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Medaglie di Alessandro Magno e familiari

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Silver Medallion from the Time of Caracalla – Invoking the Memory of Alexander the Great




MACEDON, Koinon of Macedon. temp. Caracalla or Severus Alexander. AD 198-217 or AD 222-235. AR Medallion (10mm, 0.54 g, 9h). Head of Hercules right, wearing lion skin / Lion, with mouth open, advancing right on ground line. AMNG III/1 901.2 and pl. IV, 8 = K. Dahmen, “Alexander in Gold and Silver,” in AJN 20 (2008), 34 = Berlin Inv. 1875/10 (same dies). VF, toned. Extremely rare, AMNG cites only two examples, both in the Berlin Münzkabinett.




  • 6 mesi dopo...

Dalla CNG 363 del novembre 2015.




ANCIENT GREEK, Kings of Macedon. Alexander III. 336-323 BC. Æ Medal (37mm, 30.02 g, 10h). Later cast in the style of the Giovanni Cavino school. AΛEΞANΔPOΣ, head of Athena left, wearing corinthian helmet decorated with Skylla (?); cap behind / Alexander riding quadriga of elephants right; triumphal arch to right; in exergue, ΓEPΣIΣAΛΩOCIΣA. Johnson & Martini 1212-20. Good Fine, holed.



  • 6 mesi dopo...

La medaglia è stata aggiudicata a 45 $.




Dalla Baldwin's 95


WORLD COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Art Medals, Italy, Alexander the Great, heavy 17th / 18th Century Fantasy Coin-like Medal, bust right wearing lion-skin headdress, bow, club and quiver of arrows, beaded border, then raised banded border, HERCVLIRO ANO ABV , 64.5mm (13.5mm thick). Very fine.



Dalla Baldwin's 81


COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. RENAISSANCE PLAQUETTES FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF MICHAEL HALL. Netherlands – Netherlandish. A Classical Head, oval Bronze Plaquette, 18th Century, bust of a youth to left, perhaps Alexander the Great, 61mm x 48mm. Very fine.




Dalla Baldwin's 81


COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. WORLD MEDALS. Germany. Baron Philipp Freiherr von Stosch (1691-1757), antiquarian, Copper Medal, 1727, by F J Marteau, bare head to right , rev meeting of Diogenes and Alexander the Great, the former in his barrel, a dog on top and an owl behind, 40.5mm (Wurzb 8584). Early die flaw on reverse, extremely fine, scarce.


  • 1 mese dopo...

Altra medaglia dell’incontro di Alessandro Magno con Diogene di Sinope.

Medaglia Grecia Alessandro Diogene 2.JPG

Greece (1977). Alexander The Great & Diogenes .999 Silver Medal 50 mm, 134 g.

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Medaglia di Alessandro Magno alla tomba di Achille.

Medaglia Grecia Alessandro alla tomba di Achille 1.JPG

Greece (1977). Alexander The Great At The Tomb of Achilles .999 Silver Medal, 48 mm, 118 g.


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Medaglia di Alessandro Magno con Bucefalo domato


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Greece (1977). Alexander The Great Overpowering Bucephalus .999 Silver Medal, 49 mm 118 g.

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Contorniati di Alessandro Magno

I 'contorniati' sono medaglie caratterizzate da un solco che segue il contorno di entrambe le facce la cui diffusione localizzata nell’ambito dell’urbanitas romana è limitata al periodo che va dalla seconda metà del IV secolo d. C. fino alla metà del V secolo. Per le particolari tipologie iconografiche che ne caratterizzano il recto, tali medaglie sono state definite come "pseudomoneta" in quanto prive di un valore economico corrente, ma destinate a usi specifici e celebrativi. Infatti la maggior parte dei contorniati riporta sul recto non tanto i profili degli imperatori del Basso Impero sotto cui vennero coniati (tipo iconografico peraltro presente in parte delle medaglie), quanto piuttosto altri particolari soggetti: Alessandro Magno oppure la madre Olimpiade con i serpenti; capita di imperatori del passato (in particolare Nerone e Traiano); aurighi o venatores del circo; divinità e personificazioni (da Serapide alla dea Roma); personaggi della cultura letteraria e filosofica (è stato riconosciuto un 'canone' formato da sei intellettuali greci e sei romani, da Omero ad Apuleio).

Alessandro/Enea con Anchise e Ascanio

1.Contorniato Alessandro Magno Enea.jpg


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2. Contorniato Nerone/Olimpiade sulla kliné con i serpenti

2.Contorniato Nerone Olimpiade.jpg


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Contorniato Olimpiade/Personificazione di Roma

3.Contorniato Olimpiade Roma.jpg


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Contorniato Alessandro Magno/ Scilla con la nave di Ulisse

4.Contorniato Alessandro Magno  Scilla Ulisse.jpg


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Contorniato Alessandro Magno/Olimpiade seduta sul divano a sinistra, che dà il cibo a un serpente dalla patera

5.Contorniato British Alessandro Magno  Olympias AN00481330_001_l.jpg


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Contorniato Alessandro Magno/Circo Massimo

6.Contorniato  Alessandro Magno Circo Massimo British DR.jpg

Copper alloy contorniate.

