverse: Head of Mithrapata left; behind, triskeles; all within incuse square. Mildenberg 6 (O3/R5); Podalia 60 (A3/P5) = SNG Copenhagen Suppl. 472; Falghera -. Lustrous and lightly toned. One of the finest examples known. Superb Extremely Fine. The Lycian die engravers under both Mithrapata and his successor, Perikles, were true masters. The portrait of Mithrapata on this coin, shown on the reverse, depicts a man with elderly features, somewhat sunken cheeks sporting a long bear, an aquiline nose, and hair combed forward. The details are intricate and realistic. The issues of Perikles continue these artistic developments, except the portrait is moved to the obverse and is, quite dramatically, facing instead of executed in profile. Around 360 BC, Maussollos of Caria conquered the area, thus abruptly ending Lycia's dynastic coinage. Estimated Value $8,000 - 9,000




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Classical Numismatic Group,Electronic Auction 291, lot 199, 21/11/2012
MACEDON, Koinon of Macedon. temp . Severus Alexander. AD 222-235. Æ (25mm, 12.87 g, 12h). Diademed head of Alexander the Great right / Two pentastyle temples. AMG III 683a var. (rev. legend); SNG Copenhagen -; Lindgren III 1390 var. (Alexander helmeted; tetrastyle temples). VF, black patina, scrape on reverse. 




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2 ore fa, King John dice:
Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Auction 91, lot 1860, 7/06/2016

Lycian Dynasts. Mithrapata. Silver Stater (9.72 g), ca. 390-370 BC Superb EF. Forepart of roaring lion right. Reverse: Head of Mithrapata left; behind, triskeles; all within incuse square. Mildenberg 6 (O3/R5); Podalia 60 (A3/P5) = SNG Copenhagen Suppl. 472; Falghera -. Lustrous and lightly toned. One of the finest examples known. Superb Extremely Fine. The Lycian die engravers under both Mithrapata and his successor, Perikles, were true masters. The portrait of Mithrapata on this coin, shown on the reverse, depicts a man with elderly features, somewhat sunken cheeks sporting a long bear, an aquiline nose, and hair combed forward. The details are intricate and realistic. The issues of Perikles continue these artistic developments, except the portrait is moved to the obverse and is, quite dramatically, facing instead of executed in profile. Around 360 BC, Maussollos of Caria conquered the area, thus abruptly ending Lycia's dynastic coinage. Estimated Value $8,000 - 9,000




Tondello di forte impatto, con doppio ritratto..:D

La raffigurazione del volto di Mithrapata non mi dispiace affatto anche nella sua semplicità, ma secondo me l'incisore ha colto nel segno..

La testa del leone prorompente, la vigoria e il movimento sono stati colti in pieno.

Bel tondello...

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2 ore fa, King John dice:
Classical Numismatic Group,Electronic Auction 291, lot 199, 21/11/2012
MACEDON, Koinon of Macedon. temp . Severus Alexander. AD 222-235. Æ (25mm, 12.87 g, 12h). Diademed head of Alexander the Great right / Two pentastyle temples. AMG III 683a var. (rev. legend); SNG Copenhagen -; Lindgren III 1390 var. (Alexander helmeted; tetrastyle temples). VF, black patina, scrape on reverse. 




Chi è l'artista...:D

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Auktionshaus H. D. Rauch GmbH, E-Auction 28, lot 93, 13/09/2018

MYSIA. Adramytteion. Bronze (1,72 g), ca. 4. Jhdt. v. Chr. Kopf des Zeus mit Lorbeerkranz / Adler mit angelegten Schwingen auf Altar. SNG BN 2, Slg. Klein 248. Stellenweise leichte Auflagen.

ILLUSTRAZIONE: Testa di Zeus al Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Antikensammlung



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Numismatica Ars Classica > Auction 114 Auction date: 6 May 2019
Lot number: 831  

Lot description:
The Roman Empire 
Carus, 282 – 283. Quinarius, Ticinum 283, billon 1.80 g. CARVS AVG Laureate and cuirassed bust of Carus l., wearing consular robes and holding Victory on globe and club. Rev. AV C CARINVS C Cuirassed bust of Carinus l., holding Victory on globe. C –. RIC –. King –, cf. 4.
Apparently unique and unrecorded. Two interesting portraits. Brown tone
heavily tooled, otherwise about extremely fine
Ex NAC 54, 2010, 592 and NAC 87, 2015, 342 sales. From the George Hopkins collection.
This quinarius offers two portraits with virtually identical facial features, yet different treatments. The emperor Carus is shown wearing consular robes and holding a Herculian club and a globe topped with Victory. His eldest son, the Caesar Carinus, does not hold a club, and instead of consular garb, wears a soldier's cuirass. The portrait of Carinus is presented exactly as we might expect, with his beard in tight curls (a defining feature of his coin portraits), yet that of Carus is shown without his trademark receding hairline, suggesting it was produced before his likeness was well known in the West.





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Inviato (modificato)

Perche' i tetradrammi ateniesi avevano quel riquadro (quadrato incuso) cosi' accentuato al rovescio? Guardando un conio di rovescio lo si capisce...


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Un raro obolo di zecca non identificata della Ionia, con al diritto una bella test di guerriero con elmo .

Curioso il rovescio a quadrato incuso con all'interno una formica : forse l'incisore ha voluto suggerire che il guerriero era un Mirmidone ?

Passerà in asta Numismatica Naumann 78 al lotto 256 il prossimo 2 Giugno .


001 Num.Naumann 78 n. 256.jpg

002 Num.Naumann 78 n. 256.jpg

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7 ore fa, King John dice:

Perche' i tetradrammi ateniesi avevano quel riquadro (quadrato incuso) cosi' accentuato al rovescio? Guardando un conio di rovescio lo si capisce...


Ovviamente questo...

Mi ricordo dieci anni fa quando chiesi di persona al padre di un'utente del forum che conobbi in occasione di un'evento che avevano organizzato noi del Cordusio, se collezionava anch'egli vista la grande passione del figlio giovanissimo, mi rispose si, solo conii....:shok::o:blink:

I tondelli troppo banali...

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Classical Numismatic Group > Triton XXII Auction date: 8 January 2019
Lot number: 43

Price realized: 2,750 USD   (Approx. 2,403 EUR)   Note: Prices do not include buyer's fees.

Lot description:
LUCANIA, Metapontion. Circa 340-330 BC. AR Nomos (20.5mm, 7.71 g, 3h). Head of Leukippos right, wearing Corinthian helmet; AMI to left / Barley ear with leaf to right; vertical thunderbolt above leaf, META up left field. Johnston Class B, 4.4 (same dies); HN Italy 1574; SNG ANS –; SNG Copenhagen 1214 (same dies). EF, deep old iridescent tone, some die rust and indications of undertype on obverse, small area of flat strike on reverse. 
Ex Classical Numismatic Group Electronic Auction 386 (9 November 2016), lot 25.
Estimate: 1000 USD




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