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Cardinal Enrico Noris medal

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Hello! My name is Alexander, Russia. I bought a medal with portrait of Enrico (Henry) Noris recently. There was indicated in description that this medal made near 1700-th. But I am not sure in date. I found a same medal created by G. Ortolani at auction ''Meister & Sonntag''. You can see it here - This medal is contemporary cast as indicated in description. But I think that original was cast too. It's normally for early XVIII century (but there are a lot of minted medals too).

What do you think about date of issue and author? I have a supposition that medal was made by Ferdinand de Saint Urbain.

Also I'd like to understand a topic of medal. Main topic is appointment of Enrico Noris by the head of Vatican library (1700-1704). But what means CL V and AN CHR NAT at column? Who are womans at reverse? Who is a men near column? What means lamb above women, etc.
I found a detailed description in one old italian book, but I can't translate a text. You can see a necessary page from book here - link. I'll be grateful for your help. Alexander.


Modificato da Blind Willy


hello Alexander

I do not collect medals, but yours is in our catalog.




dear Alexander

is not easy. :pleasantry:

The text you posted is written in ancient Italian and google translator is not able to read it.

Give me time to read it and translate it ..... I do not think I will give you an immediate answer!

Have patience, perhaps some more experienced friend in medals will be faster to give you an answer



the text explains the life of Cardinal Noris, enclose the link that will be easier to translate

the first part explains the legends:


Fra Enrico Cardinale di Noris Veronese bibliotecario di Santa Romana Chiesa


Teologo Cronologo Storico


Accademia Pisana

Inviato (modificato)

In the end of book there are a tables with drawings. I found my medal. As you can see there were 2 varieties of design. One of them you showed me at (author is Ortolani Giuseppe), second is in my collection.

417sonia, thank you for translation. Perhaps you didn't translate full text. Life story of cardinal Noris is described at page 193. Description of medal is located at page 192. I can see a mention about numerals CL-V at column and lamb (agnello). Also there is a mention about Scipione Maffei, italian poet. Can you translate it?

Modificato da Blind Willy

Inviato (modificato)

Ciao Alexander

The part of the text that explains the iconography ask me:

Two seated figures facing to the left Religion, holding a sprig of palm and at his feet a naked man out of the water, representing the river Tevere, on the right, Rome holding a small victory. In the middle, a column with base, above, leaning against the column surmounted by the monogram of Christ XP, a shield adorned with a crown of thorns, in exergue, ACAD (EMIA) PISANA. In one of the medals on the column, it says CLV, which is missing in the other. This difference also wrote Scipione Maffei, but maybe he did confusion between the two types of medals.

I found nothing about the meaning of CLV! Maybe CL.V. = CLARISSIMVS VIR = Illustre


Ciao Alexander

Modificato da 417sonia


Thanks a lot. It's an important information for me. I think you are right, CL.V. = CLARISSIMVS VIR. This meaning is logical for medal.

How do you think what means HISTORIA VINDICATA and CHRONOL(ogia) REST(ituta)? One of the books written by the Noris had a name 'Vindiciae Augustinianae' (1673). Perhaps there is a tie here. CHRONOLogia RESTituta (latin) means 'chronology is restored' (as I suppose).

I found my medal in database of - There is a link to catalogue of Voltolina there. How do you think what catalogue was mentioned?



I also think the writing on the coin is referred to the book of Noris.

Voltolina was the greatest collector of medals Venice and Verona city was the Serenissima Republic of Venice. He has written four books containing his entire collection and was sold at an auction in London - I think - four years ago.

Now the Voltolina is the bibliography for the medals and badges bubbles blinds.

The medal is considered very rare. Check out the link (even if there is no photo),-frate-dell-ordine-d-1-c-848817bk0p

I enclose also the link of the work of Voltolina.



Grazie per l'aiuto!

I found 2 same medals: first in collection of Benjamin Weiss (link), second was offered at Jean Elsen some years ago (link).

I'll make more qualitative photos soon. Perhaps we will find new information during this time. Alexander.

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