(obverse) Bust of Alexander III, wearing lion's skin headdress, right; before, countermark.
(reverse) View of the Circus Maximus, with central spina and both metae; to the left of the central obelisk is a statue of Cybele on a lion; in the circus are four quadrigas.

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Contorniato Olimpiade/Alessandro Magno seduto su una corazza

7a. Contorniato Olimpiade Alessandro Magno AN00480318_001_l.jpg

Copper alloy contorniate.

(obverse) Veiled and draped bust of Olympias, left, holding sceptre in right hand; behind, countermark.
(reverse) Alexander, seated right on a cuirass, resting a shield on his knees, decorated with a mythical scene; before him, helmet.

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Altro esemplare di Contorniato Olimpiade/Alessandro Magno seduto su una corazza

7b. Contorniato altro esemplare Olimpiade Alessandro Magno post-37078-0-10280400-1463261116.jpg

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Contorniato Alessandro Magno/Circo Massimo dalla Gemini

8a.Contorniato Alessandro Magno Circo Massimo Gemini.jpg

Alexander the Great Contorniate. Orichalcum, 39 mm (28.22 gr). Rome. ALEXANDER, bust of Alexander right, wearing lion's skin over head, its paws knotted on his chest / Four chariots racing around the spina of the Circus Maximus. The first two chariots are above the spina, racing left, the second two below the spina, racing right; the first three charioteers hold whips above their horses, while the winning charioteer, on lower right, holds the palm and wreath of victory and is crowned by a figure standing in the arena. The spina has three turning posts on a base at each end, and bears the following ornaments from left to right: an arch topped by seven dolphins for indicating the laps run; a statue of Cybele riding a lion; a tall obelisk in the center; and the figures of a man attacking a wild boar, probably to indicate the animal hunts which were also carried out in the circus arena. Alfoldi 40 (22 specimens). Spectacular high relief obverse. Choice extremely fine. Ex CNG 45, 18 March 1998, lot 2404. Estimate: US $7500.

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Contorniato Alessandro Magno/Circo Massimo della The New York Sale

8b.Contorniato Alessandro Magno Circo Massimo The New York Sale.jpg

d=40 mm
Alexander the Great. Bronze. AE 30.43 g. ALEXA-NDER Bust of Alexander r., seen from rear,
wearing lion's skin; in field r., palm, incuse. Rev. Aerial view of chariot race in the Circus Maximus: Spina with large obelisk between statues; r. lap-counter, on both ends, metae; above, two quadrigae in full speed l., the charioteers holding whip, below, two quadrigae r. Alföldi, KM 9, 31.15 (this specimen, illustrated on pl. 11, 3). Very rare, of exquisite style, outstanding condition and with an extraordinary pedigree. Nice dark, olive patina. Extremely fine.

Ex Robert; Th. Prowe; Consul E. F. Weber; Herzfeld; H. P. Hall and W. Niggeler collections; and ex G. Sambon, Rome June 6, 1898, 1168; Brüder Egger, Vienna 17 (1904), 2856; J. Hirsch, Munich 24 (1909), 3638 and 29 (1910), 1618; P. & P. Santamaria, Rome November 29, 1920, 284; Glendining & Co., London November 16, 1950, 2131; and Münzen und Medaillen AG, Basel Bank Leu & Co. AG, Zurich, Niggeler 3, (Basel 1967), 1589 sales.


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Contorniato Alessandro Magno/Circo Massimo dalla Gorny & Mosch 185

8c.Contorniato Alessandro Magno  Circo Massimo Gorny 749165.jpg

Objekt-Nr.: 329
AE Kontorniat (27,71 g.), Vs.: ALEXANDER, Büste des Alexander mit Löwenskalp n. r. Rs.: Ansicht des Circus Maximus in Rom mit der Spina, deren Enden die Metae markieren. Im Zentrum ein großer Obelisk. Auf der Spina sind desweitern der Rundenzähler mit den Delfinen, die Statue der Kybele und ein Mann, der einen Eber attackiert, zu sehen. In der Arena fahren vier Quadrigen, wobei der siegende Wagenlenker rechts unten bereits den Siegeskranz erhält. Nash, Bildlexikon zur Topographie des antiken Rom p. 236. Alföldi, Kontorniaten 40 Taf.13.9ff.


Provenienz: Ex Liste Jacquier 22, 1999, 857.Zustand: Tönung, Vs. runder Gegenstempel, ss
Objekt wurde verkauft.
Versteigerungspreis : € 2.800,00.


