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Leggo su Amisano che esistono rarissime emissioni asiatiche (forse cistofori?) dell'epoca del governatorato di Marco Tullio Cicerone, che recano il suo nome.

Sapete indicarmeli per cortesia?


Ciao @L. Licinio Lucullo,

non so se Ti può essere utile, ma Ti riporto questa fonte tratta dal fac:
"As serving further to prove the connextion of Roman names and official titles under the republic, with the mintages of Asiatic cistophori, it will not be irrelevant here to note three remarkable coins of this class -- one struck by Appius Clodius Pulcher, pro-consul of Cilicia, 699 (B.C. 55), and the two others by his successor in the government of that province, M. Tullius Cicero, the celebrated orator.

1. The first of the has on its obverse in Latin characters AP. PVLCHER AP. F. PRO-COS. Appius Pulcher Appii Filius Pro-consule. The rest of the legend is in Greek, showing the cistophorus to have been coined at Laodicea, under the magistracy of Apollonius and Zosimus. The accompanying types are, as usual, two serpents and cista mystica, bow, quiver, and caduceus, with ivy and vipe leaves. (Engraved in Seguin, p. 82, and in Morell. Thesaur. Claudia gens). -- Pulcher was pro-consul in Asia about 700 (B.C. 54): he mentioned by Cicero, but only as pretor.

2. The second has on its reverse M. CICERO PRO COS. and APA(MEA), where it was struck, with the same type as the preceeding. On the obverse the cista and serpent, without legend. -- Cicero here is styled pro-consul. But on the following (which is engraved in Seguin, p. 83, and in Morell. Fam. Rom. Tullia gens), he has that of Imperator, viz.: --

3. Obv. -- M. TVLL. IMP.; the rest of the legend, in Greek, records it to have been struck at Laodicea, by Labas, son of Pyrrhus.
Rev. -- Without legend. Serpent gliding out of the half-opened cista.
Marcus Tullius succeeded Pulcher as pro-consul of Cilicia, in 703 (B.C. 51). With regard to the title of IMP. the following is what he states of himself: -- "Thus named Imperator after the victory near Issus; in the same place, where as I have often heard you say, Clitarchus relates, that Alexander vanquished Darius." -- Ad. Famil. lib. ii. cp. 10."

Saluti Eliodoro


Grazie! Mi dai il link, così vado a vedere le monete sul fac?

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