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First of all, I apologize for writing in english but unfortunately my knowledge of italian is limited...

I would like to have your opinion about a stater of Thourioi I bought recently.

I have two concerns:

1) the weight is quite low (6,46 g)

2) The reference is a variante of SNG ANS 1101. I could not find any other coin with the same reverse (position of the letters :Greek_Phi: and :Greek_Alpha:).

Below the obverse:


Modificato da proklès


Unfortunately now I am away from house, on vacation in te mountains, and therefore I cannot research this interesting variant.

The weight is really low.

I hope ti study it better in the future.


Thank you for your answer!

I hope you'll be able to have a look at it after your holliday as I will be interested in having another opinion about this coin.

Enjoy your holliday ;-)



this type was struck after 280 BC on a reduced standard so the weight is OK.

Looks like an interesting variant indeed. Any example I could find in the published sources has :Greek_Phi: and :Greek_Alpha: between the hind legs of the bull.


Many thanks!

Is there any explanation for this reduced standard? Does it correspond to a decline of the city?

I am still looking for other coins stuck with the same dies but I haven't managed to find any so far...


The HN Italy says on the subject that the reduction of the weight standard seems to be connected in some way with the arrival of Pyrrhus in Italy although the precise reason remains obscure because the coinage minted in Pyrrhus' name was struck on the Attic standard. The following rapid decline of the silver coinages of the Greek cities is most probably due to growing power of Rome in the area.


Thank you for the information!

I've ordered the HN Italy two days ago and, now, I'm quite impatient to receive it ;-)

  • 2 settimane dopo...

Sono tornato dalle vacanze e posso consultare i miei libri.

Il peso di 6,46 grammi trova riscontro nelle emissioni di Thurium tra il 270 e 240 a.C., quando il peso è calante rispetto ai periodi precedenti.

Una caratteristica è offerta dalla testa di Atena al diritto: sull’elmo non c’è più il mostro Scilla, ma il grifone, volto a destra.

Il toro cozzante su linea di esergo trova strette affinità con due esemplari descritti sul volume III di Attianese (Calabria Greca), in particolare a pagina 16:

il n. 1233 (g. 6,56) e 1234 (g. 6,54), sono sicuramente autentici e facevano parte di un ripostiglio trovato nel 1975 a Spezzano Albanese.

Tipi simili si ritrovano anche su ANS:

ANS 1100 (peso 6,43):

ANS 1101 (peso 6,52):

Resta apparentemente inedito il conio con una diversa disposizione della sigla :Greek_Phi:A, che probabilmente si riferisce all’arconte responsabile della serie.

Questa particolare serie dei didrammi di Thurium, con peso ridotto, è piuttosto rara.


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