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Contorniato Alessandro Magno/Uomo che tiene un cavallo per le briglie dalla Gemini XI

9.Contorniato Alessandro Magno Uomo che tiene un cavallo per le briglie Gemini XI.jpg

Alexander the Great Contorniate. Contorniate, 28.39g. (h). . , Later 4th cent., perhaps c. 370 AD. Obv: ALEXANDER MA - [GNVS MACEDON] Bust of Alexander right wearing lionskin; palm branch engraved in rihgt field. Rx: A man wearing tunic and cloak leading a saddled and bridled horse right; the man looks back at the horse. From Alfoldi's obverse die Alexander V (pl. 5.2), reverse die 197 (e.g. pl. 69.11-12), a new die combination; also not in the addenda in Alfoldi's second volume, nor in the addenda in P.F. Mittag's contorniate monograph, Alte Kopfe in neuen Handen (Bonn, 1999). This is a beautiful contorniate with a glossy black patination. In ancient times, a piece was broken out of the edge of the coin, not affecting its beauty or any of its design. EF.
This obverse die is scarce, being recorded by Alfoldi in only eleven specimens, coupled with four other reverse dies. The same reverse die had previously been known combined with the two obverse dies Homer and Nero XII. The new die combination fits easily into the established die sequence; the obverses Alexander V and Nero XII, for example, were already known to share two other reverse dies, and reverse 170 now becomes a third reverse die that they share.

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Contorniato Alessandro Magno/Ratto delle Sabine da ACR 2

10.Contorniato Alessandro Magno Ratto delle Sabine ACR 2.jpg

Contorniate, Rome, AE, gr. 25,7, mm 36,26, ALEXANDER MA-GNVS MACEDON diademed bust of Alexander the Great r.; ivy leaf in field, Rape of the Sabinae. Two male figures in the act of kidnapping two women, one of which, in the l., and kneeling, and behind other groups of women who flee, the background, the metae of a circus in exergue SABINA. Alfoldi 1990, p. 18, n. 60, pp. 62, 83-84; tav. 21, 7. Cfr. Gnecchi 1912, I, p. 147, n. 16, tav. 136, 9; Toynbee 1986, p. 158.Etremely rare. Green patina. Very fine."Contorniati" with the type of Alexander the Great to the right (and the mother's Olympiade) are the most common. The portrait of the sovereign is then divided into two main categories: Alexander with the lion's skin (leontŽ), represented with the iconography of Hercules, and the Hellenistic type, with the diadem. In the latter case, the shape of the hair is part of the second group (Alfšldi 1990, pp. 83-84), which can be tied behind his head - as in the type in question - or holding firm on the head. The type of the reverse is the rape of the Sabinae. This goes out to fit into the type of ÒcontorniatiÓ that represent some of the highlights of the legendary history of Rome (Alfšldi 1990, p. 62) and are very popular among the second and fourth century A.D. Considered in the sample can be seen in the foreground, two men, respectively d. and s. who kidnap two women, one of which (l.) is kneeling and behind other women who are fleeing. In the background the scene is closed from mid-found on the spina of the circus. The "contorniati" are known with this kind of iconography from the age of Antoninus Pius, especially after the death of Faustina Maior (105-141 AD): in fact the legend on the obverse is DIVA. Another example we find in an issue of Constantius II (327-361 AD) (Gnecchi, 1912, p. 147). The types of the reverse side are very various: the one represented is related most likely to mimic that took place in the circus (represented by metae), to recall, in this case, the rape of the Sabinae and the establishment of the Consulia by Romulus (Liv., I, 9). The presence of an ivy leaf in the obverse field is not found on emissions known until now: this would suggest that the "contorniato" in question could be a variant of the types known at present.

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  • 1 anno dopo...

Baldwin's of St. James's, Auction 1, lot 220, 04.02.2017


World Medals, Italy, The young Alexander the Great, uniface oval cast Bronze Portrait Medallion, once gilt, Paduan School, “After the Antique”, draped and laureate bust right, 37 x 39mm (Scaglia 1.26, p 18; Kress 266 [round], 16th century. Pierced at compass points, the gilding (on obverse only) patchy, slight verdigris in hair, about very fine. 

The subject appears in several published catalogues with various attributions as to who the subject might be. The piercings would seem to indicate that probably it was used as a hat-badge.


  • 1 mese dopo...

Medaglia di Alessandro Magno dalla Grecia


D/ Testa di Alessandro Magno con corno d’Ammone

R/ Stella a 16 raggi di Vergina in cerchio perlinato

Bronzo: 18,6 g, 32 mm.



Medaglia emessa per l’Enciclopedia Numismatica Internazionale di Torino.


D/ Testa a sinistra del condottiero macedone ALESSANDRO MAGNO lungo il bordo. In basso a destra la firma dell’incisore Affer (Costantino)

R/ Aquila posata su un capitello, ad ali spiegate che sostengono un libro aperto tra un ramo di quercia e uno d’olivo ENCICLOPEDIA NUMISMATICA INTERNAZIONALE lungo il bordo.

Argento 925: 25,2 g, 40 mm.


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