Nella prossima NAC AUCTION 138 saranno presentate alcune monete con le caratteristiche del titolo. Scorrendo il catalogo, la prima è il lotto 95 che raffigura i due gemelli olimpici Apollo e Artemide.
Base d’asta: 8.000 CHF. Valutazione: 10.000 CHF
Lotto 95. Syracuse. 100 litrae circa 317-310, EL 6.46 g. ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΟΝ Laureate head of Apollo l.; behind, lyre. Rev. ΣΩΤΕΙΡΑ Head of Artemis r., hair bound with broad taenia, wearing triple-pendant earring and dotted necklace; behind, lyre and quiver. Boston, MFA 446 (these dies). Kraay-Hirmer pl. 46, 130 (these dies). Jenkins, Essays Robinson, pl. 15, 2 (these dies).
Very rare. Two lovely portraits of fine Hellenistic style, struck on a narrow flan and minor edge marks, otherwise good very fine / about extremely fine
From an Exceptional Collection assembled between the early 70s and late 90s.
Please find here the video of the coin.