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Perù - richiesta informazioni

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Come molti sanno, la mia collezione è basata sugli sviluppi istituzionali e sulle riforme economiche dei vari paesi.

Ammetto che la mia conoscenza della storia del Sud America è relativamente limitata. In particolare, non riesco a districarmi bene nella monetazione e nello sviluppo istituzionale del Perù post indipendenza, fra Repubblica, confederazione con la Bolivia, monetazioni provvisorie, Perù del Nord e del Sud (altre interconnessioni con la Bolivia?) prima e seconda decimalizzazione, riforme monetarie.

Qualcuno è in grado di fornirmi una timetable? Con il Krause ci ho capito davvero poco...



Qui forse puoi trovare qualcosina da estrapolare, anche se il sito tratta esclusivamente banconote:



I’ll post this in English only so it might be easier for you to use. Here are two book excerpts relating to Peru that might be of general interest. The first is from one of my favorites, a 1966 book, A Guide Book of MODERN LATIN AMERICAN COINS, by Robert P. Harris:

“Peru…became independent of Spain in 1823. The Spanish Colonial territory of Upper Peru was given the name Bolivia and separated from Peru in 1825.

“The country has suffered through a series of wars including one with Spain (1864-66) and another with Chile (1879-83). Peru and its ally Bolivia were completely defeated during the land and naval war with Chile. Lima was occupied by Chilean forces (1881-82), during which its archives and many of its art treasures were destroyed.

“During this occupation the coining machinery of the Casa de Moneda was moved along with the government to Ayacucho. Nevertheless, 1 Sol coins dated 1881 and 1882 inscribed LIMA do exist.

“Economically, politically, and culturally, Peru was slow to recover from its defeat and occupation. Subsequently, border disputes and internal conflicts plagued the country, even to the present.

“The 1 and 5 peseta coins of 1880 to 1882 resulted from the adoption of the Latin Monetary Union coinage system based on the French Franc.

“ The value of the Sol was ten to the Pound Sterling until 1916, at which time a decline commenced. The Sol has now stabilized at the rate of about 27 to the Dollar (3.9 cents). Although a large producer of silver and other coinage metals, Peru has had many of its coins minted abroad since 1863. Coins in the following list were produced at Lima except where noted.

“During the period 1918 to 1944 dates did not appear on certain coins; instead, dates were spelled out….”


And from the 2000 Coin World Almanac, Millennium Edition , the second excerpt (note this timeline is strictly haphazard, but the entry for 1935 is wonderful—I never realized this!) :

1568 --- Lima Mint first established, coinage sporadic.

1684 --- More or less regular coinage at Lima Mint.

1822 – Republican 8 reales struck at Lima Mint.

1824 --- The republican 8-real coin systematically restruck with Spanish crown by Royalists.

1825 --- Regular republican coinage in real denominations.

1855 --- Decimal silver sol of 100 centavos introduced.

1880 --- Brief Latin Monetary Union style coinage of silver pesetas and 5 pesetas at Lima.

1898 --- The gold libra, or pound, first struck.

1918 --- A distinctive copper-nickel coinage of 5, 10, and 20 centavos introduced with the obverse date spelled out in words.

1935 --- Central Reserve Bank of Peru begins coinage emissions in bank note style, “…will pay to the bearer one half sol…”

1942 --- Brass replaces copper-nickel in minor coins.

1966 --- New, unified design brass coinage, reduced sizes. Silver commemorative 20 soles for the naval combat with Spain in 1866 begins a continuing commemorative series in various denominations of silver.

1971 --- Copper-nickel and silver coins for 150th anniversary of Peruvian independence recall earlier struggle of the would-be liberator, the Indian Tupac Amaru.

1975 – New, tiny brass sol and half sol mark inflationary trend.

1986 --- Government purchases precious metals with hard assets to avoid creditor embargoes.

1990 --- Issues inflationary 100,000-into note.

1991 --- Intis currency is converted to nuevo sol at 1 million to one in a currency reform.

1995 --- Braille and ringed bimetal coins released.


Hope any of this helps….

;) v.


Two good coins and notes timeline, thanks.

Now, I need something about coinage and politics

I found something but that's not enough :(

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