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Equipment for the production of coins.

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Wishing to familiarize themselves with the equipment for the coinage of the late XIX century - early XX century, at the mints of the world can do so on the links on my themes:,25912.15.html,26462.0.html,25898.0.html,27388.0.html




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The first steam-powered press at a US mint. Philadelphia.1836.



  • 7 mesi dopo...

Quite amazing... I was ignoring that the old coinage process was actually so similar to an assembly line mass production, and that the presses were so small too.

I wonder... If some of those machines could be put to work again, would the resulting coins be different from historycal mint coins? :P

Inviato (modificato)

Quite amazing... I was ignoring that the old coinage process was actually so similar to an assembly line mass production, and that the presses were so small too.

I wonder... If some of those machines could be put to work again, would the resulting coins be different from historycal mint coins? :P


Modificato da YV_ laMoneta

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